Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Have anyone been a victim of Ms. Terri Petty's, Project 4 Freedom Investment scammed that start
1st of Aug, 2010 by User338050
Have anyone been a victim of Ms. Terri Petty's, Project 4 Freedom Investment scammed that started in 9/14/2010 and was suppose to pay returns of 20 to 1 and then upgraded to 40 to 1? The conference call on 2/10/2011, she confessed she was scammed; in other words, all the nationwide of victims financial investments is GONE. But all the while the conference calls every Thursday since 9/14/2010 up to 2/10/2011 have been leading investors on as to everything is going great and we should see pay-outs this week. ALL A SCAM. She's suppose to have a SPECIAL CONFERENCE CALL on tomorrow 6:pm PST, 9PM EST @ 712-432-0075 Pin 784244#. Understand, I've heard the FBI Los Angeles Special Agent Phil Baldree is assigned to this Investment Fraud case (310) 477-6565 as well as a joint Task force with the Secret Service Agent Patrick Glaze (213)894-4830, I've called both to verify if this was true what I read on a Internet blog and its true they have investigations on-going. I understand now why she wanted to send out lying test mail checks, because she would avoid potential Federal wire fraud charges and mail fraud charges. But she forgot she made every effort to have 1,000's send their initial investment via wired and deposited directly into her account in Sept.2010, which the banks have the records of all the deposit. Also,she lied about she went to Bridgeway in Sept. 2010 for asset protection. I checked with the CA Secretary of state Business search for; You Create Freedom and she WAS NOT incorporated until Oct.13,2010, see it for yourself below.Entity Name: YOU CREATE FREEDOM CORPORATION Entity Number: C3334715 Date Filed: 10/13/2010 Status: ACTIVE Jurisdiction: NEVADA Entity Address: 4075 S DURANGO DR STE 111-58 Entity City, State, Zip: LAS VEGAS NV 89147 Agent for Service of Process: TERRI PETTY Agent Address: 1560-1 NEWBURY RD STE 505Agent City, State, Zip: NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 So she probably did invest the funds for the trade, but it was for herself. Ive been holding Iraqi Dinar for months now and they've been saying the re-evaluation should happen the last 7 yrs. It's just closer then ever now, but one cant bank on that and I'm on the Dinar calls every Monday and its definite but NO timeframe can be put on it. I can tell she don't listen to the Dinar calls, they NEVER STATED the value would potentially be at $5-$7 dollars. Its more realistically like $3.00 but still its been so call re-evaluating for 7 yrs now. Were just a lil bit closer now.Bridgeway IS NOT refunding any asset protection money either and thats what Gary and John Ewing stated also. They can get you a tax write off but NO REFUNDS since the initial referral came from a scam source, Terri Petty. Remember all that crying at 1st she was doing about people talking negative that this was a scam, now u can see that was a front. She had the ordasity to play, YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH, in the background? She something else. I pray that she gets every bit of Federal time her, Dan, Shawn and others deserve, because NO ONE has the balls behind close doors to stop her, when they knew what the overall plan was to do. Its bigger than Bernie Madoff, not on the money wise, but on how many investors was taken for a ride. A seniors money is just like a million dollars to them. The last call had NO REMORSE in it at all. I have $10 Million in dinar,so what... One can't be compensated for their time and lies all this time. Everything she said about her doing this for 20 yrs and wasn't set up or incorporated already, WAS A LIE. Also, trader's get their fees off the top, she thinks people are dumb. But watch what comes her way.
5047 days ago by Duck
i spent over 10k waiting to be paid out since sept 2010. what are the next steps of getting our money
5045 days ago by Whatascammer
Meanwhile, here we are with all this information and plenty of people who know terri's background.
PLEASE, one of you get in the call tonight and confront her with questions regarding the trade. Someone who knows what he or she is talking about and cannot be intimidated or put off by terri. This person has to have written questions in detail and demand terri to answer them without interruption. We cannot afford to be fooled or taking for a ride each time, week after week. This person has to demand document's copies from the bank, trade and so forth. Enough is enough!
5045 days ago by Jamesyucker
Apple, did you get a response? I sent out emails to all who responded. For all of you that listen to the Thursday night calls and hear Terri say that only one person has asked for a refund, I can tell you that is a lie. I've had several people email me since I first posted a few days ago to say that they have requested a refund weeks ago and have not heard anything back from Terri.

We know the nonsense needs to stop and now if you go to the website, you will see an update from the so-called "platform" dated 5/24/11 and 5/25/11. Just read it and see if you think it is legitimate. Poorly written and a poor excuse for a business person. It's kinda ironic that now they are sending messages about what's going on. If you want to prove that someone has sent you and email, you can copy and paste the email with the time and date stamp you received! So who knows who this Jordan is or if he/she is even real? No, what is happening is someone is informing Terri about what is being posted on this site or she is probably reading it and finds it necessary to give an update to make everyone feel better, plus it gives her something to talk about on her call. If Terri can't make the trade happen or even if she isn't in a trade(which is probably what is going on) then why not just return everybody's money that was sent in over 2 months ago? Just say I couldn't get it done! That probably won't happen because people are who they are and no matter how good she makes it sound, you have to look at reality---a trade that was supposed to payout in 2 weeks is now 2 months past due and nobody has been paid! Nobody has received any money except who? Terri! She collected all the money and since she claims it is safe in the bank, then why don't she just refund everybody? Every week it has been something, "didn't make the deadline", "didn't get the wire", didn't get the 2nd wire", "had to do another wire", "wait for UPS email", "had to compile the database", "had to dump the first platform", "waiting on the paymaster", "done with the first platform again", "holiday this week"...and on and on and on!!! What next???

