Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
MyChoice Business Services
MyChoice Business Services Economic Freedom Corp scammers in Surprise, Arizona
21st of Jun, 2011 by User151529
MyChoice Business Services (.com) is the same company as Economic Freedom Corp, the company featured in the video link. Economic Freedom Corp took down their websites and disconnected their phone numbers and had to shut down because of too many complaints. MyChoice Business Services is the same group of people, I even saw the origional website of EFC and it's similar to the website at MyChoice Business
4938 days ago by Teri Kahila
Email me at [email protected]
I have been putting together alot of info on these scum bags. 281-839-5117
need to put them away where they belong, we have to work as a whole group to bring attention nationally to this country. I am not stopping I am going to the top with these scum bags.
4937 days ago by Sarah Jane
Some of the comments wondered if the Arizona States Attorney office reads these complaint. I had a complaint against another scammer and was told the Offiece has no inforcement arm. but they did notify the company of my complait and that Co. offereded me 40% refund but their check boounced. My experience with several companies in Phoenix is that they feel they have the freedom to scam AMD THEY DO,
4935 days ago by Anonymous
Thank you for this information. I live in South Florida and somehow they were able to get my cell phone number. I guess it's time to get back to the drawing board and find a legit job. Thank you everyone!
4935 days ago by ReportFraud386
I just received a call from a Debbie Johnson who sounded so wonderful. Promised $500 for each terminal, 1% of sales revenue. All for the cost of $495. Of course they cover themselves from scrutiny by the FCC by reading you this statement and recording it. This way they have you agreeing to the charges. It is hard to dispute when you are recorded as saying that you agree. I did not know about the $500 FCC requirement that they must produce 10 reputable testimonials. It is the same thing as everyone is saying. That they are affiliated in some way with Visa & MasterCard, etc.
4934 days ago by Gwenberger
my mom was almost out $30, 000.00 herself until she contacted her financial manager and thankfully he found this website with all the complaints and victims of this terrible scam. its sad that other people would prey on the vulnerable ones, looking for a way out of a tough situation. my mom has more of a chance of striking it rich in las vegas than she would with any home based biz, and she has tried a few...all with little or no results.
whats worse is this man who she spoke to went on about his family, his 5 kids, grandkids and 1st great grandkid...desperately trying to paint a pretty, white picket fence picture so that would hopefully deflect from the fact that he is a criminal.
i believe that what goes around comes around and all those that have lost money with this place, i know you will get back ten fold...and the thieves will get what they deserve as well.
4927 days ago by Czerr
I called the people today and the toll-free number was no longer active. I than returned a call to a 520-number and spoke to the same guy I spent an hour with last week. He says they have no information of me in their system.

I contacted ny bank so that no other charges could be made against my account. Now I am contacting the IRS to investigate these dirt bags.
4921 days ago by Awakeheart
Investigating fraud in Arizona

These two do answer there phones and except your email. So the more complaints the better for justice. They are presently watching and collecting complaints on the scumbags. I have spoken to both of them.

Kathy Martinjak, CFS

Consumer Fraud Analyst

US Postal Inspection Service

Phoenix Division

Tucson Domicile

520-388-5424 520-388-5424

[email protected]

Attorney General office for Arizona

Nancy V. Anger
Senior Litigation Counsel
Consumer Protection & Advocacy Section
Office of the Attorney General

1275 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, Az. 85007
[email protected]

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

We take consumer complaints very seriously and use complaints like yours to identify practices or areas of concern. A Consumer Financial Protection Bureau specialist is reviewing your complaint and may contact you and CHASE to collect additional information. This could be a lengthy process, so we ask for your patience.

We are also actively tracking the issues that consumers care about when it comes to Credit Card complaints. To learn more about these issues, go to

(855) 411-CFPB (2372) - Statue.

The Arizona Secretary of State maintains the registry and the Arizona Treasurer’s Office maintains the bond that telemarketers are required to post.


