Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Raymond Aaron JT Foxx Seminar scam / fraud
Complete scam. Poor quality. Guerilla marketing. Manipulation seminar
11th of Jul, 2011 by upsetmonkey
JT Foxx (real name unknown) and Raymond Arron are fraudsters who have masterminded (and I give them some credit for it), a very clever operation in which they have gone to great lengths to avoid being classed as criminals, technically speaking. But, they ARE criminals. I will explain in detail how their seminars really work using manipulation techniques to get you to buy useless rubbish you think you cant do without.

They are not as rich as they claim. And its obvious after a short while to any intelligent individual that they are not as wise as they claim and certainly not as experienced as they say they are. But they are good. Very good at fooling the uneducated. Of course people will benefit from their over priced programs full of mediocre content. If you're starving and someone throws you a 1000 soggy biscuit - you'll buy it.

Heres want happens during the event.

Firstly its at a grandiose city hotel which will put any low wage earning mortal starting their own business into an environment in which they are not accustomed. It creates the illusion of success and promotes trust in the attendees heads. The tailored suit wearing speakers (mostly Raymond and JT Foxx) act confident and suave but if youre an intelligent person with good instincts youll detect something that you cant quite put your finger on. Later it sinks in you notice a type of cockiness and self-praise which truly successful multi-millionaires simply dont possess.

You are sat down at tables in a small group with water and a notepad. Raymond comes on first and starts teaching some really basic material which is mostly full of common sense and frankly if you havent learned it at school or havent already figured this out, you shouldnt be running a business. There isnt a thing he goes through which isnt free on thousands of websites if you search well enough for some basic business strategy and management tips.

Next a grandiose introduction is given for this infamous mister JT Foxx the name sounds more like a dodgy stock broker doesnt it from broke hes apparently made millions in months but somehow you never heard of him. This tall guy with swagger struts on the stage with his hands in his pockets and starts telling you the facts of life. Hes 31 by the way and has apparently gone from -$34 to +$unknown in 6 years. He will avoid any question about his net worth and his rise to fame by talking a load of rubbish back at you for at least 10 minutes at about 20% faster than you can possibly listen. His only skill is talking. All self-made men are actually proud to tell you their story.

The first crack in their guise is when they pass round a form asking people to fill in the nature of their business and what they want to achieve. They say they will have a 1-to-1 with EVERYONE tomorrow and give them a personalised tip, a blueprint for their business which apparently is worth $5000 an hour from JT Foxx. But when the form comes round there are zero questions about your business just a 1 line space to write what you want to do. Instead its actually a survey engineered to see what budget you have available to spend on training material and whether you would consider training. Then on day 2, oh dear, unfortunately they only had time to give one-to-ones and blueprints to the people who circled yes on do you have a training budget. What a coincidence. I made a point of going to the toilet so I could overhear a one-to-one. And guess what, the entire time they were successfully selling a 2,000 coaching program to this gullible individual.

So day 1 of the seminar will seem completely legit to an uneducated, gullible, innocent or even foreign individual with little vision of their future and a poor understanding of business basics. Sure enough those people will come away from day 1 feeling like they learned a great deal. But if youre already running a business youll realise you knew it all anyway and will come away feeling like you should have only attended day 2. (Raymond tells you that day 1 is the setup for day 2 and that in day 2 youll have to pay attention.) So you come BACK to day 2 thinking it will be better.

The second day starts with some (slightly) more advanced and in-depth discussion on business branding. But lets face it. If you dont know what branding is or how to brand your business, what are you even doing there? You shouldnt be in business in the first place. But after about 11am, the training JUST STOPS. THATS IT. THE END. NO MORE TRAINING. For the rest of the day their friends are invited to speak about themselves and about their quirky lives. Did you go to this course to hear about expeditions to the north pole by a sixty-something year old lady for 2 hours. Well done to her but do we care? Of course we dont. Did you go there to hear about a book on zoomanity for 90 minutes by a quirky guy who apparently used to give lectures on copyrighting but doesnt any more and be made to show gratitude for his presence? At this point you will be feeling fed up with boring generic rubbish which you knew you always knew.

At the end of day 1, Raymond asks what you want to do tomorrow. There are 4 options. Options 1 and 2 are full of buzz words like how the rich get rich and how the broke stay broke. Yes those are the topics. Well thought out eh. But 3 is How did Raymond Get rich and 4 I cant remember. The point is that 90% of the class voted how did Raymond get rich. So did we cover it? NO! Of course we didnt. Because Raymond Arron actually isnt rich at all. And hes not doing these seminars for fulfilment like he says. Hes doing them because hes and JT Foxx need the cash.

