Rate My Horse Pro |
Slanderous reporting and questionable ethics |
12th of Feb, 2012 by Enoughisenough |
Rate My Horse Pro is the self proclaimed watchdog for the equestrian community. The problem is they are nothing more than an internet tabloid that attempts to destroy people's lives over nothing more than a personal vendetta. They claim to be a place that you can `rate' equestrian professionals for the sum of $5 but the truth is that anybody is fair game, regardless of your professional or amateur stats.. Also, if they don't like what you say or how you rate somebody, their terms of use state that they will deleted your ratings and keep your money.
The owner of RMHP, Debbie Goad Hanson, operates under the alias of Lucia Carroll and creeps around the internet looking for the next `big thing' to hitch her publicity wagon to. All the better if she can skew the facts to create a scandal. If she or one of her pals, don't like you she will trump up lies and half truths and post them as fact. Hanson also uses more than one facebook and internet account to bump up her ratings.
Hanson, caused damage, pain and suffering to an amateur horseman in New York that suffered and unimagineable tragedy in the name of ratings and out of vengence for her friend, Michele DeVinney Schmoll, hurt feelings. Partnered with another organization that is not what they would have you believe, Netposse, this pit of vipers make money and ratings on the misfortune of others. They don't even have the fortitude to identify themselves when calling for information and are very selective on who they get their information from and what they choose to report. This results in them posting outright lies and they refuse any attempts at setting the record straight.
Anybody that has any dealings with this website or women, need to think twice. They basically blackmail horse people into paying their fee to even read their own ratings and encourage others to pay up and rate, so that they wont' fall into the crosshairs of RMHP and get a bunch of negative publicity. The horse communtiy needs to weed out this bad apple and refuse to be blackmailed for ratings any longer... |
Enjoy your Kimmy/Michelle sandwich, there Joseph... |
What more Joe? |
I don't think that ganging up on the Manfromupstate is helping Leland in any way. One has to take him at his word, that he is trying to familiarize himself with the situation. So give him the facts. And please cut out the pejorative (the name-calling and all that). It is truly unhelpful and muddies the dirty waters all the more.
One item. It is not wrong to allow stallions, mares and foals to run together. It all depends on the size of the enclosures and the behavior of the animals. One makes those judgment calls based on the individual animals. However, mares in season are usually isolated away from the herd.
Schoharie County was very severely damaged, and many of the people in it. People of good sense need to try not to emulate all the mudslingers by becoming mudslingers themselves. One has to set the example of what should have been done instead - stick to the facts, be helpful, work with the community to improve the situation, etc. It's not too late to get it right. |
I respectfully disagree. It is clear who manfromupstate is and that he has been monitoring Leland's situation for awhile. If he would ask a direct question he would get a direct answer. He was supplied with the USEF guidelines for what is an amateur or not, so he changes his attack. Instead, he posts copy and pastes and very old links to feed more innuendo. Why can't any of these RMHP/Netposse supporters just come right out and ask a question? Or, better yet, provide proof that the article was NOT a hack job and a crucifixtion that was working an alternate agenda from jump street? I can only assume he isn't interested in those answers or proof since he was only really here to try and deflect the real issue here. |
One cannot try to guess what the Manfromupstate's reasons are. One has to ASK him instead. There is a lot of misinformation in the county from what he says: people who made statements to the newspapers about the help they were providing, but they failed to tell about all the voluminous, underhanded attacks they were putting out. This has left people in the county confused. One needs to get all the facts out so they know what the real situation is.
