Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services Morninga, Bio E grass Boiler Room Scam, Do not Invest a penny you will loose all your money Marbella & Cape town Internet
18th of Aug, 2011 by User575388
(Moringa) and (Bio E Grass) is a total SCAM See UK Sunday times August 14th, the company Insight group Plc, is run by a profesional boiler room team located in Marbella Spain. promoting green products mainly sold by selling on the phone by experienced high pressure sales men earning massive comissions, Stealing money from unfortunate investors who are taken in by these sales men. This is a well packedeged operation, which is not FSA regulated, somtimes boiler rooms disguise this fact by using trustees wha are regulated normall some iffy IFA,, which means absouloutly zero when you loose your Invetment they are off the hook, if you Invest with this you will loose eveything, also avoid Carbon Credits, and most other bio investments as this is where all the Boiler Room scammers focus their attentions on currently. M Richards London
4760 days ago by Upchurch

Upchurch and his partner in crime (his now wife) are easy to find, everyone on the costa in the industry know where they are and there are a few people who had access tohis home address and rental properties he owns in london, he is easy to find if you want to.
4759 days ago by Truro
erm, no, Mrs V Hobbs, Upchurch was very much behind A/Lloyd. he was a company director of all the ALloyd group companies, in some cases he was 1 of only 2 directors. Check easy with companies house.
4750 days ago by Lookslikeascam
4749 days ago by UK Investor
As an investor there is No way you should invest in a company with this much negative reporting. Maybe some are false.. but it is evident that Joseph Upchurch and his wife Renee Upchurch is up to no good.
The history of Joseph Upchurch is just concerning and knowing his wife is the Marketing, PR and accounts and client office should tell any investor to run a mile.
The company has one small office in Cape Town and when you call to speak to the legal department or any other department besides the sales floor, you will be told you will receive a call back. There is no client office, just a team of sales guys, pretending to have some financial background.
During late 2011 the marketing team (Renee Upchurch) sent out pictures of the Moringa Plantation that did not belong to the company. If you look at the pictures the tress are 3 - 5 years old.. Longer than the company exists!
To the investors who invested with Insight Group PLC, and who got some money paid out. These investors were paid out at the same time, the company opened the new project Miscanthus called Bio e-grass, thus taking the new money coming in and paying the old investors.
This can not be that so many employees decided to go against a company. There were employees who resigned from the company when they found out that the company was unethical.

Please ask Insight the following questions:

Why are they not registered with the Mozambican authorities?

Can they provide a copy of any lease agreement for any land in Mozambique?

Can they ask any Mozambican authority to independently take photos of the hectares of Moringa planted in Mozambique and have it independently notarized?

How is it possible to pay out returns if there could not have been a harvest yet?

In my opinion, Insight Group PLC is a complete scam! Think before you give them even 2 min of your time.. let alone your money!!
4749 days ago by Koala
Oh no: This is the last thing we needed to see. Scapegoat?


The Internet reveals:

Full Name – Joseph Edward Upchurch
Short name - Joe Upchurch
Date of Birth: August/1978
House in Twickenham – either TW1 3JF or TW1 4EX

Married - Twelve Apostles Hotel and Tigger Too 24th August 2011

Renee Louise Muir, Now known as: Renee Louise Upchurch
Date of Birth: Febuary/1983
Possibly another company of James David Rowlatt: UP2ER LIMITED

James David Rowlatt
Possible – The Royal Liberty School
Romford, Essex
32 Repton Avenue
Gidea Park
RM2 5LT Tel: 01708 - 729193
Contact: James D Rowlatt

Company Registration Details:

Insight Primary Industries – South Africa - 2010/017127/07
Insight Financial Services Ltd – Seychelles – 066975
4749 days ago by Koala
This gets even worse, this is not looking good for us is it?

PLATINUM MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES LTD as in our Moringa contracts!!! Is Dissolved!!!

WHAT THE HELL!! I will be calling Insight first thing tomorrow to get some more information on this.
It is saying that Platinum Management Associates were dissolved 19/07/2011

why were we not told anything? Maybe that explains why our payments were late. I did get mine thought it was late and underperformed.

My confidence is shot to pieces. I’m not a huge investor just can't afford to lose this money.

I did a company director search - and I have got this info:

what I find most interesting is TRIPLE PLATINUM MANAGEMENT LTD is listed as a company to this man: Mr Gregory Paul Longdon.


