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Rate My Horse Pro
Slanderous reporting and questionable ethics
12th of Feb, 2012 by Enoughisenough
Rate My Horse Pro is the self proclaimed watchdog for the equestrian community. The problem is they are nothing more than an internet tabloid that attempts to destroy people's lives over nothing more than a personal vendetta. They claim to be a place that you can `rate' equestrian professionals for the sum of $5 but the truth is that anybody is fair game, regardless of your professional or amateur stats.. Also, if they don't like what you say or how you rate somebody, their terms of use state that they will deleted your ratings and keep your money.

The owner of RMHP, Debbie Goad Hanson, operates under the alias of Lucia Carroll and creeps around the internet looking for the next `big thing' to hitch her publicity wagon to. All the better if she can skew the facts to create a scandal. If she or one of her pals, don't like you she will trump up lies and half truths and post them as fact. Hanson also uses more than one facebook and internet account to bump up her ratings.

Hanson, caused damage, pain and suffering to an amateur horseman in New York that suffered and unimagineable tragedy in the name of ratings and out of vengence for her friend, Michele DeVinney Schmoll, hurt feelings. Partnered with another organization that is not what they would have you believe, Netposse, this pit of vipers make money and ratings on the misfortune of others. They don't even have the fortitude to identify themselves when calling for information and are very selective on who they get their information from and what they choose to report. This results in them posting outright lies and they refuse any attempts at setting the record straight.

Anybody that has any dealings with this website or women, need to think twice. They basically blackmail horse people into paying their fee to even read their own ratings and encourage others to pay up and rate, so that they wont' fall into the crosshairs of RMHP and get a bunch of negative publicity. The horse communtiy needs to weed out this bad apple and refuse to be blackmailed for ratings any longer...
4722 days ago by Squirrels
Wow.. I heard about that site and all the negativity and drama... Its a shame they have to stoop so low to get ratings. And whats up with the $5 fee? I don't get that at all. I'll stay away for sure!
4722 days ago by Chipmunk
Hillbilly's from you know where!!! Do they wear disguises as well? I thought you could not have multiple names...what would they have to hide?
4721 days ago by Chipmunk
This is nuts!!
4721 days ago by Squirrels
I've been looking through some articles about the man who lost his horses and saw how they accused him of some pretty serious stuff- I guess they get their rocks off ruining someone's reputation by spreading rumors and allowing their little groupies to post such malicious crap.
4721 days ago by Rapemyhorsepro
The ultimate con artists they control everything that goes on their page yet pretend that it is objective rating and reporting, they need to be exposed for what they are.
4721 days ago by Enoughisenough
The equestrian community needs to take a stand and refuse to give into their extortion and abuse by boycotting their partners and advertisers. Maybe then, they will pull their horns in and stop the vendettas and viscious lies they spread around. I can barely look on a message board or website that they aren't pimping themselves out and usually doing so by linking some scandal they have trumped up.

They are also completely disgusting and unethical in what they will use for ratings. When Eric Lamaze lost his wonderful horse, Hickstead, RMHP was the only site I saw that actually posted footage of the horse dying. What horse lover would do such a disgusting thing to boost their ratings?
4721 days ago by Sanlovato
I think the person we should be looking at is the one who claims to have lost 22 horses in a flood in NY. In my opinion, something seems extremely "fishy" to me with the whole story. I have a hard time pointing fingers at legitimate organizations that have proven records and positive impacts.
4721 days ago by Sanlovato
I think the person we should be looking at is the one who claims to have lost 22 horses in a flood in NY. In my opinion, something seems extremely "fishy" to me with the whole story. I have a hard time pointing fingers at legitimate organizations that have proven records and positive impacts.
4721 days ago by Enoughisenough
There is ample documentation of all 22 horses and the events prior to and after the flood. Perhaps if you had specific concerns they could be addressed, or you could go ahead and jump on the drama lama and blindly believe what ever is crammed down your throat. Some people believe what they read in National Enquirer too. We can lead people to knowledge, but we cannot make them think...
4721 days ago by Prettywoman3
I believe the person who claims to have lost 22 horses due to Irene needs to have his mental capacity checked out.He has done nothing but rant foolishly and criminally about everyone that did take part in the search for the missing 22 as a result of being scared to death after watching his news ranting and worrying half the people of Schoharie County when they had thier own tragedys as a result of Irene.He is the owner and only he is the one to blame for his own misfortune.Sorry 'bout his luck but c'mon dude cowboy up and grow up no one wants to hear it at this point!
4721 days ago by Rapemyhorsepro
Ok there it is straight out, everyone put yourself in this man's place and imagine your whole community is washed away in a flood including your beautiful herd of horses. Netposse and Michele De Vinney Schmoll swoop in for the publicity and print flyers but won't let anyone come help you look for them. You ask Netposse to step aside so they go to their buddies at Rate My Horse Pro and write an article full of lies about you. Then you get what you see above--suspicion about whether you are telling the truth about losing your horses, lots of people who never met you jumping on the bandwagon and spreading lies, and finally all these people who you don't know telling you to shut up and deal. This is why Rate My Horse Pro and Netposse need to be exposed, it could happen to any of us!
4721 days ago by Liarpantsonfire
I can't believe how this person who lost his horses is milking his own mistakes and resulting loss of his horses, and pulling at any an all available straws to keep HIS name in the limelight.

