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verizon wireless
Verizon Wireless How my PROMISED Bill of $21.88 turned into a Gag Nasty Amount of $961.40. Internet, Nationwide
4th of Mar, 2011 by User890952
This report is to further explain my situation from the report my Husband filed just yesterday but be prepared for it's pretty lengthy and detailed. I believe his report's title was included with "Decorative Veterans" &&& the location of Clarksville, TN is the same. His report and my report is to help anyone who reads this, understand just how much Verizon is the worst Cell Phone Service, PERIOD. The amount of complaints with just this ONE provider should prove to anyone thinking of having Verizon as their cell phone choice, that they'd be in all aspects, stressed and broke. To anyone who uses Verizon already, if you haven't had any problems with them yet, I pray it stays that way. For the record, any Lawyer or News Media reading this entry feels they want to get in contact with me for my story, feel free to do so because I've already threatened Verizon to take this further into my Local News Channel to bash them for their Unprofessional "Professionals" who like to tell their Customers anything to get them off the phone.
The date this incident occured on was January 14th of this year. What caused me to call was that from the months of July to December, my Husband had been overseas and we had been doing an extreme amount of texting due to his limited contact choices for being overseas and our bills had been extremely high (like the normal 130.00 to 300.00-600.00). So when I finally called in January to make changes to the account, my whole attempt was to find out if I could be reimbursed for the charges seeing as how my Husband never used his line. I was told by the Supervisor named Timothy, that unfortunately, no, because the bills have already been paid so any and all of the charges are valid. He then told me each text sent is .25 and each text received was .20. So I said I'd like International added on so that my bills wouldn't be so outrageously high and he said he'd add that on for $9.99 a month.
We went on to discuss that suspending my Husband's line until he came came back home would be a 1 time fee and that they'd have to switch him from being the Primary Line to my # being the Primary Line. He also told me after that, that what he could do for me was basically give me a month free, I would only have to pay $288 and something dollars THAT DAY and that my bill for the month of February would only be $21.88 plus tax. My bills for the month of March, April, May and so forth, if I decided to stay with them 1ce my contracted ended in April, would be with the adjusted changes so I would only be seeing the amount of like $60 or $70 something dollars. Before I hung up with him, I made him REPEAT to me at least THREE times that the only amount I would see in February would be a total, with taxes included, of $23.96. He assured me $23.96 and told me that I of course had the leisure to call back if for any reason the amount changed when I received my bill. I told him to count on it and before I hung up with him he tried to convince me that Verizon was on the top of the charts for network coverage and tried to get me to change my already made up mind on staying with them instead of going to Cricket...seriously...really...get real.
So, fast forward to February 17th to where I get a phone call saying that the account was past due and if I wished to pay at that moment. May I mind you...that I have almost every bill on automatic draft so I completely forgot about the payment. I told the Rep I totally forgot about it and that yes, I'd like to pay it. He told me that with the late fee charge of $6 dollars and some change, my payment came out to $490.60. I asked him what the hell happened to the $21.88 the Supervisor back in January PROMISED me and he said reviewing my account, he saw text message charges, only saw the adjusted amount for $21.88 and that there's no way possible that Timothy could have PROMISED me such an amount. So I told him the Idiot did indeed PROMISE me I'd only see $21.88 and that International Text Messaging was suppose to be added on...besides, if you see the adjusted amount of $21.88, chances are the adjusted and FINAL amount would be $21.88.
The Rep told me that there's no such thing as International Text Messaging and despite what Timothy told me, the charges applied are valid and that I must pay that amount to avoid any interruption on my service. Valid to who?...not to me! I was promised a certain amount, expected that amount and will be giving them NO MORE than that amount...PLUS my late fee. The Rep told me he'd send Timothy an e-mail so I could further discuss this ordeal with him and during that time, I lost service. When I called back again, the automated woman told me that my charges were $961.40. Heated by this point, I'm raping that 0 button of all it's dignity leaving it feeling beaten and abused so I could speak to someone promptly.
