Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services Morninga, Bio E grass Boiler Room Scam, Do not Invest a penny you will loose all your money Marbella & Cape town Internet
18th of Aug, 2011 by User575388
(Moringa) and (Bio E Grass) is a total SCAM See UK Sunday times August 14th, the company Insight group Plc, is run by a profesional boiler room team located in Marbella Spain. promoting green products mainly sold by selling on the phone by experienced high pressure sales men earning massive comissions, Stealing money from unfortunate investors who are taken in by these sales men. This is a well packedeged operation, which is not FSA regulated, somtimes boiler rooms disguise this fact by using trustees wha are regulated normall some iffy IFA,, which means absouloutly zero when you loose your Invetment they are off the hook, if you Invest with this you will loose eveything, also avoid Carbon Credits, and most other bio investments as this is where all the Boiler Room scammers focus their attentions on currently. M Richards London
4603 days ago by War And Peace

There was now no one in the reception room except Prince Vasili and the eldest princess, who were sitting under the portrait of Catherine the Great and talking eagerly. As soon as they saw Pierre and his companion they became silent, and Pierre thought he saw the princess hide something as she whispered:

"I can't bear the sight of that woman."

"Catiche has had tea served in the small drawing room, " said Prince Vasili to Anna Mikhaylovna. "Go and take something, my poor Anna Mikhaylovna, or you will not hold out."

To Pierre he said nothing, merely giving his arm a sympathetic squeeze below the shoulder. Pierre went with Anna Mikhaylovna into the small drawing room.

"There is nothing so refreshing after a sleepless night as a cup of this delicious Russian tea, " Lorrain was saying with an air of restrained animation as he stood sipping tea from a delicate Chinese handleless cup before a table on which tea and a cold supper were laid in the small circular room. Around the table all who were at Count Bezukhov's house that night had gathered to fortify themselves. Pierre well remembered this small circular drawing room with its mirrors and little tables. During balls given at the house Pierre, who did not know how to dance, had liked sitting in this room to watch the ladies who, as they passed through in their ball dresses with diamonds and pearls on their bare shoulders, looked at themselves in the brilliantly lighted mirrors which repeated their reflections several times. Now this same room was dimly lighted by two candles. On one small table tea things and supper dishes stood in disorder, and in the middle of the night a motley throng of people sat there, not merrymaking, but somberly whispering, and betraying by every word and movement that they none of them forgot what was happening and what was about to happen in the bedroom. Pierre did not eat anything though he would very much have liked to. He looked inquiringly at his monitress and saw that she was again going on tiptoe to the reception room where they had left Prince Vasili and the eldest princess. Pierre concluded that this also was essential, and after a short interval followed her. Anna Mikhaylovna was standing beside the princess, and they were both speaking in excited whispers.

"Permit me, Princess, to know what is necessary and what is not necessary, " said the younger of the two speakers, evidently in the same state of excitement as when she had slammed the door of her room.

"But, my dear princess, " answered Anna Mikhaylovna blandly but impressively, blocking the way to the bedroom and preventing the other from passing, "won't this be too much for poor Uncle at a moment when he needs repose? Worldly conversation at a moment when his soul is already prepared..."

Prince Vasili was seated in an easy chair in his familiar attitude, with one leg crossed high above the other. His cheeks, which were so flabby that they looked heavier below, were twitching violently; but he wore the air of a man little concerned in what the two ladies were saying.

"Come, my dear Anna Mikhaylovna, let Catiche do as she pleases. You know how fond the count is of her."

"I don't even know what is in this paper, " said the younger of the two ladies, addressing Prince Vasili and pointing to an inlaid portfolio she held in her hand. "All I know is that his real will is in his writing table, and this is a paper he has forgotten..."

She tried to pass Anna Mikhaylovna, but the latter sprang so as to bar her path.

"I know, my dear, kind princess, " said Anna Mikhaylovna, seizing the portfolio so firmly that it was plain she would not let go easily. "Dear princess, I beg and implore you, have some pity on him! Je vous en conjure..."

The princess did not reply. Their efforts in the struggle for the portfolio were the only sounds audible, but it was evident that if the princess did speak, her words would not be flattering to Anna Mikhaylovna. Though the latter held on tenaciously, her voice lost none of its honeyed firmness and softness.

"Pierre, my dear, come here. I think he will not be out of place in a family consultation; is it not so, Prince?"

"Why don't you speak, cousin?" suddenly shrieked the princess so loud that those in the drawing room heard her and were startled. "Why do you remain silent when heaven knows who permits herself to interfere, making a scene on the very threshold of a dying man's room? Intriguer!" she hissed viciously, and tugged with all her might at the portfolio.

But Anna Mikhaylovna went forward a step or two to keep her hold on the portfolio, and changed her grip.

Prince Vasili rose. "Oh!" said he with reproach and surprise, "this is absurd! Come, let go I tell you."

The princess let go.

"And you too!"

But Anna Mikhaylovna did not obey him.

"Let go, I tell you! I will take the responsibility. I myself will go and ask him, I!... does that satisfy you?"

"But, Prince, " said Anna Mikhaylovna, "after such a solemn sacrament, allow him a moment's peace! Here, Pierre, tell them your opinion, " said she, turning to the young man who, having come quite close, was gazing with astonishment at the angry face of the princess which had lost all dignity, and at the twitching cheeks of Prince Vasili.

"Remember that you will answer for the consequences, " said Prince Vasili severely. "You don't know what you are doing."

"Vile woman!" shouted the princess, darting unexpectedly at Anna Mikhaylovna and snatching the portfolio from her.

Prince Vasili bent his head and spread out his hands.

At this moment that terrible door, which Pierre had watched so long and which had always opened so quietly, burst noisily open and banged against the wall, and the second of the three sisters rushed out wringing her hands.

"What are you doing!" she cried vehemently. "He is dying and you leave me alone with him!"

Her sister dropped the portfolio. Anna Mikhaylovna, stooping, quickly caught up the object of contention and ran into the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince Vasili, recovering themselves, followed her. A few minutes later the eldest sister came out with a pale hard face, again biting her underlip. At sight of Pierre her expression showed an irrepressible hatred.

"Yes, now you may be glad!" said she; "this is what you have been waiting for." And bursting into tears she hid her face in her handkerchief and rushed from the room.

Prince Vasili came next. He staggered to the sofa on which Pierre was sitting and dropped onto it, covering his face with his hand. Pierre noticed that he was pale and that his jaw quivered and shook as if in an ague.

"Ah, my friend!" said he, taking Pierre by the elbow; and there was in his voice a sincerity and weakness Pierre had never observed in it before. "How often we sin, how much we deceive, and all for what? I am near sixty, dear friend... I too... All will end in death, all! Death is awful..." and he burst into tears.

Anna Mikhaylovna came out last. She approached Pierre with slow, quiet steps.

"Pierre!" she said.

Pierre gave her an inquiring look. She kissed the young man on his forehead, wetting him with her tears. Then after a pause she said:

"He is no more..."

Pierre looked at her over his spectacles.

"Come, I will go with you. Try to weep, nothing gives such relief as tears."

She led him into the dark drawing room and Pierre was glad no one could see his face. Anna Mikhaylovna left him, and when she returned he was fast asleep with his head on his arm.

In the morning Anna Mikhaylovna said to Pierre:

"Yes, my dear, this is a great loss for us all, not to speak of you. But God will support you: you are young, and are now, I hope, in command of an immense fortune. The will has not yet been opened. I know you well enough to be sure that this will not turn your head, but it imposes duties on you, and you must be a man."

Pierre was silent.

"Perhaps later on I may tell you, my dear boy, that if I had not been there, God only knows what would have happened! You know, Uncle promised me only the day before yesterday not to forget Boris. But he had no time. I hope, my dear friend, you will carry out your father's wish?"