Seriously, on his own page, which was created to help find his (deceased) 22 horses, he is now hawling his artwork and trying to beg his minions to purchase his artwork.

There is not one posting on this site or any other site that Mr. Neff is filling with his own rants that is not written by one of the WOMEN who drink his kool-aid daily on his facebook page. Can you find anyone other than someone arrested or under investigation that will claim that Rate My Horse Pro is a biased organization? Has anyone checked out Angie's list? What about that? You pay a membership fee to see what is written about you -- you pay a fee to access the information collected there. What? Not the same? Think again.

As for the posting of Hickstead, there were over 20 pages, blogs, and websites, not to mention (which is revenue generating for many users) have posted and re-posted the videos of Hickstead's horrific injury and ultimate death. So, once again, Mr. Neff and his minions have stooped to twisting the truth and REALITY to fit his current need for publicity - and sales of his artwork. (Did I hear somewhere, his former art agent has washed his/her hands of him??? Hmmmmm makes one wonder...) is an organization that helps to disseminate information of missing and lost horses. They do NOT send out on the ground rescue groups.. hence the name NETposse. In addition to the INTERNATIONAL coverage of lost or stolen horses... they also provide education. They travel to equine shows and events to educate the public on how to protect their horses from theft. They also provide educational literature to the public. In case anyone is NOT aware... it costs money to go to a horse event and rent a booth, it costs money to travel to get the word out and to educate the public, it costs money to host a website... hello??? AND they DO NOT charge a fee to list horses that are missing due to DISASTERS.

I know, first hand, that that State Police and the Department of Emergency Management advised that NO ONE other than residents and emergency personnel be allowed in the flood area. Yes, it was devastating... many people have lost much... some still are homeless... thankfully Mr. Neff did not lose his house... in fact.. I thought it was interesting that he posted photos of his GARDENS from his home as the flood waters rose... Hmmmmm I think I would have probably been trying to move my horses instead of worrying about my gardens. But, I am sure he has removed those photos.

Early on in the disaster, Mr. Neff talked about his "breeding program" and how he had just had a high level horse person come to try out and possibly purchase one of the horses he lost in the flood. Remember now, Mr, Neff claims he is not a "breeder" nor does he engage in any form of income production from his horses... yes, NOW, he says that -- since he has been written about in RMHP.

I would like to remind everyone, that the reason a website such as this very one CAN exist is because we have something here in the US called freedom of speech. This applies to everyone including RMHP and And before someone uses the "defamation" argument... please read the constitution and the law. That knife cuts both ways.
4721 days ago by Ledivalkyra
Wow, you really have no correct information about this whole deal, do you pantsfullofpoo?
4721 days ago by Chipmunk
WOW...liarpantsonfire...seems that is a good handle for you? Your group of internet smearers just continue to rage. When will you retract the lies that have been posted? Also, why is it so hard for you to understand the man who lost 22 horses to an unpredicted flood was and is an artist. Why is it so wrong to use the a page for posting his artwork? It is not like he can post images of horses he has found!!! It is not like he is auctioning off cheese cakes that he has made! Just paintings for that is what he is an artist who owns horses.

How would you feel if you had lost 22 horses? How would you feel seeing a video of your horse dying, not only on you tube but also on Rate My Horse Pro? Why would anyone post such a tragic loss of a TRUE Horse Pro? Lets see what the response to these questions are???????????????????
4721 days ago by Chipmunk
Oh, but I bet you have nothing to do with RMHP right?
4721 days ago by Liarpantsonfire
No, I don't have anything to do with RMHP.
I have watched this unfold from the VERY beginning. Which many of the current "followers" have not. SO, I do have a very good memory - and screen prints from the flood page posts (removed by Mr. Neff) and other pages where Mr. Neff posted publicly about his breeding plan and horses prior to the flood. So, please, don't flatter yourself by thinking you have all the facts.
I don't begrudge Mr. Neff from selling his art. Yes, he is an artist. However, why not post his art for sale on an 'art for sale' site, or his own personal site? Why prey on the emotions of those who are supporting his ongoing need to be in the public's eye.
Do you wonder why someone with so many "new york" connections didn't run to his rescue in the beginning??? Why??? Anyone know? I bet the only one that knows is Mr. Neff, and he won't tell the truth.
I can't imagine what it would be like to lose 22 horses...
Unpredicted flood?? Seriously?? You must not be in the area, where so many others moved their horses ... Mother Nature is cruel. And sometimes mistakes are made in judgements, as Mr. Neff made. But it is his actions or in-actions that resulted in his loss. For those horses, I am truly sorry.

