Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
People Helping People
People Helping People PHP Marketing Pyramid Scheme Scam Lies Insurance scam MLM Lancaster, California
14th of May, 2011 by User259507
I only wish to present some simple facts with commentary. My hope is that the reader considers the facts, and then considers the validity of my comments. I had been recruited to join People Helping People (PHP). I now regret it. They got $100 from my Fiance and I for the registration. This was fine. Then they (She) got us to go on a trip to Las Vegas. This was great! We paid more for that of course. Admittedly, from the start she had been sprinkling in carefully chosen fragments of the truth with her rhetoric so that at no point could she be called on to answer to the false pretenses and dream selling that PHP have mastered to manipulate people. The victims have mouths to feed, and are lead to believe that it is a legitimate opportunity. Let me pause to say that this is not hyperbole. I am making no effort to exaggerate, while I am making my best effort to convey my thoughts by using the English language as clearly and succinctly as I can. Continuing, she told us that to sell policies, it is our obligation to apply for one as well. So, she led us through the application, and we signed. She did this after doing what they call "take away", which is where they say things like "We don't work with everyone because we're very picky" and "I can't make any promises". We were needy and she took advantage of us. I will never see it any other way. The rigmarole for new recruits is to procure 25+ qualified families that meet certain criteria so you can help and/or recruit them. Also, there is strong emphases placed on a quota of ten field trainings, which is where you take a PHP employee to a families house and then he or she tries to write the policy under the guise of Training. These field trainings are where PHP participants write most of their policies. Their mission statement is to help people, and yet any participant interaction with strangers is done with the sole emphases of recruitment. (Their training manual or Play Book is all the evidence of this you need.) Arranging these trainings is hawked to the participant with a promise of creating a strong downline, yet the primary concern of the upline is that you bring them field trainings, as described above. It has been said amongst the well initiated that your residuals will likely never be substantial. A good portion of the time you spend with your recruiter is devoted to indoctrinating you with the idea that PHP represents a higher calling, and that you are discovering an opportunity to participate. They speak of the future success of life insurance agents due to baby boomers. This is fine. If that is true, why is it so rare that they push you to achieve licensure to actually write your own policies? The answer? You are far more useful to them as long as you continue to take them on these field trainings when the trainer is the one getting paid to write the policy. They sell you a dream of being successful for your family, then after you take them out to write some polices they tell you that you are ready to go for the license. But theres no hurry. Consider for a moment the plight of one that has studied but cannot seem to pass the test, yet has taken these liars on numerous field trainings on which they have written policies and profited. The trainee has nothing to show for it, but the big wheel keeps turning. Once the trainee grasps this whole scenario, how are they to feel? What do they say to their family after promising each day that they may have found an answer to their financial woes? An answer to their empty fridge? The trainee has been devoting time to PHP while having to answer to their family. This is hurtful. People Helping People uses people and profits from them before the victims even know if they will be able to do the business themselves. Sadly, in the execution of this business, you must manipulate others just the same to be at all successful. This is not the first mlm (multi level marketing) scheme of its kind, nor is it the last, I assure you. I have written this so that people can be careful and discriminating with their time. Please spread the word to help create awareness of scams like this. People should know the truth. There are people that are actually in the company that dont see it for what it truly is. I hope to change that. I welcome and appreciate rebuttals and/or comments, even if you're paid to do it.
5039 days ago by PayItForward
Thank you for posting this, very helpfull indeed. My 19 year old niece, who is going to college to transfer to a university, who works at a McDonalds PT, who was looking for something new, was approached by someone from this company and set her up for a job interview! Of course she said YES!! So she thought this was the big opportunity she had been waiting for, but I was a little concerned about it, so I said let us do some research on it and sure enough, no good things were coming out to the open. Now with your statement we are more than certain, it is just a SCAM, like with most of these life insurance companies. I know from experience, when I was reading your story, I related in some areas. Thanks again, and Im happy for you and your family, you got out on time.
5039 days ago by PHPagency
Sometimes companies with word-of-mouth and relationship marketing business models such as PHP are targeted companies because of our unique business model. At PHP, we are proud of how we conduct business and the opportunity we provide to individuals regardless of their background, age, religion, education or demographic. We believe in an upfront and honest explanation about what our opportunity is all about, and what new associates can expect from PHP.

PHP does not pay you to recruit.

