Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
I applied to Southern California Marketing, Inc. looking for a job. With in less than 12 I received
26th of Dec, 2010 by User173816
I applied to Southern California Marketing, Inc. looking for a job. With in less than 12 I received an email from them wanting me to come in for an interview signed by a Sarah Calderon from Human Resources. Almost 5 hours latter I received a phone call from them wanting me to set up an interview for the next day. I was excited but a little werry because I know that there are companies out there tring to suck people into MLM. I went ahead and did some due dilligence and researched them online. I went to the city of Anaheim to look up the busness and was not able to locate a business with that name or address. I wanted to give an updated address and phone number for this company. Southern California Marketing, Inc. 741 E Ball Road Suite 203 Anaheim Ca 92805 Office: 714-956-4901 After reading the reviews on this page I not did keep my interview appointment and did not bother to call them and tell them I was not comming. Thank you for posting this information and hopeful nobody will buy into this company.
5038 days ago by Frankie_p
Well, unfortunately I have been one of the suckers that bought into this company. So far the posts have been of smart people who actually did some research before they went in for the interview. That was not me.
I went in and was hired that day. Let me back up for a moment and explain that I came across the job on craigslist and it was very vague. RETAIL/SERVING EXPERIENCE LOOKING FOR A CHANGE type post. The post implied that it was a customer service/ reception type position. Turns out its door to door sales.
Now me being hard up for work at that time I went for it anyway.
At first it was good money. Even though you are working 12 hours a day 6 days a week, all of it on your feet, walking around. But they want you to supply the office out of your own pocket. Things like erasers for the white boards and markers, receipt books, pens, notebooks, etc. They also charge you for your sales, and their commission only policey is ridiculous. Say you sell something for $40 your commission is only $9-$11 out of it. But most stuff you're selling is only about $11.
They lead you off with their Major clients: DUCKS, ANGEL's, Clippers, ect. but most of the clients are tiny businesses that most people haven't heard of.
Any way, they promise bonuses and have cash reward competitions but never honor those promises. On top of all that alot of people toward the end of my employment there realized that their checks were short.
And if by any chance you do turn out to be making decent money and you start to get close to "assistant director" or "director" status (which is where they say you've proved that you have good business sense and that you will be set up with your own team and office to run your own "marketing business") then they begin to sabotage your efforts.
I got to say. There was some positive things that I came out of from working for these mosquitos. I am definitely more well spoken and personable. Since you are talking to about 300 strangers a day trying to get a sale. My legs definitely got more muscular, too. And although the skill of being able to pursuade people and not be nervous in front of strangers has been very helpful, it definitely wasn't worth all the times that I was kicked out of places by security, homeowners associations, and police, threatend with arrest, or having weirdos try to pick up on me while I was 'working my territory'.
A good comparison would be that this job is like prostituting. You walk the streets (going into businesses and knocking on doors in neighborhoods too) trying to get people to give you their money.
What happens is they give you these promotional packages for places like car washes, day spas, restaurants, and some sports teams (mostly places that are in the fun and recreational business that have seen their profits drop due to the recession and are looking for cheap ways of promoting) and drop you off in an area. You spend hours in that area trying to sell the packages. You take a short lunch break. And then go to a new area for more hours doing the same thing, for a total of 8-10 hours a day. If you do sell cool, you made some money, and if you don't then oh well. You just go back to the office and get more training.
I've seen some people do alot of sales, the "leaders", that still weren't abe to afford gas in their cars, or afford to eat lunch. Even the "owners" of the so cal marketing office in anaheim can't afford their own apartments. All 3 live together to split the rent.
The products are legit though but the operations are bogus. If you question the way this operation runs or anything you are asked to leave. Which is what happened to me.
Anyway, in the end they even screwed me with my 1099 form with my taxes waiting until 2 or 3 days before the tax deadline to give it to me.
I hope all this "insider" info has been helpful to people.
5030 days ago by Anonymous
Wow, thanks for your response Frankie_p! I've been in and out of the work force due to school and always wind up going back to craigslist. I definitely have learned to watch myself ever since my first job/pyramid scam (I almost got caught up in that Vector scam. Thank God for good friends who pulled me out before I gave any commitment to them).
Sorry to hear about your story but thanks for informing the rest of us so we can steer clear of them as well!