Pierre understood nothing of all this and coloring shyly looked in silence at Princess Anna Mikhaylovna. After her talk with Pierre, Anna Mikhaylovna returned to the Rostovs' and went to bed. On waking in the morning she told the Rostovs and all her acquaintances the details of Count Bezukhov's death. She said the count had died as she would herself wish to die, that his end was not only touching but edifying. As to the last meeting between father and son, it was so touching that she could not think of it without tears, and did not know which had behaved better during those awful moments—the father who so remembered everything and everybody at last and had spoken such pathetic words to the son, or Pierre, whom it had been pitiful to see, so stricken was he with grief, though he tried hard to hide it in order not to sadden his dying father. "It is painful, but it does one good. It uplifts the soul to see such men as the old count and his worthy son, " said she. Of the behavior of the eldest princess and Prince Vasili she spoke disapprovingly, but in whispers and as a great secret.
4603 days ago by War And Peace

At Bald Hills, Prince Nicholas Andreevich Bolkonski's estate, the arrival of young Prince Andrew and his wife was daily expected, but this expectation did not upset the regular routine of life in the old prince's household. General in Chief Prince Nicholas Andreevich (nicknamed in society, "the King of Prussia") ever since the Emperor Paul had exiled him to his country estate had lived there continuously with his daughter, Princess Mary, and her companion, Mademoiselle Bourienne. Though in the new reign he was free to return to the capitals, he still continued to live in the country, remarking that anyone who wanted to see him could come the hundred miles from Moscow to Bald Hills, while he himself needed no one and nothing. He used to say that there are only two sources of human vice—idleness and superstition, and only two virtues—activity and intelligence. He himself undertook his daughter's education, and to develop these two cardinal virtues in her gave her lessons in algebra and geometry till she was twenty, and arranged her life so that her whole time was occupied. He was himself always occupied: writing his memoirs, solving problems in higher mathematics, turning snuffboxes on a lathe, working in the garden, or superintending the building that was always going on at his estate. As regularity is a prime condition facilitating activity, regularity in his household was carried to the highest point of exactitude. He always came to table under precisely the same conditions, and not only at the same hour but at the same minute. With those about him, from his daughter to his serfs, the prince was sharp and invariably exacting, so that without being a hardhearted man he inspired such fear and respect as few hardhearted men would have aroused. Although he was in retirement and had now no influence in political affairs, every high official appointed to the province in which the prince's estate lay considered it his duty to visit him and waited in the lofty antechamber just as the architect, gardener, or Princess Mary did, till the prince appeared punctually to the appointed hour. Everyone sitting in this antechamber experienced the same feeling of respect and even fear when the enormously high study door opened and showed the figure of a rather small old man, with powdered wig, small withered hands, and bushy gray eyebrows which, when he frowned, sometimes hid the gleam of his shrewd, youthfully glittering eyes.

On the morning of the day that the young couple were to arrive, Princess Mary entered the antechamber as usual at the time appointed for the morning greeting, crossing herself with trepidation and repeating a silent prayer. Every morning she came in like that, and every morning prayed that the daily interview might pass off well.

An old powdered manservant who was sitting in the antechamber rose quietly and said in a whisper: "Please walk in."

Through the door came the regular hum of a lathe. The princess timidly opened the door which moved noiselessly and easily. She paused at the entrance. The prince was working at the lathe and after glancing round continued his work.

The enormous study was full of things evidently in constant use. The large table covered with books and plans, the tall glass-fronted bookcases with keys in the locks, the high desk for writing while standing up, on which lay an open exercise book, and the lathe with tools laid ready to hand and shavings scattered around—all indicated continuous, varied, and orderly activity. The motion of the small foot shod in a Tartar boot embroidered with silver, and the firm pressure of the lean sinewy hand, showed that the prince still possessed the tenacious endurance and vigor of hardy old age. After a few more turns of the lathe he removed his foot from the pedal, wiped his chisel, dropped it into a leather pouch attached to the lathe, and, approaching the table, summoned his daughter. He never gave his children a blessing, so he simply held out his bristly cheek (as yet unshaven) and, regarding her tenderly and attentively, said severely:

"Quite well? All right then, sit down." He took the exercise book containing lessons in geometry written by himself and drew up a chair with his foot.

"For tomorrow!" said he, quickly finding the page and making a scratch from one paragraph to another with his hard nail.

The princess bent over the exercise book on the table.

"Wait a bit, here's a letter for you, " said the old man suddenly, taking a letter addressed in a woman's hand from a bag hanging above the table, onto which he threw it.

At the sight of the letter red patches showed themselves on the princess' face. She took it quickly and bent her head over it.

"From Heloise?" asked the prince with a cold smile that showed his still sound, yellowish teeth.

"Yes, it's from Julie, " replied the princess with a timid glance and a timid smile.

"I'll let two more letters pass, but the third I'll read, " said the prince sternly; "I'm afraid you write much nonsense. I'll read the third!"

"Read this if you like, Father, " said the princess, blushing still more and holding out the letter.

"The third, I said the third!" cried the prince abruptly, pushing the letter away, and leaning his elbows on the table he drew toward him the exercise book containing geometrical figures.

"Well, madam, " he began, stooping over the book close to his daughter and placing an arm on the back of the chair on which she sat, so that she felt herself surrounded on all sides by the acrid scent of old age and tobacco, which she had known so long. "Now, madam, these triangles are equal; please note that the angle ABC..."

The princess looked in a scared way at her father's eyes glittering close to her; the red patches on her face came and went, and it was plain that she understood nothing and was so frightened that her fear would prevent her understanding any of her father's further explanations, however clear they might be. Whether it was the teacher's fault or the pupil's, this same thing happened every day: the princess' eyes grew dim, she could not see and could not hear anything, but was only conscious of her stern father's withered face close to her, of his breath and the smell of him, and could think only of how to get away quickly to her own room to make out the problem in peace. The old man was beside himself: moved the chair on which he was sitting noisily backward and forward, made efforts to control himself and not become vehement, but almost always did become vehement, scolded, and sometimes flung the exercise book away.

The princess gave a wrong answer.

"Well now, isn't she a fool!" shouted the prince, pushing the book aside and turning sharply away; but rising immediately, he paced up and down, lightly touched his daughter's hair and sat down again.

He drew up his chair, and continued to explain.

"This won't do, Princess; it won't do, " said he, when Princess Mary, having taken and closed the exercise book with the next day's lesson, was about to leave: "Mathematics are most important, madam! I don't want to have you like our silly ladies. Get used to it and you'll like it, " and he patted her cheek. "It will drive all the nonsense out of your head."

She turned to go, but he stopped her with a gesture and took an uncut book from the high desk.

"Here is some sort of Key to the Mysteries that your Heloise has sent you. Religious! I don't interfere with anyone's belief... I have looked at it. Take it. Well, now go. Go."

He patted her on the shoulder and himself closed the door after her.

Princess Mary went back to her room with the sad, scared expression that rarely left her and which made her plain, sickly face yet plainer. She sat down at her writing table, on which stood miniature portraits and which was littered with books and papers. The princess was as untidy as her father was tidy. She put down the geometry book and eagerly broke the seal of her letter. It was from her most intimate friend from childhood; that same Julie Karagina who had been at the Rostovs' name-day party.

Julie wrote in French:

Dear and precious Friend, How terrible and frightful a thing is separation! Though I tell myself that half my life and half my happiness are wrapped up in you, and that in spite of the distance separating us our hearts are united by indissoluble bonds, my heart rebels against fate and in spite of the pleasures and distractions around me I cannot overcome a certain secret sorrow that has been in my heart ever since we parted. Why are we not together as we were last summer, in your big study, on the blue sofa, the confidential sofa? Why cannot I now, as three months ago, draw fresh moral strength from your look, so gentle, calm, and penetrating, a look I loved so well and seem to see before me as I write?

