Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Prestige Relocations
Prestige Relocations Biggest Thieves in Texas Stafford, Texas
30th of Apr, 2011 by User552172
Feb 10, 2011 I contacted Prestige Relocations through internet research. My daughter was moving from San Antonio, TX back to Ohio on Feb. 19. I had less than two weeks to make this move happen. I contacted Eric, sales rep for the company, and discussed contents of move, etc. When I asked for names for references, he laughed and said that would cost extra. Because I lived out of state, I FOOLISHLY did not pursue the matter-he could have given me any friend/family name for a great reference and I wouldn't know the difference. Eric is a smooth salesperson and makes you feel like you are in good hands. We agreed on $997.50 for 1498 lb load from San Antonio, TX to Ohio. The most important information is that the load consisted of ONE bedroom suite, small television, computer with small monitor, couple of bookcases and misc personal items in 45-60 plastic, lidded tubs. My daughter was not asked to accompany the packers after the truck was loaded to see the truck being weighed. To make a very long story short, by the time I was driving with my daughter from San Antonio, TX to Ohio the load had increased in weight to 5980 lbs. What was gong to cost me $997.50, now will cost me $3686.70. We tried to work out this situation with the company, even asking them to allow the truck to be weighed in Ohio so we could see the weight in the scale for ourselves. We knew there was no way the load could weight nearly 6000 lbs! Once they have your belongings on a truck you have to pay or you will not receive your shipment. The driver of the truck was an independent contractor and we asked him what he thought the load weighed - he told us no more than 3000 lbs. Of course, he wants to keep his job so he would not write a statement for us. Eric and a mysterious owner who you never get to talk too were not cooperative! As a matter of fact, they always hid behind an employee named Keilah. However, Keilah did phone us a couple of weeks after our shipment to tell us she had quit the company because she believed they had falsified our weight documents as well as another customer's. We have a tape recorded message from Keilah as evidence. I have sent a certified letter asking for reimbursement and received nothing. Phone calls to the company got no further than Keilah. I have reported Prestige Relocations to the BBB, Texas Attorney General's office, Federal Trade Commission, and the Federa Motor Carrier Safety Administration. My intent now is to report them locally. I want reimbursement for the amount they cheated us and I want the company out of business.
5009 days ago by Whitehurst67
I am going through the same thing, with Prestige. They are horrible! I will going through the same fight!
5009 days ago by Whitehurst67
Greeting Miss, Ms, Mrs. Emily Akin,

This company is located in Stafford Texas

I am the spouse of a active duty Army soldier, I am also a retired Navy Reserve Veteran of 20 yrs. With that said, I wanted to bring to your attention a huge problem with a relocatoin company named Green Prestige Relocation dba Greenvanlines.
I made a HUGE mistake in contacting Prestige relocations out of Stafford, Texas about a move from San Antonio, Texas to Tacoma Washington. Kathy gave me a quote that I was very happy with for the moment. Little did I know that this quote would grow to 3 times the amount quoted, since I had gotten all the quotes that I thought where high and finally got a reasonable quote from Prestige that I was very satisfied with. I explained to them that I had 13, 475 lbs.; that I needed moved from Texas to Washington State.

The deal was that they would come out and pick my furniture up on 27 May 2011 they needed to change that until 1 June 2011 which should have been a red flag for me since I had scheduled my pick up a couple of months prior I went alone with the change and thought that it would not be a problem. I specifically noted to the sales rep. that i had13, 475 lbs. of heavy furniture and lots of glass. Kathy stated that they would be able to handle all of my furniture. Also, a side note is Kathy quite before my furniture could be picked up so now I am talking with a Tresa for my sales representative.

When they got to my home on 1 June in Texas, that is when the drama started. The Forman did not speak English, and had to have a new person that was just hired (so they say) to translate for him. I was informed they would charge per box when I had asked Kathy about pricing and she said that the quoted amount is all I had to pay. So I was lied to also their up front and the company website states nothing about pricing for boxes, or give the consumer options about either buying boxes or using the boxes they brought.

When the movers arrived I filled out the papers they needed to proceed with the job. Little did i know that the estimate was under sold and that i would be stuck with all their terms and conditions, since I had to be out the house on 4 June 2011 to start the drive to Washington State. Even though the workers where ok, they were not trained professional movers/packers and did a horrible job on packing most of my house hold goods in boxes. With the exception of a couple of boxes that where done correctly. Also, they were not trained in how to label boxes properly.