First off, People Helping People recruits just like the military, Apple, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Morgan Stanley and other successful organizations. In order for an organization to grow you must recruit; every successful business recruits. In fact, just like any other sales position, only about 10% of our new recruits are able to make it in this trade. This isn’t because our recruitment strategy isn’t effective, but it is because being successful in PHP requires a lot of work. Less than 5% of real estate agents are in business three years after getting their license, but that doesn’t mean that real estate is not a viable industry. In real estate, or any financial services industry, new recruits have managers or supervisors that get an “override” on their business sales for helping to support them. So do most people make it in PHP? Absolutely not, but that’s because only about 5-10% make it in any sales-based industry.

Start-Up Costs and Licensing

There’s a cost of $150 to get started with PHP. This fee is used to set-up processing and a start-up kit that’s sent out to the new associate. The fees for licenses vary state to state and are not determined by PHP. Financial Services is a highly regulated industry where not just anyone can get a license. The state

and the individual insurance company you work with will determine if they can be in the industry based on their credit and criminal history.

PHP works with large financial institutions.

People Helping People is in business with financial companies like ING, Mutual of Omaha, American General, and many more. These companies’ reputations are tied to choosing reputable agency partnerships.

Do Your Own Homework.

Last but not least, we are living in a time where anyone who is frustrated can get on the internet and post criticisms, accusations or ridiculous lies about anyone or anything. For instance, if you search “Elvis is still alive, ” there are over 4.7 million sites found. Do you ever shop at Wal-Mart? What would you say if you read a report where they were a scam or if they had 2 or 3 reports on Would you still shop at Wal-Mart if you saw 922 complaints on The reality is that’s how many complaints they have. Does that make them a scam? No, it just means they offended some people in some way. How about if someone said that Apple is a fraud or a cult, would you believe it? What if Apple had 420 complaints on ripoffreport? Would you still use your iPod/ipad/iPhone/or your mac computer? What I’ve come to realize is that we’re living in a world where if you do anything good people tell three people but if you do anything that offends someone they will tell eleven. We’re living in a society where bad news spreads much faster than good news. That’s why most people just eventually give up on their dreams and go back to their jobs. They know it has nothing to do with the opportunity but someone on the internet or at work or even in their families influenced them to give up. There are competitors who hire staff to sit there and just make fake complaints on the internet about their competitors.

Our challenge to you is to visit our site and our YouTube channel and see for yourself if our people in the company seem genuine to you or not. None of which that can confirm this statement. Like any business decision, we recommend that you do your due diligence, research PHP, find out who we are, and see what we stand for. Our website, our blog, our social media sites and YouTube videos are transparent and offer considerable insight. We invite you to talk to those who have been working with PHP for some time and get their input.
4968 days ago by OnTheLookout
The PHP agency response is quite the pat answer to any company or organization desiring to avoid scrutiny.

First, the US military has recruitment offices which are paid for by the US tax payers and are staffed by soldiers who are paid for their time. Yes, we have a "volunteer" military but it is only volunteer in that like any other job you may choose to take it is not compulsory that you take it and you are compensated for your service. Similarly for large corporations, the foot soldiers use largely electronic application systems and are never asked to pay to apply. The only real recruiting that is done is for the upper levels of the organization where head hunters will go out and actively look for experienced individuals who meet the needs of the company. Again, the recruiter is compensated for his/her time and the person being recruited isn't asked for a single penny.

By addressing the scam issue with a "what if walmart" scenario, PHP is clouding the fact that it is not a traditional "brick and mortar" business. You don't sell a tangible product. Walmart is subjected constantly to recalls of its products and takes responsibility for those things that it must and compensates those who are injurred by their products. Similarly, Apple has faced a number of complaints about its Iphones, Ipads, etc. When this occurs they fix or replace the product and then they come up with a better one.