TRIPLE PLATINUM MANAGEMENT LTD are registered to the same address Insight Commodities Ltd.

I don't get the secrecy! Why didn’t they bother to tell me they close the company that is meant to be farming our land and open a new company under a different name.

My current contract reflects Platinum Management Associates as the farming parter which of course does not exist.

This is scaring me now...
4749 days ago by Karl Rewind
Ok thaks everyone, "Upchurch" please can you be more specific about where/how to find Joe Upchurch?
4749 days ago by Ukrainezing
My sources tell me he is now based in Brisbane, Australia. Try the local whore houses, he will be the one driving away in a Lexus.
4749 days ago by Karl Rewind
Ok I want to make a post with some more balance to it.

There are two possible sides to every story and we must not get too carried away with gossip or guessing. That said, I understand and share many concerns expressed here. I will not simply repeat these concerns in this post. On the other hand I am willing to receive evidence and action from Insight Group that alleviate the concerns.

This is how my day went today, this is fact, no conjecture, no wild accusations.

I phoned Platinum to speak to Greg London. The receptionist told me that he was not available and she was not permitted to give me his direct phone or email address. Unhappy with this I asked her to confirm that she worked in the same office as Insight Group, 142 Broadhurst Gardens, London, she said she knew nothing about Insight Group and hung up on me. She had taken my number and said Greg would call me back.

I received a phonecall some 10 mins later from Eddie Evans (director) at Insight Group. My message to speak to Greg Longdon had got through to Eddie who phoned me in Greg's stead. We had a long conversation which covered Insight's concerns about the worry of investors; worry partly from ex Aston Lloyd employees relationship with Insight, and worry partly from stirring on forums such ass this one. We also covered ways which Insight could fix the problem of customer concern.

Eddie was adamant that Joe Upchurch, who has received much of the negative comments, had a consultancy role in Insight, and left Aston Lloyd some time before the problems with that company and their investors began. Eddie also pointed out that Renee Upchurch should not be grouped in with Joe in these comments as she has never been a director or shared the role of her husband. He was clear that Joe Upchurch had advised and been consulted on setting up various aspects of Insight Group but that he now no longer has a role in the company. He strongly denied any malpractice by Joe Upchurch who he strongly suggested was being unfairly vilified. Eddie said that forums such as this can cause damage to the company, and by extension, the investors. I asked for more transparency.

Eddie has agreed to send me:

1. The GPS co ordinates of the entire Mozambique site

2. My own specific GPS co ordinates for my plots of land within that site. I will then be able to independently confirm that all is in order concerning the lease and the plantation.

3. The site is leased by Insight Group (as a sub lease) from an organisation who lease it from Mozambique authorities, and he is going to send me information to prove this lease once he has received the all clear from the organisation they lease from.

4. Eddie has offered me a visit to the site in Mozambique so that I can see for myself the plantation of Moringa. I will be taking him up on this offer.

5. He also offered to send me all the relevant info on the Gambia site, (co ordinates, agreement with the Gambian government) to give me as much reassurance as possible that their other projects are real and legitimate.

In answer to some of the questions on this forum, Eddie said that they are not and do not need to be regulated or registered with Mozambique Authorities. He said the comment about the trees being too big for their age was simply incorrect.

I urged Eddie to write a letter to all investors giving them the same information that he has promised to give me. I said it would be a good way to start to regain investor trust. I received agreement that this sounded like a fair idea, but no confirmation that it would happen.

In this post I have kept my thoughts and worries to myself and only reported what has happened and what I have been told. I do not remember my conversation with Eddie word for word so if I have inadvertently said anything from our conversation that is not quite correct I trust I will be corrected and I will gladly repost to correct my mistake.

I urge anyone to speak to a director at Insight Group. I know Eddie Evans, perhaps others in this forum know other directors what can speak with them ?

I will confirm to you once I receive this information from Eddie early next week. I will then let you all know that my co ordinates all check out fine, and about my trip to visit the site in Mozambique. I hope this brings some more facts to the forum and less rumour.
4748 days ago by Sorry
Again people are sucking up what they say on the phone, there are many people who are reporting on this forum that have worked for insight and they report the truth, upchurch was in control of insight group and i have no doubt after all this pressure he is receiving he has more than likely put some other muppet in charge to take the flak.. remember he has just moved to australia and doesnt want the authorities to remove his visa, he is a shady character that will continue to rob yopu of your moeny, and mark my words you will soon see insight group disappear, i hope im wrong but i know and you know deep down that this will be the case. Good luck all and sorry to be so negative, just try your best to get your money back and the investment sold and dont beleive a word this eddie spins to you over the phone, if he was that concerned about his investors as a director he would hold an investment meeting at a cheap hotel for you all to attend and put your concerns to him in person, of cours "Eddie" doesnt really exist.. Sorry guys.
4748 days ago by Jokes

Director Summary
Mr Gregory Paul Longdon has 8 company director or secretary appointments.