All of the training materials they go through in both days are simply echos of a man called Nido Qubein. And then surprise surprise, they actually play you videos and phone calls from him. For over an hour. Apparently JT Foxx spends one million dollars a year to hear the voice of Nido on the phone for 30 minutes a week. OKThen. Even if that was true, JT Foxx must be incredibly thick because he spends a million bucks a year on stuff that I can hear for free - from my mother.
The only question in my mind the whole time was are the minions at the back of the room and all of Ramond Arrons friend guest speakers really aware about what he and Mr Foxx are really doing? What do you think?

Why do you think they go from country to country so quickly?
Why cant you find their real biographies? Even, their real names?
Why do their websites look like shit like they are 10 years old? (Im a developer by the way)
Why does JT Foxx claim he charges $15,000 per hour for consultation and then offer to forward you his sessions with his own coach, Nido for just 50/month - but you have to sign up for 12 months. He claims by the way hes losing money on that offer.

These people are no more genuine than Santa Clause, Rudolf and his red nose reindeers. But heres the good news: Theyll get caught up eventually. And theyll NEVER EVER be rich.
Good luck and God help you if you bought any worthless training program from them.

JT Foxx may now spam this thread below with a load of oposition like he did the last one. But if you've attended one of these events and seen right through it, tell the world here.
4926 days ago by Anonymous
JT Foxx will rent hotel rooms, advertise his seminars with Raymond Aaron and pay a celebrity or two to attend. He makes up his presentations on the fly while he tries to figure out how to fleece his attendees for even more money. He boasts about various homes he doesn't own. He boasts about owning 33 companies but is dismissive if you press for details.
4925 days ago by Anonymous
any misgivings about JT FOXX? check out this article: You will find out about JT FOXX about half way down the article under the heading of Subprime Opportunity...
4923 days ago by A Sucker
JT Foxx is a conman, a very good one, nontheless a con man.

He will tell you of impressive real estate, marketing, branding accomplishments, promise you all manner of sucess and financial wealth if only you follow is advice, and of course, buy whatever course it he is peddling.

In the end, he is a slick marketer and basically out to make money off of people period.

I am aware of a large number of individuals whom he has fleeced.

I strongly recommend against giving him money. Chances are you will live to regret it.
4922 days ago by Officereply1

How many of us start making excuses when we find ourselves either under performing, not wanting to train, work, study or do anything? It’s a natural course to take as we think it provides allowance for our attitude or performance. Also, we feel it gives meaning and a reason for our situation and gives us an “out”. This however is a false notion that only leads us on a continuum of skill digression and apathy.

The correct path is that of personal accountability and responsibility. We have to “own” our actions and choices and stop making excuses. This is not easy to do and yet if we want to achieve things we’ve never had before we must do things we’ve never done. That means taking a good hard look inside at who we are and what we want. We have to “own it” then learn from it then change.

As we take responsibility and be honest about who we are, where we are and who & where we want to be we can then begin the journey to achieve it. .

52 days ago by Raymond123456
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else (Benjamin Franklin)

Most of us are guilty of having done something we shouldn't have or of not doing something we should have. When we are questioned about our misconduct, do we accept responsibility and admit we are at fault? Usually not. Instead we make excuses. Making excuses for mistakes is not new. In fact, we can trace this undesirable habit all the way back to the Garden of Eden. For when God asked Adam if he had eaten of the tree he was commanded not to, Adam created the world's first excuse, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12) And when God asked Eve what she had done, she gave the world's second excuse, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:13)

Excuses negate responsibility, and it is responsibility that separates man from the rest of the animal kingdom. Unlike other animals, we are responsible not for what we have, but for what we could have; not for what we are, but for what we could become. If we are to take credit for our successes, we must assume responsibility for our failures. Trying to hide our failures with excuses is like concealing a small hole in our garment with a large patch; it only makes the matter worse. This analogy is taken from Shakespeare who wrote:

"And oftentimes, excusing of a fault,
Doth make a fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches set upon a little breach,
Discredit more in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so patch'd."

Excuses are harmful because they prevent one from succeeding. When we make excuses and repeat them often enough, they become a belief. The belief then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, a sales rep discouraged by his poor sales starts to blame the price of his product. "No one wants to buy it because it's too expensive." he says. After repeatedly making this excuse, he begins to believe it is true. The result? Dismal sales. Compare this with a responsible sales rep. After hearing many prospects complain about the high price, he accepts responsibility. "It is my fault they are complaining, " the rep says, "for I haven't justified the cost of my product by adequately pointing out its value." Once we accept responsibility, we can evaluate our actions and take corrective measures to find solutions to our problems. Excuses, on the other hand, are like stop signs; they halt our progress.

