Rate My Horse Pro |
Slanderous reporting and questionable ethics |
12th of Feb, 2012 by Enoughisenough |
Rate My Horse Pro is the self proclaimed watchdog for the equestrian community. The problem is they are nothing more than an internet tabloid that attempts to destroy people's lives over nothing more than a personal vendetta. They claim to be a place that you can `rate' equestrian professionals for the sum of $5 but the truth is that anybody is fair game, regardless of your professional or amateur stats.. Also, if they don't like what you say or how you rate somebody, their terms of use state that they will deleted your ratings and keep your money.
The owner of RMHP, Debbie Goad Hanson, operates under the alias of Lucia Carroll and creeps around the internet looking for the next `big thing' to hitch her publicity wagon to. All the better if she can skew the facts to create a scandal. If she or one of her pals, don't like you she will trump up lies and half truths and post them as fact. Hanson also uses more than one facebook and internet account to bump up her ratings.
Hanson, caused damage, pain and suffering to an amateur horseman in New York that suffered and unimagineable tragedy in the name of ratings and out of vengence for her friend, Michele DeVinney Schmoll, hurt feelings. Partnered with another organization that is not what they would have you believe, Netposse, this pit of vipers make money and ratings on the misfortune of others. They don't even have the fortitude to identify themselves when calling for information and are very selective on who they get their information from and what they choose to report. This results in them posting outright lies and they refuse any attempts at setting the record straight.
Anybody that has any dealings with this website or women, need to think twice. They basically blackmail horse people into paying their fee to even read their own ratings and encourage others to pay up and rate, so that they wont' fall into the crosshairs of RMHP and get a bunch of negative publicity. The horse communtiy needs to weed out this bad apple and refuse to be blackmailed for ratings any longer... |
Do you have screen shots showing that Mr. Neff personally removed the posts? If so, post them here. I'd like to see them. At any rate, the site was originally to get information out and organize ground searches. It was never meant as a public opinion forum or news outlet. Certain people were absolutely removed from that site, that were causing trouble. That has never been denied. However, their posts were kept with screen shots as well as freedom of speech does not grant one the right to spread lies and make accusations without proof.
The national publicity Mr. Neff received was hardly the type anybody would desire. You can't google his name without the trash piece that RMHP wrote coming up on the first page. Meanwhile, RMHP posted links to their article on him on nearly every available newsource. Kim Tudor you will have to ask herself. She is the one that stated that `the entire horse community is watching' and was overly publicity conscious from the outset. Netposse, decided that they weren't going to be a search resource and went for the tabloid angle to get in on the google ratings as well, only to lead you to their page where they are begging for money and selling cheesecakes so Debi Bailey Metcalfe can take another all expense paid vacation without ever actually getting off her ass. She does NOTHING to help recover lost horses that you can't get for free yourself.
As far as the grants...Do you have proof that he has actually received any money to date? Are you aware of what the estimated clean up costs for his land actually is?
Liarliar sounds a lot like somebody else that was involved in the early days that was really concered with how much money Mr. Neff may or may not be worth and the value of his herd...hmmmm |
"Early on in the disaster, Mr. Neff talked about his "breeding program" and how he had just had a high level horse person come to try out and possibly purchase one of the horses he lost in the flood. Remember now, Mr, Neff claims he is not a "breeder" nor does he engage in any form of income production from his horses... yes, NOW, he says that -- since he has been written about in RMHP."
This is absolutely false. This horse was never for sale and never would have been for sale. The `high level horse person' had requested to see the horse and assessed the horse to perhaps show him FOR Mr. Neff. It was a wonderful opportunity for this young stallion. Mr. Neff's desire was always to develop a `sport' thoroughbred that could compete on a national level. Even had he sold a horse, that does not make him a professional. Does that make everybody that sells a horse an equestrian professional? |
you know what ya'll (his suckers) need to move on from him 'cause when the menure hits the fan you will only be dragged into his criminal corner and he wont bail you out, he will start the panic and tears and you will all be left out in the cold.He's a conieving starving fake artist who can sell a lie and so now he's trying to use peoples sympathys to sell his paintings.when will he get it?and when will all you others get it? LIFE!!try getting one and let him fly! |
Ok, first off, please take the time to use spell check because I can barely understand what you are saying. Calling names is hardly helping your case. I'm no `sucker'. Unlike you and the RMHP posse, I KNOW Mr. Neff and have the facts and have seen the proof. There is nothing to hide. Why are you so bothered by the fact he is a working artist? Is all of this jealousy motivated? Really? You want to ruin a man's life and reputation because you are jealous? Wow. |
Ok we will all move on, as soon as Rate My Horse Pro and Netposse retract their lies! See, that was easy. Oh, wait, all the protest from the on-the-ground search group witnesses isn't enough to make them question their sources, so they will continue to leave the lies up and enjoy the publicity. Guess we can't move on yet. |
I agree with Rapemyhorsepro. We are not moving on with anything until justice has been made.