Even though they knew I had over thirteen thousand pounds they seem shocked and surprised about my HHG. When they came in my house. They were so much surprised they did not bring a large enough truck to load all the HHG in one day. They had to return on 2 June 2011 to finish packing my HHG.

Do you know you have the right to have your HHG re-weighed if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your weight? Also, do you know that the movers have to inform you that you have to right to have your HHG re-weighed if not satisfied with the weight at the weigh in at the truck stop? Yes you do!! If you are not informed and or asked that is a violation by federal law. Here is the link,

The general manager is very rude and does not know what customer service is He gets your money and when your HHG are damaged or destroyed.

Once all my belongings were lock and loaded on their truck they did not make me aware that they were going to a weigh station so that I could be present at the weigh in. This is my right and consumer rights to be there at weigh in.

While I was on my way to driving to Washington State, Tresa gives me a call with the details of the weight of my furniture. Keep in mind I had just recently moved and knew the exact weight of my HHGs. I had also given away a couch set; pool table and kitchen set which should have lowered the weight from my quote not enhance the weight by 5, 945lbs and charge me and extra .60 cents per overage on weight. This is another part of their scheme. To suck you dry and they have you at their mercy. Knowing you need your furniture it is in storage and so you have to pay, or go through a long legal setting just to get your furniture

