Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Lexicon Senior Healthcare
Lexicon Senior Healthcare Employment Scam Dallas, Texas
25th of Jan, 2011 by
Beware. Lexicon sells insurance and are recruiting agents. The catch is that they expect you to fly to Dallas, stay in a hotel for 3 or 4 nights, meals etc. for training classesat your expense!! And then lay out $999 for "set-up fees". This is for a 1099 commission job!! Do not even waste your time applying.

5073 days ago by Painlessmateo
i sent a resume. n they want me to go to dallas also. but all they askd me to pay was for my license. r u sure its a scam?
5051 days ago by Salesmansuck
It is a business "opportunity". I went through the training and lasted a day and a half in the field. You will need to pay a $599 fee that they call a training/reserve territory fee. Then you will have to travel to Dallas, TX for three days for training - covering your own expenses. You will give them your banking info so they can automatically charge you for their preset appointments - they are $20 per appointment! They will also charge you $5 per "callback" appointment. These are simply people that their call center has contacted but did NOT agree to have an appointment. At 3-4 preset appointments per day that translates to $1800-2400/mo for preset appointment expenses. You can also expect $1500-$2000/mo in travel expenses (hotel+gas). Now if you do the math - you are looking around $40, 000+ per year in business expenses! So when you read on the website that you will make $48, 000-$50, 000 don't be fooled - you will need a large reserve to make it in this business. I had a couple grand that took me a LONG time to save and now it's almost gone. I am embarrassed and ashamed that I fell for this and now also out of a job. They are the typical people you will find in a sales environment - they blow smoke up your ass and sell you on the dream of living large. They termed me an "expert" in the field of Medicare after 3 days of training. What a crock of shit. Thanks for nothing Lexicon.

For the right person it is an amazing opportunity. Lexicon's commission schedule is impressive. Be prepared to put in some uncomfortable positions typical of door to door sales. You will need to dedicate your life to your work. I'm talking up at 5am and work until midnight everyday. And you will need to have some money saved up to make it through the first year or two! Good luck.
5015 days ago by Janice
I don't know who the PP is above but TY TY TY for your post. This the only BALANCED comment about LSC I could find and I'm so happy I did. They set up this bogus blog where only amazing comments about the company are displayed. If you ask the HARD questions they mysteriously get ignored. Ask simple questions and you get all kinds of glowing comments, nothing negative.

Here are questions you need to ask yourself:
1) Is it wise for you to PAY a company to be employed by them?
2) First webcam; everybody participating is clapping and giving a thumbs up; simultaneously ODD. IOW they aren't real people participating
3) THE UGENCY to sign on because there is a waiting list for your spot.
4) NO f2f interview
5) NO reference prior to training
6) Second Interview, they vomit information in your lap but you can barely ask any questions.

If you blog the truth like PP did the "moderators" take it away.
5005 days ago by TEX
I too got accepted but something just was not right about it for me, so I held out and am glad I did...the following site has the best posts of all the positive, but mysteriously the not so nice posts seem to dissapear???? luckily they were sent to me and have been saved in my delete box...below are a few...

BE VERY LEERY!!! Was offered a position, and after 2 weeks of trying to find their licensing information I declined. You must be licensed to sell insurance as a company and as an agent, I tried calling Texas Department of Insurance and they did NOT have any licensing information for Lexicon Senior Healthcare (I even tried seeing if they were listed under the Great American and they were NOT). It is completely possible that they are a real company, just make sure you ask your "contact" (mine kept telling me that licensing information it is confidential (proprietary) information, which this is not the case according to the Texas Department of Insurance). I even went so far as to call the Ohio Department of Insurance and asked them about Lexicon since they are the "marketing arm" for the Great American which is based out of Ohio and NOTHING!

Oh and I also tried calling the Great American themselves who didn't know who they were, and then transferred me to their Texas Department, the United Teachers Associates Insurance who couldn't find anything on them. Oddly enough though the Better Business Bureau has them ranked highly, but the address the BBB has for Lexicon is the same address as the UTA.

Just be very very leery and make sure you ask the right questions. And yes you will have to pay $600 for them to "hold" your territory and you will also be paying $20 for each "pre-set" appointment. Average that out with 2-4 appt a day, for 4 days a week your looking at anywhere between $160-$320 a week they will just take out of your bank account.
Anytime someone puts something of question about this company, the post has been removed.
I read two posts earlier that have been removed. It makes me wonder who
is running this website. Please check all avenues before investing your time and money.
Once again, a blog was removed that stated they had concerns about this company. This seems
very strange that only positive posts are welcomed here. I bet this one will be
removed by tomorrow. Please be careful as this seems very weird!!!

