Rate My Horse Pro |
Slanderous reporting and questionable ethics |
12th of Feb, 2012 by Enoughisenough |
Rate My Horse Pro is the self proclaimed watchdog for the equestrian community. The problem is they are nothing more than an internet tabloid that attempts to destroy people's lives over nothing more than a personal vendetta. They claim to be a place that you can `rate' equestrian professionals for the sum of $5 but the truth is that anybody is fair game, regardless of your professional or amateur stats.. Also, if they don't like what you say or how you rate somebody, their terms of use state that they will deleted your ratings and keep your money.
The owner of RMHP, Debbie Goad Hanson, operates under the alias of Lucia Carroll and creeps around the internet looking for the next `big thing' to hitch her publicity wagon to. All the better if she can skew the facts to create a scandal. If she or one of her pals, don't like you she will trump up lies and half truths and post them as fact. Hanson also uses more than one facebook and internet account to bump up her ratings.
Hanson, caused damage, pain and suffering to an amateur horseman in New York that suffered and unimagineable tragedy in the name of ratings and out of vengence for her friend, Michele DeVinney Schmoll, hurt feelings. Partnered with another organization that is not what they would have you believe, Netposse, this pit of vipers make money and ratings on the misfortune of others. They don't even have the fortitude to identify themselves when calling for information and are very selective on who they get their information from and what they choose to report. This results in them posting outright lies and they refuse any attempts at setting the record straight.
Anybody that has any dealings with this website or women, need to think twice. They basically blackmail horse people into paying their fee to even read their own ratings and encourage others to pay up and rate, so that they wont' fall into the crosshairs of RMHP and get a bunch of negative publicity. The horse communtiy needs to weed out this bad apple and refuse to be blackmailed for ratings any longer... |
People obviously confused the Micheles in these comments. Michele Schmoll was a part of the horse recovery effort. Michele Ingles attached herself to the situation via the RMHP page, and with an apparent love for animals and not knowing what the facts were - since the article did not present the real facts - became very involved and made some very derogatory statements in every nook and cranny of the Internet and other media, almost to the point of obsession. In that I consider her another victim of that infamous tabloid-style article, which was meant to deceive the public and actually created a feeding frenzy. Susceptible readers may be be negatively affected by that kind of over-done non-journalism - to the point that several people have now been harmed. Another lesson in how not to do things.
Hopefully people will think twice in the future before ever launching another such campaign. |
I am going to start off by putting my name out..( Bernice McClellan “ Kingsbury” ) I am not going to hide who I am with a fake name. I call a spade a spade, I don’t normally even read garbage like this, I “had” never been on RMHP, I don’t care what people have to say about other people and don’t care if someone has something to say about me. I figure if everyone worried about cleaning up their own back yard instead of trashing others, then the world would be a much better place. Unfortunately society today strives on scandals.
Someone brought this to my attention and thought I’d be interested in reading about this. I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people, now including myself, that have nothing better to do with their time but to sit and bicker back and forth. I debated long and hard whether or not to play this game, but against my better judgment I am going to express my opinion one time and move on. I am sorry if you perceive this harsh but obviously you keep presenting this to the public to read, so if you didn’t want mine and others opinions’ I feel you would of handled this whole situation more appropriately.
Now my first impression of this “Scam” post, this is a not a scam, its nothing more then a FREE bulletin board of obnoxious comments being posted back and forth between people that will never see eye to eye. Everyone believes what they believe and nothing will change it. Proof or no proof, and if there was proof, I feel somehow the proof would be considered fabricated lies as well. Its all what you choose to believe..
The first thing that I read here was:
The problem is they ( meaning RMHP) are nothing more than an internet tabloid that attempts to destroy people's lives over nothing more than a personal vendetta.
Seriously ? That’s definitely the pot calling the kettle black..