I have a very dear friend who was convinced to join PHP who has been hounding me constantly to have a supervisor sit in on a session with her so she can move on. The sad thing is, I know that she isn't really attempting to sell me a life insurance policy. I've already told her I am well covered. It is to get me to join their masses of recruits and pay the fees that will make whomever at the top of this pyramid some money. She's also been trying to get me to go to Las Vegas to one of the "training sessions". I feel sad for her. The individuals who recruited her pulled at her heart strings by throwing out phrases about faith and love of family. The insurance industry in general is based on the threat of fear of the unknown. We see it in the commercials they show on TV and play on the radio. PHP is one more "company" taking advantage of that fear while making money for a select few.
4958 days ago by Lammer
Sure, I would definitely go back to Walmart since they only have 922 complaints. For one of the largest businesses in the world, where one store alone can see thousands of people go through the front door in just one day, I'd say 922 total complaints out of the millions upon millions of customers shopping in Walmart are incredibly good stats, suggesting Walmart is an overwhelmingly positive shopping experience. And that says a lot considering the people complaining are Walmart shoppers, for I bet they are the types of people who would also call 911 to report a McDonald's that runs out of fries or something. Unfortunately for People Helping People, which is a paradox in the name itself, the complaints and reviews online FAR outweigh the positive comments, and for a business that can only dream of becoming just 1% of what Walmart is, that is not looking good for you. People Helping People is an outright sickening scam and their unoriginal dissuasive responses don't work on intelligent people, for they only make you look even more ridiculous than you already are.
4956 days ago by Dirkshire
I have to agree that there is an issue going on with this company called People Helping People. First off, they charge you $150 to "purchase" training material. Be aware that the training material is very elementary. A child could have written this book. It's full of mis-spellings and typos.

Additionally, they write so many policies and don't event know what they are selling. Their staff and associates are not knowledgable about thew products they are selling. Go ahead and ask them questions about the products and they can only provide the most basic of answers.

How can you trust these people with your financial future when they don't even know what they are talking about?

The head guy at this company is a guy named Patrick Bedavid who used to be with a another company like it. He wanted more money and got a group poor souls to follow him. I feel sorry for them.

Hold on to your money and just say NO if anyone from this company asks you to join or give you financial advice. That's my advice.
4954 days ago by Anonymous
Primerica Financial Servies. the real gateway to your financial freedom(: The #1 life insurance company, And for those of you who "do" research, get it from the right place. like FINRA, the Better Business Bureau etc, For reals, Do REAL RESEARCH, dont just go by word of mouth.
4948 days ago by Sara Mur
people helping people i a scam and a ponzi scheme. the guy in charge in the cheap suit is a kid named patrick betavid. hes a fraud. hes hilarious. he pretends to be a grown up business man and hes really a cheesy guy, doing an impression of a real business person. the poor guy is so low end he doesnt even know it. he misuses his vocabulary and he is actually hilarious to watch. we were in the business for about two months.

every person there seemed to be a young person in a cult. they thought this weirdo betdavid was actually legit. the vast majority ...i mean almost everyone there is broke. pretending to do well. betdavid might do ok, because he makes money on every single recruit.(hes the only one who keeps all the recruiting money..none is given to the field force... its a pyrmaid in every sense. not even a good pyramid. it has no backing and no leadership.

these poor kids they rope in are good kids, trying to better their lives and they just chose a very weak business model.

literally, no serious business person would ever join this thing. they will not be in business long. more than half of all the policies they write fall off the books and then you and they owe the money back in commissions.

they used my husband i for our contacts. sold them all crapy life insurance and then, when we quit. literally, every person that they sold to, cancelled. all that money is now owed to the insurance compnay and the agent is stuck with the bill.

they will use you for your market. they will tell you "we are making history"...looking back on it now, im so embaressed i ever associated with these con artists.

if you want a really good laugh; go watch a meeting they the head guy pretend to be a big shot and his little followers (all broke) actually believe in this guy. it is so sad.

its the lowest form of multi-level. cheesy young goofy guy in charge, no backing..empty slogans and promises.

it kinda looks like they are trying todo an a.l. williams or primerica type. accept those companies had real men as their founders, who were real leaders. this deal is run by a man-child...