These People keep deleting what we Write because it is a scam this place has nothing to do with great American! They don't know who this company is...

5005 days ago by TEX
In addition they look to be a spinoff of a company called Senior Healthcare Consultants which has same website and everythingelse...they are in a heap!!! and all the old officers seem to be with the new company! Save your cash and don't do anything rash.
5003 days ago by Rainbow Rider
I was contacted by Lexicon as they received my resume from an online Resume/Job source. I was initially impressive with what they stated that they offered. BUT, there was my Gut telling that something was not kosher! The 1st thing I noted was their website looks like the 1st website I created in 1993. It is amateurish!! Not what you would expect from a Division of a $32 Billion dollar company.

Then when I was interviewed and chosen as " the top prospect for the Oregon Territory ", I was excited about the income potential with triple verified leads into the "Baby Boomer" market in Medicare Supplements, annuities, and 60+ other products targeting that marketplace. I asked about the $599 fee that during the interview process was described briefly as the office supply start-up costs.

After I was sent all the documents to become a Lexicon Contractor I realized that the $599 is actually the purchase price a Contractor pays for territory exclusivity.- a 90 miles radius, but without a territory center defined. Therefore the territory exclusivity is meaningless. In addition, though they state that they WANT YOU, you must also pay your way to Dallas as well as accommodations for 3 days during required training. Most legitimate organization pay for the transport interstate as well as accommodations when requiring training.

When I asked for their recommendations on which Insurance Training Company that they work with, as my L & H License are from Idaho and California, and I now live in Oregon. The links that they forwarded were to companies that do not operate in Oregon.

Luckily, I was unable to complete the signup as my PC broke down. I had it back running within 24 hours, but I am no longer login to the site. They desire Sales Rep (Contractors) to perform 1 call closes. It makes me wonder about cancellations and charge-backs, once a prospective customer had time to sleep on their decision. I also wonder since you are a contractor are you open to Customer Lawsuits.
5003 days ago by TEX
You are darn skippy that you had a gut feeling to back away...I too was called and going through what everyone on the blogsite described as a tough process was a piece of cake for me and so you believe that you are that good and "buy" into their sweet talk. It is funny though, after getting all the electronic docs to fill out and directions upon how to go about getting my state license; I never heard back from anyone in the company. THEY DON'T CARE WHETHER YOU DO OR DON'T!!! Legit or not I would not touch it or recommend anyone else to get involved. Here is what makes me sick to my stomache: I am 100% sure that the above website is a window dressed up sham site for them to spin the truth: A) missing post #'s that they claim are reposted elsewhere on the site-a crock! B) check the dates of the other insurance posts that have nothing to do with Lexicon...most, if not all are dated back 5months ago...Hmmmmm when did Lexicon start? ...about 6 months ago... Spin doctors at work to combat the new age of internet info. C) referencing point A, the missing posts are what they don't want folks to know. If that is not a cover up of some sort, then I don't know what is. Please spread the word and stay clear. Again, they are the same folks that jumped from Senior Healthcare Consultants to this new venture. Check out SHC and you will find out that is just wolves in different clothing.
4991 days ago by Purplerayn
Well today I was offered a position with Lexicon. I am not going to lie after being out of a teaching job for over a year it felt great to have someone say "You are what we are looking for!" THEN the end of the second phone call interview hits you as though you are a dumbass, "You must pay $599 to save your territory spot." Well I live right outside of Dallas and since I am here why not set up a face to face with me to make sure I'm what they want. I could not be what they are wanting at all. This is who I am, a person highly successful in my past looking to be that way again. Do I have "IDIOT WILL PAY ANY AMOUNT TO HAVE JOB?" on my forehead? DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER WITH THIS COMPANY. You do not pay for a job!!! Oh and nice try showing the baseball stadium. My inner spirit say run and do not ever pay for a job!!! Be safe people and keep your money for your family.
4986 days ago by Ccg
I wish I had seen this page before I became a fool. The whole process I have had something bothering me about Lexicon, but I just blew it off. I went to Dallas and had 3 INTENSE DAYS OF TRAINING. When I got home I was no where ready to go out and present the product I believed in. The scheduled me for 1 appt that Friday and 7 callbacks!! I got up Friday am early and got on the conference call and knew when it was over I would not go out. Called and let Lexicon know I would not be going out. That entire weekend I practiced and practiced my presentation. They informed me on Sunday that I would just go to the ones I had for friday. Okay, I did not go Friday so I felt they were not going to give me any to see if I really go out on Monday. Well, I went, it was awful. First I went to what was my scheduled appt and I heard the people turn the TV off!! The other places were just terrible, some were abandoned, I actually got to talk to one live person, but he was so old and senile I could not in good faith try to sell him anything. The phone coachs are terrible. My team leader called me that same Monday and said that my previous Friday appt said I could come back anytime, I said that was a joke because I had already been there and they would not come to the door! He acted like he did not believe me. Anyway, I decided that I wanted to be field trained. They told me that would not happen until I had made 20 presentations. That really ticked me off. The head guy of Lexicon called me, I was impressed and ask me what my problems were. I wrote him and he said He would arrange for me to get field trained by the best! They set it up with a guy in Dallas and wanted me to go there. I booked it but then my gut really started bothering me. I talked to a couple of my classmates and they were not doing well. One was staying in the hole because of apptts and callbacks and the 30% they hold out. The other had a good week, made right at 800 in commission and netted a little over 200! Once again appts and callbacks and 30% holds. Now he has to take his expenses out - this is just terrible. How are they able to do this? I cancelled my trip and told them why. They wrote me back and said I should not listen to others!! Oh well, I have lost money, but I will not lose anymore. I put something on the Lexicon seniorhealthcarereviews, guess what, k it got removed!!! I just hope people find this site sooner than later. Should have known my gut was right.
4978 days ago by Snowdrifter
I got a "phone interview" today too. I thought to check the web sites of the Parent Companies Great American - and Lexicon is not listed anywhere. I called the Great American complaint hotline and reported them. Guess will have to wait to see if anyone cares.