Having read thus far, Princess Mary sighed and glanced into the mirror which stood on her right. It reflected a weak, ungraceful figure and thin face. Her eyes, always sad, now looked with particular hopelessness at her reflection in the glass. "She flatters me, " thought the princess, turning away and continuing to read. But Julie did not flatter her friend, the princess' eyes—large, deep and luminous (it seemed as if at times there radiated from them shafts of warm light)—were so beautiful that very often in spite of the plainness of her face they gave her an attraction more powerful than that of beauty. But the princess never saw the beautiful expression of her own eyes—the look they had when she was not thinking of herself. As with everyone, her face assumed a forced unnatural expression as soon as she looked in a glass. She went on reading:

All Moscow talks of nothing but war. One of my two brothers is already abroad, the other is with the Guards, who are starting on their march to the frontier. Our dear Emperor has left Petersburg and it is thought intends to expose his precious person to the chances of war. God grant that the Corsican monster who is destroying the peace of Europe may be overthrown by the angel whom it has pleased the Almighty, in His goodness, to give us as sovereign! To say nothing of my brothers, this war has deprived me of one of the associations nearest my heart. I mean young Nicholas Rostov, who with his enthusiasm could not bear to remain inactive and has left the university to join the army. I will confess to you, dear Mary, that in spite of his extreme youth his departure for the army was a great grief to me. This young man, of whom I spoke to you last summer, is so noble-minded and full of that real youthfulness which one seldom finds nowadays among our old men of twenty and, particularly, he is so frank and has so much heart. He is so pure and poetic that my relations with him, transient as they were, have been one of the sweetest comforts to my poor heart, which has already suffered so much. Someday I will tell you about our parting and all that was said then. That is still too fresh. Ah, dear friend, you are happy not to know these poignant joys and sorrows. You are fortunate, for the latter are generally the stronger! I know very well that Count Nicholas is too young ever to be more to me than a friend, but this sweet friendship, this poetic and pure intimacy, were what my heart needed. But enough of this! The chief news, about which all Moscow gossips, is the death of old Count Bezukhov, and his inheritance. Fancy! The three princesses have received very little, Prince Vasili nothing, and it is Monsieur Pierre who has inherited all the property and has besides been recognized as legitimate; so that he is now Count Bezukhov and possessor of the finest fortune in Russia. It is rumored that Prince Vasili played a very despicable part in this affair and that he returned to Petersburg quite crestfallen.

I confess I understand very little about all these matters of wills and inheritance; but I do know that since this young man, whom we all used to know as plain Monsieur Pierre, has become Count Bezukhov and the owner of one of the largest fortunes in Russia, I am much amused to watch the change in the tone and manners of the mammas burdened by marriageable daughters, and of the young ladies themselves, toward him, though, between you and me, he always seemed to me a poor sort of fellow. As for the past two years people have amused themselves by finding husbands for me (most of whom I don't even know), the matchmaking chronicles of Moscow now speak of me as the future Countess Bezukhova. But you will understand that I have no desire for the post. A propos of marriages: do you know that a while ago that universal auntie Anna Mikhaylovna told me, under the seal of strict secrecy, of a plan of marriage for you. It is neither more nor less than with Prince Vasili's son Anatole, whom they wish to reform by marrying him to someone rich and distinguee, and it is on you that his relations' choice has fallen. I don't know what you will think of it, but I consider it my duty to let you know of it. He is said to be very handsome and a terrible scapegrace. That is all I have been able to find out about him.

But enough of gossip. I am at the end of my second sheet of paper, and Mamma has sent for me to go and dine at the Apraksins'. Read the mystical book I am sending you; it has an enormous success here. Though there are things in it difficult for the feeble human mind to grasp, it is an admirable book which calms and elevates the soul. Adieu! Give my respects to monsieur your father and my compliments to Mademoiselle Bourienne. I embrace you as I love you.

P.S. Let me have news of your brother and his charming little wife.

The princess pondered awhile with a thoughtful smile and her luminous eyes lit up so that her face was entirely transformed. Then she suddenly rose and with her heavy tread went up to the table. She took a sheet of paper and her hand moved rapidly over it. This is the reply she wrote, also in French:

Dear and precious Friend, Your letter of the 13th has given me great delight. So you still love me, my romantic Julie? Separation, of which you say so much that is bad, does not seem to have had its usual effect on you. You complain of our separation. What then should I say, if I dared complain, I who am deprived of all who are dear to me? Ah, if we had not religion to console us life would be very sad. Why do you suppose that I should look severely on your affection for that young man? On such matters I am only severe with myself. I understand such feelings in others, and if never having felt them I cannot approve of them, neither do I condemn them. Only it seems to me that Christian love, love of one's neighbor, love of one's enemy, is worthier, sweeter, and better than the feelings which the beautiful eyes of a young man can inspire in a romantic and loving young girl like yourself.

The news of Count Bezukhov's death reached us before your letter and my father was much affected by it. He says the count was the last representative but one of the great century, and that it is his own turn now, but that he will do all he can to let his turn come as late as possible. God preserve us from that terrible misfortune!

I cannot agree with you about Pierre, whom I knew as a child. He always seemed to me to have an excellent heart, and that is the quality I value most in people. As to his inheritance and the part played by Prince Vasili, it is very sad for both. Ah, my dear friend, our divine Saviour's words, that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God, are terribly true. I pity Prince Vasili but am still more sorry for Pierre. So young, and burdened with such riches—to what temptations he will be exposed! If I were asked what I desire most on earth, it would be to be poorer than the poorest beggar. A thousand thanks, dear friend, for the volume you have sent me and which has such success in Moscow. Yet since you tell me that among some good things it contains others which our weak human understanding cannot grasp, it seems to me rather useless to spend time in reading what is unintelligible and can therefore bear no fruit. I never could understand the fondness some people have for confusing their minds by dwelling on mystical books that merely awaken their doubts and excite their imagination, giving them a bent for exaggeration quite contrary to Christian simplicity. Let us rather read the Epistles and Gospels. Let us not seek to penetrate what mysteries they contain; for how can we, miserable sinners that we are, know the terrible and holy secrets of Providence while we remain in this flesh which forms an impenetrable veil between us and the Eternal? Let us rather confine ourselves to studying those sublime rules which our divine Saviour has left for our guidance here below. Let us try to conform to them and follow them, and let us be persuaded that the less we let our feeble human minds roam, the better we shall please God, who rejects all knowledge that does not come from Him; and the less we seek to fathom what He has been pleased to conceal from us, the sooner will He vouchsafe its revelation to us through His divine Spirit.

My father has not spoken to me of a suitor, but has only told me that he has received a letter and is expecting a visit from Prince Vasili. In regard to this project of marriage for me, I will tell you, dear sweet friend, that I look on marriage as a divine institution to which we must conform. However painful it may be to me, should the Almighty lay the duties of wife and mother upon me I shall try to perform them as faithfully as I can, without disquieting myself by examining my feelings toward him whom He may give me for husband.

I have had a letter from my brother, who announces his speedy arrival at Bald Hills with his wife. This pleasure will be but a brief one, however, for he will leave, us again to take part in this unhappy war into which we have been drawn, God knows how or why. Not only where you are—at the heart of affairs and of the world—is the talk all of war, even here amid fieldwork and the calm of nature—which townsfolk consider characteristic of the country—rumors of war are heard and painfully felt. My father talks of nothing but marches and countermarches, things of which I understand nothing; and the day before yesterday during my daily walk through the village I witnessed a heartrending scene... It was a convoy of conscripts enrolled from our people and starting to join the army. You should have seen the state of the mothers, wives, and children of the men who were going and should have heard the sobs. It seems as though mankind has forgotten the laws of its divine Saviour, Who preached love and forgiveness of injuries—and that men attribute the greatest merit to skill in killing one another.