stay away..protect your family
4902 days ago by Questioner
To User259507,
I'm curious, how long did you stay with the company? Did you quit because you couldn't pass the licensing test? How many times did you take the test?
4895 days ago by Athawt
When will people truly care about helping people and not just their pocketbook???
I know a person that is working with your company that TRIED TO HARD SELL me... Who is always broke by the way;/
But Thank GOD I have a close childhood FRIEND who is an agent and morally sound person, that explained to me the nature of this type of company. It's too bad the government hasn't put a regulation on this type of business.
I agree walk/run away... Though find yourself an agent who is educated with ethics firmly in place;-)
4894 days ago by Duke
I guess PHP is a controversial company lead by a controversial businessman. Other controversial companies with controversial leaders are: Apple, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Google, McDonald's, Newscorp, Facebook so I guess PHP is in good company. By the way the Wall Street Journal blog has a great write up about PHP as an up and coming innovative small business. Are you going to listen to the Wall Street Journal or some anonymous poster here?
4738 days ago by Ymcmb
Even the best of companies in the sales business get bad reps all over the internet. The most basic and accurate answer as to why these companies (including PHP) is reviewed as scams is bacause the simple fact that people expect to get great pay without hard work. Sure, PHP lures in people with the promises of a wealthy future and fat pay checks. Statistically speaking, only 5-10% of people who are involved in this sales business can make a small slice of those paychecks. That is not to say it is a scam. How is it a scam? I really want to know. Does the company tell you that they will pay you $1, 000, 000.00 for sitting at home and calling a few people a day? They say that you CAN make that kind of money, but doesn't mean that you will. If this company is really a scam, then why are there successful people in the company(not only speaking about the VP's and Chairman)? Truth is, there's money to be made in this industry, whether it is with PHP or other companies. They aren't scams. They're simply mislead to be thought as scams, simply because under qualified people believe that they could make a six figure income, but not have to put in the work for it. The richest people in the world are all entrepreneurs. But, to get to the top like they did, they didn't just sell things or call up 100 people a week. They worked their ass's off to get there. If you have the ability to make it in the industry, or if you you have the will to keep pushing after getting turned down over and over and over again, then eventually you will see results. People think they can make it, but won't put in the effort, then fail, and turn sour, so they come to the only place where their misguided grudge can be validated by gullible and narrow-minded people; the internet, and label these companies as "scams".

When apple was getting started(or any big company for that matter), they did the exact same thing as PHP and other growing companies today. How else were they supposed to get recognized and expand, except to recruit people and sell products. Were they marked as scams as well? Sure, because people get recruited, and didn't have what it takes to make it. Look at them now. We're all using their products; iPods, iPhones, iPads, Mac Books, car insurance, health insurance, property insurance, you name it. They're successful for a reason. None of them are "scams" they DO have the potential to make you rich as hell, but you have to work hard, WAY harder than that 9-5 job that pays you enough to get by month to month. All I'm saying is, before you mark something as a "scam", maybe you should reevaluate yourself and just rename your post as "I don't have what it takes", or "I can't hang", or "I gave up too quickly", you get the idea.

I'm not an employee or agent at PHP, but I'm just tired of companies being marked as "scams" when they aren't.
4738 days ago by Ymcmb
Even the best of companies in the sales business get bad reps all over the internet. The most basic and accurate answer as to why these companies (including PHP) is reviewed as scams is bacause the simple fact that people expect to get great pay without hard work. Sure, PHP lures in people with the promises of a wealthy future and fat pay checks. Statistically speaking, only 5-10% of people who are involved in this sales business can make a small slice of those paychecks. That is not to say it is a scam. How is it a scam? I really want to know. Does the company tell you that they will pay you $1, 000, 000.00 for sitting at home and calling a few people a day? They say that you CAN make that kind of money, but doesn't mean that you will. If this company is really a scam, then why are there successful people in the company(not only speaking about the VP's and Chaiman)? Truth is, there's money to be made in this industry, whether it is with PHP or other companies. They aren't scams. They're simply mislead to be thought as scams, simply because under qualified people believe that they could make a six figure income, but not have to put in the work for it. The richest people in the world are all entrepreneurs. But, to get to the top like they did, they didn't just sell things or call up 100 people a week. They worked their ass's off to get there. If you have the ability to make it in the industry, or if you you have the will to keep pushing after getting turned down over and over and over again, then eventually you will see results. People think they can make it, but won't put in the effort, then fail, and turn sour, so they come to the only place where their misguided grudge can be validated by gullible and narrow-minded people; the internet, and label these companies as "scams".

When apple was getting started(or any big company for that matter), they did the exact same thing as PHP and other growing companies today. How else were they supposed to get recognized and expand, except to recruit people and sell products. Were they marked as scams as well? Sure, because people get recruited, and didn't have what it takes to make it. Look at them now. We're all using their products; iPods, iPhones, iPads, Mac Books, car insurance, health insurance, property insurance, you name it. They're successful for a reason. None of them are "scams" they DO have the potential to make you rich as hell, but you have to work hard, WAY harder than that 9-5 job that pays you enough to get by month to month. All I'm saying is, before you mark something as a "scam", maybe you should reevaluate yourself and just rename your post as "I don't have what it takes", or "I can't hang", or "I gave up too quickly", you get the idea.