By refusing to make excuses and embracing responsibility, we reap many rewards. The successes brought by this attitude act as a foundation for self-respect, pride, and confidence. Responsibility breeds competence and power. By living up to our promises and obligations, we win the trust of others. Once we are seen as trustworthy, people will willingly work with us, for our mutual gain. So, you see, making excuses can put the brakes on our progress, while accepting responsibility can lead us to the top.

How to stop making excuses and start building a life

1. Realize that your success or failure depends on you. It depends on the choices you make. It depends on your attitude. Resolve to start accepting responsibility today. Don't find an excuse, find a way. Don't make excuses, make good. Remember what Winston Churchill said, "Responsibility is the price of greatness."

2. Beware of rationalization. We make excuses to hide behavior we are ashamed of. Rationalization is the process of trying to hide shameful conduct from ourselves. This is dangerous because we become unaware of what we are doing. However, you can fight rationalization by looking for cues. For instance, if someone challenges your conduct and you become angry, it probably suggests you are guilty as charged. Why would you get angry, if you're innocent?

3. From time to time, stop and examine your progress. Compare where you are now with where you would like to be. Ask yourself why is there a gap between these two points. Don't make excuses. Make plans and take corrective action.

4. When you make a mistake, accept responsibility; learn from it; and don't repeat it. Use your time for discovering solutions instead of inventing excuses.

5. Plant your garden of success today:

First, plant 3 rows of peas;

Positive thinking

Next, plant 3 rows of squash;

Squash excuses
Squash blame
Squash criticism

Then, plant 3 rows of lettuce;

Let us be responsible
Let us be trustworthy
Let us be ambitious

Finish, with 3 rows of turnip;

Turn up when needed
Turn up with a smile
Turn up with confidence
4922 days ago by Officereply1

How many of us start making excuses when we find ourselves either under performing, not wanting to train, work, study or do anything? It’s a natural course to take as we think it provides allowance for our attitude or performance. Also, we feel it gives meaning and a reason for our situation and gives us an “out”. This however is a false notion that only leads us on a continuum of skill digression and apathy.

The correct path is that of personal accountability and responsibility. We have to “own” our actions and choices and stop making excuses. This is not easy to do and yet if we want to achieve things we’ve never had before we must do things we’ve never done. That means taking a good hard look inside at who we are and what we want. We have to “own it” then learn from it then change.

As we take responsibility and be honest about who we are, where we are and who & where we want to be we can then begin the journey to achieve it. .

52 days ago by Raymond123456
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else (Benjamin Franklin)

Most of us are guilty of having done something we shouldn't have or of not doing something we should have. When we are questioned about our misconduct, do we accept responsibility and admit we are at fault? Usually not. Instead we make excuses. Making excuses for mistakes is not new. In fact, we can trace this undesirable habit all the way back to the Garden of Eden. For when God asked Adam if he had eaten of the tree he was commanded not to, Adam created the world's first excuse, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12) And when God asked Eve what she had done, she gave the world's second excuse, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:13)

Excuses negate responsibility, and it is responsibility that separates man from the rest of the animal kingdom. Unlike other animals, we are responsible not for what we have, but for what we could have; not for what we are, but for what we could become. If we are to take credit for our successes, we must assume responsibility for our failures. Trying to hide our failures with excuses is like concealing a small hole in our garment with a large patch; it only makes the matter worse. This analogy is taken from Shakespeare who wrote:

"And oftentimes, excusing of a fault,
Doth make a fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches set upon a little breach,
Discredit more in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so patch'd."

Excuses are harmful because they prevent one from succeeding. When we make excuses and repeat them often enough, they become a belief. The belief then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, a sales rep discouraged by his poor sales starts to blame the price of his product. "No one wants to buy it because it's too expensive." he says. After repeatedly making this excuse, he begins to believe it is true. The result? Dismal sales. Compare this with a responsible sales rep. After hearing many prospects complain about the high price, he accepts responsibility. "It is my fault they are complaining, " the rep says, "for I haven't justified the cost of my product by adequately pointing out its value." Once we accept responsibility, we can evaluate our actions and take corrective measures to find solutions to our problems. Excuses, on the other hand, are like stop signs; they halt our progress.

By refusing to make excuses and embracing responsibility, we reap many rewards. The successes brought by this attitude act as a foundation for self-respect, pride, and confidence. Responsibility breeds competence and power. By living up to our promises and obligations, we win the trust of others. Once we are seen as trustworthy, people will willingly work with us, for our mutual gain. So, you see, making excuses can put the brakes on our progress, while accepting responsibility can lead us to the top.