Adieu, dear and kind friend; may our divine Saviour and His most Holy Mother keep you in their holy and all-powerful care!

"Ah, you are sending off a letter, Princess? I have already dispatched mine. I have written to my poor mother, " said the smiling Mademoiselle Bourienne rapidly, in her pleasant mellow tones and with guttural r's. She brought into Princess Mary's strenuous, mournful, and gloomy world a quite different atmosphere, careless, lighthearted, and self-satisfied.

"Princess, I must warn you, " she added, lowering her voice and evidently listening to herself with pleasure, and speaking with exaggerated grasseyement, "the prince has been scolding Michael Ivanovich. He is in a very bad humor, very morose. Be prepared."

"Ah, dear friend, " replied Princess Mary, "I have asked you never to warn me of the humor my father is in. I do not allow myself to judge him and would not have others do so."

The princess glanced at her watch and, seeing that she was five minutes late in starting her practice on the clavichord, went into the sitting room with a look of alarm. Between twelve and two o'clock, as the day was mapped out, the prince rested and the princess played the clavichord.
4602 days ago by Mrs Lucas
Joe Upchurch came to the hotel in Peterborough two weeks early. He pulled up to the room and started taking some of the things inside. The double glass doors are opened so he went inside and there was the manager at the front desk.

Joe stood at 5'11" and weighed 190 lbs he was athletically built but had a beer belly, bald as a cunt and blue piercing eyes.
Joe asks, " Where is room 131 sir?"

The manager says, " Go to the hallway to your left and it is the 1st room on the left."

Joe walks down the hallway as instructed than he forgot that he had to get the key. The manager walks down and unlocks the door and than hands Joe the key.
Joe walks in into his room and starts putting his things away. The room has two desks and two beds and two cubicles that passes as closets and also 2 dressers. Well after putting his clothes away he starts putting up his computer. While hooking up his computer he heard a knock at the door.

The guy at the door was Kulvir and he asked, " Is this room 131?"
Joe replied without looking up, " It is so if this is the room you are looking for come on in."
Kulvir says, " Hi I'm a Fat Paki, looks like we're going to be roomies."
When Kulvir said that Joe got up and turned around and he looked at Kulvir

Kulvir was about two inches shorter but also had a large belly, a skinny chest and a little cock.
Joe says, " Hi I'm Joe Upchurch sorry I was rude."
Kulvir said, " You weren't rude just busy setting things up." Hey how about we go to the local cafe in town.
Joe said, " I've got a few bucks I can spare for that."
Kulvir and Joe got busy finishing up setting up the room.
Kulvir asked, " Is that Fairlane parked here at the hotel?"
Joe says, " It is and I love that car."
Kulvir said, " It is a sweet car. I'll drive when I came down checking the school out I passed by the cafe."
They approached Kulvir's car it was a 2011 Bentley convertible like mint condition.

Joe took a look at it and said, " You have definetely got yourself sweet ride also. What size motor do you have under the hood?"
Kulvir said, " It is a High Out Put 299."
Joe said, " A sweet motor to go w/ a sweet ride."
Kulvir started up the car and the dual exhaust came to life.
They arrived at the cafe 10 mins. They both orded cheeseburgers, fries and pepsis and their orders arrived 10 mins. later. They wolfed down their food in 20 mins. They paid their bill and went back to the car and 10 mins. later they arrived back to the dorm. Kulvir got another key from the manager and unlocked the door and they both went in. They both stripped down to their underwear and Kulvir turned on The Tweenies down low.

Joe said, " Hey man good taste in music."
Kulvir said, " I was afraid that I was going to have a mate who wanted to listen to nothing but country or pop."
Joe said, " I like country all right because I was raised w/ it but if anybody puts on pop or disco I swear I'd break that radio."
Kulvir laughed and said, " Hey man you're cool."
Joe shot the bull and and joked w/ each other until they got tired.

Weeks went by and Joe found that he was going to have some bumming classes w/ Kulvir. They were in school for about a month and a half.
Kulvir said, " Hey we need to go to the party tonight, it is Friday man."
Joe said, " No problem man I don't have much home, work where is it at?"
Kulvir said, " It is at the party house on 13th street."
Joe said, " I know where that is I passed that house a couple of times. I've already eaten at the caferateria."
Kulvir said, " Why don't we take your car, if we get too drunk, Baldy Lucas the host will arrange a ride home for us. Your car will be safe, because there will be alot of nice cars there and there will be alot of people too drunk to drive and Baldy Cunt will make sure they stay safe."
Joe said, "Fine, you convinced me."
They walked towards Joe's Fairlane and as they approached the car Joe and Kulvir opened their doors.

Kulvir asked, " What size motor do you have under the hood."
Joe said, " The same size motor you have for your Mustang."
Kulvir said, " A High Out Put 299 what a small world."
They got in and Joe started the car and the dual exhaust rumbled to life. They arrived at the party house 15 minutes later.
They got out and Joe locked both doors of his car and they walked in. Baldy asked, " The one that drove take car keys to the kitchen table."
Joe walked to the kitchen table and put the keys there.

When they walked in a friend of theirs named David Bussey waved his arm.
He said, " Kulvir and Joe we are glad to see you two to this great party, excuse my flat it's a a shithole"
Kulvir and Joe partied until 1 and they were getting tired so they went to Paul.
Joe said, " Baldy I am too drunk to drive but we are ready to go back to the dorm."
Baldy said, " There is my wife, she hasn't drank all night but don't even think of making a pass at her as she will defiantly fuck you."
Joe said, " You don't have to worry we are too tired and drunk to anyway."
As they approached her car which was a late model 4 door Honda Accord Joe got in front and Kulvir got in the back.

Beth Baldy says, " Hi my name is Beth."
Joe says, " I'm Joe and that is my friend and doormat Kulvir, look he is a fat bald cunt"
Kulvir was already wanking in the back seat.
Beth says, " It is my pleasure meeting you two."
Joe says, " The pleasure is all ours and thanx again getting us back to our hotel"
As they approached the hotel Beth looks at both of them.
Beth asks, " Are you two gays ?
Joe says, " Yep we are dirty little faggots."
Beth says, " You 2 are so mature for faggots. I look like a bloke so normally faggots try and hit on me even when I tell them to stop."
Joe says, " That maybe because it is more from being too drunk and too tired but thanks anyway.
After she pulls up in front of the dorm Joe after much insistence gives her a ten dollar bill.

They walked in and this time Joe unlocks the door and they go in and like usual they stripped down to their underwear.
Kulvir asks, " Can I tell you something w/ out you telling anybody and w/out it hurting our friendship. I don't know why I'm telling you this maybe because I'm drunk or maybe since we share this room I think you should know."

Joe says, " After everything we've been through and done you should be able to tell me anything."
Kulvir said, " Here goes first I like women I just haven't found one that interests me yet. But I am bisexual and I do like to fuck guys, I just did it a few times, and also I like to have my dick sucked."
Joe said, " You know what I've been trying to get my nerve up. I've always been curious about what it is like to suck a guys dick and also what it also feels like to be fucked. You know what I have been attracted to you."

Kulvir was shocked he couldn't believe the revelations.
Joe walked over to his bed to prove he was telling the truth and bent down and kissed Kulvir passionately. As he was kissing Kulvir, Joe's hand went beneath Kulvir's underwear and started to play w/ his dick. Joe felt Kulvir's dick grow underneath his underwear.

Than Joe pulled Kulvir's dick out of the underwear than he went down. Now Kulvir's dick was about 3" hard and he started to suck his dick. Kulvir was moaning in estacy and Joe was slowly working down the shaft of his dick. He got most of his dick down and he started to gag but Joe's throat opened up and he took all of Kulvir's tiny dick all the way down to his pubes. He sucked on his dick for about ten minutes when all of a sudden he felt the dick swell he brought it partially the way out and all of a sudden he tasted the cum on his tongue. It was slightly bitter and salty at the same time but he still found it tasted good. But he resumed sucking until Kulvir was hard again.

