Prompto |
Prompto Serious Lack of Attention to SIMPLE detail, Augusta, Maine |
17th of Jun, 2011 by User260146 |
First off I would like to say im NOT one to complain however, I brought my 91 honda accord into have my oil changed, for fathers day my dad offered to have it done at his expense. I drove in to have my oil changed there was no cars in front of me so time waiting was minimal. the service was good so I thought until I drove away. About 10 mins away I noticed at a stop light a little black smoke and oil burning smell. I thought it was the car in front of me but because I am very aware of vehicle problems I decided to pull over and check under the hood, with my car still running I opened my hood only to find the filler cap was off and got sprayed all over my face from oil spurting out from my engine. I was able to still see my filler cap and was lucky to be able to put it back on in time, I turned around and drove back to the augusta site where I had the work done to let them know of the mess up that has occured. They tried clean up under my hood the mess that was made, topped off the oil AGAIN. They also inturn Offered me to get my car washed for LESS than $10 value and bring the receipt back to them they would riemburse me the cost of the wash.. I was not pleased with that response and had asked if they could just give me a coupon for a free oil change for in the future and the employee i was talking to said "that will never happen, I guarantee it" I was not impressed with that type of customer service since i DO know how to change my own oil, but my dad had planned this as a Fathers day gift to me (couldnt say no to dad). In Conclusion, I feel as though the oil change coupon would be much more satisfying then to have my engine bay "washed" because with oil under the hood it would have to be pressure washed not just washed. Also i dont believe i would have been able to have my car washed for LESS than $10. Im not looking for handouts, nor will I EVER go back to them in the future I will change my own oil from now on so that I know without a doubt it will be done right and professionally. I hope this goes to show to other potential customers to ALWAYS check their cars when service is provided no matter what work has been done in the future. Poor customer service equals lack of customers which equals job closings. |
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