I'm not an employee or agent at PHP, but I'm just tired of companies being marked as "scams" when they aren't.
4595 days ago by Mon40
First off, People Helping People recruits just like the military, Apple, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Morgan Stanley and other successful organizations...
Wrong these companies do not make you pay to work for them there are monthly fees two $100 a month
PHP does not pay you to recruit. Lie! I just got a facebook invite and he invited everyone in his contact list.

They have now moved to chicago for some Financial Scam
4572 days ago by Tomasy
I started with the company a couple of weeks back I'm not big on sales or have any background but I am looking to make extra money and possibly live a dream if I make it there. After meeting people there they seem legitamate and successful also its a very nice environment but after reading these comments I wonder if there is something that they are hiding. I don't want to think so I do believe in the product and I like the idea of what they are doing but I really hope I'm not involved in a scam. One thing is yes a lot of people in here seem to not have what it takes to make it and as others have said you do have to invest some money to make money that's just the nature of the beast. You can't sit here and tell me that you made millions and not put in a dime and sat on your couch and it all it came to you. if that was the case please contact me that's where I wanna go but that's a fairytale we all play in our heads and dream everyday and since it doesn't cost a dime we can live that dream till we go to the grave and we can share with our children and grand children of that wonderful dream we have. As far as comparing all these big corporations you really can't compare all industries are different every company had a different story to tell on there success and they made it. Some people like here didn't have what it took to stay with the company and they missed the big bang so they write about the companies to get there anger out some way.

Now I do have to agree on somethings that people write on here as far as these other guys making money on you on the field trainings even though when you recruit you make money on the people you recruit its a monopoly but that's fine I think most companies work with this model but I don't like it cause I don't wnat to give my sources away neither am I going allow my sources to be sold by them because they are my people and I want people to buy from me and not for me to make money but I DO want to help people and if these products can help people in a good way forget about the money I will definetly do so. I still have my IF'S about the company and what I read on here but I guess its something I'm going to monitor and the article was good but something begs to differ on how I feel about and I'm very neutral when it comes to this. I really hope that everyone is wrong and that it turns out good but it has made me proceed with caution and I will but for everyone else out there who is reading this article and comments let me leave you on this note don't ever believe 100% what you read rather take it as a precaution take your initial steps continue doing your research and look into it yourself if you start seeing everything that you read into play then you make your decision at that point to leave or stay but if it does go down the way you want it then you won and you know that what you read wasn't 100% true. Sometimes people comment on things because they carry a bad experience and we are all open to encounter different things and this world full of hate sometimes against many things but sometimes we need to try things for ourselves or investigate them for ourselves to understand it better always with caution and taking into account what other experiences have been but the bad experience of one doesn't necesarily mean that you will not have a good experience always have an open mind to things we never know what life can throw our way that maybe good so with that said I will let you know my experience with PHP as I continue my journey with them and again with all your comments into consideration.
4572 days ago by Tomasy
I started with the company a couple of weeks back I'm not big on sales or have any background but I am looking to make extra money and possibly live a dream if I make it there. After meeting people there they seem legitamate and successful also its a very nice environment but after reading these comments I wonder if there is something that they are hiding. I don't want to think so I do believe in the product and I like the idea of what they are doing but I really hope I'm not involved in a scam. One thing is yes a lot of people in here seem to not have what it takes to make it and as others have said you do have to invest some money to make money that's just the nature of the beast. You can't sit here and tell me that you made millions and not put in a dime and sat on your couch and it all it came to you. if that was the case please contact me that's where I wanna go but that's a fairytale we all play in our heads and dream everyday and since it doesn't cost a dime we can live that dream till we go to the grave and we can share with our children and grand children of that wonderful dream we have. As far as comparing all these big corporations you really can't compare all industries are different every company had a different story to tell on there success and they made it. Some people like here didn't have what it took to stay with the company and they missed the big bang so they write about the companies to get there anger out some way.