For anyone who may have gotten an e-mail from them, this is what mine looked like. For anyone who is observant, notice how they'll change certain parts of your e-mail, but the color will be off (i.e. - the rest of the e-mail is black, but changes like your name and job description and location are all in grey):

Hi [name]!

Thank you for your interest in SC Marketing, Inc. Your resume has been processed and we are interested in speaking with you further about our company and seeing if it would be a good fit to your background and career goals.

SC Marketing, Inc. develops and executes innovative Sports and Entertainment Marketing Campaigns for clients throughout the Orange County area. We lead the market in sports and entertainment advertising, dealing with high profile clients ranging from sports teams, restaurants, hotels, resorts, and golf courses.

SC Marketing separates ourselves from other advertising firms by conducting direct sales and marketing giving us the opportunity to work with our clients and consumers on a face to face level. Our whole forte is targeting markets that radio, billboards, and direct mailers cannot reach. We do everything from on site promotions at hospitals, big corporations, retail establishments, as well as business to business promotions were we meet with employers and offer employee incentives.

We are looking for amiable people who prefer to be out and about versus just sitting at a desk all day. We are currently filling entry level positions which include exposure to basic marketing, advertising, outside sales, public relations, customer service, and account management. Since we aspire to promote within and our business is expanding rapidly we seek individuals who are interested in an opportunity for management.

Our Hiring Manager has selected a few questions they want answered and from there you will possibly be given the opportunity to schedule a preliminary, one on one interview. The next step in the process will be to contact the Human Resources department at 714-956-4901.

During the preliminary interview, the Hiring Manager will express to you our company goals and plans for expansion. They will also discuss more specific details such as; qualifications, requirements, typical hours, and our competitive compensation packages, training, as well as further discussing your career goals.

All interviews will take place in our office in Anaheim, CA. We can be reached in the office Monday through Friday 9 AM to 5PM. Please feel free to check out our website and Facebook at

Thank you again for your interest and we look forward to speaking with you soon.