Joe asked, " Do you think that you have enough cum to fuck me?"
Kulvir said, " Hell yes, if that is what you want. I will take a snort and then it will probably hurt when I put my dick in because you are a virgin."
Joe looked at him and said, " I trust you will be gentle besides I want this so bad right now I can't contain myself."

Well Kulvir reached into his secret stash and pulled out a bottle that said AstroLube. He squeezed some on his fingers and he raised Joe's legs up a little bit and first he put one finger in and started lubing Joe's crack w/ it. After about 5 mins. he put his second finger in and at first Joe wriggled w/ pain but than the pain subsided and Joe felt the sensation of something rubbing his prostrate and that caused his dick to leak some precum. After 5 more mins. Kulvir put the 3 finger in and Joe at first wriggled in pain but afterthe first couple of seconds the pain subsided. Joe was feeling so good he was in a high. After the final 5 mins. of this said, " You should be loosened up enough now."

Kulvir started moving foward and he started guiding his dick toward Joe's puckered and quivering hole. All of a sudden Joe felt some pressure and unbelievable pain.
Kulvir said, " Easy, I know this hurts but trust me after I get my dick in it will change."
Joe said, " I would trust you completely Kulvir, but you are a thieving tosser and you only have a little cock"

Kulvir kept going further and further until he had his dick burried all the way into Joe's puckering hole, Kulvir was now screaming like a piggy, at the same time the pain gave way to full pleasure for Joe, he was starting to shove his ass towards Kulvir but unfortunatly he shit all over Kulvir.

Kulvir loved the smell of shit so held it there a couple of minutes as he kissed Joe and nibbled on his ear.
Joe said, " I never thought I would hear myself say this I love you inside me."
Kulvir said, " I love being inside you so much more than anybody else man or woman, my wife looks like a pig so, i cannot fuck her"
Kulvir pulled his 3" dick partially the way out just to push it back in. Kulvir made love to Joe for 2 hours like that when all of a sudden his dick swelled and than he shot about 9 times in Joe's hungry crack.Kulvir dropped down on Joe and Joe rubbed cream into Kulvir's bald patch for 2 hours after that and finally falling asleep.

Well after that Kulvir and Joe pushed the beds togather and they bought a twin size matterese and it on the combined single beds to make them a single so they could sleep togather everynight all whilst they ripped everyone off. These two men made sure they it all looked real.

All this started because Joe wanted to find out what it was like to be a bottom fucker and learn from Kulvir how to take peoples hard earned cash!!! ****************** TO BE CONTINUED***********************

The next Morning Kulivir awoke to the shine of a bald head next to him, he opened his eye slightly and to his amazement in bed next to him was not Joe, but Lucas. Just as in their professional lives once Joe had left, Mike had jumped straight into his warm bed and was ready to take what ever Kulvir could give him.

Lucas stared at Kulvir's pot bellied body and thought that he oozed sexuality. He was EXTREMELY manly. The kind of guy that has no morals, wanks himself off to porn, snorts coke, drives a convertable. It never even crossed Lucas mind that he might ever have a chance to do anything with him but as soon as the opportunity had arisen Lucas was in there like a tramp begging for it!

Kulvir stood up and the way he towered over Lucas made him weak at he knees. I was only 5'8", 135 lbs., 30" waist, with bald head and saggy eyes. As we talked I mentioned that I was hugly underapaid and he offered to pay me for being his whore.

Lucas looked at Kulvir, his belly was sagging like a sack of spuds, was it full of Spunk from the previous night ? He was sitting on the bench and I could see the outline of his cock running several inches down one leg. Lucas found myself staring at his crotch again and getting hard when he looked up and saw him grinning at me and staring into my eyes.

Lucas stuttered and tried to find something to say. Virk dropped his belly, stood up and started to walk towards Lucas while grabbing his his little meat box. Lucas mouth dropped, was petrified and excited at the same time. he couldn't move. Virk stopped just a foot away from Lucas, Luvas looked up as he towered over him

Virk growled "What the fuck are you looking at useless faggot?" Lucas was speechless. Virk shoved Lucas and stumbled but Lucas still couldn't seem to turn and run. Virk orderd Lucas to strip. Lucas found himself tearing his shoes off, laces still tied and in about 30 seconds Lucas was completely naked and looking into his dark intense eyes again.

Virk grabbed Lucas wrist and dragged him outside into the back yard. He wasn't sure if he was going to throw him out in the street naked or if he was really going to get my chance with this filthy lowlife scumbag! Either way, Lucas found himself more turned on than he had ever been before. The next thing Lucas heard was "Hit your knees FAGGOT!"

Lucas hit his knees so hard it almost hurt. Lucas looked up and stared into Virks eyes awaiting the next move. Virk put his right hand on the back of my head and forced my face into his crotch. Lucas could feel his tiny cock through the thin shorts and was going crazy with anticipation. Lucas reached up and started to pull at his waistband. Virk grabbed my head pulled me back violently, his eyes were full of fire. Lucas was petrified but so desperetly wanted Virks money, Virk said "You want that dick you little bitch?" and Lucas shook his head, oh yes Kulvir, anything for your money. Please teach me all you know Kulvir. Kulvir pulled my head back again, spat in my face and said "Let me hear you cocksucker!" Lucas said "Yes Kulvir. Yes I want it!"

Kulvir told me to pull down his shorts, I did immediately and out flopped his huge half hard cock. It was at least 3 inches already and about as thick as a knitting needle. But what really shocked me were his big bull balls. They were like nectarines. They were the biggest balls I had ever seen and Lucas licked them Kulvir started to scream like a little piggy, I couldn't help but grin and look up at him with admiration.

Lucas leaned it and kissed his Virks mushroom head, up the shaft, and all over his big sweaty balls. Virk let out a sigh and that was all the encouragement Lucas needed. Lucas wrapped his lips around the shaft and began to slide up and down on it. Lucas was moving with my whole body and taking as much as he possibly could. He grew even bigger and put both of his big hands around my head and began to pump into my mouth. Kulvir started to gag and the piggy noises got worse, but that turned him on even more. After about 10 minutes of me milking his cock for everything I was worth he pulled all the way out of my mouth. I was so surprised I fell back.

Virk told me to turn around and show him my ass. Lucas did as he was told and he continued to play with his dick. Virk told Lucas to finger my hole and so Lucas did. A couple minutes later I felt a warm stream hit my ass and lower back.Virk was coating me down with his piss. He pissed all over me... from head to toe and when he was done I turned around and smiled. He said "I knew you needed that since the day I met you Lucas, I do that with the other staff I sleep with as well." Lucas said "Anything for money Kuvlir?" Virk laughed, pulled Lucas up, slapped his ass and ordered me to get to work.

Lucas did as was told but Virk came in behind Lucas and put me on my hands and knees on Lucas desk, Virk turned and started to walk out as he said "Don't you fucking move!"

Virk came back a minute later with two small bottles. He went over to Lucas and slapped me across the face with his wet cock. Lucas began to suck him again while he started to lube up Lucas ass. Virk then handed Lucas some poppers and sneared "Take a few good sniffs. You're going to need it!"

The next thing Lucas knew Virk was behind him and he was rubbing his cock up and down Lucas spread crack. Lucas was sliding back and forth begging for it. Virk pushed Lucas back down, put one hand on his shoulder and started to push in. Lucas hole stung as he forced the head in and again as he pushed the last 2 inches in. Virk eased it in gently but all in one smooth slow motion. Virk only had a small cock but Lucas could not get enough. Virk made Lucas tell him how much he loved it, but Lucas was in sensory overload and could barely speak. Virk spat on Lucas neck and slammed into me hard and ordered me to tell him I loved it. I screamed "I fucking love it Kulvir, I love you poking my shitter Kulvir!"

