No Limitz Enterprises |
No Limitz Enterprises Multi-level Marketing Scheme, lying about management position ENGLEWOOD, Colorado |
20th of Dec, 2010 by User263398 |
This company sells fragrance products from Scentura, Onyx, etc. that are cheap knock-off perfumes. They have a craigslist ad saying they are hiring managers for their "new locations." They make you think you will be running your own store after a 60-90 day training period. In reality, you will be running your own "location," which is basically just you selling their products from whatever location you can. This multi-level marketing scheme is like any other, you sell to friends and relatives at first, then you run out of people to sell to and go door to door, business to business, and in parking lots.
Look up scam reports on "Scentura Creations" online, you will find this exact scam all over the country over many years, all saying the exact same thing as the ad on craigslist.
Don't expect to get paid, it's all based upon commission and they ever let you know how much you will actually be getting paid until it's too late.
Do your research, ask them questions, and you'll immediately see they're running a MLM scam and mislead you into thinking you will get more than you will.
Unfortunately, it seems there’s a lot of negativity and false information circulating the internet regarding Scentura, and I think it’s based mostly on people’s misunderstanding of the Scentura Opportunity. I thought I’d post something brief that would help make things clear.
First of all, Scentura Creations is a manufacturer and supplier of rendition fragrances. They distribute their product line to Independent Wholesale Business owners throughout the U.S. They’re unique in that they provide merchandise without any capital outlay to these Independent Wholesale Distributors, meaning they don’t pay Scentura until after they’ve sold the merchandise. This is key because it removes a huge barrier of entry into business… Inventory costs.
Second, the sales model used by most independent businesses that sell Scentura’s products is that of Direct Selling. It’s a business to business, face-to-face sales strategy that has worked for over 35 years. It’s not glamorous, and it’s probably not for everyone, but it just works.
Last, and most importantly, Scentura doesn't ask you to invest any money, it's not a franchise, it's not a pyramid or multi-level marketing business, there's nothing to purchase, there are no sign-up fees. The only thing required from you is your time and hard work, and you’ll get a chance to run your own business. How many companies out there are willing to offer that?
It probably sounds too good to be true, but it makes sense when you understand Scentura's incentive: It's a Win-Win scenario for everyone. You get a chance to own your own business, and Scentura gains a new customer, which means more volume. If Scentura only dealt with individuals who had hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest, they'd be waiting a long time,
especially in this economy. So they're willing to take all the financial risk.
Again, this is not for everyone, but the opportunity is definitely real, and many owners have gone on to make six-figure incomes running their own businesses that sell Scentura's products.
Please visit the following website dedicated to new business owners that answered the ad and started just like everyone else:
If you’d like to read more about Scentura Creations, please visit the following sites:
If you have any further complaints, please direct them to
Thank you. |
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