How to stop making excuses and start building a life

1. Realize that your success or failure depends on you. It depends on the choices you make. It depends on your attitude. Resolve to start accepting responsibility today. Don't find an excuse, find a way. Don't make excuses, make good. Remember what Winston Churchill said, "Responsibility is the price of greatness."

2. Beware of rationalization. We make excuses to hide behavior we are ashamed of. Rationalization is the process of trying to hide shameful conduct from ourselves. This is dangerous because we become unaware of what we are doing. However, you can fight rationalization by looking for cues. For instance, if someone challenges your conduct and you become angry, it probably suggests you are guilty as charged. Why would you get angry, if you're innocent?

3. From time to time, stop and examine your progress. Compare where you are now with where you would like to be. Ask yourself why is there a gap between these two points. Don't make excuses. Make plans and take corrective action.

4. When you make a mistake, accept responsibility; learn from it; and don't repeat it. Use your time for discovering solutions instead of inventing excuses.

5. Plant your garden of success today:

First, plant 3 rows of peas;

Positive thinking

Next, plant 3 rows of squash;

Squash excuses
Squash blame
Squash criticism

Then, plant 3 rows of lettuce;

Let us be responsible
Let us be trustworthy
Let us be ambitious

Finish, with 3 rows of turnip;

Turn up when needed
Turn up with a smile
Turn up with confidence
4922 days ago by Officereply1

How many of us start making excuses when we find ourselves either under performing, not wanting to train, work, study or do anything? It’s a natural course to take as we think it provides allowance for our attitude or performance. Also, we feel it gives meaning and a reason for our situation and gives us an “out”. This however is a false notion that only leads us on a continuum of skill digression and apathy.

The correct path is that of personal accountability and responsibility. We have to “own” our actions and choices and stop making excuses. This is not easy to do and yet if we want to achieve things we’ve never had before we must do things we’ve never done. That means taking a good hard look inside at who we are and what we want. We have to “own it” then learn from it then change.

As we take responsibility and be honest about who we are, where we are and who & where we want to be we can then begin the journey to achieve it. .

52 days ago by Raymond123456
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else (Benjamin Franklin)

Most of us are guilty of having done something we shouldn't have or of not doing something we should have. When we are questioned about our misconduct, do we accept responsibility and admit we are at fault? Usually not. Instead we make excuses. Making excuses for mistakes is not new. In fact, we can trace this undesirable habit all the way back to the Garden of Eden. For when God asked Adam if he had eaten of the tree he was commanded not to, Adam created the world's first excuse, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12) And when God asked Eve what she had done, she gave the world's second excuse, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:13)

Excuses negate responsibility, and it is responsibility that separates man from the rest of the animal kingdom. Unlike other animals, we are responsible not for what we have, but for what we could have; not for what we are, but for what we could become. If we are to take credit for our successes, we must assume responsibility for our failures. Trying to hide our failures with excuses is like concealing a small hole in our garment with a large patch; it only makes the matter worse. This analogy is taken from Shakespeare who wrote:

"And oftentimes, excusing of a fault,
Doth make a fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches set upon a little breach,
Discredit more in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so patch'd."

Excuses are harmful because they prevent one from succeeding. When we make excuses and repeat them often enough, they become a belief. The belief then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, a sales rep discouraged by his poor sales starts to blame the price of his product. "No one wants to buy it because it's too expensive." he says. After repeatedly making this excuse, he begins to believe it is true. The result? Dismal sales. Compare this with a responsible sales rep. After hearing many prospects complain about the high price, he accepts responsibility. "It is my fault they are complaining, " the rep says, "for I haven't justified the cost of my product by adequately pointing out its value." Once we accept responsibility, we can evaluate our actions and take corrective measures to find solutions to our problems. Excuses, on the other hand, are like stop signs; they halt our progress.
4922 days ago by Officereply1

How many of us start making excuses when we find ourselves either under performing, not wanting to train, work, study or do anything? It’s a natural course to take as we think it provides allowance for our attitude or performance. Also, we feel it gives meaning and a reason for our situation and gives us an “out”. This however is a false notion that only leads us on a continuum of skill digression and apathy.

The correct path is that of personal accountability and responsibility. We have to “own” our actions and choices and stop making excuses. This is not easy to do and yet if we want to achieve things we’ve never had before we must do things we’ve never done. That means taking a good hard look inside at who we are and what we want. We have to “own it” then learn from it then change.

