The first months in 2009 my husband, Chester, and I were having trouble making our large house payment. My husband had lost his job and un-employment ran out. I went looking on the internet for some help.
I found "Hope For Solutions". It looked like it was a government website. Talked with Mike. He said they could help me. I was a month behind on my mortgage payments and that was much better then three or more months behind, Mike said. A woman, Melisa Fisher, got on the phone also and said she used to work with Bank Of America and she would love to take them on. Mike also said, "We can get your loan modified down to around $1500.00 a month and all late payments and interest will be written off. Mike guaranteed modification or all but $500.00 would be returned.
The company we signed with and made a payment through changed the name to National Foreclosure Consulting Group, LLC (NFCG). We e-signed on April 3, 2009 and they took out $3800.00 from our checking account. I also submitted a personal financial statement and a letter to Bank of America to please modify my mortgage loan and the heartship reasons why.
By June 16, 2009 I hadn't heard from NFCG so I called. Usually most mailboxes were full. Finally talked with Dan Capiletti. He said docs were submitted on June 6, 2009.
Over the next year I would call and write down my new represenitve or lawyers name and extention number if anyone ever answered. That information always changed. In the mean time, Bank of America sent thier letters and by May of 2010 there was a date of sale for my house!
Once again, I called NFCG. I was told I needed to speak to Vincent Trown, director of operations. After several weeks of me calling, finally Nancy walked the phone to his office. He yelled into the phone, "No refunds!"
NFCG was paid a fee to help us find a solution and we were never offered any solutions. We were told not to make our house payments by NFCG and Bank of America. Bank of America said they had never heard of NFCG and NFCG said they lied.
I believe NFCG takes peoples money and does nothing to help you. Never asign a case Number, said they didn't need to.