Has anyone reported all of this to their state's Commissioner of Insurance? Bet they would find it interesting.
4977 days ago by Goforit481
I have a phone interview tomorrow. Do they really charge you $20 per pre-set appointment?
4970 days ago by Kmr
I totally agree with Ccg. My experience was exactly the same. Yes, they charge $20 for pre-set appts that are not really qualified and don't always come to the door. They expect you to work from 6 AM til midnight and not 4 days a week but 6. And they charged me $999!! How stupid was I? Now I am out over $2000. I gave it 1 1/2 weeks - couldn't eat or rest and traveled over 100 miles each day from my home. I would not ever recommend Lexicon to anyone. Plus the training was not good - those 3 days in Dallas. I was so not confident to go out on Friday or any time after that!
4969 days ago by Bendover4me
Have you ever heard, "If it sounds to good to be true be careful?" I wish I had been more careful. I spent 4 very long days in Dallas, Tx at my own expense for training and after I spent over $1, 500 I was not trained. I was advised that if I want field training I could come back to Tx and spend an additional $1, 000.

Not only was I not prepared they did not deliver what they promised. They did provide leads but those leads were in locations that were so remote it took $60 a day in gas just to make the appointments. These people were so poor that Medicare was the first insurance they had ever had in their life so why buy a supplement? Those that did have a supplement, the Lexicon agents were to convince them that their existing company was a poor choice. We were advised to point out letters to show how bad their current carrier was. Then we were to sell them a company that no one had ever heard of. Very few companies had ever heard of the companies Lexicon represent. We were even told to humanize the introduction and say, "I grew up going to church twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday." We were told these are conservative Christian folks and using religion was ok. The entire training and in the training manual President Obama was disrespected. There is no such thing as Obamacare. When the instructor was told to say Health Care Reform he became offended.

Please do not attend this training. Lexicon is all profit. There are a few that make money but only a few.
4965 days ago by Mentor
WOW I thank GOD for all your comments, I have a phone interview set up with them tomorrow, let me re phrase that after reading all the above comments I will not waste my time with these SCAM artists!

Thank you to each of you who took time to post in here, you all have been a huge blessing to me!
4961 days ago by Scambusternumber1
RUN RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN if you are thinking about joining this company, the reason why you can not find anything about them is that they are Senior Healthcare Consultants rebranded, they are a part of RJR Insurance Services, Inc

They operate a very fast revolving door recruitment process, they do not like new recruits getting to know each other because of the huge failure rate.

I could tell you the whole story about this company and much of it has been said in the above posts.