As we take responsibility and be honest about who we are, where we are and who & where we want to be we can then begin the journey to achieve it. .

52 days ago by Raymond123456
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else (Benjamin Franklin)

Most of us are guilty of having done something we shouldn't have or of not doing something we should have. When we are questioned about our misconduct, do we accept responsibility and admit we are at fault? Usually not. Instead we make excuses. Making excuses for mistakes is not new. In fact, we can trace this undesirable habit all the way back to the Garden of Eden. For when God asked Adam if he had eaten of the tree he was commanded not to, Adam created the world's first excuse, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12) And when God asked Eve what she had done, she gave the world's second excuse, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:13)

Excuses negate responsibility, and it is responsibility that separates man from the rest of the animal kingdom. Unlike other animals, we are responsible not for what we have, but for what we could have; not for what we are, but for what we could become. If we are to take credit for our successes, we must assume responsibility for our failures. Trying to hide our failures with excuses is like concealing a small hole in our garment with a large patch; it only makes the matter worse. This analogy is taken from Shakespeare who wrote:

"And oftentimes, excusing of a fault,
Doth make a fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches set upon a little breach,
Discredit more in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so patch'd."

Excuses are harmful because they prevent one from succeeding. When we make excuses and repeat them often enough, they become a belief. The belief then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, a sales rep discouraged by his poor sales starts to blame the price of his product. "No one wants to buy it because it's too expensive." he says. After repeatedly making this excuse, he begins to believe it is true. The result? Dismal sales. Compare this with a responsible sales rep. After hearing many prospects complain about the high price, he accepts responsibility. "It is my fault they are complaining, " the rep says, "for I haven't justified the cost of my product by adequately pointing out its value." Once we accept responsibility, we can evaluate our actions and take corrective measures to find solutions to our problems. Excuses, on the other hand, are like stop signs; they halt our progress.

By refusing to make excuses and embracing responsibility, we reap many rewards. The successes brought by this attitude act as a foundation for self-respect, pride, and confidence. Responsibility breeds competence and power. By living up to our promises and obligations, we win the trust of others. Once we are seen as trustworthy, people will willingly work with us, for our mutual gain. So, you see, making excuses can put the brakes on our progress, while accepting responsibility can lead us to the top.

How to stop making excuses and start building a life

1. Realize that your success or failure depends on you. It depends on the choices you make. It depends on your attitude. Resolve to start accepting responsibility today. Don't find an excuse, find a way. Don't make excuses, make good. Remember what Winston Churchill said, "Responsibility is the price of greatness."

2. Beware of rationalization. We make excuses to hide behavior we are ashamed of. Rationalization is the process of trying to hide shameful conduct from ourselves. This is dangerous because we become unaware of what we are doing. However, you can fight rationalization by looking for cues. For instance, if someone challenges your conduct and you become angry, it probably suggests you are guilty as charged. Why would you get angry, if you're innocent?

3. From time to time, stop and examine your progress. Compare where you are now with where you would like to be. Ask yourself why is there a gap between these two points. Don't make excuses. Make plans and take corrective action.

4. When you make a mistake, accept responsibility; learn from it; and don't repeat it. Use your time for discovering solutions instead of inventing excuses.

5. Plant your garden of success today:

First, plant 3 rows of peas;

Positive thinking

Next, plant 3 rows of squash;

Squash excuses
Squash blame
Squash criticism

Then, plant 3 rows of lettuce;

Let us be responsible
Let us be trustworthy
Let us be ambitious

Finish, with 3 rows of turnip;

Turn up when needed
Turn up with a smile
Turn up with confidence
4922 days ago by Officereply1

How many of us start making excuses when we find ourselves either under performing, not wanting to train, work, study or do anything? It’s a natural course to take as we think it provides allowance for our attitude or performance. Also, we feel it gives meaning and a reason for our situation and gives us an “out”. This however is a false notion that only leads us on a continuum of skill digression and apathy.

The correct path is that of personal accountability and responsibility. We have to “own” our actions and choices and stop making excuses. This is not easy to do and yet if we want to achieve things we’ve never had before we must do things we’ve never done. That means taking a good hard look inside at who we are and what we want. We have to “own it” then learn from it then change.

As we take responsibility and be honest about who we are, where we are and who & where we want to be we can then begin the journey to achieve it. .