Any what did Kim Tudor gain from trying to help in the beginning? She didn't need to hitch her wagon to Mr. Neff's plight... but he has tried to drag her through the mud. What did NetPosse gain by Mr, Neff;s loss... they are being put in the spotlight by Mr, Neff... .ever hear the adage that any publicity is good publicity?? It is one Mr. Neff knows well. But and RMHP have moved on and are doing the work they do... Mr, Neff keeps bringing it back up and putting them back into the spotlight. SO, if they are getting more publicity from his loss - it is BECAUSE of this type of ranting and BS.
4721 days ago by Enoughisenough
It is really difficult to sift through all the hissy fits on here and address real and true concerns. Just because you dont' like Mr. Neff does not make his tragedy untrue. Well, here is something that is true. Kim Tudor, Netposse and RMHP all gained NATIONAL publicity that they didn't have before by attaching themselves to this situation. Attention that has been very good for their own business interests.

I don't see why Netposse needs to charge a single dime for anything. She doesn't do anything but sit behind a computer and travel around to equestrian events to hang out with her buddies. If you are stupid enough to give your money to pay for something like that, then that is your problem. If I have money to burn, I'll send it to a rescue or somebody that actually does something other than work hard at not working. She wants people to chip$1200 in so she can go to Road to the Horse adn the only things she offers in return is a stinking old cheesecake? She isn't even the one giving the freeze branding clinic or micro chipping, she just is going to `be there' to say `Yup, that's what they're doing' and a bunch of morons are going to pay for her vacation.

To clear up a fabrication, Mr. Neff never removed a post off his flood horse page because he didn't have the ability to in the beginning. Michele Schmoll and Kim Tudor had the passwords and control over there, not him. They wouldn't even allow him to post anything himself. If he wants to post his art work up there now to sell, I am all for it. He is faced with a horrendous bill to clean up his land after the flood, and because of all this negative publicity, it has deeply impacted his ability to support himself. Unlike most of us, his name is his brand and by these women trashing him far and wide, they have continued to cause him damage.

When facts came to light that would have put a very different spin on the RMHP article, Hanson refused to amend her article. She has rebuffed any attempts to set the record straight, so it seems it will have to play out on public forums and in courts.
4721 days ago by Squirrels
Obviously liarliarpantsonfire-----you DON'T have the facts. Mr. Neff could NOT move his horses, he could not get to them because of the flood.
And what exactly is "first hand"?? Where you there? No, did'nt think so.
4721 days ago by Liarpantsonfire
Bring it on!

Hmmm.. Mr, Neff had no access to the internet for sometime... due to no electricity - and his phone battery was dead. No one would let him charge his battery... remember? But once he did have access, he did remove posts. Screen shots prove that.

Mr, Neff received $10, 825 from the state to clean up his land. I am sure his art sales will help to alleviate any further hardship from the Hurricane.

Since you seem so knowledgeable... perhaps you can give some facts at to how all this NATIONAL publicity has resulted in some kind of tangible rewards for Kim Tudor, NetPosse or RMHP. And, ... ahem... didn't Mr. Neff receive NATIONAL publicity????

Give it up!
4721 days ago by Enoughisenough
Liarliarpantsonfire is aptly named. Prettywoman, assuming who it is, is pretty delusional to even adopt that name. I only say so because she isn't bright enough to go for irony.

Since they blame Mr. Neff for not moving his horses, does that mean that we should also blame the dairy farmer that lost most of his herd and the other people that lost animals? How about one of RMHP's star witnesses that failed to move his collection of vehicles? Or was Mr. Neff supposed to be the only person that should know to how bad this was going to be and that they were going to open the dam? This is despite the fact that in the 7 yrs he had lived on that land, there had NEVER been a flood nearing that magnitude.

God forbid any of you suffer such a horrific loss and have to defend yourself and ever action as you try and work though the grief process. Again, if you have clear and legitimate concerns about the conflicting testimonies, ask.

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