4914 days ago by Mmpaniagua
Let me ask any one of you all. I also received a call from this guy called Ray and sounded promising and I followed up. I was also in the same boat as everyone else and trusted however at the time of me making the ok my phone got disconnected because thank GOD my battery died. Anyways after this I went ahead and goggle the company and indeed everything was a SCAM, however now I have received numerous phone calls threaten me about something with my SS#, then they switch and told me something about money laundry. I have been investigating and all these calls have something in common and I truthfully believe that My choice business services is just getting personal info so than later they can harass us. We have exposed our personal information with My choice business services and these people sell us out to other SCAM...the SCAM never ends...It just continues. There is nothing yet that not even the authorities can do to stop it. WE CAN NOT TRUST IN NO ONE...SCARY BUT TRUE.
4914 days ago by Jmjmis
I just got off the phone with a Bill. He gave me a phone # 1-877-542-8776 and a web site I told him right off I had no room on my credit card and had no money to invest. He muttered and rambled and didn't make much sense. Didn"t hard sell me and promised to call back next week. Most of what the above comments say was the same. I didn"t get scammed. Thank heavens but they are out there trying. Pretty much if it sounds too good to be true it is.
4913 days ago by Anonymous
I just got a call today from a guy named Robert Cosgrove. He said the name was My Choice Business Services and I didn't give my CC number because I'm always fishy of prople calling me and telling me that I will make alot giving info about of money from giving names and info about business. The good Lord told me to come home and see if I could find some information on them and I'm so glad hat I did. Yep, If it sounds too good to be true then it is...please tell the person to give you some information and check them out before you give them a CC number and you won't lose any money...May God be with us all...
The number he called from is 623-321-4349 and then the 1-888-807-7740 @ ext. 2216 so please check on these companies...
4898 days ago by Srb2
I was Scammed by My Choice business services for $2, 354.50 in 3 month's. Come to find out; they have numerous names. Some of the Names are: BigActionMedia, WebediaDinisty, MerchantFredomNetwork, SukiEnterprises LLC, and Many others. When I requested cancellation; customer services said that they could not do that; they didn't have the authority; they would have someone contact me within 24 to 48 hours.
Finally Robert Called and his last words were "we will not give you a refund and we will fight it to the end".
A smooth talker by the name of Lisa Monroe at 480-254-9471 talked with me for about an hour and a half to get me to buy 80 hand picked Leads; that she could work for $2000.00. I would Get results in a 6 week period of time. I got 1 check for $25.00 in 3 mo. time. BIG DEAL ! ! ! The story goes on and on!
4898 days ago by Pemrich
I just got off the phone from My Choice Business Services. It sounded great! I actually do some text message marketing to small businesses so I thought I could piggy back with this opportunity. I have been "taken" before so for once in my life, I was strong in saying that I needed to research their company. Needless to say, they put a manager on the phone. He said he could tell I was skeptical and would work with me. He offered me the $495 Platinum for $195 because of this and that reason.
All I can say is that at the tail end of the conversation, I googled the business and found this negative feedback. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You just saved me from $195 and egg on my face. For those who have spent more, I am sorry and I have been there. I will keep plodding on with my text message marketing and other ventures that are real. Not all home-based opportunities are scams but you still have to work them. Nothing comes easy.
[email protected]
4891 days ago by Llaaryyww
I talked with a so called company they called Fidelity Investments.The come on was commission on businesses that they signed on to do swipe charges at a discount on credit cards All I had to do is give them leads The upfront $295 to $495 seemed unnecessary so I got a little suspicious. Tried to track this company down with no success so I asked if they had a web sight and they gave me My Choice Business . When I investigated this sight I found that It was a big time rip-off scam. So then I called back the initial person Ashley Smith at 520 423 6575 in Scottsdale Az . I told her to grab her purse and run so that maybe she might escape prosecution for the crimes that they are committing there. I never gave them my personal information or credit card numbers. Thanks for recording the crooked activity of this company
4886 days ago by Bahamutboy
Jack Wallace with My Choice Business Services just called me from 520-423-5388. They purport to have been in business for over 25 years.