52 days ago by Raymond123456
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else (Benjamin Franklin)

Most of us are guilty of having done something we shouldn't have or of not doing something we should have. When we are questioned about our misconduct, do we accept responsibility and admit we are at fault? Usually not. Instead we make excuses. Making excuses for mistakes is not new. In fact, we can trace this undesirable habit all the way back to the Garden of Eden. For when God asked Adam if he had eaten of the tree he was commanded not to, Adam created the world's first excuse, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12) And when God asked Eve what she had done, she gave the world's second excuse, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:13)

Excuses negate responsibility, and it is responsibility that separates man from the rest of the animal kingdom. Unlike other animals, we are responsible not for what we have, but for what we could have; not for what we are, but for what we could become. If we are to take credit for our successes, we must assume responsibility for our failures. Trying to hide our failures with excuses is like concealing a small hole in our garment with a large patch; it only makes the matter worse. This analogy is taken from Shakespeare who wrote:

"And oftentimes, excusing of a fault,
Doth make a fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches set upon a little breach,
Discredit more in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so patch'd."

Excuses are harmful because they prevent one from succeeding. When we make excuses and repeat them often enough, they become a belief. The belief then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, a sales rep discouraged by his poor sales starts to blame the price of his product. "No one wants to buy it because it's too expensive." he says. After repeatedly making this excuse, he begins to believe it is true. The result? Dismal sales. Compare this with a responsible sales rep. After hearing many prospects complain about the high price, he accepts responsibility. "It is my fault they are complaining, " the rep says, "for I haven't justified the cost of my product by adequately pointing out its value." Once we accept responsibility, we can evaluate our actions and take corrective measures to find solutions to our problems. Excuses, on the other hand, are like stop signs; they halt our progress.

By refusing to make excuses and embracing responsibility, we reap many rewards. The successes brought by this attitude act as a foundation for self-respect, pride, and confidence. Responsibility breeds competence and power. By living up to our promises and obligations, we win the trust of others. Once we are seen as trustworthy, people will willingly work with us, for our mutual gain. So, you see, making excuses can put the brakes on our progress, while accepting responsibility can lead us to the top.

How to stop making excuses and start building a life

1. Realize that your success or failure depends on you. It depends on the choices you make. It depends on your attitude. Resolve to start accepting responsibility today. Don't find an excuse, find a way. Don't make excuses, make good. Remember what Winston Churchill said, "Responsibility is the price of greatness."

2. Beware of rationalization. We make excuses to hide behavior we are ashamed of. Rationalization is the process of trying to hide shameful conduct from ourselves. This is dangerous because we become unaware of what we are doing. However, you can fight rationalization by looking for cues. For instance, if someone challenges your conduct and you become angry, it probably suggests you are guilty as charged. Why would you get angry, if you're innocent?

3. From time to time, stop and examine your progress. Compare where you are now with where you would like to be. Ask yourself why is there a gap between these two points. Don't make excuses. Make plans and take corrective action.

4. When you make a mistake, accept responsibility; learn from it; and don't repeat it. Use your time for discovering solutions instead of inventing excuses.

5. Plant your garden of success today:

First, plant 3 rows of peas;

Positive thinking

Next, plant 3 rows of squash;

Squash excuses
Squash blame
Squash criticism

Then, plant 3 rows of lettuce;

Let us be responsible
Let us be trustworthy
Let us be ambitious

Finish, with 3 rows of turnip;

Turn up when needed
Turn up with a smile
Turn up with confidence
4922 days ago by Officereply1
4922 days ago by Office4321
One again another fake post by a competitor. Firstly I hate mountain due but I do drink monster energy drinks and yes I know they are bad for It's been years since I have drank a mountain due. This nothing more than a competitor trying to soil my my name and my Mega event which is a non pitch-a-thon event and is sold out with 700 people coming. The reason why every event is sold out is because we provide a WOW experience and my staff is about about building value and not selling. The concept and strategies that I teach cannot be found in any book and are based on things going on today's market. I am a full time investor and entrepreneur, my events are non pitch-a-thon. Our average students attends over 10 events of ours because they are content based.

Do you actually think a current employee would post something while still working for me... But don't worry my attorneys are going to court to get an injunction and get the exact IP address of this post so we can file a lawsuit. Our students are happy, just take a look at the legist posts that are posted at Here are some of those reviews. They are 110 % Legit and you can call my office we will show you the originals.


P.S. I pay my employees double then the industry standard FYI.

P.P.S. Here are some real reviews of what people think of me. I have over 2000 of them. At every event we have them fill it out.

If you aspire to be your best – you need a coach.