Now I do have to agree on somethings that people write on here as far as these other guys making money on you on the field trainings even though when you recruit you make money on the people you recruit its a monopoly but that's fine I think most companies work with this model but I don't like it cause I don't wnat to give my sources away neither am I going allow my sources to be sold by them because they are my people and I want people to buy from me and not for me to make money but I DO want to help people and if these products can help people in a good way forget about the money I will definetly do so. I still have my IF'S about the company and what I read on here but I guess its something I'm going to monitor and the article was good but something begs to differ on how I feel about and I'm very neutral when it comes to this. I really hope that everyone is wrong and that it turns out good but it has made me proceed with caution and I will but for everyone else out there who is reading this article and comments let me leave you on this note don't ever believe 100% what you read rather take it as a precaution take your initial steps continue doing your research and look into it yourself if you start seeing everything that you read into play then you make your decision at that point to leave or stay but if it does go down the way you want it then you won and you know that what you read wasn't 100% true. Sometimes people comment on things because they carry a bad experience and we are all open to encounter different things and this world full of hate sometimes against many things but sometimes we need to try things for ourselves or investigate them for ourselves to understand it better always with caution and taking into account what other experiences have been but the bad experience of one doesn't necesarily mean that you will not have a good experience always have an open mind to things we never know what life can throw our way that maybe good so with that said I will let you know my experience with PHP as I continue my journey with them and again with all your comments into consideration.
4540 days ago by Miss-M
People Helping People is a legit company that offers people the chance to establish their own business by becoming an entrepreneur and business owner. We market and provide products and services with the highest standards and operate as a business with the highest integrity. We are highly regulated by state and federal regulations and our mission to restore America back to a free enterprise while also providing Americans the chance to establish a secure, financial future. We are a company that helps people become their own business but not in business by themselves. Please do your research and understand what it means to be in business for yourself. A restaurant owner, for example, understands what it takes to invest in one's own business. It takes hard work, determination, passion, persistence, and investment to establish your own business. Before judging the company, be sure you know what you want, what you're getting into and what you want to do when an opportunity presents itself to you. When you know and understand what you want out of your life, you will do whatever it takes to have the life you've dreamed of. Thank you.
4534 days ago by Wrt4wer
fck this company scammers
4424 days ago by USER2013
Get the facts straight
If you have ever been to the presentation or read the book they promote the Next Perfect Storm. How they play with numbers and give you this perception of this huge market of baby boomers that are going to retire in the next 20 yrs is a misleading claim.
They constantly say 80 million baby boomers are going to retire in the next 20 yrs, but the fact and reality is that there were 80 million baby boomers BORN, but only 36% actually survive to the age 65. So the that number is 28.8 million. Out of those 28.8 million less than 5% have enough money to retire at the age of 65. So now you are down to 1.4 million (potential clients) That is a period of over 20 yrs so now you are down to about 70, 000 people every year.
Lets not forget how many license insurance agents there are currently in the USA in the INDUSTRY. Currently there is 410, 000 with a project growth of 30% in the next 10 years according to the Vital Statics. PHP says they will have 500, 000 license agent in the next 20 yrs. i ll get back to that point

If you just take 70, 000 potential clients and divide that by the current amount of agents currently licensed in the entire industry. You get a grand total of 0.17% of potential baby boomer to sell your insurance products or annuities. That is 5 agents for every 1 baby boomer. Sounds like over saturation.

So how do they make money recruit, recruit, recruit...
Then after they recruit you they sell you a life insurance policy. Saying you need protection and saying how can't you sell a product if you don't have it yourself.
Wait that wasn't mention in the presentation? What happen to the all these baby boomers that was this huge market. You spent the majority of your presentation on this point!!!

