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Online Trade Training
Online Trade Training money taken, no refund given when requested internet
14th of May, 2011 by User469528
I saw this website on national news. I thought I would try it out. After I had paid for it and 24 hours of thought, I requested a refund. What I've received so far is this: "Can you please let me know how many chapters you've read of our Essential Applied Internet Marketing certification manual? We require our students to read the certification manual, speak to their mentors, and actually trying to apply themselves before we can offer a refund. You've barely been a member for one day and now you want your money back." AND after I said I had an emergency in my life I got this: "Can you please describe your situation in detail?
What happened and how is it related to the $97 certification program? We can get you certified within a week probably and being paid to post links. I will make sure to put you ahead in the queue due to your emergency situation." and THEN I said no I will not be describing my life to a perfect stranger I got this: "In that case I'm afraid you will have to try the certification program before I can apply a refund. We can not offer a refund to any customer who at least doesn't try the program. You simply need to read the first two chapters and provide me a summary of both, and we can get the evaluation process
started so you can begin posting links and getting paid for them. " This company posts everyone earns money who tries they're program.... They say I have to read two chapters. Then try it for 0 days. OF course they do because they don't issue refunds. There's no clear evidence I'll get my money back. They've ripped me off my money, as a single parent I decide this wasn't for me and now I'm out a h8undred dollars. Thank you good morning america for posting how awesome this was....not. RIPOFFED.
5012 days ago by Anonymous
You're just lazy.
5008 days ago by Xxitsabellz
Dude same thing happened to me! I emailed them about wanting my money back because this isn't what I thought. Everything in the book that's suppose to be worth $200 is what i've learned in online marketing classes in university. So I emailed them for a refund and the person said that I can't get my money back because I hadn't given the program a try. I told them that I wanted to get a refund before they shipped the book out so I don't have to pay for extra shipping costs since I live in Canada, all they said was too your bank and print out all the emails. The bank will deal with the company directly! That's what I did
5008 days ago by MeS
These people will stoop to any length to try to find people to purchase their Applied Internet Marketing Manual or Applied IM Manual. There was an advertisement on Craigslist for a Veterinary receptionist that I sent my resume to and wala...I got an e-mail response telling me not about a Veterinary receptionist position but about an Online Trade System...not what I was expecting or want...false advertising for a job that is what I say and they should be slapped a HUGE fine!!!
5004 days ago by Euroimage
You should check them out before giving them any money (see 6 complaints against tehm in BBB, Charlotte):
5004 days ago by TheOne313
I agree, check them out before giving them or any other program on the internet. You never know, it could be overseas scammers or terrorist organizations looking to rob you. Thanks to websites like, no one should ever fall for these things. Keywords; Do Your Research...

I did and thanks to ya'll reviews and others, I will not be sending them my $97... LOL...LMAO...
4995 days ago by Anonymous
I replied to a post on Craigslist for an item for sale and guess what? The item is no longer available, but she is making $500 a week using Online Trading Training! NO THANK YOU
4994 days ago by Anonymous
Same thing happened with me and Craig's List and I am going to report it. This is how gullible I am taking advice from a freaking stranger on Craig's list. Maybe that just shows how financially desperate I am because I know better. So I bought it and decided immediately upon realizing what I had purchased (you can't access that information without paying) I decided to return it. I emailed right away and was told you have to receive the book first. I am calling them today and I will report back. They better not give me the same BS. All of you should file a complaint with the BBB I know I will.
4994 days ago by Anonymous
We just responded to an ad for a free refrigerator, and were told that is was gone, and she felt so bad because this other person's email had gone into a spam folder, but if it was any consolation, she had been doing a home business where she made $500 a week, and gave us the link to: Online Trade Training.

We decided not to do it, after reading these other comments. Thank you for posting!!!
4994 days ago by Dhardman
Unbelievable that the scam artists are now using CL FREE category to find people in bad financial positions, hoping they'll fall for this bait and switch tactic...

Yesterday I wrote someone who had a listing on CL in the Tampa Bay area that was supposedly giving away a FREE computer... first she writes back and says I can pick up the computer in a day or two when she has time away from work... then I get the following reply back from her...



Im SO sorry, the first person just emailed me back again, it seems her other
message went to my junk folder and I must have missed it. I feel like a jerk...

You know, if you're interested, I've been earning really good money from this
home income program and they just opened up 2 more positions in our area.
Basically you make money by posting links on the internet, its really easy and
you can just do it while watching TV.

Here's the link if you wanna read about it:

I've made about $500 each week since I started.. not enough to stop working yet
but I finally have some extra money in my checking account lol. My sister is
going to sign up later and these positions usually go fast, so Id really
appreciate it if you didnt share the link with anyone else.

Thanks and again, really sorry about the whole mix up..