He wanted me to provide a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 small business names and numbers in my area per week so they could contact them and work to reduce their credit card charge fees to 2%. I would automatically get 1% of every transaction forever (lol). They would set up a web page for me to keep track of it all, but the website would cost $24.99 per month. There were one-time payments for a business I recommended successfully transferring to their service and setting up a "terminal." He also gave advice on what types of businesses I'd make more money on, like funeral homes which have higher credit card charges, as opposed to doughnut shops that don't charge as much.

There were also three packages: Silver for $295, Gold for $395, and Platinum for $495. With the Silver package, I'd make $200 per new terminal and $2800 per month. With the Gold package, I'd make $300 per new terminal and $4200 per month. And with the Platinum package, I'd make $500 per new terminal and $7000 per month. I managed to haggle the buy-in price of Platinum down to $295, but I never gave those effers my cc#.
4879 days ago by [email protected]
Wow, this is unreal! A week ago I got a call from My Choice Business Service, Telling me that I would make $500.00 for each lead I gave them to use their Merchant Account (meaning they would process the credit cards for these retailers) I got excited thinking this is easy enough, I can make money ($500.00) and get monthly rev for 50% of what these companies used in Merchant fee's- Then she told me that I have to join a website and pay them 24.95 monthly, so I can see my activity of the leads I sent and the money coming in to me. Well, stopped right there and told her, let me think about it, and give me your number, she gave me a number not working??? Thank God I did not give them a dime!
4878 days ago by J. Fleischman
If someone from My Choice Business, Web Media or whatever name (same scamsters as Bankcard Empire and Economic Freedom) they come up with telling you they are partners with Visa and Mastercard, hang up on them QUICK!. It is all a scam.

If you buy email blasts from them, it is only spam and not legitimate email addresses.

They mainly target senior citizens who are not tech and computer savy so they do not know what they are getting themselves into. Do your research and whatever you do, don't give these scamsters any personal or credit card information. Look up the names Steve Garland, John Hansen, Robert Miller - just whatever you do, HANG UP ON THEM IMMEDIATELY. Some people have been scammed $40, 000. Band together and stop these scum bags once and for all. They shut one company name completely down and them come up right away as another new company name ready, able and willing to scam more people. Go to the Arizona Secretary of State's website and you can put all these company names and people together. Arizona is a hot bed for these scamsters. Let's all help stop these predators!

A lot of us having been working hard to get the info out about these scum bags. Go to Stop Big Scam on Facebook and post your stories there. You can also contact me at [email protected]. We have also been working diligently with Teri Kahlia. These crooks need to be stopped!
4878 days ago by J. Fleischman
These people are all crooks - no matter what they are now calling themselves. It sickens me that they are targeting senior citizens that don't know the difference in getting their own website and domain name to only getting access to these scum bags' back office and that the email blasts they purchase are only worthless spam.

We have been working diligently with others trying to get the word out about these scumbags. Go to Stop Big Scam on Facebook, and post your stories there,