Finaly I have not heard from or seen any salesman of theirs that make 6 figures as they claim, the system is all about taking money from their salesman in chargebacks and appointment fees with low industry commision rates.
4961 days ago by Taylormade
Thank you for all the post! I called and left a message to set up an interview, and by the time the guy called back I had already read almost every post on this site. So when he called I told him that I was unaware of investing money into this and that Im not interested, and he basically just said ok and hung it comes to giving money to jump start a career I am already leary, and would have never given it to them anyway...but this site just help cut some corners...Thanks again!
4961 days ago by RussPro
I feel that they were very informative on letting me know what exactly I was in store for. I have some quality sales experience under my belt, so I was skeptical at first. That is why they do a webinar, to weed out any people that are not 100% into it. I felt that the recruiter was informative (as much as he could be) and the webinar gave me a helpful perspective on what to look forward to. No scam, just make sure you are motivated and up for a challenge. It seems like the people that are saying this is a "scam" cannot cut it in sales or just looking for the easy way out. In this economy, it’s these opportunities that keep the dream alive. Today we I do what others won't, so tomorrow I can do what others can't. Good luck to all you complainers…more opportunity and sales for me.
4961 days ago by Dontdoit
I just completed training, was in the field for two and a half days and quit. This was the worst decision I have ever made!!! I am out over $2000 dollars of my "hard earned" money for nothing. The last two days was a joke when it came to my "pre-set" appointments. NONE of the potential seniors were at home and yet I was still charged $20 for each one. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR TIME!!!
4955 days ago by JHK
I went through the interview process, the training class and currently out having a blast…and making good money doing it. Sure it was a lot to take in, but it was worth every second. I am with you all the way, RussPro! I agree completely. The above comments boggle me. I don’t know what these clowns are complaining about or where they got their information. However, misery loves company. They told us up front, this isn’t some Mickey Mouse job you can do on the side. They wanted motivated individuals with intent to make a name for themselves. One must take a step back and look within to truly see where the waste of time was. It makes me upset to see all these negative comments, when all they did was provide us with an enormous opportunity. I don’t want these complainers to mess with their credibility and especially my future.

They even made us sign a checklist and statement to insure that we knew what we were getting ourselves into, which if you read every word was truly only asking for commitment and motivation. At times it seemed like they were trying to weed out anybody that did not have the backbone. There was one fella that kept asking some pretty inconsiderate questions that quite frankly had nothing to do with what we were being trained on. He just wanted to prove everyone wrong. These are the people that I am sure are writing these negative comments with such rude and ill-mannered comments. Rejection plays a huge part in any sales position. And boy I have failed with the best of them. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

It is always money well spent when investing in yourself...and they have done no such SCAMing. I knew what I was getting myself into prior to flying to Dallas from South Carolina. And I knew that failure wasn't an option. I hope all you people on the fence will take this for what it is, a genuine real opportunity for the right people. One last piece advice…stops listening to the victims out there and look at the process for yourself with open eyes and untainted views. The only real failure in life is the failure to try.

If you don’t want to take my word for it and want to make sure this is not a scam as some have so wrongfully alleged, click the link below. I wouldn’t read any other of these badly informed comments above before you read this site's outlook. This website is well renowned and is as legit as they come. Good Luck to you all.
4955 days ago by OTRUTHo
I have been checking this out from time to time and have not really chimed in until I saw the post from JHK. THANK YOU JHK, finally, someone has it right. I didn’t post anything on this site previously because I was sure it would elicit a million more posts trying to prove how wronged they were and thus further substantiating their failure and perpetuating their little pity party. I hope they don’t waste their breath – at least not on me. Also, I just always figured that most people are smart enough to look at things for themselves and not take the word of people who have obviously failed and have a very skewed view of reality. Shoot, many themselves say they had not even given the position a chance.

These people are ill-informed, did not read or listen to the training and as usual they throw up a little bit of truth mixed with anything from misconceptions to out and out lies. In many of these cases this is simply no more in my mind than a bad job fit. I challenge anyone to find a company more forthright in trying to give people a true and honest look at their opportunity – they told me EVERYTHING that these people are complaining about. Look, I am not aware of any sales jobs that are perfect for everyone. So, it wasn’t perfect for them, and I bet if they put the same amount of effort into the next “job” that “job “will not be a fit either, and likely will be labeled a “scam”.

Don’t listen to these crybabies - I hope others will not allow the voice of a few ill-informed people affect their judgment or more importantly stop them from looking at the best thing that has ever happened to me as it pertains to business.

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