Now this is the insult to injury part. When I received my furniture a lot of it was damaged or destroyed. The delivery guys where clueless and did not care at all, they wanted to unload and just drop my furniture off. Also since my wife is active army we live on a military installation, some of the workers could not get on the military installation. So only two workers and one truck driver came to un-load 13, 475 lbs. actually less weight if you ask me, and they did a horrible job. They were complaining and did not want to set up any furniture at all. It took them an extremely long time to un-load of course. The whole organization was just terrible. The 18 wheeler the delivered my HHGs did not have a ramp to roll my furniture down, and my HHGs were stuffed carelessly in the truck. Hence another reason why a lot of my furniture was damaged or destroyed. Also, since the weight went up prestige relocation ask that they get another partial payment before they can deliver your furniture. So they are holding your HHGs hostage knowing that the furniture is damaged or destroyed.
5001 days ago by Barbarosa
this is happening to me as well. Teresa, Darrol Thomas, Genesis, andmRick need to be punished. Is your attorney helping?
5001 days ago by Barbarosa
Our paperwork was actually forged, weight tickets have no dates and phony signatures, many items stolen and we gave them 5000.00 cash and retrieved our hhg from their cigarette but, t smoke filled warehouse where Teresa and Darrol "Tony "Thomas lie like dogs .Greenpoint van lines or Prestige Relocation must pay for their wrongdoings. Who is your attorney?
5000 days ago by Tresa
Good afternoon. I just read this review and to be honest with you, if you choose to believe anything I say, I will say that no, we are not a perfect company and yes, mistakes are made and I truly apologize for anything that happens to our customers. I would love for every individuals' move to go off without a hitch, but as I am realizing that doesn't always happen.
The thing is, we move at least 1, 000 moves or more a year and occasionally we do have some problems as you may see here. As far as me being a liar, that is your opinion and I refuse to stoop to the level of name calling because it does not suit me well.
I have a job to do and I do it. I am a sales rep and nothing more. If I have by chance misinformed anyone, I do apologize. I have not and would not ever set out to intentionally hurt anyone. I choose to keep my job for personal reasons and I would only hope that people would understand, especially in this day and time.
I would pretty much do anything I can within my authority to resolve the issue/s with anyone. I do not have the authority. Honestly, if you want to degrade me as a person, that is your business, but I would hope that in the future, should anyone choose to degrade someone, that they do it anonymously.
Trust me, I could put a whole lot of people's names on here that have lied to me about their moves, weights, etc and then turned around and blamed the company for their mistakes. Also, all the customers who have called me all kinds of names and honestly, that hurts. I do not appreciate accusations, blaming or name calling. I prefer to treat others like I would want to be treated. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
4997 days ago by Rippedoff ByPrestige
Tresa who just posted here is a coconspirator of Daroll Thomas- Tony - Prestige Relocations and is a liar - fact. She states she is only a sales person - bs- she is the front for this fraudulent company and sets all the ripoffs in motion. Her guilt laden mea culpa here is evidence of the fact that she feels guilty beacause she is. If she is honest about the 1000 moves and any of them going well, let her post the names and numbers for reference here or anywhere - as well post the real names of herself, the owner and employees as well as their drivers licences, background checks and arrest records. She and the rest of Prestige Relocations employees are thieves and crooks - call the Stafford Police Department - 281-261-3950 and ask them. Call BBB, an F rating, Call TX DOT, call Uhaul in Stafford, look at all the reviews - they are all the same - this is a scam, if you read a positive review on them - chances are good - Tresa here posted it to counter the negative reviews - in other words - she made it up = this can be verified by the url trace - she is not savvy enough to know this - a permanent record of falsifying reviews - no name calling here Tresa - just facts - that is the problem with a liar - they lose reality and don't know the difference between truth and lie- Tresa - this is where you are. Fact
4997 days ago by Barbarosa
In response to Tresa. You said you would like us (your clients)to degrade you anonymously. The point of these sites are to help people who are being scammed by people like you. It is time you turn yourself in and help the 1000(your words) of people you move a year.This isn't personal it's business and you are running a fraudulent one.Have you any idea the financial hardship your deceptive practices cause people
?. My family and I ask ourselves regularly why Prestige Relocations cannot operate as an honest company? You obviously know this industry inside an out because you have an angle and rebuttal for every situation. I have another families things in my possession because of Prestige Relocations carelessness and Darrol wayne thomas and yourself have not made one attempt to return these things.
If anyone is reading this we have bronze candle like holders, pictures and photo albums, a picture of a little girl in a pink track suit coffee cups etc Post here if they belong to you and I will return to you somehow.Tresa, you say you treat people the way you want to be treated. Does that include holding peoples things hostage and making no attempt to return their goods? You rationalize working at a company like Green Point VAN Lines all the while you line your pockets with cash. Remember, you don't take cashiers checks but we do and Prestige relocations will be writing us one after the judge renders a verdict. Guilty!
4982 days ago by Kwelp
We just went thesehrough the same horrific experience of our lives!!! These people are purely crooks and should all be locked up for their entire lives. I so wished I would have selected a honorable company to work with who would have been legit. Again this IS NOT A PROFESSIONAL MOVING COMPANY DO NOT USE THEM!!! They will steal your money!!! This was the worst experience of our lives. We just moved from San Antonio Texas to Louisanna. They actually did a horrible job packing our stuff and didnt even get all of our stuff packed and could care less. The worst part is that we had just moved a year earlier and had moved ourselves and we had 2 trucks which were the exact same size as what they arrived in. They left our closet for us to figure out how we would fit it, a huge silk plant and item isn our garage to deal with getting it to our new loction. They pretend to act legitimate but arent at all. We were quoted 5, 200 and with 16, 500 pounds and they held us hostage as well saying our stuff was 21, 000 pds and were owed $9, 800. And they wouldn't unload the trucks until they had their cash in hand. Very scary operation. Being that I am a Sales Professional I gotta say Teresa is slick with her pitty party of making you feel sorry for her.
4980 days ago by Barbarosa
kwelp, how did you get your stuff.? Hopefully u have filed a complaint with the attorney general and fcsma. That will help everyone.They have changed their names to proamerica moving and storage. Call the stafford police department as well. Greenpoint van lines, d.b.a.prestige relocations and now proamerica need to be put out of business, Let's not let them get away with it. Make sure you post on every mover review.They told us our stuff was 21000 pounds as well. We immediately weighed our belongings after gettingthem out of the warehouse. They weighed half as much. Time is slowly helping me to heal but I will never trust an internet co. again.If you know the owners name and spelling please post. Good Luck. I'm looking forward to my day in court.
4953 days ago by H4054
To Barbarosa, Kwelp, Rippedoff ByPrestige, Whitehurst67, and any others who have been taken advantage of by these movers. Please contact us at this email address: [email protected] We would like to be able to establish a group to help fight against these thieves and try to recover some of our lost monies. Thank you for your help!!
4936 days ago by Pacaman
Beware, they just folded this operation and started up again under the name Greenpoint Van Lines!!!
We need to speard this information to everyone we know to keep others from being ripped off by these grifters!!!
4936 days ago by Pacaman
Beware, they just folded this operation and started up again under the name Greenpoint Van Lines!!!
We need to speard this information to everyone we know to keep others from being ripped off by these grifters!!!

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