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Have anyone been a victim of Ms. Terri Petty's, Project 4 Freedom Investment scammed that start
1st of Aug, 2010 by User338050
Have anyone been a victim of Ms. Terri Petty's, Project 4 Freedom Investment scammed that started in 9/14/2010 and was suppose to pay returns of 20 to 1 and then upgraded to 40 to 1? The conference call on 2/10/2011, she confessed she was scammed; in other words, all the nationwide of victims financial investments is GONE. But all the while the conference calls every Thursday since 9/14/2010 up to 2/10/2011 have been leading investors on as to everything is going great and we should see pay-outs this week. ALL A SCAM. She's suppose to have a SPECIAL CONFERENCE CALL on tomorrow 6:pm PST, 9PM EST @ 712-432-0075 Pin 784244#. Understand, I've heard the FBI Los Angeles Special Agent Phil Baldree is assigned to this Investment Fraud case (310) 477-6565 as well as a joint Task force with the Secret Service Agent Patrick Glaze (213)894-4830, I've called both to verify if this was true what I read on a Internet blog and its true they have investigations on-going. I understand now why she wanted to send out lying test mail checks, because she would avoid potential Federal wire fraud charges and mail fraud charges. But she forgot she made every effort to have 1,000's send their initial investment via wired and deposited directly into her account in Sept.2010, which the banks have the records of all the deposit. Also,she lied about she went to Bridgeway in Sept. 2010 for asset protection. I checked with the CA Secretary of state Business search for; You Create Freedom and she WAS NOT incorporated until Oct.13,2010, see it for yourself below.Entity Name: YOU CREATE FREEDOM CORPORATION Entity Number: C3334715 Date Filed: 10/13/2010 Status: ACTIVE Jurisdiction: NEVADA Entity Address: 4075 S DURANGO DR STE 111-58 Entity City, State, Zip: LAS VEGAS NV 89147 Agent for Service of Process: TERRI PETTY Agent Address: 1560-1 NEWBURY RD STE 505Agent City, State, Zip: NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 So she probably did invest the funds for the trade, but it was for herself. Ive been holding Iraqi Dinar for months now and they've been saying the re-evaluation should happen the last 7 yrs. It's just closer then ever now, but one cant bank on that and I'm on the Dinar calls every Monday and its definite but NO timeframe can be put on it. I can tell she don't listen to the Dinar calls, they NEVER STATED the value would potentially be at $5-$7 dollars. Its more realistically like $3.00 but still its been so call re-evaluating for 7 yrs now. Were just a lil bit closer now.Bridgeway IS NOT refunding any asset protection money either and thats what Gary and John Ewing stated also. They can get you a tax write off but NO REFUNDS since the initial referral came from a scam source, Terri Petty. Remember all that crying at 1st she was doing about people talking negative that this was a scam, now u can see that was a front. She had the ordasity to play, YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH, in the background? She something else. I pray that she gets every bit of Federal time her, Dan, Shawn and others deserve, because NO ONE has the balls behind close doors to stop her, when they knew what the overall plan was to do. Its bigger than Bernie Madoff, not on the money wise, but on how many investors was taken for a ride. A seniors money is just like a million dollars to them. The last call had NO REMORSE in it at all. I have $10 Million in dinar,so what... One can't be compensated for their time and lies all this time. Everything she said about her doing this for 20 yrs and wasn't set up or incorporated already, WAS A LIE. Also, trader's get their fees off the top, she thinks people are dumb. But watch what comes her way.
5023 days ago by April
How is she a scammer when she offer's 100% refund? I've been investing with Terri Petty since June(2010). Terry has paid out as stated in her previous trade! I 100% believe in Terri, it's just a matter of time before the 40-1 payout!
5022 days ago by Been Scammed
Terri Petty the Liar and Dream Stealer and theif needs to make the gray bar hotel her home, She STILL has not paid us on the 2nd trade or is it now the THIRD trade ( that NEVER happened ). She REFUSES to post the bank statement for the MEMBERS Money NOT hers. Where does she LEGALLY get off denying the members to see if their money is still in the bank. TP ( short for toilet paper which she represents to me for her lies and bull crap) is not held accountable for one darn thing, she gets away with dis honoring the members and just drives around in her hummer and pays her Motel 6 bill with the members money and eats at fast food places with members money.

She has these (most probably PHONEY emails) that she posts to the website saying they are from Jordan with his/her bull crap excuses and WJ who we are led to beleive is the Trader who Never has set up a so called "sub acoount" and never has funded it for TP 2 pay the members.