I have had JT Coaching as my #1 Coach for some time now. JT has helped me to focus my business and marketing efforts and learn to use my assets effectively to create the business and life I want. JT brings his coaches and mentors to me so that I can benefit directly from him and from his coaches and mentors. I have learned that experience is a lot more expensive than coaching by someone who has been there and done that. Everyone who aspires to do their best needs coaches and JT is one of the best

Tom S

JT’s coaching is inspirational

JT as a coach has been an inspiration in my life. The energy that he brings to the table just electrifies me and kick starts my own energy taking it to levels I have not had before. The most exiting coach I have ever been with. His knowledge is incredible, he shows you how, why, and you will not believe how much JT can teach you


Coaching me to success JT Coaching:

He is quick on the fly, willing to come up with the perfect help/name for your business, to help maximize your business venture. He is straight forward and to the point, which is what I like and need because of my military background. I need to see and hear it like it is – then me personally will act on it. I know with the right coach and information I will act on it because he has the experience and success. I will succeed thanks to his recommendations and coaching.

Michael C

Coaching has shown me a whole different world of Business

JT and his progams have taken me out of my comfort zone and brought me into a new world of Business relationships I could never have accessed prior

JT Mega Event – top event for business growth

Times have been lean and we’ve had to work on reinventing ourselves and our business model. This year we decided to cut back on travel/education expenses for our business, but the one event we decided we weren’t going to miss was the Mega Event!

This will be the 3rd time we have gone to and each time we have connected with sharp business-minded, entrepreneurial-spirited people. What we like about Mega Partnering is that it is a chance to listen to successful business people and not be constantly pitched to. JT and his staff put a lot of effort in packing the day full of content and yet leaving enough time to network with others in the crowd. This is the one event we couldn’t afford to miss.

Lisa, Anchorage, AK
4918 days ago by Anonymous
Raymond Aaron has a very bad temper.
4904 days ago by LMASS-Sucked
I just returned from the LMASS (Local Mobile and Social Media Seminar) conference in San Antonio hosted by Ryan Deiss from Sep 16-18, 2011 . It was supposed to be about internet marketing, but was hijacked by JT Foxx and his Charlatans to sell us their coaching program.
I agree with everything that the original posted said about JT. He is a phony. After working with many high-net-worth individuals like JT claims to be, their orientation and posture is nothing like this man. I felt JT was insecure, fake, arrogant and deceitful… not qualities I would want in a coach, irrespective of his “supposed” success.
Those adept at analyzing his techniques can see through his poor attempt at mass hypnosis and desire to create a cult-following for his BS. Turn and run. There are plenty of legitimate coaching/training programs out there… JT’s isn’t one of them in my view.
4820 days ago by Shameonjtfoxx
Ask JT aka Justin Gorenko) about his Chicago real estate ventures. He's losing his partners well over 2 million when all is said and done.
4635 days ago by Jtinvestigation
There is an on-going investigation into the alleged fraudulat activities of Justin Gorenko aka JT Foxx and his partner(s).

Those interested in giving evidence to support the investigation should come forward. The results of this investigation will be made public and handed to authorities.
4432 days ago by Spongebob
I remember this scam artist Raymond doing buy real estate with no mo ey down scam shows over 30 years ago and went to one of his seminars because he gave a phoney award at her high school with turned out it was just to get her there to work for free. Such bull crap, can't believe he is still singing the same song just different lyrics
4424 days ago by Twinkle
Im at the Raymond Aarron Ultimate Author's Bootcamp right now, and am so disguisted with several things and I want those hours lost from my life BACK.

The sales sales sales antics and the cheesy anticipation games for how much they charge for these author programs are so RUDE to waste so much time from this... and the motivational stories that dont have ANYTHING to do with the BOOK WRITING factor along with the fact the stories themselves can take up to AN HOUR to explain... when the HELL am I GOING TO LEARN ANYTHING??? ... and the fact that 80% of the time has been about general story telling is SO WRONG becuase I gave up a valuable weekend on this and the ROI was a SHAME... The MOST disgusting thing is how he is selling you the opportunity to write a book to open up doors for you, since bookwriting makes you look like THE expert on THAT subject, and SURE IM SURE IT WORKS, BUT BUT BUT, the fact that he is provoking any bum off the street to do this is to tell all unesucated people to wrote books and expect "expert" status, which if they do, then the books I read are a miracle becuase i actually read books from people who ARE educated, in the business for a ton of years, have a serious history, etc. and Raymond Aaron is telling you to just write and then you will be that person... but to write, YOU HAVE TO BUY HIS TOOLS!

while I came here to LEARN NOW NOW NOW at the "Seminar" ..instead, it's ALL about selling into this program in 500 different ways... and the time to sell these programs is the time that I was seeking to LEARN SOMETHING.