Short name - Gregory Longdon
Director ID : 908365748
Month/Year of Birth: 08/1953

(For security reasons we only show Month/Year)

71-73 Station Road
West Hallam
United Kingdom

Advertise on this website
Company Summary
Company Name Company Status

4747 days ago by Wanabuy
Hello! Do you think me silly because I'm a woman or because of something I said?? I'm inviting you to substantiate your allegations. Has anyone lost money with Insight Group so far? Have they not not got legal entitlement to sell their agricultural rights to investors? What sort of scam are they running? Can you inform investors on this site or are you going to merely continue to make unfounded accusations? You are accusing the management of assuming false identities. Well, I suppose the only thing to do now is ring Insight up and ask them to send copies of everyone's birth certificates. Any takers???
4747 days ago by Wanabuy
OK! Anyone want to sell me their Mozambique moringa yet? Basically Platinum Management were registered in the UK but dissolved their company when they moved to Africa and re-registered there. The reason being that it was a lot more convenient to set up their company where they were working, i.e., fulfilling their contract with Insight Group, who, as far as I know are their only client. They have no contract with investors, their contract is with Insight Group. Not surprisingly they wouldn't want to get involved with anxious investors, they're Insight's problem. Platinum are only paid to get on with the job they're payed to do. To give an analogy - imagine you were a carpenter contracted to do some work on someone's house and the phone kept ringing because for some reason people wanted to talk to you and check up on what you were doing because they had issues with the guys that hired you, wouldn't you get a bit peaved off? Get real, people! Or stay scared and sell me your land. Either way, I've had enough of the foolishness on this site and won't be wasting time blogging again. If you want to run around like headless chickens, OK by me, but nobody's been scammed and I'm in the process of buying more Moringa in Gambia. Happy days!
4747 days ago by Fools And Their Money
hahahaha wanabuy, haveyou actaully read your contract word for word, you are a client of platinum you fool, hahahaha ive had enough of warning fools like you, so listen closely.. You are going to loose your money and you are going to sit in your little bubble afterwards and wish you had taken stoke of waht people here are saying, its fools and their money that always allow these boiler room type companies to keep ripping people off. Peace out..
4747 days ago by Townden

Joseph Edward Upchurch
Registered From 29th July 2010 until Now as the director.

Still believe Joseph only had a one off property deal role? If so - believe the moon is made of cheese!

He was and still is the only person registered to the Spanish company of Insight Marketing. FACT.
4747 days ago by GuestTest
For the ultimate proof:

Step 1- Click File.
Step 2 - Save As.
Step 3 - Go to the file (most likely on your desktop)
Step 4 - Right Click the file.
Step 5 - Click Properties
Step 6 - Click PDF
Step 7 - Author Renee Upchurch

You still don't believe Rene Upchurch is Media Director?
4747 days ago by Onto Him
Great post from above, hopfully people will now start to realise that these two clowns in Australia running this boiler room will stop investing more money with them.. the lies are plain to see. Anyway the word around the circle is that the authorities are onto the upchurches and it wont be long untill he is asked to leave |Aus and face his investors back on home turf.. watch this space..
4745 days ago by Protector
Karl Rewind, If you are so satisfied with Eddie Evans and his answers, why don't you ask Mr Evans for a copy of his Identity Document or his passport? I am 100% certain you will not receive one because ghosts do not carry passports.

If you receive the GPS co-ordinates, would you please publish them here as it would be quite helpful to know whether they are the same as those on the Insight Website.

I am willing to take anyone a side bet: There is not ONE single Moringa tree, which has been planted by or for Insight or Platinum in Mozambique and remember there should be more that 3 000 x 1 000 ha if one take into account the amount of investments sold by them.
4744 days ago by Karl Rewind

What are the coordinates on the Insight website? I can't find which page they are on, would appreciate your help.

4744 days ago by Protector
Latitude 21° 1’2.62”S and Longitude 34°32’48.40E

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