My opinion is this is all set up, there is NO TRADE, members have AGAIN been lied to, Terry has a HUGE amount of DINAR and WHEN the RV occurs THEN there will be posted on her site that the sub account has been funded so now all members can be paid. Until the RV occurs there will NEVER be money paid out to the members of this PHONEY "TP" INVESTMENT.

This lady belongs behind bars and locked away for the rest of her lying stealing life.

For all those SUCKERS... Pansied eyed followers are Blantant Fools and have No Discernment. Wait, you will see when you do NOT get paid...UNLESS the RV occurs and quess what there will be no more trades because there NEVER was one to begin with. If so go ahead TP PROVE yourself...SHOW the trade you sticking low life scum BUCKET
5022 days ago by Been Scammed
Terri Petty the Liar and Dream Stealer and theif needs to make the gray bar hotel her home, She STILL has not paid us on the 2nd trade or is it now the THIRD trade ( that NEVER happened ). She REFUSES to post the bank statement for the MEMBERS Money NOT hers. Where does she LEGALLY get off denying the members to see if their money is still in the bank. TP ( short for toilet paper which she represents to me for her lies and bull crap) is not held accountable for one darn thing, she gets away with dis honoring the members and just drives around in her hummer and pays her Motel 6 bill with the members money and eats at fast food places with members money.

She has these (most probably PHONEY emails) that she posts to the website saying they are from Jordan with his/her bull crap excuses and WJ who we are led to beleive is the Trader who Never has set up a so called "sub acoount" and never has funded it for TP 2 pay the members.

My opinion is this is all set up, there is NO TRADE, members have AGAIN been lied to, Terry has a HUGE amount of DINAR and WHEN the RV occurs THEN there will be posted on her site that the sub account has been funded so now all members can be paid. Until the RV occurs there will NEVER be money paid out to the members of this PHONEY "TP" INVESTMENT.

This lady belongs behind bars and locked away for the rest of her lying stealing life.

For all those SUCKERS... Pansied eyed followers are Blantant Fools and have No Discernment. Wait, you will see when you do NOT get paid...UNLESS the RV occurs and quess what there will be no more trades because there NEVER was one to begin with. If so go ahead TP PROVE yourself...SHOW the trade you sticking low life scum BUCKET
5022 days ago by Wereuscamed
Terri petti is pulling your strings there is NO TRADE she again has STOLEN members money. She is NOT returning money when members ask for it to be returned. She is a fraud..

She is most probably MAKIN up the emails from the supposed trader, WJ and who ever this fool is named, Jordan with un professional excuses. that is why I beleive the Dirt Bag Terri is making up these emails, they of her mentality, Not those of a trading platform.

Members will NEVER get paid because there is NO TRADE Wake up and smell the coffee, you have been PLAYED for Big FOOLS.

ONY way you MIGHT get paid is WHEN and ONLY WHEN the Dinar rv's
And see you will NEVER, NEVER, EVER get paid until the Dinar RV's...End of subject.

Terri is low life and a scum bucket she deserves to go to jail and the keys thrown away,

She probably pays her Motel 6 bill with members money
She probably pays for all her fast food, junk food, fat food, Hamburgers with members money,
She probably pays for the gas for her HUMMER with members money

Remember she has NO JOB...Where does she get the money????/

Ha Ha one day whe was on a call and said she looked like a movie star, can not remember her name, although, she is probably some big fat disgusting pig.

However now is the time for all those brown nosers who can not see the light of day to WAKE up and see terri petty for what she is, she plays on being a victim and there are a lot of so called Christians that use God as an excuse and do NOT use discernment. When a liar lies time after time that is a SIGN By your fruits you shall be known WAKE UP stop beleiving the lies YOUR MONEY IS NOT IN A TRADE..

Terri has stolen your dreams and you do NOT want to face the truth...YOUR MONEY IS NOT IN A TRADE if you beleive in her so much ask her to show you the trade and the name of the trader, trader platform and all the docs.. She will not because she does not have them.. SHE is a CON from the word GO.

YOU WILL MAYBE get paid ONLY WHEN the Dinar RV's THE END..
5019 days ago by Whatashame
Checks have not gone out and money has not been received.

As of yesterday Terri posted on the website the following:

Update posted June 20, 2011

UPS and Fed Ex has come to drop their packages today, but the one we are waiting for did not come in.

and as of today that message has not changed. Which means the package was not received.