They throw around the term helping people on their weekly conference calls saying so and so helped 5 families this week. Their definition of helping families is "SELLING" policies. You can sugar coat any way you want, but that is not helping people. Yes protection is one the 1st pillars of creating wealth, but how is this really helping a family that is struggling to get by month to month. (see question #5 at the bottom)
You throw around the term "Saving America" playing on people's patriotism.
Their CEO and a couple of their Marketing Directors served in military and some were in the teaching profession so for those few they have a some respect in my eyes.
Their rest of their leadership walk around with a chip on their shoulder. Some of them are in the late 20's and early 30's They beat the drum about "Saving America", but where were they when country needed them to fight the war on terrorism in the mid 2000's??? None of them raised their right hand and enlisted into the service. Where was their patriotism then? So for them to say "Saving America" a statement like that is just plain insulting to any veteran.
One of their top insurance companies they sell policies for is AIG. If you know anything about the housing bubble that crashed in 2008. You know AIG was bailout by the take payer for a sum of $182 billion dollars. I have also read that AIG is now trying to sue the government for a sum of $25 billion dollars. WTF!!!
How is this "SAVING AMERICA"
They will say by bringing back free enterprise???? but that still doesn't answer your claim to "Saving America" Answer: HOW are you Saving America?
They promote one their biggest marketing material the book the next perfect storm (talking about the baby boomers). Written be the CEO and goes for like $5.00 on Amazon. They tell you buy 100 copies if you want your business to grow fast. Of course no guarantees. They have 6, 000 agents (estimation from one of their flyers) and if each them bought just 50 copies that would be 300, 000 books sold. Which would a value of $1.5 million dollars. Which is also comes in their new stater kit for $150.
The essence of the business is recruit people buy their product and rinse repeat and do it again. You can give it fancy terms, catchy slogans, neat looking play book with lots of pictures, but the reality is that you are all just LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS who are out to make money. With their pep rally speeches and fun motivational seminars in Vegas in the end its all smoke and mirrors.
Let me play devils advocate and say they get to their goal on 500, 000 agents in the next 20 years and you hit a high level in the company. Eventually all these so called baby boomers have come and gone. What opportunity does the person 20 yr old have in your company in the year 2023 or 2033 when the well is all dried up.
To anyone in PHP that is reading before you sent a response I want to ask you this question? Would you do this business for free or for minimum wage? Remember your SLOGAN "People Helping People"
You should rename your slogan "People Recruiting People"
If you want to defend your company explain:
1 How are you Saving America? Explain in detail
2. Out of all the policies/business you write what percentage our actually to baby boomers?
3.Would you do it for little or no pay?
4 How do you actual help families? (don't answer by saying protecting them)
5.Why is that your playbook says a ideal person is a household income of $80, 000.00 +when the average household in the USA is around $45, 000. Only 25% in of household in USA make over $80k
(What should this even matter, unless you want to looking for qualified people who can afford your product that you promote)
4418 days ago by User2999
Thing is PHP is a legit business opportunity, just not for some one who is 20, or for some one that can see through their fragmented truth. I was once part of PHP but my issue was it did have a cult like feeling to it, I had more money saved up than a lot of people 25+ yrs old there which 3/4s of the people there are stone broke, and they begged me to fork up a bunch of cash to go to their "BIG EVENT" in vegas. They don't tell you the whole truth... "Its only 125$!" Ok... What about the hotel, the food, the gas, etc... They have a car incentive bonus, but by looking at the parking lot I never have seen a PHP car even though Oxnard office has a top guy Jason G. who has been there 7 yrs?! (couple friends both 19 got mercedes through vemma). They say they have a strict interviewing process, which is bullshit, they take anyone without as long as they're not a felon or convicted of theft. Also back to the hidden fees... 150$ start up(for 30$ worth of material), 125$ for big event, 40$ license training, 40$ life scan, 600$ a yr for liability insurance thing incase you mess up on a signature when writing business, 75-150$ month for your policy... AND THEY DONT TELL YOU ALL THIS AT THE BEGINNING!

Last after I told them I was quitting, they begged and whined as to why I am leaving, I simply told them, I prefer Vemma and working with my FRIENDS, they went on to tell me how I was missing out on opportunity of a lifetime.

What bothers me is that if I told my Vemma team I was quitting they would tell me, the door is right there. In PHP they will go as far as they can to get you in this and to keep you. Yes they got that 150$ out of me and the license training fees, which is pennies to me. I also signed up for an IUL but it has not gone through yet because after 3 months they have not got all the necessary information... <---poor service... Not responding to them anymore I refuse to give them my business or time.
3923 days ago by Skepchick
I was approached while at work by a woman named Diana Powers who works in their Pasadena, CA, "office". We casually chatted and she asked if I would be interested in picking up some extra work. We exchanged numbers and based on our conversation I thought it would be some basic bookkeeping work. Nope. Pyramid scam. I should've known better because she didn't even ask me to bring a resume, which I thought was odd. I'm not going to go into the details of the two hours I wasted listening to this woman pitch her bull shit scam, all of which could've been summed up in the last five minutes: give me $150 and I'll give you a bunch of worthless books filled with nonsense and a fantasy that you could make $7, 000 a month selling life insurance. I will say this - anyone who tells you that you need to pay for your training in order to be an employee, and that you must first buy their products, is insulting your intelligence and attempting to get you to part with your hard earned money. Tell them thank you, but no thank you, and get away from them as quickly as possible. If you really need a job, go to a placement agency. If you need to further your education, go to night school. Do not waste your time, as I did. PHP = MLM = SCAM!!!

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