Sarah Calderon

Human Resources
Southern California Marketing, Inc.
741 E. Ball Rd. #203
Anaheim, CA 92805
5011 days ago by Olya243
Thank you so much!
I got excited when they sent me that same e-mail, and I was ready to call HR, but I am happy I did a little research and came across this forum. Thank you for saving me the time, money on gas, and the humiliation.
4992 days ago by Anonymous
Thank you! I also received that exact word for word same email. I am definitely not going to follow up with them. I also received an email from CMT Consulting, they are also the same type of company as well, so if you come across them when applying to jobs, it is the same deal/scam as this company. I am so happy you shared ths information with us so that I will not be caught by these people. Sorry for that happening to you, but thanks for sharing your story with us.
4984 days ago by Age
I moved here went on an interview with this company. They are constantly changing their name and job title descriptions. I go there and they huddled all of us into a room then shuttled us into cars with different team leaders. We then walked the streets of City of Industry from business to business soliciting packets of tickets that no one wants. I freaked out and had the chick drive me back to my car an hour away because it was so shady and weird. I felt like I was in a cult. I'd rather work at KFC than that job. It's complete BS.
4984 days ago by DrkOCAngel
Finally, I can say this. F***k SCM! I used to work here. Physically, it isn't hard work. It's only walking around for 8-10 hours Mon. - Sat. talking to as many people as you can. (as if you don't have a life and all you want to do is work) The problem is the product. Have you ever heard of La Salsa? (it's a Mexican food restaurant) How about Davey's Locker? (if you're not a fishermen, I don't expect you to know what it is) Okay, so their better well known and biggest clients are the Angels, Ducks, Kings, Wendy's. I'll use the Angels as an example. It's $40 for 6 free tickets, 10 bonus buy one, get one free discount tickets. The 6 free tickets are up to an $18 dollar seat or you can sit in the right field pavilion which is all the way out there. (You might as well be sitting in the parking lot) Think about it... if it starts to rain, you're screwed, if it's too hot, guess what? You're screwed, might as well sit in the nose bleed section where you'll at least be shelter. Oh, and these "free tickets", that you just paid $40 for are only good for Mon - Thurs.(You just missed a day of work) Yet, this is not the biggest issue for this "promotion". The biggest issue and the reason why no one wants them is because the Dodgers, Yankees, Red Sox as well as some other dates like opening night are blacked out. Sure, some people buy these promotional cards. This is yet not the biggest reason why I dislike this company, but if you have worked here, you'll notice that the "account manager" is in charge of the map of the area you'll be working in.Guess what happens? He/ she looks out for nice business parks, (which are very close to each other and stacked with lots of people) In the mean time, you're in retail (Rite Aid, Sears, Ross, Wal-Mart, CVS Pharmacy etc. will tell you that they can't buy anything until you have spoken to their corporate people) Industrial areas will kick you right out if you go in through their side doors, garage doors. (If you make it in the doors, hope that something doesn't fall on you and/ or the people inside aren't too busy operating heavy machinery) And SCM actually encourage you to go right in. Who do you think is going to be more successful? Some of the people I had the chance to work with we're pretty cool. (most of them were the distributors) The leaders (account managers) are a different story. Why do the leaders give you that phony act that they want you to be successful? Because the more leaders in their team, the sooner they get off the field (no more door to door for them) You make commission out of all your sales. The biggest profit is like $15 from a spa certificate which no one wants and I never even heard of anyone selling ONE of those. So, you'll mostly be around $4 - $9 profit certs. Hopefully, you'll make enough for your gas (you only get to drive when you're an account manager with 2 or 3 other people that aren't required to pay you for gas) I advise anyone to stay away from this company. Also, be on the look out for DKL Marketing. (they're like a sister-branch) located in Orange. Say "NO" to these solicitors (they don't even carry a solicitors license). Ask for it when you see them.
4973 days ago by Firestargirl
So NOW they are calling themselves Orange County Events and they say they are looking for event planners. Beware!!!

Here is the letter they sent me :

Orange County Events741 E. Ball Rd. #203Anaheim, CA 92805714-956-4901

Dear ________,

I'd like to thank you for applying and for your interest in an Event Coordinator position with Orange County Events. A member from our management team had an opportunity to review your resume and feels you may have some of the qualities and background that would be a great asset for our team. We are interested in speaking with you to further discuss the career opportunities at our firm and are requesting your presence for a formal interview. During this interview, we will express to you our company goals and plans for expansion and also discuss more specific details such as qualifications, requirements, compensation and training as well as further discussing your qualifications and career goals.

We have already begun conducting preliminary interviews in our Anaheim, CA office and are looking to fill this position immediately. Once your interview is completed, if a potential fit is determined, a decision on moving forward will be made. Please contact us at 714-956-4901 Monday through Friday 9 AM to 5 PM to schedule an interview with a member of our management team. We are looking forward to speaking with you.


Human Resources
Event Coordination
4903 days ago by Anonymous
Wow, I got the same thing...Tisk Tisk
4900 days ago by AmyLaRue
I just got a phone call from these people after telling the through email I wasnt interested after finding this site and reading these stories! Sounds like these people are ridiculous and ready to take advantage of eager job hunters! Not Cool!! BEWARE they totally are a joke! When more than one site can say these guys use you promising this and that, its completely not worth your time!
4875 days ago by Mkundrat
Wow I Just want to say thank you all so very much. I had an interview with them tomorrow and due to all of these post as well as other sites I researched I will not be wasteing my time... Thank you all so very much...
4868 days ago by [email protected]
i just googles the company because i got the same email via craigslist. its pretty sad what craiglist has become- this is not the first time ive gotten something like this. im not going to bother calling back to set up an "interview" (what a joke) either. i realized as soon as i saw their facebook page that this was a SALES SCHEME
4868 days ago by [email protected]
btw they have changed their name like 4 times- probably bc of reviews just like these
4867 days ago by Anonymous
Thank you everyone who has ever posted about how sketchy this was, I blew off the first interview because I just happened to get a job the week before and I just didn't have the best feeling of bailing halfway through my new job to go to this interview so I went with my gut and cancelled my interview 3 hours prior. Then they almost got me with their second email proclaiming that after further review they really thought i was the perfect candidate for their marketing events specialist opening. After asking advice from family and friends and three (exhausting) days at my new job I finally spotted these complaints, all from google's front page