Seems to me the vindictive ones are the ones that keeps posting “this” over and over again all over the internet and on their face book page or any other place they can possibly find to draw attention to themselves. I have sat here for days reading all the posts that I can find on this particular subject, I Googled Leland Neff and yes RMHP came up so I clicked on it and read it, and from an outsider looking in, it sounded to me as if they had proper documents to back themselves, and who ever wrote it did do a lot of investigating in what they printed, frankly if you were not there holding his hand prior to the flood, during, and one second after it happened, not one day later, not 2 days later, certainly not 2 weeks later, you can’t honestly say you know ether! Yes the accusations towards Mr. Neff were harsh, and I can see why he would want to vindicate his name, but the lack of professionalism in doing so leaves people to believe he is doing all this just for a publicity stunt himself. And then Netposse I again clicked on it, and his many flyer’s of all his missing horses came up with all the links to every update, including his news article, that was not flattering to them but it is still posted. This is what I gathered from the news clip, MR. Neff said he was frustrated with the lack of help and communication of the groups that so quickly came to his aid? Are you kidding me!! Mr. Neff had every right to be frustrated but not with the organizations that so graciously donated their time and efforts in his behalf. He came off very unappreciative of the help so willingly volunteered. Just because you ask for help does not mean anyone in anyway are obligated to do so. He should be more grateful instead of spiteful. Its not as if he was the only victim in the storms path. Just remember the next time you cry for help, there may not be as many so eager to come to your aid. You draw more bees with honey not vinegar. “ publicity stunt “ I think he’s cornered the market on that himself. If he’s so distraught over the comments made by RMHP, then he would have handled this whole situation in a more discrete and professional manner. Furthermore RMHP has not boosted their own ratings ad, its quite apparent he has done that for them. Good or bad publicity, it still keeps his name in the spotlight. Seemingly enough that’s just where he wants to be. Ever heard of the phrase let sleeping dogs lie?? Wake them up you might just get bit.
Then what came up next a bunch of his art links. More on his Art then any of the other and last but not least Mr. Neff’s face book page. Mr. Neff I am so very sorry for your loss, my heart and prayers go out to you. It’s certainly a tragedy that you lost so many magnificent horses, all a part of your family. You were blessed to have them in your life. hang on to the good, smile when remembering them. Thank the lord that your life and home were spared, even though there will always be an empty hole in your heart. Just know your beautiful horses are running free up in the heavens. I am also so very sorry thousands of others lost their homes, belongings, loved ones and lives.
MR. Neff, why did I go to your face book page? I just wanted to see if you were all about you… and yes you were… Most victims in any tragedy reach out and help others that have fallen victim to the same experience. That’s not the case here. Its all about the very same thing you are accusing others of doing to you, and selling artwork. That’s great sell your art work there. Nothing wrong with that ( and you do beautiful work, I love your tribute to your stallion very nice!) but DUMP the poor me, I am being battered charade . Now about that video.. Why post that?? Very poor taste, It just goes back to the little charade being played. There are much better ways to promote your artwork then what your doing here. As for me…my version of the video, It takes 2 too tangle. Every action has a reaction. So ask yourself what caused that action. I drove a bus for 6 years.. 73 kids.. And usually the one calling….. BUS DRIVER… was the one who started it. Like I said every action has a reaction. I am sure we were just seeing the reaction..
NOW here is what truly bothers me.. And why I am even taking the time to post anything! Obviously there are some people that have no idea what NETPOSSE is all about. I myself am a VICITIM, not nearly in the same magnitude as Mr. Neff, but none the less I have felt the same pain and sorrow and desperation, he was, and still is facing. I had my horse stolen from me 76 weeks and 1 day ago today, and no I still have not found him and I don’t blame anyone for that, I bless anyone and everyone that has ever tried to aid in his recovery, be it even a simple email.
How dare you say Netposse did nothing for you! Yes I heard your story, just a brief clip and I do mean brief, of it on the news here in MO., but it was Netposse sending out your alerts (that I received via email ) that really brought it to my attention, and guess what? I took the NETPOSSE ALERT and posted it on MAYITOS face book page ( Mayito my stolen horse ) not just once but several times, asking his 2600 followers to post it on their pages and see if there was anyone close to you that could help, that’s right to help you!!! I didn’t get it that from the news. Further more I never heard NETPOSSE mentioned on the news or in the RMHP article, so what proof does anyone have of the accusations made towards Netposse having anything to do with the RMHP article? Mr Neffs word? Pure assumption!! I started Mayitos face book page right after he was stolen. I have posted every stolen, missing horse that comes through Netposse since then.. I put Mayitos page to good use helping others. And it angers me every time another horse is stolen as if it were my own all over again and in the meantime continuing the search for my boy… and $25.00 to list Mayito on Netposse Priceless!! Do you know how many thousands of people it reached? I received over 726 emails in 2 days. I have saved everyone of them, and another 600 plus that I have not printed yet. And still receiving emails asking me if I have found him, these are people from all over the United States lending out a helping hand all due to NETPOSSE. People I could have never reached by myself!!! Netposse was started because of a horse theft. Because there was not any form of INTERNET assistance at the time, spreading the word over the internet is a great tool when looking for a stolen or missing horse. Not to mention the advice on what steps to take and who to contact immediately, all this coming from another Victim that has been there done that, and knows what your going through both emotionally and physically. Plus all the moral support you receive .You cant tell me you didn’t get that! I know better..