Pretty woman 3, wasn't that a french pornografic movie? Hmmm...
Rate My Horse Pro and Netposse need to retract their lies.
TRUTH will prevail. I can promise you that... |
Strange, that when confronted by honestly and fact, the RMHP posse retreats... |
How about it, owner of RMHP, Debbie Goad Hanson, alias/Lucia Carroll ?
Michele DeVinney Schmoll/Netposse?
Where are you hiding now? Can't delete these postings, can you?
Why don't you come clean? About ALL the people that you have tried to/ruined's, lives?
Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot?
The TRUTH will find you... Just like a sword of light, right in your face.
Our force is strong, we will not give up. |
They can not handle the truth... |
What is rate my horse pro? |
It is a website that charges you $5 to rate various horse professionals. It also charges you that amount to read those ratings or make comments. They can and will delete any ratings and comments you make that aren't to their liking, but will not refund the money. They also write some fiction on people that piss them off and post it all across the internet. They are partnered with Netposse aka Stolen Horse International, which is another internet scam organization. Basically, they extort money from equestrian professionals so taht you can monitor your own ratings in order not to get in their crosshairs and have them write a fiction piece on you.
The question should be WHO is rate my horse pro. That would be Debbie Goad Hanson aka Lucia Carroll (her alias for dirty work). She is bitter housewife who was your typical horse show mom. She got swindled out of her daughter' show pony some years ago and has been basically an angry woman on a mission ever since. She is attempting to turn her lawsuit victory into a career where she can travel around to various horse events and shmooze with important people. She operates out of Back Bay Farms in Virginia, but that is owned (for now) by Eugene Hansen.
RMHP wrote a trash piece on the missing 22 horses in NY after Tropical Storm Irene, full of lies and complete fabrication. When confronted by several people that knew the truth of what happened and offered to give their version of events, RMHP deleted their posts, banned them and continued to link their work of fiction all across the internet. Effectively, kicking a man who had lost his herd of horses in a horrific tragedy and then proceeding to slander him and interfere with his ability to earn his living as an artist, which he as done for several years. The truly astounding part of all of this is that this man was not and is not an equestrian professional. (RMHP alleges to be for rating PROFESSIONAL horse people). What makes it worse, is that Debbie Hanson did this to seek vengence over her friend, Michele DeVinney Schmoll's hurt feelings.
In my opinion, the horse world needs to take a stand against this scam and shut it down. |
Further details and proof of their lies can be found in this Rip Off Report
http://www.ripoffreport.com/animal-services/rate-my-horse-pro/rate-my-horse-pro-lucia-carrol-7a21a.htm |
I will NOT write all that I'm thinking right now. I need to cool off. Who is this person, really, who has posted all this anti-Leland Neff stuff??? Oh named LiarPantsonFire, now THAT makes sense. Calling his friends minions drinking koolaid, what?????? He has been an acclaimed artist for many years AND has had a website with his work. How cruel of this person... Leland lost his family, all your nonsense about him is just downright mean. And many of the neighbors have had it out for him for years. Liar writes like he is one of them, surely must be...I will write again.
Thank you enoughisenough, chipmunk and squirrels!!!
