Due to a student loan being in default one month after an unemployment deferment expired. My family and friends started getting calls from an agent from this company, although I was told that she used a different company name. I have no idea how the agent got their numbers. I had not yet received a letter, once I did, by the agent's name I put two and two together. I logged on to my student loan account and it said it was "paid" which I knew it wasn't, but I didn't get notification that they were going to send it to collections. I thought they were supposed to notify one in writing first and foremost. A couple of weeks later I received a letter, the amount was $13,772.27 owed. I still don't have verification of how that amount was obtained. However I called--within the 30 days as they requested. and now they state the amount is $15,388.00 because of various fees, which I still don't understand so I asked for that in writing, and although I tried, I never got a commitment if that could be sent to me or not. If I truly owe this new amount I want a detailed explanation. We are not talking a few dollars here. It changed by $2,000 in two weeks, and the initial letter does not say an estimated amount. It says that amount can change, and for explanation call or write. I don't think this is fair. Collectors need to have that information, not increase the amount in 2 weeks time. How can the federal government allow this to happen? Anyway, I called to tell the agent I was in a debt recovery program and could make $40.00 every two weeks. I told her my husband was not responsible for my bills, as we keep them separate. She completed something to see if I qualify for hardship, she took down my husband's income, but refused to add his bills. The amount that they want me to pay, as they said to get this out of garnishment and tax refund seizure is way more than I can afford to pay, and I haven't a down payment. I asked if his refund could be withheld and she said she is not a tax person, but if we file jointly his would be taken. She is only giving me two days to agree to a large payment plan or that means I refuse to contact her and they will go ahead with the garnishment the way I understand. I am not refusing anything, nor accepting anything, I didn't say either. I offered my $40.00 every two weeks. I wanted to mail money orders. She said they can't accept those. They wanted to use my husband's checking account, since I don't have one. I said I can't pay with his checking account. The method I want to pay and payments I can afford is not acceptable to them. I understand that the reduced payments wouldn't get me very far, but I would make more when I can, that's just my circumstances now. Also I am not sure why she wouldn't commit to sending me the documentation I asked for. If I am paying a debt, I think I have a right to that. |