Fastforward -- he just wasted mine and 240 other people's time breaking a bow and arrow with his neck and a table, and that has to do with WRITING HOW???!!! AND THEN, Im suppose to lose ANOTHER HOUR of MY VALUABLE TIME learning how to break an arrow with MY NECK, but first I must sign a release FORM! Where is the AUTHOR WRITING TOOLS????????????!!!

I asked both days so far all of the girls there including some of the speakers WHAT the schedule looks like so that I can make an executive decision on WHAT pieces i want to attend since I feel robbed so far, and NONE OF THEM KNEW the answer while their answer was from one of the speakers, "we're changing it as we go along with the day" and Im thinking what the hell, because you have a FULL TOUR ahead of that is total BULL and everything IS planned since the tech guy knows when to mic someone up, etc. Its ridiculous.

The sad thing is Raymond knows a TON of info and we're all sitting here LOOKING TO ABSORB some of it and I swear, I have learned more in the 1st hour of the 1st day, than I have in the entire conference since the 1st hour truly was a "hook"... and then at the end of the day, the whopping price is _____________ ...wait wait wait... the whopping price has now gone down to __________________ HOLD IT ...never in history have I offered what Im about to offer... today ONLY ... ONLY TODAY you can get the X, Y, Z, A, D, FF, W, RR, W for $_______CHACHING_________

...and wait a minute...when do i learn something IN the seminar????

I just packed my stuff and am leaving before I have to sign the waiver form from hurting myself breaking an arrow with my neck. Cheers.
4401 days ago by Wasabi
Weather you like it or not you have to pay you dues... one way or the other... If you do not pay your dues, guess what, you will be slave for rest of your life conditioned by top businesses... JT and Rayond teaches very good content and contexts... I am a student of multiple organizations and getting Mentoring and coaching trhough them...

I know price is freaking high and as regular Joe on street it is not easy to afford the money... but back to basic... If I do not pay my due up front I will be alwyas be 95% tile giving my salery away pay check to pay check...

Choice is yours ... None of empire was built in over night... It is painful but at least I can see the light in endo of tunnel!
4220 days ago by What's Up B
Business and its operator has to be transparent and not lying to others... however, I have found JT had been lying when he sees oppertunity to reposition him self...

JT is a brillient man and genius at what he does. hope he undertands definition of truth and be more transparent on things he would say and market.
4195 days ago by Wasabi2
JT cares about only him self... He is great at Laying... He does not care about anyone else but him... He tells people he cares about his client... in reality... JT ONLY CARES ABOUY HIM SELF...
2545 days ago by Aceman149
I don't see how anyone can call JT Foxx a crook. He tells us how he works the con himself, and it goes like this:
Pay money to celebrities to have pictures taken with them - this gives you the appearance of being somebody, builds you up. Present these pictures on your website and anywhere potential customers are looking and they will be impressed! Well...only the dumb ones, but hey, they have money too, right? And we can help ourselves to that money.
Next, talk yourself up. Throw around dazzling figures, about all the millions you are making, how your coachees have seen their businesses sky-rocket, but just give the headlines. Never ever explain what their business does or how it grew. Claim to own over 50 businesses yourself but, again, don't tell anyone what these businesses do.
And then there is the radio show. Claim to be so important in the business community that you have your own syndicated radio show. Even have a website for this show where you display the logos of the stations youur show airs on every week on a Saturday. This one is totally safe because noone will contact these radio stations to check whether they have you on their schedule. Well, JT, ol' buddy, that is exactly what I did. And one had some contact with you 6 years ago ... because you bought some airtime ... so you could claim to host a radio-show.
Baboozle your audience with all the cities you are travelling to and from, giving these seminars. No-one ever asks who the hell is running your 50 businesses or why these seminars are as important. I own a business. It cost me 17 EUR to register it. So 50 businesses I could get for 850 EUR, which is peanuts. And the real reason for going to a different country every day is the need to find fresh suckers.

Now JT tells us the celebrity meets are paid for, so that bit is honest. But then he goes on to give the impression that there are loads of celebs in regular contact with him but there just isn't enough time in a day.

The really elegant part of his scheme is that he tells his audience how to fake being important ... but plenty of listeners still seem to believe in JT, despite being told how to fake it. I've told you how to pretend being important but when I tell you that I really am important, you believe me. OK, that's enough, just give me your money and go away.
And off they trot, to the tables at the back to sign up for bogus coaching for thousands of Euros or a 90-minute DVD at just under 500 Euros about whose contents they know nothing. We've just listened to JT and his warm-up hamster for 4 hours and learned nothing of substance about Speaking, Coaching or Training.

Next time he comes to town, I'm going along. I'll save as many people as I can.

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