Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services Morninga, Bio E grass Boiler Room Scam, Do not Invest a penny you will loose all your money Marbella & Cape town Internet
18th of Aug, 2011 by User575388
(Moringa) and (Bio E Grass) is a total SCAM See UK Sunday times August 14th, the company Insight group Plc, is run by a profesional boiler room team located in Marbella Spain. promoting green products mainly sold by selling on the phone by experienced high pressure sales men earning massive comissions, Stealing money from unfortunate investors who are taken in by these sales men. This is a well packedeged operation, which is not FSA regulated, somtimes boiler rooms disguise this fact by using trustees wha are regulated normall some iffy IFA,, which means absouloutly zero when you loose your Invetment they are off the hook, if you Invest with this you will loose eveything, also avoid Carbon Credits, and most other bio investments as this is where all the Boiler Room scammers focus their attentions on currently. M Richards London
4703 days ago by Burnt By Them
I think the lawyer should be contacting Imison and see if they can work together, this as i though is a major scam and the upchurches need bringing down before they start up again under another guise and destroy more lives. Total scum these two and they need to pay.
4703 days ago by MWJ1959
I have spoken to Imison and the impression I get is that they're running scared. My contact there said that I should send through my complaint to her by email and that she would forward it to Insight for their response. Of course we all know that there is fat chance of getting any response from them. However, I will send the required email and see what happens. Having seen the Imison offices they are not much more than a two bit operation, so it may be that they were taken in by Insight as much as anyone else (and clearly the fees would have made it difficult for them to refuse). I don't know who regulates Imison, but clearly all regulatory bodies linked to parties involved in this unfortunate situation should be informed as soon as possible.This is not only in the UK, but in SA and HK. I've also spoken to my contact at Currency Index, who said that they hadn't had any contact with Insight for a number of months. Whilst not saying so directly I believe that they have reported the situation to the FSA. Clearly there is a need for all investors who have been impacted by this fraud (including ex employees) to form some sort of action group to do the best we can to try and recover our investment, but to also make sure that those who perpetrated the crime are uncovered and punished accordingly (unfortunately this is not China, where they would have been punished properly!). Fortunately for me my investment is small, but I am sure that there are some for whom this will have a material long-term inpact on their financial well being. I am an experienced investor and kick myself for getting caught out by this, but as with all unregulated prodcts I made sure that my investment was small in relation to my total assets, which is what you always have to do for such products, however enticing the returns. I will keep everyone up to date with my progress.
4703 days ago by Burnt By Them

I agree we need to report this to every financial body that will listen, the upchurches have done this before (Aston lloyd) and i have been told they openly mocked financial reporters and the professional bodies when this went belly up and they were investigated. Again if we can bring their name to the attention of the authorities then hopefully we can stop the scum.
4703 days ago by Protector
Is it not time that a website is developed where all the investors can register and where efforts can be co-ordinated to start addressing the problem. The website will only allow bona fide investor. (The names of all the investors are available and known.) The effort will be aimed at ensuring that information is centralized and that this information is then handed to the relevant authorities. If there is a need for this, I will be willing to bring this about. Interesting parties can write to [email protected]. There will be no cost involved.
4703 days ago by MWJ1959
I agree with Protector that efforts need to be coordinated. As much as I would like to take a central role in this effort it is not appropriate for me to be involved for a number of reasons (all unrelated to Insight) that I can't disclose.
4703 days ago by Deborahwatson65
i don't think so
4702 days ago by Burnt By Them
You dont think so what? deborah watson.
4699 days ago by Concernedinv
Anyone know the involvement of Taylor Lagton Associates? They advised me on the investment but have now gone quiet, are they involved or where they scammed too>
4699 days ago by Tijuca
I also invested some money in the Gambia project. Not a lot, but enough to be really pissed with what is happening.
I received an email today by Currency Index saying that :"With regret, it has been brought to our attention that the company Insight Group Plc who referred you to use us for international payments have been operating fraudulently and the “investment projects” in Mozambique and the Gambia were actually a scam which do not exist."
And they say that an investigation is underway.
Does anybody here know more about it?
4699 days ago by Burnt By Them
Concernedinv and Tijuca,