Once I get another Rep on the line I'm basically ordering that I get transferred to a Supervisor because the amount I owe is Stupid Retarded. The Supervisor and I get to talking and after I tell him what happened in January, he tells me that unfortunately, despite what Timothy told me, it's not true, charges are valid and I must pay or face having my line being disconnected. So I tell him I don't care what he's telling me because I know what I heard, I know how many times I had him repeat it to me and I'm not being reprimanded for that Moron's mistakes. The Supervisor tells me there's nothing that could be done, nothing can be reversed and that the payment must be paid, no way around it. I may have been wrong in my part, but I started yelling...YELLING, curse words and him and said they better fix my account to the amount promised to me or suffer the consequenses. He apparently thought me a joke so I told him I was getting in contact with the BBB, FTC and my local News Channel 1ce I hung up so to let Timothy know I'll be soon taking him to court.
I contacted those very people, filed my claim and I'm told that my case will be reviewed by Attorney's on their side. I ask them what I'm suppose to do in the meantime, especially if they shut my phone off and the female told me now that my case is filed, that by law, Verizon can't shut off my services for this is still in dispute and if they do, they'll be facing further legal action. Sounds cool to me, so I call Verizon back, tell the Rep that now I have filed my claim, I was advised to tell them about it and if they do indeed turn my services off that they'd be paying a pretty hefty price. The rude, snobby a** Pr**k tells me, "Uh, no, we CAN shut your line off and if you DON'T pay the amount owed, we WILL be shutting off your services." Uh, no???...don't tell me uh, no because as far as I'm concerned you just proved you're an unknowledgeable cow. So I told him that if he was done being a Snide A** Hole, to transfer me to his Supervisor not only to report his behavior, but to let the Supervisor also know I've filed my claim just incase he was too incapable of doing the simple task of typing a few words in my notes himself. I get in contact with the Supervisor, say whoever I contacted and I'm told "I'm so sorry about this" and hoped that it wouldn't escalate to such extreme measures such as court and then was told there is International Text Messaging but it's not unlimited...WTF!? No one at Verizon knows what the hell is going on-I have the initial guy telling me it's added, then being told again it doesn't exist and then again there is but it's not unlimited..."Whatever" I say..."I'm tired of uncertain people telling me uncertain stories, it'll be dealt with in court and your Supervisor who told me these lies on the 14th will be dealt with accordingly in court"...then I hung up.
Satisfied that I had taken care of things as much as I could, I take the few days with no phone calls to Verizon to spend time with some friends and on the 20th, I go at it again with Verizon. I've gone through more than 10 Reps and 5 Supervisors and hear the same thing, "We're sorry, there's no such thing as International Text Messaging through us, there's no way you could have been promised that amount, you must pay that amount or suffer loss of contact, we'll be sending an e-mail to Timothy, blah blah blah. I'm also told that while the notes are being reviewed, they see in the remarks that $21.88 was listed but that I was told that the text charges are valid. I swear, these people are idiots...that statement was made to me AFTER I tried to see if I could be reimbursed from the months of July-December and Timothy told me that since I've already made the payments, the texts sent and received are valid. I end the conversation by saying that I expect to have Timothy contacted because he needs to know I'm taking him to court for lying to me and that if they did happen to record that very conversation of ours, that they need to pull that recording out and listen to it to verify I don't owe them sh*t else more than agreed upon in January.
Fast forward again to the night of March 2. All of a sudden, I can't seem to send a single text. I try all night, I'm receiving texts, but can't respond to any of them. I figure it's just because of the weather and go to sleep. March 3rd, I try again from the time I wake up in the early A.M. to early Afternoon and still no luck sending a single text but still receiving them. I'm also receiving phone calls, but because I don't like talking on the phone, I rarely make any phone calls so never thought to see if my outgoing call privileges were also taken away. I make a call to Verizon and the automated machine tells me that my services have been disconnected and the amount owed is $961.40.
