Transfirst US Merchant Services, Merchant Services Transfirst is Extremely Dishonest and a Horrible Place to Work Cypress, California |
20th of Dec, 2011 by User540198 |
Transfirst DBA US Merchant Services in Cypress California is a Horrible place to work. They are hiring people in the Masses, 15 minute Hire Live on the spot job interviews. They fill their seats having the new sales people who think they are going to make lots of money actually generate leads for the employees who have been their forever. Only a select few are given real leads. They have no actual interest at all in mentoring or appreciating Talent. They bully their employees immediately after hiring them. They tell you all of this hype when they hire you like you can make $100,000 in a month like their rep so and so did last month. They buy you lunch the first week while you are in class. They hype you up with Sales Pitches from their "Team Leaders" and you watch a few videos. They toss a few people out of class. They tell you that you get 3 weeks training. After week one reality sets in. You get no computer to work on, what a Joke. how can they tell you to be a successful sales rep with no computer. they don't tell you that when they Interview you. They also don't tell you that you will have to hand write faxes and emails for the two overworked secretaries to fax out when they have time a week later. Never mind that you need to have this correspondence sent in order to make the follow up call. At the end of week one even if you made 150 calls per day which they count band post daily, if you did not get three statements in you are written up. Never mind that the "Team Leader" who recruited you never checked in on you even though you left them multiple voice mails asking them for guidance. No Sales tips and no feedback except the negative daily Sails meeting where their chosen few get a prize. This is the most poorly managed downright dysfunctional place I have ever encountered. Do not waste your time. I am not sure what game they are playing except getting the newbies to do the grunt work to keep the Old Dogs Fat and Happy. |
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