Interesting that Liar knows so many names |
$5 to pay a "site" or "someone" to be able to view a persons opinion relating to what? I looked through thier website and it looks more like a foolish tabloid than anything? And to repost tragic stories like the one about Hickstand (hope I spelled the horses' name right) why would "RMHP" add a link like that to their site? Drama? Sad stories sell? Lies and half truths sell...but to charge someone a $5 fee seems like a waste of money. Hopefully the state AG will take a look at sites like RMHP and freeze any of thier assets until they removed such complete lies about Mr. Neff...better yet I hope someone like Mr. Neff takes what sounds and looks like a good liable and defamation of character suit against RMHP right to court and gets the "owners" banned from using the internet. RMHP should be ashamed for allowing and posting their garbage of a story" about how "Mr Neff comes clean"...how about RMHP lies to gain web hits!!! |
What I am wondering is why the neighbors and many other members of the Schoharie County were unwilling to offer Mr. Neff any assistance during the disaster but are perfectly willing to block his access to parts of his property, to harass him, spread slander through various outlets, etc. And this has not been just since the Irene flooding. What is your motivation for doing this? Why do you heap ignominy on him for the loss of his horses, but spare all the others who lost horses, cattle, sheep and other animals during from the same verbal assaults? If you are a resident of Schoharie Cty at this point, what business is it of yours to even meddle, trespass or interfere in Mr. Neff's affairs in any way at this point. It seems that - without any invitation to do so - you are unleashing a vicious attack on someone that is way beyond the bounds of acceptable conduct in this country. Don't you have anything else positive going for you in your lives? It appears that you have been asked to cease and desist now or face the legal consequences for your actions. |
Mr Neff wrote this and then deleted it. But yet he wonders why the locals will not help him...lol Seems to be some of the same type of slanderous behavior that is bothering all of you????
Leland Neff
My other neighbor or the south side that is quoted in the Rate My Horse Pro article... Bobby Mann. Bobby Mann is my tax assessor. His son the supervisor of the town. His other son is married to the judge's sister. Bobby Mann's sister in law is the town clerk in the town that divides by farm, between the house and the barn. He is the good ole boys club's president. He works as a stock boy at Walmart and drives a school bus, and cuts a minimum amount of hay to get his ag. deduction. Bobby Mann also plows driveways in the winter, and other odd jobs. I've never once seen him do any physical work. He lived in the trailer next to his Uncle's house all his life and was the chore boy and has now been elevated to the big house upon the death of his uncle. He forced the uncle in his old age to rid the farm of the cows because he didn't want to do that much manual work. He's filed bankruptcy several times so rumor has it and rumors are rampant up here especially coming from his mouth. Bobby Mann has no teeth nor dentures. Yet he buys super expensive recreational trailers and collects antique Dodge Ram trucks. He claims his farm is the oldest family run farm in the valley. He has a huge dump yard of old vehicles... Bobby Mann coveted my land but could not afford to buy it. His brother in law used to rent my land for crops.
The family that I bought the land from, the Zehs, and Bobby Mann have had feuds for as long as they've been alive. I unknowingly inherited that when I bought the farm. Bobby Mann has openly said that I'm nothing but a city man buying "his" land. I have an easement through his land to get to my 90 acre horse field.
Bobby Mann was born with the gift of gab. Gab he does and his favorite topic is Leland. The things I have heard him say about me are beyond belief incredible. What? You've got to be kidding? I have heard such stories about this man Leland Neff that he's created that I know for sure I've never met the Leland Neff that he knows.
So problems with the neighbor Bobby Mann started from my buying the property and paying cash. Then to top it off I'm a known artist. I was living in the city at sometime in my life, actually all the fashion cities. and as they say I live an alternate lifestyle whatever that means.
My idea of the farm and the reason that I bought 150 acres with 90 acres of rich bottom land was to produce hay. I had an extremely wealthy backer. She was to buy every bale produced on my farm and a hefty price. This woman who's family owns the second largest hedge fund company has gone on to buy farms in Kentucky next to the horse park, farms in Florida next to the show grounds, sponsors an olympic rider and buys horses in the million dollar range by the half dozen. She was a very good friend. She was an extremely good client. I have done many paintings for her, photographed for her as well as doing her website images.
So I ask Bobby Mann to cut and bale the hay the year after planting. He cut the first 1500 bales and was in the field freshly cut. I called my client who has trucks and staff to come and get it. All was prepared. Then I go out to the field one morning by 8 and all the bales are gone! They were there at sunset the night before. Gone and the workers were just carting off the last wagons. One man that I knew said that he had bought it for $1.25 a bale. My hay. I had sold it to my investor for $8.50 a bale. Needless to say my investor/ friend was extremely angry. Her plan was for the hay from my farm to sustain her herd on Long Island all year.