Once I get through, a male by the name of Mike tried SOO hard to help me out, 1 out of like the 20 who WASN'T useless. He told me looking through the notes, it showed my account wasn't disconnected, told me to refresh my account by doing some dialing on my phone and that my texting problem should be resolved and to call back to see if the problem was resolved. I did exactly that, still not able to do a thing and so I call back. Finiancial Services told me my line was indeed disconnected and to pay the amount owed plus the $15.00 reconnenction fee...I tell them BIG FUCK*NG MISTAKE for the mere fact the BBB and FTC told me to inform them that if they did go through with it to expect severe consequences, I informed them I'll be contacting the BBB and FTC upon the end of that phone call as well as a Lawyer and hung up. I get a phone call not even 10 seconds after that from Mike and he asks me if what he told me to do worked. I say no, I was just informed my service is disconnected, he looks through the 20,000 notes I've had left for the past 14 days, sees it says notice of disconnection, he tells me he could probably work something up to where I'd only have to pay 50% of amount due, tell him no way in hell because I'm only paying what was promised and nothing more, inform him how it's been 2 weeks since Timothy was suppose to get in contact with me and found it odd that I still haven't heard from that Douche especially if he knew there'd be a possibility he'd have to go to court and Mike told me he was going to bring this issue directly to his Manager so that his Manager could get in touch with Timothy's Manager {at this time I also learn the Supervisor's name I spoke to in January was named Timothy}...but despite Mike's willingness to do so much for me that none of the other Jack A**es before him would do, I knew it'd still be left up to me to stay on Verizon's a** to finally get a hold of Timothy.
Later on that evening, I call again. I tell the Rep I don't want a Supervisor, I want a Manager, there's nothing she can do for me so don't ask and all I expect her to do for me is to transfer me to a Manager as requested. She proceeds to ask me if there's anything on her side she could do to help me with whatever issue I'm having...I tell her she must be deaf and that I want a Manager, NOW. She says, "Wait 1 moment while I review your account" and places me on hold. I just don't get these people, I say Manager and the retarded useless waste of flesh puts me on hold to go through my account. She gets back on the line, says she's reviewed my account and it states there's a situation reguarding my phone bill...{NO SHI*T!!!} I tell her to do me favor and not to put me on hold like that again and when I say Manager, I mean Manager, so to get the ear wax out of her ears and to send me to exactly who I said I wanted.
Placed on hold...person represents themself as a Supervisor {F*cking Friking A}. I say, "I told the last deaf dumb cow I wanted a Manager, not a f*cking Supervisor...apparently you F*cks don't know how to pay attention. Now transfer me over to a MANAGER...M A N A G E R...the person in charge of the Supervisor. Placed on hold again...female represents herself as Acting Manager, but paid Supervisor. Be for real, that's like the 1SGT playing the role as Acting SGM, you're playing the role until the SGM gets back but you're still a 1SGT and still getting PAID as 1SGT. So I tell her that everyone in the Verizon network must all really be as stupid as they're portraying themselves out to be, tell her I'm f*cking done with being d*cked around, exhausted from repeating myself and the situation to different people, tired of hearing sorry, tired of people telling me Timothy's being sent e-mails, tired of being told he'll be contacted but apparently never the case, just tired of Verizon's BS period.
She goes on to tell me to please not talk to her in such a manner and that it's not very professional...B*tch please, Verizon screwing me over with everything and having me do all of the work trying to get something done these past 2 months are "not very professional". I tell her my manners for such outbursts are valid because here it is-almost 2 months later-I'm stuck with a bill in the amount that I'm not responsible for, I've spoken to TOO many people about this incident and in a frustrating twist none of those Ignorant Douche Bags have helped me, the person responsible almost seems MIA seeing as how the Turd has yet to get in contact with me and I'm tired of doing all the d*mn work. I tell her she's not a Manager, I repeated I wanted a Manager, she tells me the Manager's gone for the day and so I tell her then there's nothing she can do for me and that I want a Manager to call me the 1st thing in the morning. I also said I'd like for her to put that in my novel of notes but I already expect that no one would be capable of doing something so simple so I already know I'll be making the call in the morning myself. Different day, same story for me with Verizon. I feel and know I'm a living broken record. At this point, I'm drained and all I really want to do is trap everyone I've spoken to with the exception of Mike into a closed, confined room and light them all up {UNPROTECTED} with some high powered Paint Guns until everyone and the room's covered in paint, pain and agony so they understand the stress I've endured since the 17th.