On last Thursday night's call she did announce that she had a tracking number on that package, if the
package did not arrive then that means that Terri has lied yet one more time. USPS, FED EX, DHL, and
UPS will not LIE when a package has been sent out to you. Do you all see the picture here?

Terri is definitely lying to us about everything. There is no trade and no platform. And all the supposed
emails she claims to have gotten from the trader and Jordan are all made up by her. Every week is a different excuse. Who is to blame this week? the delivery company...The one that sent her a false
tracking number in an email?

What's next folks?
5018 days ago by Territhescammer
Checks have not gone out and money has not been received.

As of yesterday Terri posted on the website the following:

Update posted June 20, 2011

UPS and Fed Ex has come to drop their packages today, but the one we are waiting for did not come in.

and as of today that message has not changed. Which means the package was not received.

On last Thursday night's call she did announce that she had a tracking number on that package, if the
package did not arrive then that means that Terri has lied yet one more time. USPS, FED EX, DHL, and
UPS will not LIE when a package has been sent out to you. Do you all see the picture here?

Terri is definitely lying to us about everything. There is no trade and no platform. And all the supposed
emails she claims to have gotten from the trader and Jordan are all made up by her. Every week is a different excuse. Who is to blame this week? the delivery company...The one that sent her a false
tracking number in an email?

What's next folks?
5018 days ago by Territhescammer
Checks have not gone out and money has not been received.

As of yesterday Terri posted on the website the following:

Update posted June 20, 2011

UPS and Fed Ex has come to drop their packages today, but the one we are waiting for did not come in.

and as of today that message has not changed. Which means the package was not received.

On last Thursday night's call she did announce that she had a tracking number on that package, if the
package did not arrive then that means that Terri has lied yet one more time. USPS, FED EX, DHL, and
UPS will not LIE when a package has been sent out to you. Do you all see the picture here?

Terri is definitely lying to us about everything. There is no trade and no platform. And all the supposed
emails she claims to have gotten from the trader and Jordan are all made up by her. Every week is a different excuse. Who is to blame this week? the delivery company...The one that sent her a false
tracking number in an email?

What's next folks?
5018 days ago by Territhescammer
what is wrong with this website that you can't post??

and no one from contact responds.
5012 days ago by Territhescammer
NO checks NO money. Terri will soon claim that she has been scammed again.

Terri is not checking who she is dealing with, if she is dealing with anyone.

Is Jordan and WJ the same person? are they real? or are they a pigment of Terri's imagination?

We will soon find out the real truth.
5010 days ago by Sleuth
What many of you don't know is that Terri did not start her criminal activity just last September, contrary to what she would have you believe. She's been doing this at least as far back as 2003. This is my personal knowledge. She called her program back then Project for Freedom just as she has this time around. She went into several trades or so she alleged and every one of them failed. She feels no obligation to pay anyone back their principal.
A report has already been filed with the FBI in Ventura, CA, the county in which she resides and most likely the office she filed her complaint against J and G in a few months ago.
Rather than just complaining to each other, you should/could go online and file a complaint against her on the FBI website.
5009 days ago by Sleuth
What you may not know is that Terri Petty has been doing this same thing as far back at least as 2003. She took money in a number of times and "lost" (?) it each time and never paid us back. She admitted to lying back then also.
Her actions have been reported to the FBI office in Ventura, CA, and those who have been victimized by her need to contact them. You can go to the FBI website and file a complaint on line.
She has also been reported to SEC as what she has been doing in raising money and continues to do requires appropriate licensure from that agency irregardless of what she claims.
5009 days ago by Sleuth
What some of you may not know is that Terri Petty has been repeating this same pattern for years - at least since 2003. She collected money over and over again and "lost" (?) it all, never apologizing, never trying to retrieve it.
You need to file a complaint with the FBI office in Ventura, Ca, which you can do online. She has already been reported to them at that location and also to SEC, because what she is doing requires a securities license irregardless of what she says to the contrary.
5009 days ago by Atotalscam
Another week wasted waiting for Terri to pay us out. Here is the kicker-----Terri has been refunding---has anyone asked where she is getting the money to refund? Has she been paid already or received partial payment of a trade and simply refuses to pay us all? thinking she can keep all the profits and just give you back your money?

Here is a section of an email, Terri claims to have received from the trader. and it does say a partial payment went out to Terri. Is this where she is getting the money to do refunds? It does not say how much and Terri never acknowledged she received anything but rumor has been said that Terri has decided to keep the profits and hopes all of us will ask for a refund. See copy below.