Taylor langton were part of this operation they knew exactly what was going on, the guy who ran TL was good friends with the bosses of insight. The commission that TL were being paid by Insight were horrendous, from what i know it was in the region of 50% of the investment value, this just goes to show how much of an overpriced scam it was, Of course TL will try and deny all of this but lets be honest here, we all know this was a scam and if the agents of insight were happy receiving this kind of money then in my opinion they knew something wasn't right. Lets hope the investigation uncovers the upchurches for who they really are and lets hope that investors in this scam can get something back.
4699 days ago by Trinity
It would appear that there are several companies in addition to Insight PLC whose reputations are in serious trouble here including Taylor Langton Associates, Imison and Co and Platinum - I would urge these companies to co-operate fully with investors and other authorities to help us get to the bottom of this.
4698 days ago by Wanabuy
I spoke with Currency Index today. They did admit to me that they have no idea whether the plantations exist or not and were perhaps jumping to conclusions about saying that they did not. Everyone knows the rest, the failure to contact investors, the failure to pay staff, partners, directors, and about half the investors who were expecting a dividend from last November. On the positive side, the brokers who introduced me to Insight are still in regular contact with Rowlatt. I can't say much on a public forum but apparently Rowlatt and Greg Longdon are committed to getting things back on track and are meeting on Monday. I am told that Longdon believes that with some restructuring he can make the plantations produce the promised dividends for investors. At present, it appears, Insight Plc doesn't technically exist as Rowlatt has resigned (but is aiming to come back on board with Longdon when they have clarification and a legal platform can be established from which they can continue the Mozambique and Gambia projects) while Upchurch, it appears, is nowhere to be found. I think, now, the company will be thoroughly investigated by law inforcing authorities and not a moment too soon. At the moment I'm sitting tight waiting for more information and I do think it wouldn't be productive to indulge in speculation. For what it's worth, I do have it on good authority that there are a number of high ranking UN officials, some based in South Africa who have invested in these projects so we do have some fire power on our side if things go totally pear shaped. The other thing to bear in mind is that scammers don't normally employ in-house lawyers and present their IDs. We at least know who the management are!
4698 days ago by Protector
Dear Wanabuy. it seems that you are still under the impression that Longdon and Rowlat can farm more than 1000 hectares of Moringa. What you must rather try to find is a copy of Longdon's passport to see when he has been in Mozambique to oversee the farming operation, looking after your interestss, if he has ever been there???? Challenge Mr Longdon to have the pages of this passport copied and certified and then you will see he was amongst others in The Gambia when the photos of Moringa fields in Mozambique were so proudly sent to the investors. Insight has no interest in one square meter of land in Mozambique. I also don't know who is giving you the rubbish information about UN Officials who can do anything. The UN officials who have invested are not in a position to solve any problems At least they are not people with "fire power", whatever that means. They are medical officials and people working on UN projects. They are people like you and me who naively have been believing the good of the human race AND believe you me scammers do appoint in house lawyers. The question is whether any lawyer with integrity will remain with a company if he or she realise that the wool has been pulled over his eyes.
4698 days ago by Insight
Hi all.
What Insight is doing and has done to investors is an absolute disgrace. As an ex employee for the company I can tell you all this much. We are disgruntled employees that were scammed by Insight as well. Joseph Upchurch made the sales floor redundant in South Africa and failed to pay the salaries, that were owed to us for that month, and no redundancy package either.. Not even a redundancy letter. The latest is that Insight have closed their doors in SA, and are currently selling all the liquid assets. Rent at the office has not been paid as well, and the same goes for taxes and Unemployment Insurance. To those that believe your money is safe.. plz think again. Lets all work together to make sure this gets dealt with accordingly. Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] for further details..
4698 days ago by Wanabuy
I think there's a difference between a company that has been mismanaged and an investment scam. I appreciate that many staff members may not have been paid and the observations Insight makes above would cause me to suspect that Insight Plc may be bankrupt, which doesn't come as a suprise. The critical issue to me is the Moringa project in Gambia and Mozambique. Protector, you suspect that Longdon has not been overseeing the plantation in Mozambique and urge me to prove otherwise. I believe that in due course the truth, whatever it might be will out, but as I understand it - Longdon has appointed a South African company to manage the plantation in Mozambique so he doesn't often have to be there himself often. One thought about the existence of the plantations though - if medical officials and people working on UN projects have invested in moringa then they must be in a better position than you or I to go see the plantations themselves. I find it hard to believe that Insight's directors, who have not concealed their identities, should all make believe there's a huge plantation in Mozambique when there isn't. Where exactly do you think they're all going to hide for the rest of their lives? I'm disappointed to find this site still dominated by ex employees of Insight, not because I don't sympathise with their situation, but because as an investor I would like to discuss the situation in a proactive manner from an investor's perspective. I believe the plantations exist because that does seem to be the most reasonable thing to assume.
4698 days ago by Protector
Dear Wanabuy

I am an ex employee but not disgruntled. I have resigned based on a moral and ethical decision. I am a professional who has concerns with respect to the status of the investors' investments. I am currently already giving advice to more than 10 investors. Most of them has acted on my advice.