Later on that night-early this morning my Husband calls me and we conversate. Around an hour into the conversation, I hear "9" from what sounded to be from a Verizon machine of a females voice. I asked my Husband if he yawned since it sounded familiar to that and he said no. We get to going on for maybe a half hour more, say our love you's and what not and we hang up. Before going to bed, I shoot him a message on Yah** asking him to please call me at 8 A.M. my time just in case I don't wake up when my alarm goes off. I get ready for bed, set my alarm, all that jazz and go to bed.
I wake up, around 9ish and see that I slept through my alarm. I check my missed call history and my Husband's number is no where to be found. I get online and find he messaged me saying he tried to call but couldn't get through and that he's sorry. I get a hold of him online and he tells me he called but Verizon popped up and said my line has been disconnected. This is just too much!!! Furious, I call them, ordered to be sent to a Manager, I speak to the Manager and I'm told Timothy will be e-mailed.
"Enough with the d*mn e-mails already because either Timothy doesn't check his mail, he's seen I've tried to get a hold of him but isn't taking me seriously or he's scared sh*tless because of this whole situation so that's why he hasn't contacted me! I've about had it with you guys and if you've sent him e-mails already and I'm still complaining about no response, chances are this 40th e-mail you send will be useless just like the others." The Manager tells me Timothy's showing up as working in the SC center and the only thing they could do at that point was to send an e-mail to his Manager at his center. I say I doubt I'll get a call back within the next few hours so I'll be calling back myself. Around 3 P.M today I call back, get transferred to another Manager and he tells me he'll be transferring me to the SC center to speak to Timothy's Manager. Transferred...then an automated recording says this number is invalid, good-bye...INVALID!?!?!?
Call back again, warn I better not have another Idiot transfer me over to some bogus a** number, get someone not located in SC, explain I apparently need to take this into my own hands to track Timothy down since no one is able to do this for me and request to be sent to the SC center. I'm told that can't happen so I request to be sent back to Customer Service. Get a female on the line and tell her I'm not kidding around, I want the Manager in SC NOW or Verizon will be harassed by me every minute-every hour-every day until I get in contact with Timothy. I get a female by the name of Tamika on the line and by-golly, she's from the frikin SC Center!!! I tell her I want Timothy tracked down so I can find out for myself whether or not he's aware I'm going to take him to court and whether or not he knows, I need to be in contact with him reguardless so I can tell him myself that I'm taking him to court. She tells me she'll do what she can and contact her Manager.
Placed on hold...she gets back on the line, tells me her Manager knows Mr. Brown personally but wasn't there so I was asked if I could get in contact with them tomorrow. I said, "No, I'm not calling anyone else, I'm done calling people. So, I expect Mr. Timothy to be calling me as soon as he starts his workday and I expect this call to be made by Noon my time. She assures me her Manager's got it covered and will be delivering the message to Timothy by morning. I'm not getting my hopes up, but if I do finally get a hold of him it'll be a little relief off my shoulders. We shall see in 12 hours maximum whether or not he finally calls me and I can let him have it.
So, in conclusion, Verizon's garbage. The "Novel" I have just written proves Verizon is not a plan to rely on. What makes this whole ordeal even worse is that my credit can be ruined, other carriers know I have an outstanding balance so denied new services and I have no means to have people contact me in case of an emergency, job opportunities or have the means to call on my daughter's behalf for appointments and pay her medical bills. This $961.40 phone bill is more than our d*mn house payment...more importantly money NEEDED for our daughter's medical bills. Verizon can choke on it if those Ruthless Crooks think I'll be paying them that amount. In my case, Timothy better be opening his wallet to pay me for all court and attorney fees, stress and to pay this bill racked up only by his uneducated self...I hope that if you have read all of this that you are now extrememly cautious for what might happen to you if you're a customer and stear clear away if you were ever considering these Clowns.

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