Then Bobby Mann cuts the next 1000 bales for me. What could I do? I mean he was the man I was counting on. So he cuts and bales the next 1000 bales. I load it with a friend onto my truck, no wagons or help provided from Bobby Mann. We load it into my barn. And it starts heating up within a couple of days to the point we knew it had to be removed otherwise the barns might burn down. I single handedly remove 1000 bales and take it back the 7 miles around to the field to dump it there. All rotted, molded and was unusable. Again my client, now ex friend and investor was beyond belief upset. I lost her as a friend, backer and client and the projected income from my farm. It has been 7 years this spring when this hay incident occurred that I have not allowed Bobby Mann onto my property. He has not been on my property by the time of the flood in 6 1/2 years.
To continue with the Bobby Mann tales:
I always wondered why this huge hole existed between and on the property line between Bobby Mann's farm and mine. It never made sense that it would be there. Then coincidentally the same day he tells me that he mistakenly took the soil and sold it the same day that the Zehs tell me that they knew Bobby Mann had taken the soil. That was sometime after the big flood in 96. When it flooded my first flood here that hole redirected the water flow down the middle of my pasture, 90 acres causing huge, vast amounts of erosion. The soil down the middle of the field went down river leaving holes and a canal up to 12 feet deep in places and removing acres and acres of soil. I always, always believed that Bobby Mann knew the flow of the tributaries and what changing it's route could do to my land the the Zeh's. Oh forgot to say the Zeh's somehow or other also lost 18 acres once in a boundary dispute which still shows up sometimes as the boundary line as it seemed to be historically.
Next saga... My fence line was mysteriously cut year after year in the winter on the property line dividing my farm and Bobby Mann. It stopped the day when the police arrived. The police agreed that it was cut and sabotaged.
So there are other issues. Bobby claims that my easement goes down this tributary where it floods and down between his junk pile where he's stashed all the trucks into a truck, metal graveyard. I had never seen anyone ever use this road to get to my field. All people when originally driving from the Parslow his uncle's name land to mine used the easement that I was shown by the realtors, ... Yet he keeps pushing that I have to now drive down this flood tributary next to his junk yard.
So the tension that Bobby Mann held for what he saw as a city slicker "stealing" his land was evident by the look in his eyes, expression and body position and his hostility towards me has been witnessed by my visitors coming to visit me and the horses and has been on record.
Back to the Rate My Horse Pro article where it begins by quotes from Bobby Mann saying that he and neighbors called me to warn me of the flood. Bobby Mann has never called me even one time in the 7 years I've owned my farm. Bobby Mann did not move his antique Dodge Ram trucks to get them out of the flood. The flood was unexpected as has been witnessed all up and down the river. Lots of family farms lost lots of livestock. Families lost their possessions that they surely would have moved if the flood was predicted. So no, no neighbor especially Bobby Mann ever warned me of an impending flood. Bobby Mann has never given me hay. I have all receipts that I yes had bought hay from. None of the unidentified neighbors have ever been on my farm. I've not invited one with the exception of one worker from Bobby's that bush hogged in July/ August for one day. That's it. Bobby Mann in the article also says that he has allowed me to drive on his property and he will not any longer. I have a legal easement to drive on the easement "from the land of the Parslow's" to my land. Bobby Mann does not allow me to do anything.
Bobby Mann is somehow connected to the blacksmith Tessier, French group, and where they got their damaging gossip, that started this onslaught of libelous, slanderous statements.
12 hours ago
Leland Neff To continue about slanderous statements. I've been arrested. I sold my horses to Canada as dog food. I left them to die for insurance money. I never fed them. I am from the city, I just got my first horse. I didn't pay my taxes. I scammed New York State in Barn Grant money. There is not one statement above that has even the slightest bit of truth to it.
11 hours ago
Barbara Walter Is this how the French's are related to the Mann's; a quote from Joe French from facebook on Sept 3; "Stef, I am good friends with a land owners son, the land owner that allows the horses to cross his land to get to the land locked pasture."
11 hours ago • 1
Leland Neff Barbara I so glad that you found this. I believe that Joe French grew up with Bobby Mann's son, and I believe that son was Bobby Mann Jr. and I must also state that I've never given Joe French nor Mark Tessier and group permission to access my property.