What do you call and investment into something that does not exist?

I am not trying to urge YOU to prove Longdon's activities. I am challenging him! I he is honest in his intentions, let him prove where the plantation is and when he is spending time in this respect as contractually he is the liable party. If he says a South African company is overseeing the plantation, let him identify the company. Why be secretive about it.

As far as visiting the site, Mr/Mrs/Ms/Prof Wanabuy, I was there. I was on the site. I took the trouble to assess personally. Have you? Why would UN personnel hundreds of miles away in Tanzania drive into the bundus to go and look for the land? Be real!

Although we agree that the truth will prevail, in my opinion the truth is already known! I don't want to argue on this forum. I has no value. Contact me on my email address [email protected] and I will be willing to indulge.

As for the rest of the readers of this site, there is a more effective way to proceed with the issue. This site will not help anyone. We don't even know who contributes here. Like Wanabuy? I think he/she/it is being paid by Insight for his/her/its insight!
4698 days ago by Protector
By the way Wanabuy, I have a mandate from some investors who want to sell their land. If you are interested, please contact me then we can arrange the sale immediately. i can promise you we will make you a good deal!
4697 days ago by Burnt By Them
Wanabuy, you will learn that this is a scam,

Protector, i really do hope you have these idiots bang to rights, i agree with you that there is no land i know a couple of people that worked at insight in a capacity that gave them access to information that has totally convinced me that there is no land to have a harvest. I hope that Upchurch will be bought to justice, because lets face it we have seen how he treats his staff, do you really think that he cares for his investors. I have also booked to fly to Aus on the back of some investigations carried out, i will be knocking at the upchurches and asking for his view of all of this. I will keep you posted as to the outcome of my visit. If your reading this upchurch, get your cheque book ready because i want my money!!!
4696 days ago by Wanabuy
Protector, I received an email from you on the 10th of April (today is the 15th) but you obviously didn't suss that it was me you sent it to, You told me then (and I quote) "It is for Insight to prove that the capital is in tact and that the plantations actually exist, (I have my serious doubts, but would be happy to be surprised)". Then a day ago you blogged "I was there. I was on the site. I took trouble to assess personally". So when did your "serious doubts" become absolute certainty? Presumably you visited the site to "assess" it between the time you emailed me and the time you blogged, in which case it seems you've been very busy, travelling all the way to Mozambique and back in such a short space of time! I guess you're feeling a wee bit jet-lagged. Oh! By the way, I also take the user name of "Mrs Hobbs", that "silly, silly woman" as someone called me earlier on. Yes, I am just a silly woman, a cute little housewife from Cambridge to be precise and certainly no employee of Insight. Any more than I'm sure "Mask Futures is". Except that anyone who doesn't happen to swallow these stories whole and has the temerity to query your outlandish assertions is inevitably claimed to be in the employment of Insight. At least they are when they present a valid argument! Now, you disclosed to me who you are or who you claim to be, Mr "protector in law", and you told me you worked for Insight from February 2011 to September 2011, then you realised it was a scam so you left. Now, Insight were still actively selling their projects in September and up until, I think. about the end of January or February this year. So who did you protect in the meantime? I didn't hear pipsqueak out of you, or any of you, for that matter. So now the dog can't bite and the horse has long bolted you come rolling on to centre stage with a loud voice, claiming the moral highground? Yet you don't care to reveal your identity publically and publish your "assessment" on this, or on any forum. I challenge you to do just that. Let us examine your evidence, because all I feel you are doing is protecting your own skin, Mr de Villiers.
4696 days ago by Wanabuy
I'm afraid I must apologise as the information I was receiving was one-sided. I have no idea how to remove blogs from this site but basically I am now clued in. I am unfortunately wrong about the identity of Protector.

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