If you get carried away with name-calling, etc., you divert the discussion away from the truth and the facts get lost from the conversation. The facts are powerful enough in themselves, so it is best just to stick to them. |
Manfromupstate you seem to have a grudge against Mr. Neff for some unknown reason. The fact of the matter is Mr. Neff lost 22 of his horses in the flood. WHY would anyone want to crucify a person who has endured this kind of pain? If you are a horse lover surely you would understand his anguish. WHAT would Mr. Neff have to gain from this horrific tragedy? On top of this, he is accused of all sorts of bullshit... from people who know nothing nor having met him or been to his farm. The slander should be removed from public forum so Mr. Neff can move on with his life without judgement from others- |
I am a Mr Neff supporter, I am a friend on both his personal FB page and the horse page, I am a huge fan of his artwork etc. But the people posting in support of him that are using language that is inappropriate and calling names etc. are not really doing him any good. In fact they are making this whole thing look like a joke. Where is the level of professionalism and class that most of the people in Mr Neff's life normally display? To threaten lawsuits for libel and defamation and then to turn around and do the same thing is very counter-productive for the cause. That is why I will have nothing to do with supporting this. I think that Mr Neff's friends that really care about him and a bit disgusted with some of the behavior on display for all to see. Most people in his circle don't behave in this way. Thanks for making his situation seem that much less credible. |
The `situation' that RMHP created never was `credible'. I see nothing here other than the culmination of months of frustration and keeping silent. If you poke an anthill, chances are things are going to get messy... |
I'm sorry. Went a bit overboard. But as ratemyhorsepoo says, months of keping quiet... You can't say that what I wrote earlier has ANY likness of even being considered to be called libel or defamation. Not even close to what these people has done to Leland. I'm happy that you are Lelands friend and supporter, but i don't agree with your opinon of this page now looks like a joke and he is less credible. |
When all is said and done, the only way to resolve this whole mess is for RMHP and NETPOSSE to post a retraction of all defamatory articles and statements about Leland Neff and his tragic plight.
Leland should be able to continue his life as an amature horseman and talented artist without having to defend the loss of his herd.
It is unfortunate that the flood-waters of Irene wrought such disaster to the areas that they did. I feel nothing but sympathy for the residents, business people and farmers that suffered total loss as a consequence.
I have known Leland for a considerable length of time and feel that he has not been given any chance to settle into the area. He has had hay stolen and fences cut. Been denied access to part of his farm by vindictive neighbors who refuse to abide by law and deeded right of ways. He has been pushed out of stores and lied about profusely. Yet he continues to try to rebuild his life in the beautiful valley which he has grown to love. He has restored his barn to near original by his own hands and sweat.
He worked endlessly to produce horses that are suitable to be great jumpers and finally had the breeding that was needed. Only to have the herd washed away.
Then the people that were going to "help" him search for these animals viciously turned against him when he questioned their methods and motives. I will not mention names. They know who they are. As do Leland's supporters.
Rate My Horse Pro and Netposse.com Need to retract and remove their venomous postings from their sites and be shut down. |
I see no explanation as to why...just ridiculous comments that continue. I can not wrap my head around it and I think that some who have posted before me look to be frustrated by the lack of answers. But, this is all part of the game that some who have thrown and slung mud about this man get off on.
If you do live in this region I do hope you never experience such loss. I pray for the people of this valley to get the much needed funds to rebuild. It does appear from different reports that I have seen that many have left the area not ever to return. This story is just one of many stories that shows someones loss, what sets it apart is the attack on one of your own. For that simple reason and the fact that this man has so much to offer thru his artwork and many talents...this region that sure could use positive It becomes increasing evident that these people who offered help had a hidden agenda. Being manfromupstate possibly...I do feel you have more knowledge of this event than what you are trying to say. You say several posts above somethings that make me think you are pretending to be trying to get the facts straight, when I think that is not what you are doing. You clearly have/had an agenda.