Kulvir began to fuck Lucas harder and nearly pull all the way out while telling me over and over again to give up that dirty pussy my wife has. Lucas was really starting to squeal so Virk took a jockstrap that was lying on the floor and stuffed it in my mouth. Virk fucked Lucas for a while after that and my legs were starting to give out when he started to really groan and slam into me hard. The sound of his big balls slapping on my ass was like the best symphony I had ever heard.

Virk pulled out of Lucas now gaping hole and slammed it right back in. I felt his hot sticky cum filling my gut and I came all over the bench too. Virk grabbed me by the head again and whispered in my ear "How was that faggot?" Through my piggy squals all I was able to get out was "AMAZING KULVIR, ANYTIME YOU LIKE!"

Kulvir pulled out of Lucas slow, dragged me to the shower, pushed me in and turned the water on.Lucas could barely stand but did his best to clean up. Virk came back as Lucas was getting out and he told me that I had done good and he would think about paying me if I came back on Tuesday night. I agreed and limped home to meet my friend David.
4602 days ago by Mason149
Who is a bigger bellend Joe Upchurch or dickhead war and peace for posting utter shite
4534 days ago by I Coming To Get You
Well going by what his MRS said JOE UPCHURCH has only got a small bellend. Thats why the twat has to go looking for prostitutes to boost his confidence. and guess what all paid for by are money.

The fucking twat needs a good fucking hiding nicking peoples money and from disabled people as well.

Fucking low life going to get his cum uppance 1 day i can assure him of that.

And his fucking family will get it to because i dont give a shit no more ive had enough of his bullshit.

Yes mr upchurch keep looking over your shoulder matey and i guess you better move you dad and your family because people are close to finding you

Remember i coming to get you scum bag
4442 days ago by I Coming To Get You
Merry Christmas and a happy new yr to all investors who got scammed by THE SCUM BAGS Insight group plc. Lets hope they gets whats coming to them in 2013.



4428 days ago by Chickenlittle
little clue in the right direction people...taylor langton has shut down as we wll know BUT they have set up a new company in ST ALBANS OVER 1 YR AGO and are now trading rare earths registered office is in berkhampstead... but still operating out of St Albans who would like the new company name?? (and the address)
4428 days ago by Chickenlittle
taylor langton closes...they open a new company that is registered in Berkhampstead but they are still working in St Albans...but the directors are different...they are selling a different product (rare earths) and are more than likely to be changing names soon going on past peformance of carbon and rare earths...have links to criminal elements...WHAT TO DO?
4394 days ago by Tom Cahill
Slightly disappointing uptake on my offer to share info..
Here's an update of sorts (my last post was 217 days ago).

It's becoming clear that the head waglers at RE10, aka Nimish Patel and Bijal Shah, are intent on getting thrown off the de facto Administration-now de facto Liquidation, and presumably the wankers in the "Creditors' Committee" (none of whom are Creditors), along with dodgy accountant Adam Groom (Adviser to the Creditors' Committee), are going to give them the thumbs up to take the money, despite them never having done anything that they were meant to do, and their selling of assets which they had exchanged equitable title on, thus, selling stuff that was not theirs to sell.

Nimish--I'll tell you so long as you don't tell anyone else--Patel told the Committee that he was going to be taking a load of the professional service enabling companies (Colemans-ctts (solicitors) and KBSP Partnership (accountants)) to court by the end of Q1/2013. When people talk in such a way, when they're old enough to know better, they're normally talking nonsense. It's easier to say March. Anyway, he's not going to bother, as it would be detrimental to his future, which is not as rosy as he thinks it is. If he took anyone to court, he'd have to first demand the criminal investigation into himself by the police for the fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, as well as probably perjury or maybe contempt of court for the initial application/notification to the courts to notify of both the Administration and then Liquidation (but I don't know which it would be). KBSP claim that he’s never even said anything other than to approve of their work (in writing), so he’s not even done any of the required pre-action, nay, pre-dispute due diligence, which would be necessary way, way before. The same goes with Ctts. Though this imbecilic tactic of not asking, or not compelling following asking, then thinking that things can sit as though there’s nothing that anyone can do is clearly not acceptable and totally suspicious, it is the only tactic that all of the three companies of “specialist professional advisors” are reliant upon.

Insight Group are being liquidated as I write in South Africa.

All in all, it's been an exercise in imbecility amongst the not-"Investors" who put money into one or other thing/s in the Aston Lloyd Ponzi Scheme. The mythical belief in a corporate veil in between the companies was the first big mistake made, and from what I can understand, there are still some dribblers thinking that the Ukraine land or Jatropa is actually a real, viable commodity, despite this being wrong on a number of parallel, show stopping reasons.

Please allow me to reiterate my advice so far as focusing attention to gain optimal prospects.
1. Kulvier Singh Virk used a walley called Joe Upchurch; who was later replaced by Michael Lucas as the "Director". In this way "Shadow Director", Virk, managed to swerve one portion of responsibility.

2. Secondly, loud mouthed, compulsive lying, narcissistic nancy boys like Michael Nascimento were directly interfaced with, in order to allow Upchurch/Lucas an out, when the sales team blame Virk (who can say he wasn't there, and wasn't even a boss there). Exploitation of the mentally impaired/deranged in a common tactic, which makes any witness statement that they give a non-starter, as they can't remember what they've had for breakfast, as they're lying to themselves, they're so gone mentally.