No they are not a rescue.. Where did anyone ever get that idea?? Netposse never claims to come out and help in a local search.. They are for getting the word out all over the, get this… THE INTERNET….. I did my own search for my stolen horse Mayito, I drove hundreds of miles and went to several auctions, I didn’t wait for someone to hold my hand, Wild horses could not keep me from looking for my boy. I spent nights sleeping in my truck at gas stations cause I was too tired to make it home. I have spent thousands of dollars in advertising, printing flyers, banners, news papers, radio broadcasts, magazine, horse expos, animal communicators, psychics, so when I say the $25.00 spent through NETPOSSE was priceless I know what I am talking about.
Horse Expos…. Seriously your kidding right…. Have you ever worked one?? I have, I have had a booth for 5 years here in Mo. Prior to Mayito being stolen.. They are a tremendous amount of work, and you do make friends, that’s what its all about if you didn’t then there is something wrong with your method of doing business. You stay in your own booth all day talking to people and handing out information, you don’t get to go site see and walk around all day. Yea I had fun but its hardly what I would call a VACATION!!
Before Mayito was stolen I never gave HORSE THEFT a thought… to be honest I thought it had rode out with the old west, or only happened to high profile horses. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought someone would come to my pasture and steal one of my baby’s. I live in a small town, not a problem here, well guess what? I was wrong! Boy was I wrong! It does happen and it is not predigest. I only wish there had been a Netposse booth for me to attend here in MO. prior to Mayitos abduction, then I would have known Horse Theft is NOT a thing of the past. I held a booth here in Mo. at Horse Fest last year, and helped pay for Netposse to come down to be with me in the booth. I worked along side for 3 days not once did either of us get to break, we were that busy, passing out information not only on my horse but other stolen horses as well, and methods of prevention. I can tell you, at least 70% of the people that came to our booth had no Idea Horse Theft was as big of a problem that it is. I Pray that just maybe out of that 70% that found out it was a problem, we were able to keep at least half of them from falling victim too. Netposse teaches the importance of protecting your horses, identification, and prevention of horse theft, and most importantly that horse theft is not a thing of the past and it happens more then you know. They also aid in Missing horses as well, including disasters, and I have your flyer on my computer to prove it. All this costs money to do, the web site, the computers, the electric, the countless hours of designing the flyers, searching, ( the volunteers search through horse sites on the net… I know.. I have several emails with listings wanting to know if this is my horse from Netposse volunteers…) the booth, travel, hotel, all the banners, and flyers with stolen horses printed up. I am sure the victims of the still missing horses like myself would all disagree that it’s a waist of time and money to keep handing out information about their stolen or missing horse. This Moron as someone so ELOQUENTLY put it, has donated and will continue to donate even when and if my horse is ever found. If I can help prevent even just one more victim its worth it.
Now people can read what a wonderful organization Netposse really is and what a blessing it has been to me and hundreds of others. And as far as a Scam… that couldn’t be further from the truth. Scams are when people take your money and you receive nothing in return. I have received a thousand times more then my $25.00 was worth.
And why is the $25.00 fee even an issue when he wasn’t even charged?? Disasters are Free of charge. And you sir had 22 head listed for free, I would hardly call that a scam.
My advice to you Mr. Neff pick yourself up dust yourself off put your big boy pants on, end this little charade of name calling and pointing fingers, get a lawyer if that’s what you really intend to do, invest your time in rebuilding what you had, instead of destroying what’s left. You’re a wonderful artist, God blessed you with that remarkable gift, bless the people who you feel has wronged you and move on with your life. You and only you can find peace, but you will never find it this way. Personally, if I had read just the RMHP article, I would have never thought less of you. People have their reasons. I would have felt compassion, and if solicited too buy your art, I probably would have felt compelled to do so, or even commissioned one to help out. But after reading your posts and comments I want nothing to do with your undesirable smear campaign. Sorry but that’s just how I feel. Keep posting this, keep your name in the spotlight just remember people become famous, and in your case more so, for numerous reasons, is this the reason you really want to be famous for?
Well I am finished here and said what I have to say..
I hope you find peace Mr. Neff
God Bless you and your beloved horses…
Bernice McClellan
Mayito’s Carbon Copy Stolen 9-16-2010 |
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