Post dated June 1, 2011
This matter has since been corrected of which I now await the scheduled release of net proceeds payment(s) to You Create Freedom Corp. In addition, there is an advance payment which was issued to you which is now inclusive of the total amount to the credit of the above aforementioned.

Big question is??????? Why has she not paid????
5005 days ago by Atotalscam
4935 days ago by Lvictor711
I have not been able to get on the conference calls. It has been a year. Has anyone received any money fro Project 4 Freedom 2010? Please, let me know
4924 days ago by Anonymous
Well It's September 24, 2011 New Day, New excuse... Will this ever end??? How does one go about getting to the truth?? Terri has no idea what the truth is... Now she claims Homeland Security has seized the funds... Is there anyway to verify this?? Can people just blame a Federal branch like Homeland Security and get away with it?? This just gets more and more bizarre.
4782 days ago by Notabeliever
This post is dated 02-12-2012. On Thursday 02-02-2012 Terri announced a project that she is launching. She will not give out details. But she has said that this new project will bring some money to the members while we wait for homeland security to release the funds. (what funds?) ..LOL..On this last Thursday 02-09-2012 again she announced that we should have good news next week. she again mentioned her new program to bring some money to the members. Terri did mention that no money was needed by the members, but that there was a group who did put in some money to get this project going.
This last Thursday Terri did mention to the group that if anyone wanted to volunteer money to go ahead.

My group and I wondered what was taking Terri so long to come around and ask for more money. Well here she is again. Asking for money. People, listen carefully. What comes out of Terri's mouth is not truth.
Terri is a very sick person and is used to taking people's money with no remorse. Terri is lying about the other group that have already given her money. Terri is hoping that we all fall in her trap again. I'm not falling in her trap again, and I hope you don't either.

We have been waiting for Terri to pay for almost a year and a half. You all have seen that, there is no money. There is no trader and no platform.

...What you have here is Terri asking for more money to live off of you for another year. ...She desperately needs your money, not for a trade FOR HERSELF...DON'T BE FOOLED
4739 days ago by Tired Of The BS Of Terri Petty
Terri Petty is the epitome of FRAUD! - SCAM - SCANDALOUS - SHAMELESS - RIPOFF - RUTHLESS - GREEDY - LIAR - PATHETIC. I don't know who is in on this getting a cut, but they are all going to hell. I got a $300 refund, thank God. When I went to Chase to cash the check, it had to go thru 3 levels of management. When they looked at the account, their eyes got as big as saucers! I was like ok; it's a $300 check, can you cash it or not? They had to call Terri while I was standing there. They said the name on the check, and the name on the account were different, however, the acct. number was the same...weird, but they cashed it and I kept it movin. Terri is just a female Bernie Madoff, and I know someone personally who put over $12, 000 into it and believed every word she said. She is deceased now, I'm just saddened by her vulnerability, as well as that of others who continue to listen and believe Terri Petty's bullshit. Terri Petty needs to be arrested, period. Why is she still strolling around and still getting more money? When I was first introduced to this, 2 people were on the call and called Terri out on her being a con artist/scammer and had stolen from people before. She swore it was not her, then later said it was, but she was ripped off, bla, bla, bla. PLEASE ARREST THIS WOMAN.
4611 days ago by BridgewayFinancialCorporation

First, let me express my regret at the financial loss you've sustained at the hands of Ms. Terri Petty. We were all taken in by her promises of lucrative investment returns. Ours was strictly a business relationship and we do not defend or condone her actions at all.

I would like to shed some light on some incorrect information in your original posting. Her corporation "You Create Freedom Corporation" was incorporated prior to the 10/2010 date you indicated. This date was the date of foreign-filing in California only. The corporation was originally incorporated in Nevada State in 8/2009 which you can see at this link from the Nevada Secretary of State. Second, due to the cost structure of our business we do not have the ability to refund money paid for our incorporation and asset protection services, nor did an authorized representative of our company state we could do so. We're sorry for any misinformation you encountered.

Again, I am sorry for the financial losses you have sustained at the hands of Terri Petty. We do not condone her actions or have any current involvement with her. You may contact me at [email protected] for further clarification. Thanks,

David Ewing, VP
Bridgeway Financial Corporation
3994 days ago by Raisa
Terri Petty is still at it with her bullshit. After all these years now she claiming to up the ante to two 40 to 1 returns by going into another trade with the money she suppose to give to the members.. I hate scam artist who prey on the average people who just trying to make ends meet.

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