3. Idiots like Michael Lucas and James Rowlatt are mixed with more clean cut persons such as David Bussey. David’s not stupid, and won’t say anything criminal, so he steers the ship, and whilst slipping up enough to make it clear that he’s aware of what’s happening, he’s far out of the blame picture, due to the turds in punchbowl who float about shitting on themselves constantly.
4. As we move our perspective out a little, we come to the cooperating parties. The dangerous non-white colar only criminals, such as Tolga (Turk in cahoots on the Tuzla Lake project). He’s a danger to the extent that if I managed to get my title deeds to the apartment that I bought, I’d be in serve danger, as the idea that I’d speak to the neighbors and let them know, would be like domino effect, and all of a sudden, it would be clear that he’s been defrauding many people, under the nose of the willing and complicit Milas and Mulga municipalities and their land registries for donkey’s years. It would be a suicidal outcome, and if the house didn’t burn down, anyone visiting would be in big trouble. The cowardly desk jockies of AL and Obelisk who were pulling the strings and so they know that they’ve got one base covered. I suggest that this is the same for the other sites, though possibly in a different context.
5. So far as the enemies that you/I can touch. As with the general theme so far, but most closely associated with the model discussed in (4.). Advice and advisors. We live in a country where specialization is considered a positive thing. The generalist is derided as a chancer: a jack of all trades, master of none, etc.. This may have a familiar ring, but in the context in which we are concerned here, where no one feels “qualified” to ask simple questions, and are intimidated by “experts” when they do, we have more than a marginal problem of right nostril specialists and left nostril specialists, dictating impossible terms, which can never be met.
When someone sets up a company, it’s generally thought that it’s up to that person to decide how they do things and that the buck stops with them if they take a accidental or malevolent step. Referring back to the previous discussion, it is clear that this delineation might easily be confused if the director is not the named on paper director (shadow director).
There is another factor which sits on a par at least, if not, as I would happily wager, well above this, which exists in tandem, and also relinquishes provable/auditable responsibility and liability upon the master mind who is intent on a short to medium term fraud (this can definitely also be applied to all money laundering, and as is the case here, with RE10’s involvement, the criminal selling of non-company assets back into the Ponzi scheme (cite. Tolga in the Tuzla Lake example), enabling the recipient of the asset which they initially sold, retaining it, now developed at a minimal price, thus allowing bribes to be paid to the facilitators.).
The criminally minded—probably inspired by a criminal associate who’s mentored them, or through witnessing the contrived battleship sized gaps in the legislation or the enforcement of certain areas of law—has the advantage of being able to use “experts” to carry out their decision making for them, thus insulating them from blame.
In conjunction with points (1.) to (4.), it’s clear that in a very controlled, in-house fashion, all the bases can be covered. However, when such bodies are contracted, they take on risks, which are not avoidable, especially to those who are accustomed to bullshit when they hear it, and are capable of looking past what’s presented.
Accountants who audit big firms are regulated by their various regulatory bodies. They are also insured. This insurance is called Professional Indemnity Insurance (aka PI insurance). They will provide verification of their insurance being in good order if instructed to. I am not sure whether you or I have a right to know who they are insured with, but they will confirm the notification. The question that I would suggest that you ponder is this: Can an auditor of a Ponzi scheme pass them off as OK without being bent? I think the answer is very clear. They have insurance. Their failures are not too remote from the outcome. Their actions are deceptive at least (tort of deceit), and fraudulent, conspiratorial and counter to the Money Laundering Act in the case that we are looking at. PI insurance is a bottomless pit. The 2009 Companies House Accounts were given a full (accountant’s cock on the block audit by KBSP Partners, Finchley Road, North London,
Please look into what the audit is meant to be concerned with. Then look at what they were saying they could do to improve the appeal to investors if they were chosen to do one.
Though business owners traditionally regard the annual audit and preparation of annual accounts as a cost centre - a necessary evil that adds no value to the business - we strive to transform it into a profit centre.
Besides helping you meet the statutory requirements, we also take the opportunity to conduct a review of your financial and management systems. This can often result in our identifying potential problem areas and recommending opportunities to improve your business performance. We discuss the problems and opportunities with you and help you implement any agreed solutions.
We see the preparation of your annual report as an opportunity to enhance your external image. A well-prepared report can have a considerable positive impact on the perceptions of investors, potential finance sources, customers, prospect, referral sources, and even your own staff - all of which greatly improves your business prospects for the future.”--------o0O
Here I’ll leave the subject of advisors, but this is by no means an exhaustive list of their use. It is also known that they used buyers’ and investors’ money to contract lawyers to give answers to closed questions, wich no one was allowed to see on numerous occasions. Similar nerr-do-wells were also present at the “Creditor’s Meeting” in 2010. They were complemented by plants in the audience who pretended to be representing creditors or investors, but none of them wanted to share details. Furthermore, they only ever spoke in support of RE10, even asking questions which implied that their irregular suggestions for the future of our assets were totally regular by citing imaginary past and parallel insolvency procedures.
Not to get off the subject and not to give them any credence as none of them have an IQ above seventy, none of whom are Creditors and none of whom have any formal qualification or experience, or any common sense. They are incapable to act. They are incapable to even ensure simple actions happen and are recorded in writing with a time-scale and minutes. But, the de facto Creditors’ Committee are another barrage balloon. They are being set up as hate figures. They are so totally devoid of any sense that they have neglected to consult the literature on their role, so they appear to be acquiescing to RE10’s criminal suggestions. They -- despite being told -- will not read and enforce their rights and will not lead the agenda as they were allegedly mandated to, via the alleged vote, which’s count, never happened, so has never been disclosed. All of them are determined to stay in position, like retarded dogs in the manger. The most sadly comical of them is Berny, who’s so dim of whit that he thinks that Bijal said that he met Virk at an insolvency procedure, when he watched and listened to him say that he’d met him at a social function. Bijal contradicted himself, so Berny jumped on the chance to reinfource the rewriting of history. Bijal has put his latest version of his criminal deception in writing (which Dave has), and he made the former statement in front of over two-hundred people in the de facto “Creditors’ Meeting”. Hopefully some of you have better memories than Berny.
For the record. It is the job of the Committee to set the date of meetings, TURN UP TO MEETINGS!!!, set the agenda, check that the things they set to be done from last time have been done, report to the other Creditors, etc., etc.. Not sign a confidentiality agreement and keep everything quiet cos the head waglers and bent ex-Serios Fruad Office fraudster Adam Stephens told them it was the rules. Not never set any meeting and let RE10 go without them for months. Not decide not to go to meetings repeatedly. Not let the head waglers set the agenda. Not let Nimish shout over them and bang his fist on the table when they say something he doesn’t like, and cower like todlers. Not let bent, proven incompetent, Adam Groom (accountant and fellow dupe) co opt them into the belief that Dave Price is an idiot for suggesting that they insist on attaining records from Ctts and KBSP and compel them via the courts, which happened at one of the first meetings. Adam Groom’s a liar and an idiot. He sued AL when they were still trading. His lawyer raped him so badly with fees that he told him not to ask for them, despite getting a win in court. He did this as he’d be told they were massively inflated, so his behavior would have lead to him not managing to keep all of the GBP30-35k which he took him for. So Adam found the fraud on the Companies House Accounts. He had the evidence and demanded his money. He didn’t get any joy so he started a court case. He agreed to have some fantasy, non-existent non-houses as a settlement. So, despite knowing they were criminals, and that it was all fraud, he decided to take on more risks rather than the money. Not all I’m afraid. He also got another overly big lumbering mate of his to come with him to scare our good friend Joe Upchurch. Joe was shaking very badly, and couldn’t come and meet them in the car park. It has yet to be discovered why Joe didn’t take them up on this gracious initiation, but he was not bothered enough not to get so totally hammered that he was a vibrating mess throughout the interchange which Adam did score. Don’t intimidate people you’re taking to court until after all that’s over. He’s been advising the Committee, but now he’s pulled out.
Very, very, very disappointingly, a lot of people were in agreement that it would be a good idea to agree for the bullshit, non-existent, never planted, irrelevant due to not existing Ukrainian wheat bullshit ought to dodge the evil reach of the FSA’s long arm, by moving jurisdiction into the unregulated Frankfurt am Main dodgy stock market. Again, I doubt there will be any evidence of the votes, but I know of more than one person who supported this, “…as it’s the only option.”, so I can’t say they’ve even had to fabricate that vote -- which is incredible. Of course, nothing can justify this level of stupidity, so anyone who’s let this happen or supported it, doesn’t deserve anyone’s help and definitely didn’t deserve any money that they put into it in the first place.
That does however demonstrate the problems which are manufactured to dodge liability. If things are in different jurisdictions, people get very confused and scared that they seem to forget that fraud’s illegal everywhere and so doing it cross-jurisdiction, is actually only a con to trick idiots and the tax man. This is another part of the plausible deniability matrix which is greatly exploited by the AL Ponzi Scheme.
The veil of incorporation is another concept which has been greatly successful in confusing the mass of dupes. AL is a Ponzi scheme. Every part of the company traded using money from other parts, so it was not a load of separate companies, but a big fraud. Any transfer of monies meant for one thing to another part of the company is money laundering. Any bogus insolvency procedures, which allowed some parts to trade and for money to move is also money laundering. Selling vested (held in trust(?)) assets is a straight forward criminal act. It’s stealing from the dupe and it’s fraud to the person who buys it. Obviously not if the recipient is also a criminal who was in from the ground floor. The concept is invalid in this instance, but due to the amount of ignoramuses involved and the conspiracy’s use of the insolvency practitioners in their frauds, who’ve got a vested (pardon the pun) interest in promoting it’s applicability, then we must consider it and remember that it is going to be used against us at every opportunity.
From day one, I kept hearing nonsense about how someone should be doing stuff about these things to stop them. Correct. You are meant to. In fact you are legally obliged to as a subject of the Crown, and have been for over one thousand years. It is that simple.
Regulators are there to fob off inquiry and conspire to avert the negative speculation of the population, allowing the initiated to steal and cheat with impunity. That is why every few years the government changes their names, and they start all over again. This has always been this way. Civil servants have no interest in anything other than avoiding work and lasting until their pension matures. Private regulators are private trade unions who are funded by their members, to do the same.
The City of London Police is the most heavily Masonic institution in policing. The Serious Fraud Office is a similarly establishment supporter of the status quo. The police have been in receipt of a report, written by me since before the de facto “Creditors’ Meeting”. They have done everything possible to avoid doing any investigation, questioning or arresting anyone. The evidence was there from month one. They tried to not accept the report and resorted to blatent lying and outright refusing to consider that RE10, Colemans-ctts or KBSP were possible suspects.
Notable quotes from Detective Tony—trust me I’m a policeman—Dobinson “I’m not going to investigate them because… they work in an office …one of them used to work for us [Adam Stephens (laughs like a sex offender, as per recording and left RE10 prior to Christmas 2010)] …fraud’s complicated.”
There’s another common misconception which needs to be put straight. The Insolvency Service do not oversee insolvencies. They neither appointed, approved, or have any power to investigate, remove, or in any way help to impede RE10’s machinations. RE10 were not appointed by the court. All that’s happened is that they’ve told the court they’re doing the Administration. It’s presumed that they’re not going to act in an outwardly criminal way as they have. It is of course relevant that they opted to put an insolvent company, with no realizable assets, and which had nothing which it could sell into Administration. Clearly this was a criminal deception to enable money laundering and the protraction and their continuation with the frauds of the Ponzi Scheme. It was clearly not viable to not include the Ukraine Land, and Jatropa Fairy Dust in the same procedure, which was another clear contrived abuse.
It is worth considering this point further. Liquidation would be obviously preferable, but that would not have included the bought assets of the Buyers, so it would be very minimal in scope and the status of the part built developments would be largely to leave them as they were, only to transfer legal title, where it was obligatory.
Of course, it is inconceivable that Obelisk were not also pulled in, as they had been given fees in excess of that which they were contracted and were taking more than could possibly allow for the developments to be finished in many cases. They were clearly part of the same organization as well.
Criminality in the Ponzi scheme meant that even liquidation would be totally off the cards. RE10 have not only participated in an totally criminally conceived deception, which they’ve had to have perjured/contempt of courted themselves from day one, but they’ve then lied to the imbeciles in the Creditors’ Committee and told them to keep quiet whilst simultaneously setting them up for the blame of electing them on behalf of everyone, for the Liquidation, which ought to have been a totally separate matter.
No matter that they didn’t do any of what they’d promised in the Administration.