11 hours ago
Leland Neff
As I said I am not from here. I had very good intentions moving here to be an asset to my new community. I quickly learned an outsider was unwelcome at least in my small vicinity. I've not invited one of these neighbors onto my property ...See More
11 hours ago
Shauna Dubrow
I myself moved to the country, in a new country no less! LA to a 3000 person town in British Colombia. After reading the holy hell you have been through I give thanks everyday for my community. We have had nothing but support and help fr...See More
9 hours ago • 2
Robin Friedman I'll help you Shauna. Let's go kick some ass. They want to act like trash? I will too!
9 hours ago via mobile • 1
Eb Weiss I hope you are working with a lawyer to clear this all up, Leland. In fact, when he stole your hay and sold it for peanuts you should have sued.
2 hours ago • 3
Leland Neff
I've been organizing the documentation to present which is vast. However even if one wins an internet slander/ libel case the rubbish never comes off the internet. It is if my belief correct forever there. It is as though one is tried wi...See More
2 hours ago |
Or this...is this ok behavior from a Proffesional person???? But it is okay - for the friends of Leland to say anything they want??? Not a double standard??
Leland Neff
Here we go!!
Rate My Horse Pro Scam Report - Slanderous reporting and questionable ethics
User reports and information about Rate My Horse Pro. Slanderous reporting and questionable ethics
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3 people like this.
Leland Neff Thanks Robin.
5 hours ago · Like
Carina Vretman Please re-post and ask others to do same. This talks about is a crime against horsemen!
5 hours ago · Like · 1
Carol Mooney-Croote The whole dam lot of them are simply-A'holes & Backstabbing biatches~It's a shame of the mentality in people~
about a minute ago · Like
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Someone might want to check the laws, because this type of advise works both ways...just a thought - Oh thanks for the legal advise!
Sara Drake All these people who are ranting and interfering in Leland's business as an artist, etc. should be aware that there is a punishable civil offense called "tortious interference in the conduct of a business". That usually means the people cannot act to block or make it impossible for you to conduct a business in the open market. By slandering Leland's business they are opening themselves up for civil prosecution and usually the payment of a significant fine for all the damages. The plaintiff is entitled to claim damages and even punitive damages for this type of offense. The fact that they are doing so indicates a real ignorance of the law (and ignorance is no defense in a court of law), which is why most people would never get involved in this kind of activity, because being found guilty could wipe out all their personal assets - they could lose everything they own.
43 minutes ago · Like · 3 |
Everyone is entitled to free speech, but free speech means responsible use of the privilege. What I have seen in this matter is many people with absolutely no knowledge of the facts or the law, acquaintance with the people involved, no commitment to stating the truth, etc. - which are signs of the irresponsible use of free speech - using any and every possible forum to simply mouth off and defame a person. If you are going to run someone down and are not sure if you know the facts, do so in a private message. If you do so in public, you could be opening yourself up for an expensive lawsuit that could empty out your pockets and your bank accounts and forfeit everything you own, because slander and libel and the many other legal offenses you are committing are all prosecutable and punishable in the thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Add on the expensive fees for a lawyer and loss of time and pay while you sit in court. That is why smart people don't do this, They zip it and confine their public statements to statements of fact and truth - and they definitely stay out of the slander and libel arena, unless they have huge liability insurance policies to fall back on.
It is really time for all these ignorant people to stop the mouthing off and start protecting themselves better. Because at the moment, they hare simply placing all their assets in the hands of a judge. |
Been searching for information on this event because of all the negative comments and found these letters to editor of the Mountain Eagle and article which clued me in to some very interesting facts that aren't mentioned.
It seems like Mr. Neff got help and bashed them while they were still helping him and won't admit it. No one is responsible for what happened to Mr. Neff's 22 horses. He needs to stop pointing fingers at organizations and people that stepped up to help him in his "darkest hour". I do hope at some point he can find peace for his own actions.
NetPosse Organization is Vital..
Setting the Record Straight
Clearing Up Misunderstandings
Involved in the Effort
http://www.thedailymail.org/articles/2011/10/13/the_mountain_eagle/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/doc4e96f82491c8e903147727.txt |
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