If you have been scammed you can contact me at [email protected]. Go to Arizona Secretary of Website - you can put the company names with the names of the scumbag people that are running these scams.
4862 days ago by Letsgetem
This mess started way back in March when I was contacted by a guy named Jim Davis 480-245-5800 (WHEN YOU CALL NOW - NUMBER IS "UNALLOCATED"). I was told it was an opportunity to cash in on the lucrative business of credit card processing. To make a long story short, it was for FIDELITY MERCHANT SOLUTIONS. After you initially sign up for $495.00 (which allows you to supposedly get $500 per new terminal that goes in to a business), $150 (for a lifetime hosting of a very cookie cutter website). You then get a host of calls from people that lead you to believe are all part of Fidelity. NOT ONE OF THEM IS; but you don't know that until you see where these are billed from when you get your credit card statements, or when you try to call the company that you think is Fidelity and they either don't know who you are talking about, or that person has either 'left the company, " or "been transferred to another department." The different names and companies that were involved in my particular instance are as follows: LISA MUNROE, BIG ACTION MEDIA Phone number 602-488-5587 (DISCONNECTED) for leads which you are told are from Dunn & Bradstreet which they call for you and try to convert for $5, 000.00, TOM POWERS, AGGRESSIVE ADVERTISING or FIDELITY 520-423-5339 (ALWAYS GOES TO A RECORDING FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE - AND WHEN YOU FINALLY GET A CALL BACK, IF YOU DO, THEY DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA WHO TOM POWERS IS) for tv spot advertising, and targeted leads for $10, 000.00 and last but not least, KEVIN DAVIS 877-782-4814, supposedly from Fideity in the /Rlsk Management Department, who does a phony calculation based on your available credit on the cards you have used already for your venture vs. what you have spent on your business investment on those cards, " and then tells you that if you spent another certain amount based on his calculations, it will put you in the position to get your entire "investment" back by filling these forms out at the end of the year. QUOTE: "As a new business owner, for the first three years you are in business, you are entitled to get your money back, due to a government program, if you don't make at least what you invested into your business." I asked if he meant a write off, stating that wouldn't do me any good for paying off the credit cards that I was using for this venture, and he assured me that no, it would be a check. This was billed to Integrated Bldg. So in AZ. There's no phone number or listing for them and amazingly Kevin Davis has been "transferred to another department, " but no one seems to know where to. Imagine that????
So yes, I am normally very suspect of these types of things, but these were the smoothest sales pitches I have ever heard. I actually did google Fidelity Merchant Solutions scam when I first got involved and found nothing on them (March 2011). That is because the scam was just started using that name so a google search showed nothing bad. The complaints didn't seem to start until June or so. These people prey on people's hopes and beliefs that they are decent people offering a legitimate way to make money. This combined with the horrible economy where people are so desparate to find a way to make money makes for a volitile combination. Obviously these people have no souls. Don't let ANYONE talk you into any kind of marketing campaigns on your behalf, OR have anything to do with ANY credit card merchandising scam. These people are very slick. Just last night another person called me and tried to sell me more crap. He was from a company in Wyoming that wanted to lend me more money to invest in my business. Guess my sarcasm turned him off when he asked "how is your business going?" He could tell he wasn't going to get anywhere with me, so he said he would "relay my message" back to the home company. UNBELIEVABLE!
4781 days ago by CDianeCook
I was a victim of EFC, My Choice and Fidelity Merchant Solutions as well. They took me for over $30, 000 all charged to my credit cards. They kept telling me I needed more marketing and I would make lots of money. They are such horrible people. How could they do this to the elderly and disabled? . I thought I'd never see that money again. I did get help from a company called CR Consumer Resources and they did all the work for me and I got back every cent that was charged to my credit cards. If you want your money back, you might want to call them and see if they can help you. Their website is and the phone number is 888-563-5558. Dont let these crooks take your money. GET IT BACK If you think that the time frame is an issue, I signed my contracts almost 2 yrs ago and still won my dispute thanks to these people helping me. God bless you all.
4781 days ago by CDianeCook
I was a victim of EFC, My Choice and Fidelity Merchant Solutions as well. They took me for over $30, 000 all charged to my credit cards. They kept telling me I needed more marketing and I would make lots of money. They are such horrible people. How could they do this to the elderly and disabled? . I thought I'd never see that money again. I did get help from a company called CR Consumer Resources and they did all the work for me and I got back every cent that was charged to my credit cards. If you want your money back, you might want to call them and see if they can help you. Their website is and the phone number is 888-563-5558. Dont let these crooks take your money. GET IT BACK If you think that the time frame is an issue, I signed my contracts almost 2 yrs ago and still won my dispute thanks to these people helping me. God bless you all.

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