4993 days ago by Marek5010
OK. there is one more from WA
response to my email on CL add by Lucy Patton [[email protected]]-

Im really sorry, the other person just emailed me back again, and it seems her other message was in my spam box and I must have missed it. I feel really awful...

You know, if you're interested, I've been earning very good money from this work from home program and theyve just opened up 3 more positions in our area. Basically you earn money by posting links on the internet, its very easy and you can just do it while watching TV.

Here is the link if you want to read about it:

I've made about $800 a week since I've been doing it.. not enough to quit my job yet but I finally have some extra money in my bank account lol. My sister is going to sign up later and these positions usually go fast, so Id really appreciate it if you don't share the link with anyone else.

Thanks alot and again, very sorry about the whole messup..

It looks like they use standard text
4992 days ago by Corbitt
The same thing happened to my husband today, when he responded to an ad on Craig's List about a free 65' HD TV. Thank goodness I had the brains to do some research!! Thanks for posting these complaints. Maybe if enough people complain, they will reap the consequences. We can hope, right? :)
4991 days ago by Igabon
I saw this program on the internet specifically the web page of that they investigated this program and proven to be not a scam.

I trusted enough, i registered and paid a discounted price of 36 dollars and 95 cents for the program.

They sent me out a certification asking me to create links. I submitted that and they told me to wait for another week to get the result.

After a week, I made a follow up email with them asking for the results. They responded below.

"After reviewing your responses to the link posting certification, I'm glad to say that you're on the right track. Because the program is personalized to each participant, I need a little bit more information from you.

There are two choices on how to proceed:

#1. Our advanced link posting program is the fastest and most efficient way to begin making money online. The idea behind it is that we will help you create and position perfect, well-written advertisements and assist you in finding products to sell using them. There is a cost associated with posting these sponsored links. It's recommended that you have an advertising budget of at least $100 if you choose this option. (Note: we do not make any money off of this advertising budget, we simply show you the most effective way to spend it.)

#2. If you would rather proceed without any further investment, we have that covered too. As part of our online asset building program, you will learn to create websites using entirely free resources that in a short period of time, will make money on autopilot. While results through this program are not always as immediate, you will begin to see the potential immediately.

In addition to the project you choose, you may also qualify to be part of our "Partnership Program." Through the program, Online Trade Training will provide you with your own money-making website within just a few weeks. This program costs absolutely nothing and the average partner makes between $7, 000 and $12, 000 extra PER MONTH. Please contact your mentor if you are interested.
NOTE: Because you will be accepting credit cards on your site, Participation in the partnership program requires a good credit history (a credit score of at least 660)
Please let me know how you would like to proceed or feel free to ask me any questions you have."

when I received this mail I began to be skeptical about the program because these information they provided were not mentioned during the sign up process. They just told that after the certification, you can begin to post links and be paid.

I requested for a refund. They responded me with the email below.

Thank you for contacting us, I assure you that all refund requests are dealt with promptly. Before beginning the refund process, I would like to ask for some feedback.

We have found that the vast majority of refund requests are from customers who have found it difficult to get started and make money. While we offer personal coaching to each of our customers, we have been working tirelessly to make it easier to get started and be successful with our program.

In order to guide those of you new to this program, one of our mentors has put together a quick start video. It will be made available to all of our enrollees within the week, but I would like you to take a look at it now. You can see it at:
It's less than 5 minutes long and provides a very clear direction for making money using our system even within the next few hours.

Please let me know you think, Mark BradleyOnline Trade Training, LLC

After that, I listed to the video provided and gave them feedback as to what are their opportunities. I told then in my email that the video was good but they have to make sure that they covered everything like what to expect afterwards.

I sent countless emails about the refund. They finally heard it and responded. See their email below

"Hi Ian, We will process a full refund upon reciept of the hardcover book we sent out to you.If you have any further questions about posting links or the link posting certification, please do not hesitate to reply to this email with your questions.Best Regards, Mark BradleyOnline Trade Training, LLC"

I responded to them asking them where and when did they notify me that they sent a hard cover book to me? I also asked them where did they sent it. I told them I am living outside US and they are asking me now for a hard cover book where in the first place I have not received and I don't even know that they sent one.

I don't really understand why these guys are out there. They are making it hard for a refund Hello, what is 36.95 amount of money.

Currently, I am still waiting for a refund and their response.

I will soon update this report once information is received
4989 days ago by Ccje
I received a link for this in an email response from Craigslist as well. Someone giving away a couch. My email


I was wondering about the couch. If you could possibly send pictures that would be great. Also, we have a medium sized SUV. Do you think two trips would work?



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Spencer <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 11:32 am
Subject: Re: Free-Wrap around couch

Sorry that I didnt reply sooner, I had promised this to the first person who
emailed me but she hasn't replied to my email. Are you still interested?