Let me help out with that...The man who lost 22 horses in the horrific flood that happened this past fall had nothing to gain by losing his horses. Nor did he expect for any reason that a call for help would bring so much evil. People who started this LNFH page should have stopped those that were trying to go on a witch hunt, but they did not do that. Finally, all needed to be cleared away to get help on the ground that did not have hidden agendas. People who could walk the fields and drive the roads, fly planes and helicopters to search for these horses. Many wonderful people posted signs and tried to help that way as well. If this man gained anything from that other than help that searched his land it certainly did not amount to anything more than that. It was never anyone else's business as to what he received as gifts. I do not ask my friends on fb how much money they have or how wealthy their friends are. In the end the people who came together to help are/were from all walks of life. They came with heavy hearts knowing that they may find deceased horses, with no hidden agendas. People who could walk the fields and drive the roads, fly planes and helicopters to search for these horses. Many wonderful people posted signs and tried to help that way as well. If this man gained anything from that other than help from people who searched his land it certainly did not amount to anything more than that (HELP). These same people and many more offered support thru volunteering their time. Time that some spent either making phone calls, looking at maps, and just plain trying to figure out where the flood waters could have moved the horses too. They also had no hidden agenda and also followed this mans lead as to what he needed, which was people to search with him.
To have watched the constant bashing for no reason other than for some to reach some internet fame or local stardom over such a tragic loss has been heartbreaking. Still, no answer as to why? Leaves me guessing when all of the questions have been answered as I see it from his side.
Dreams are what are left! |
Well, looks like Rate My Horse Pro and Netposse.com are to much of a chickens to come forward and explain to us their reasoning behind all the slander and trying to destruct an innocent man. You might think that we will get tired or give up. But we wont... :) |
Rate My Horse Pro refuses to answer for what they did, yet they are offended that Mr. Neff hung up on them. The fact is he hung up on them because they refused to identify themselves or the reason for his call. He had just made the first discovery of a deceased horse and awaiting a call back from county officials on how to proceed when RMHP, tipped off by Michele DeVinney Schmoll, swooped down on him to kick him when he was down. Bad enough, but they continued to use the publicity from this document of lies, to boost their ratings. Debbie Goad Hanson used her various online aliases (lucia carroll, back bay farms) to congratulate and agree with herself to boost it up even higher. Besides the fact it was libelous and slanderous, it was outright cruel what they did to Mr. Neff. Nothing short of a retraction and public apology will make this go away. |
I read the "rate My Horse Pro article" when it first came out about Leland Neff comes clean or something like that...To the people who made it seemas if the spoke directly to him about what happend during the flood what were you thinking? There isn't a phrase or word low enough on the scale to rate how poor your article was written not to mention fabrticated based on complete lies. I guess for a $5 fee you can't expect to read anything but a cheap Hollywood tabloid... |
Understandably everyone wants to help Leland, but the way you are doing it isn’t helping. RMHP is not going to remove their article. The path you have chosen with cyber harassment and your own libel campaign is perceived as petty at best. If Leland feels wronged and has documentation to dispute the article then he should let an attorney handle it. The berating and name calling has now caused irrefutable harm.
Michele tried to commit suicide on Tuesday morning. The police took her computer. She is currently hospitalized and under suicide watch. So I believe, all of you need to step back and look at yourselves. What you are doing isn’t going to bring his twenty horses back. I am sorry for Leland’s great loss. Posting under aliases doesn’t protect you. The police can obtain records of all who have posted. If you choose to continue on this path then beware there are consequences for others and yourself that you can affect you for the rest of your life personally and in your career. |
I am so sorry about Michele. Not sure which Michele you are referring to- Schmoll or Ingles or someone else.?
I can only say that we have wanted to help Leland from the very beginning, and will continue to support him, however this is not meant in anyway to bully anyone. This is a public forum just as RMHP is.
I do recall many posts in RMHP that have damaged Leland Neffs reputation along with an overabundance of name calling. Supporters of Mr. Neff were deleted /blocked on RMHP..
Surely you cannot blame this unfortunate tragedy with (Michele) on the people on this site... |
I am one person under one name, I have not posted anything that would cause anyone any harm. |
how desperate to try to stop people from posting what they know about the bogus story Rate My Horse Pro posted about Leland Neff. Who in their right mind would lie about what you're lying about... |
how desperate to try to stop people from posting what they know about the bogus story Rate My Horse Pro posted about Leland Neff. Who in their right mind would lie about what you're lying about... |
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