so thank you one and all, and bless you those who don't get that gut feeling or do the proper research.
4867 days ago by Anonymous
oh and one more thing, If you're looking for a legit telemarketer job with a halfway decent product, benefits and once again it's telemarketing straight up cold calling check out the base rate isn't exactly better than minimum wage but the sales commissions are worth it and they have tons of opportunities to move up because they're expanding rapidly due to major SEO sales, so if you've been scammed and are sketched out even if you don't get the job this place may help you believe in decent people even in crappy jobs again.
4844 days ago by Sunsetpalm
I just got an email about this company as well, and I am so glad that I did some more research before completing a "preliminary phone interview" with them. This is the email that was sent to me:


Dear [ name ],

Thank you for your recent resume submission for our current open positions in the Event Marketing division. Our management team has reviewed your application and compared it to the other applicants as well as against our hiring criteria for our Event Marketing Representative and Brand Manager positions. As a result, we would like to begin the interview process with you to see if you qualify to join our growing team!

To start, we would like to schedule a 10-15 minute preliminary phone interview with you this week to further discuss your application and our current open positions. Please emailor call our Human Resource Department with your availability for an interview with our management team.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Laura Mathews
Human Resources, Universal Marketing Group
741 E. Ball Rd, Suite 203
Anaheim, CA 92805
4809 days ago by Patriciagreen
I had my first day today. I was excited to be moving toward a career this time. I was told that i was to shadow a very pleasent young woman who was the best in her field. I started my day with optimisum and two strong cups of coffee.
We drove about thirty minutes away and dropped off one of the sales reps to work his territory. We then proceded to ours. I am writing this very matter of factly so maybe someobe can explain to me how this college educated young woman believed this.
Before we left the main office located on ball road i was told to ask questions about the job. Make friends and pay attention to her. I started with the paying attention. She was so chipper and happy going from store to store and buisness to buisness being told no over and over again. I admired her optimisum and thought wow she looks like she loves her job. Awesome! She said not to get discouraged when people tell you no. Just smile and move on. We are on the hunt for the ducks fans. I smiled and continued to the next building. And the next. And the next.
Around ten she asked me what i thought about the job. I told her i didnt mind all the walking i mean heck i could stand to get some more excersise. I have always been a people person so the talking to people was no problem. I might just have a good time doing this. How much does this job pay per hour? This was the avoided question. For the next couple of hours i couldnt get a straight answer. Some of the answers i got were, you can make as money as you want. this job is like a management training opportunity. Or my favorite, this is not just something to pay the bills it is an investment into a career for the future.
When i asked her how long she has been with the company she replied (after three time of me asking) two months. Wow you are the top seller of the company after two months. Something was not gellin. Right before we sat down to lunch she made her first sale of the day. She walked up to a man while he was eating his lunch. Maybe i am not as in to sales as she was but i felt very uncomfortable with that. After the sale she said so what are you thinking? Is this something that you could see yourself doing? And i replied sure, you get paid hourly to walk around and meet people plus you get commision. Awesome! See how i did that? There was no way for her not answer my question. Well actually we are commision based. So how much commision do you make? This went unanswered because she got a phone call. I wasnt going to play this game again and when she got off the phone i said so, how much did you just make off that ticket sale. Twelve dollars. I stood there in complete disbelief. So what you are saying is that you have been walking around all day for twelve dollars? All i could think then was get me back to my car. This is a load of poopie.
We picked up the other team and i was completely silent as we dropped them off at the next turf location. She looked at me and asked if something was wrong. I told her i dont think this job is for me. When she asked why i had to ask her how do you survive on twelve dollars a day? She kept repeating that she is looking at down the road and that the lack of compensation was to teach you to budget your money better and make you try harder to sell the product. I dont need any one to teach me about budgeting money or work ethic. Children in guam make more money than this. I told her that i did not want to hurt her feelings but i had to ask. Have you ever heard of a pyramid scam? She said yes but this isnt one. Ok then what is the difference between this and a pyramid scam? I have never seen one played out but i have met lots of people who are very successful and i want to be a buisness owner. I feel so sorry for this girl. She has a dream and they are completely taking advantage of that. They have convinced her that she will have a staff in 4-6 months and her own office in less than a year. I told her that i would go ahead and get out of the car so she could get back to work. God knows she needs that commision. I called a friend to take me to my car.
If these people are not criminals i dont know what is. they pay slave wages and exploit young pepple who want to work hard for the big pay off. Needless to say my job hunt will continue. And hey, it got me out of the house.
4797 days ago by Nphbus
Thank you! I got a call today with the same number. I almost made a mistake by calling back and setting up for an interview. Thanks for the research and information!
4797 days ago by Waver0605
Applied for SCM job posting on and got the following email the next day:

Hi ___________!

Thank you for your interest in SC Marketing, Inc. Your resume has been processed and we are interested in speaking with you further about our company and seeing if it would be a good fit to your background and career goals.

SC Marketing, Inc. develops and executes innovative Sports and Entertainment Marketing Campaigns for clients throughout the Orange County area. We lead the market in sports and entertainment advertising, dealing with high profile clients ranging from sports teams, restaurants, hotels, resorts, and golf courses.

SC Marketing separates ourselves from other advertising firms by conducting direct sales and marketing giving us the opportunity to work with our clients and consumers on a face to face level. Our whole forte is targeting markets that radio, billboards, and direct mailers cannot reach. We do everything from on site promotions at hospitals, big corporations, retail establishments, as well as business to business promotions were we meet with employers and offer employee incentives.

We are looking for amiable people who prefer to be out and about versus just sitting at a desk all day. We are currently filling entry level positions which include exposure to basic marketing, advertising, outside sales, public relations, customer service, and account management. Since we aspire to promote within and our business is expanding rapidly we seek individuals who are interested in an opportunity for management.

Our Hiring Manager has selected a few questions they want answered and from there you will possibly be given the opportunity to schedule a preliminary, one on one interview. The next step in the process will be to contact the Human Resources department at 714-956-4901.

During the preliminary interview, the Hiring Manager will express to you our company goals and plans for expansion. They will also discuss more specific details such as; qualifications, requirements, typical hours, and our competitive compensation packages, training, as well as further discussing your career goals.

All interviews will take place in our office in Anaheim, CA. We can be reached in the office Monday through Friday 9 AM to 5PM. Please feel free to check out our website and Facebook at

Thank you again for your interest and we look forward to speaking with you soon.

Sarah Calderon

Human Resources
Southern California Marketing, Inc.
741 E. Ball Rd. #203
Anaheim, CA 92805
saw the post and decided not to go further. thanks for all the posting.
4769 days ago by OnceBittenTwiceShy
Feb. 22, 2012

My son wanted a lift to the interview. He emailed me the company email he received and I recognized the info from the Craigslist ads I have seen. Thank you to all the people who posted their information. With gas costing over $4.00 a gallon, we don't need to be wasting gas! I think people deserve better ways to be employed. Lets bring back the government work programs which helped rebuild this country during the depression. Keep up the good research. A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
4769 days ago by SCMSUCks
So glad to have looked up the company website before going to my interview tomorrow. It is full of fluff and i heard the same thing over and over. I received the same email within hours of submitting my resume. They even specify that you will not see 741 from Ball and that it is in the Ball Road Business Park. After reading this forum I will not go to interview tomorrow and happy this forum exists. Thank you all for your posts, saved me time and money!

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