Im going to a work thing tomorrow but then I'll be home for the next few days.
Let me know when youll be around.

my response:

Still interested.
However, would you be able to send a pic or two of the couch.
Also we have a medium sized SUV, do you think it would fit if we made two trips or so?

her response:


I'm REALLY sorry. the first person actually replied, it seems her first reply
ended up in my junk folder and I didn't see it. I feel really bad...

You know, if it's any consolation, Ive been making really good money with this
home income program and they just opened up 2 more positions in our area.
Basically you get paid to post links on the internet, it's really simple and I
just do it while watching TV.

Here's the link if you wanna read about it:

Ive earned around $800 each week since I've been doing it… not enough to stop
working yet but I finally have some spare money in my checking account lol. My
sister is planning on signing up later and these positions usually go fast, so
I'd appreciate it if you didn't give the link to anyone else.

Thanks and again, really sorry about the whole mess up…


So of course I checked out the link. Then started googling it. Glad I landed on this site and saw that they are creeping Craigslist.
I will not be paying, however, if you go straight to their site, when you try to leave it brings the price down, got it down to $14.95. Still for me, 15 bucks right now is more than I can spend...
4989 days ago by Ccje
Also, anyone getting these links through craigslist, send them the info about the scammers. I just did, don't know what will happen, but maybe it could help.
4988 days ago by Candice
i didnt even submit mine and still got charged. im a teen mom with my bank accout in debt...great

how do u file for a refund anyway?
4988 days ago by Igabon
Yo email them for a refund and for sure, they will give you lots of crap to do. They will ask you how many pages have you read in the manual and all other stuff. Afterwards, they will ask you to return the hardcover book and all and I don't really know if they ae shipping anything like that.

The status of my refund is not know.

They are no longer responding to my emails and all other stuff.

Those websites should be reported and shut down for doing TOTAL SCAM

4988 days ago by Igabon

That is their website. I don't know why they keep putting 100 percent money back when they are hesitant to do it.

Does anyone know how much is shipping fee for sending book over to ASIA? They have used USPS.

What they are telling me right now is they will only issue refund once they received the hardcover book they sent me. Crap. I am in the Philippines. Are you guys serious?

I asked them for any tracking number for verification so that I myself will be convinced that they did so but they are not responding anymore.

That Online Trade Training is A TOTAL SCAM.

4988 days ago by Igabon

That is their website. I don't know why they keep putting 100 percent money back when they are hesitant to do it.

Does anyone know how much is shipping fee for sending book over to ASIA? They have used USPS.

What they are telling me right now is they will only issue refund once they received the hardcover book they sent me. Crap. I am in the Philippines. Are you guys serious?

I asked them for any tracking number for verification so that I myself will be convinced that they did so but they are not responding anymore.

That Online Trade Training is A TOTAL SCAM.

4988 days ago by Disappointed Hopeful

I got scammed through craigslist too. My boyfriend's mom inquired in the free section about a bed frame, and same deal, they had already promised it to the "first person that responded" and they miss the e-mail before that because it was in their spam folder or whatever. But my boyfriend's mom talked to this woman on the phone. Actually TALKED to her.

So I take out money from my bank. Transfer to boyfriend's account, because he has a debit card and I don't. Pay for this "Online Trade Training" bullshit, because it really seems legitimate at the time. Only to find out the news report was fake. The company is a big group of USELESS SCAMMERS. Etc...

And just wondering, but has anyone actually received one of these books that they allegedly send out? Because I purchased this so-called "system" on the 12th, and it obviously may not have been enough time for shipping, if they do indeed send these books out at all...

I'm SO pissed. I seriously let myself start getting excited. I was so happy to have something to do with myself... I even started their first "assignment"...which is a real pain in the ass. But I thought it was worth it when I started.

This makes me incredibly depressed. All of it. And I feel very stupid. But with their 100% guaranteed refund, bf's mom talking to this woman on the phone, the reputable-looking "news" just seems so legitimate.

And now I'm out over $60 on this useless crap. HOW HAS NO ONE SHUT THESE PEOPLE DOWN YET?!
4987 days ago by Lizers19
I also replied to a CL ad for a "Free Treadmill" only to find that this was just some ploy for an online scam. This is the letter I got... I think they just "copy and paste" and change their names.


From [email protected]
Danielle Dixon


Im so SO sorry... the other person just replied back, it turned out her other message was in my spam box and I must have missed it. I feel really awful...

You know, if you're interested, I've been making really good money with this home income program and they've just opened up 2 more positions in our area. Basically you earn money by posting links online, its really easy and I just do it while watching TV.

Here's the link if you wanna read about it:

I've made around $600 each week since I've been doing it… not enough to stop working yet but I actually have some spare money in my checking account lol. My sister is planning to sign up later and these positions usually go fast, so Id really appreciate it if you didnt share the link with anyone else.

Thanks alot and again, really sorry about the whole mix up…


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