4394 days ago by Tom Cahill
email: [email protected]
skype: t0mcahill
(zero in "t0m")

Notice of the recent update has been made to:
KBSP Partners
The head waglers at RE10
Detective Tony--trust me I'm a policeman--Dobinson, CoL Police
Adam Groom
Big Bad--I haven't seen my penis since the first time Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was out--Nascimento
(via Linked in
Kulvier--not going to catch me as I've surrounded myself with greedy retards who'll take the blame and have PI insurance to cover the entire liability of the Ponzi scheme--Singh Virk
4394 days ago by Tom Cahill
Dear Kulvier,
I thought I'd copy you in so that you can see my update on Scam Informer.
I mention you, but don't worry it's mainly complimentary.
Good work lining up all of those dupes to take the fall for you.
Note also, Michael Nascimento, aside from being a fat, insidious poof, also has been offering to give witness statements against you. He's left one with a dodgy lawyer called Richard Slade. It's never been signed. Don't worry, he's not a credible witness.
I've been making some good progress since my house in Turkey got sold by those fine young head waglers you managed to get working for you. They've made a few massive errors, such as admitting to have known you socially at the de facto Creditors' Meeting, then denying it in writing, changing it from a social function to an insolvency procedure, but they're sticking to their guns, and trying to get booted off according to plan.
I think they'll turn on you as soon as I issue the summons in the Magistrate's Court, to commence the up and coming private prosecution, but you're almost definitely in the clear. You didn't sell my flat which was meant to be vested.
Good luck on your next endevour,
Tom Cahill
4202 days ago by Expose
Joe upchurch is now back in marbella starting his scam empire all over again!!! BEWARE
4028 days ago by Hulio
If you or anyone you know has been ripped off or conned by Joseph Upchurch, please spread the word and make everyone aware.
If you or anyone you may know has ever invested money and lost your investment in either of these two companies Aston Lloyd or the Insight Group Plc.
You may wish to know that Joseph Edward Upchurch formally a business partner of Kulvir Virk also a director of Aston Lloyd. Mr Joseph Upchurch is trying to rip people off from his base in Marbella again.
This time Mr Joseph Edward Upchurch, is trying to sell a property fund with units in Bulgaria and Brazil under the guise of European Emirates Alliance (EEA) with so called backing from the UAE ruling family. [continued below]...
Report Attachments:

... This site has been taken down and suspended.
There is no connection with the UAE or the ruling familynone of these properties are built or exist so be warned, it’s another one of the Joseph Upchurch scams. If you invest you will have been ripped off and had your money and funds stolen.
Well Joe lives the life and dream, in Marbella with the Spanish sunshine. He is often seen visiting the Blue Palm (Marbella front line beach Cafe he visits every morning for breakfast) and Mama Gina’s (opposite the office listed below) daily to feed his alcohol habit.
The other fraudulent, company under management with Joseph Upchurch is known as GSI or Grant Sheinfeld Inc and this so called US Real Estate company is supposed to be registered in Delaware, USA. As far as I am aware it is not registered in the UK, USA or Spain, although the office address is genuine and is listed correctly on both websites as:
Edificio King Edward
C/ Ramón Gómez de la Serna 22
Planta Quinta, No. 510
Marbella 29600
(This office is opposite the, Palacio de Congresses exhibition centre near the Burger King on the world renowned Golden Mile at the heart of Marbella above the 24 hour Open Cor late night store)
Various office numbers for the virtual business he has created are as follows:
UK Office: 0044 (0) 207 048 2378 this office does not exist but the phone rings in the Spain.
Ireland Office: 00353 14 37 23 62 this office does not exist but the phone rings in the Spain.
American Office: 001 857 400 7071 this office does not exist but the phone rings in the Spain.
The phone will be answered by one of the staff, not on a phone call to an unsuspecting investor about to get ripped off with the new scheme, however more often than not Joe’s so called P.A. Sheena Cochrane will answer the call.
Joseph Upchurch’s UK Mobile number is +44 7943 527 385 and his Spanish Mobile number is +34 656 612 801 so if you have been taken for a ride and lost money. Give him a call and discuss it with him in person.
GRANT SHEINFELD INC was set up to enable Mr Upchurch to raise enough capital to visit his children in Australia, after the separation from his ex wife René Muir on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour, although he blames everyone else but himself for his problems (Rene maybe had, had enough of his drinking, cocaine use and his need to abuse prostitutes regularly to feel adequate.
Rene his Ex Wife, was formally one of the Director’s of the Insight Group and was a marketing manager at Aston Lloyd prior to their marriage in South Africa back in 2011.
This compulsive liar (Mr Joseph Edward Upchurch) is only interested in making money, ripping innocent people off and keeping their hard earned cash for his fun and games.
Something that Mr Upchurch prides himself on is having previously been investigated by the FSA on 8 separate occasions since he started trading as a Director of Aston Lloyd back in 2005.
While I was initially under the impression that GRANT SHEINFELD INC and EUROPEAN EMIRATES ALLIANCE were genuine companies and officially registered companies in the UK and the USA, this is not the case.
So please update your posts on the forums and let’s work together to stop these fraudsters, let’s all spread and pass the word on the various forums to protect inexperienced investors from being caught out by these scum again.
If any of you wish to forward this information to the press, it may be worthwhile tracking down RODDY MANSFEILD of SKY NEWS, or the MAIL’s very own investment guru TONY ETHERINGTON who have both previously managed to get the Spanish and UK Police and authorities to close down so called investment companies and boiler room scams in Spain’s Marbella area.

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