We were going to do a call this weekend, but with this being a holiday weekend, it has been pushed back. If you want to be informed when it will happen, send an email to [email protected] Most importantly, continue to pass the word to others so no one will be left out. Just listen to all the lies on the call, they will come right before all the good good news!
5045 days ago by Jamesyucker
Apple, did you get a response? I sent out emails to all who responded. For all of you that listen to the Thursday night calls and hear Terri say that only one person has asked for a refund, I can tell you that is a lie. I've had several people email me since I first posted a few days ago to say that they have requested a refund weeks ago and have not heard anything back from Terri.

We know the nonsense needs to stop and now if you go to the website, you will see an update from the so-called "platform" dated 5/24/11 and 5/25/11. Just read it and see if you think it is legitimate. Poorly written and a poor excuse for a business person. It's kinda ironic that now they are sending messages about what's going on. If you want to prove that someone has sent you and email, you can copy and paste the email with the time and date stamp you received! So who knows who this Jordan is or if he/she is even real? No, what is happening is someone is informing Terri about what is being posted on this site or she is probably reading it and finds it necessary to give an update to make everyone feel better, plus it gives her something to talk about on her call. If Terri can't make the trade happen or even if she isn't in a trade(which is probably what is going on) then why not just return everybody's money that was sent in over 2 months ago? Just say I couldn't get it done! That probably won't happen because people are who they are and no matter how good she makes it sound, you have to look at reality---a trade that was supposed to payout in 2 weeks is now 2 months past due and nobody has been paid! Nobody has received any money except who? Terri! She collected all the money and since she claims it is safe in the bank, then why don't she just refund everybody? Every week it has been something, "didn't make the deadline", "didn't get the wire", didn't get the 2nd wire", "had to do another wire", "wait for UPS email", "had to compile the database", "had to dump the first platform", "waiting on the paymaster", "done with the first platform again", "holiday this week"...and on and on and on!!! What next???

We were going to do a call this weekend, but with this being a holiday weekend, it has been pushed back. If you want to be informed when it will happen, send an email to [email protected] Most importantly, continue to pass the word to others so no one will be left out. Just listen to all the lies on the call, they will come right before all the good good news!
5045 days ago by Jamesyucker
5045 days ago by Jamesyucker
Apple, did you get a response? I sent out emails to all who responded. For all of you that listen to the Thursday night calls and hear Terri say that only one person has asked for a refund, I can tell you that is a lie. I've had several people email me since I first posted a few days ago to say that they have requested a refund weeks ago and have not heard anything back from Terri.

We know the nonsense needs to stop and now if you go to the website, you will see an update from the so-called "platform" dated 5/24/11 and 5/25/11. Just read it and see if you think it is legitimate. Poorly written and a poor excuse for a business person. It's kinda ironic that now they are sending messages about what's going on. If you want to prove that someone has sent you and email, you can copy and paste the email with the time and date stamp you received! So who knows who this Jordan is or if he/she is even real? No, what is happening is someone is informing Terri about what is being posted on this site or she is probably reading it and finds it necessary to give an update to make everyone feel better, plus it gives her something to talk about on her call. If Terri can't make the trade happen or even if she isn't in a trade(which is probably what is going on) then why not just return everybody's money that was sent in over 2 months ago? Just say I couldn't get it done! That probably won't happen because people are who they are and no matter how good she makes it sound, you have to look at reality---a trade that was supposed to payout in 2 weeks is now 2 months past due and nobody has been paid! Nobody has received any money except who? Terri! She collected all the money and since she claims it is safe in the bank, then why don't she just refund everybody? Every week it has been something, "didn't make the deadline", "didn't get the wire", didn't get the 2nd wire", "had to do another wire", "wait for UPS email", "had to compile the database", "had to dump the first platform", "waiting on the paymaster", "done with the first platform again", "holiday this week"...and on and on and on!!! What next???

We were going to do a call this weekend, but with this being a holiday weekend, it has been pushed back. If you want to be informed when it will happen, send an email to [email protected] Most importantly, continue to pass the word to others so no one will be left out. Just listen to all the lies on the call, they will come right before all the good good news!
5045 days ago by Jamesyucker
Trying to post this for 3rd time...

I tried to post this on scam site, but it wouldn't let me for some reason..will try again later..

Apple, did you get a response? I sent out emails to all who responded. For all of you that listen to the Thursday night calls and hear Terri say that only one person has asked for a refund, I can tell you that is a lie. I've had several people email me since I first posted a few days ago to say that they have requested a refund weeks ago and have not heard anything back from Terri.
We know the nonsense needs to stop and now if you go to the website, you will see an update from the so-called "platform" dated 5/24/11 and 5/25/11. Just read it and see if you think it is legitimate. Poorly written and a poor excuse for a business person. It's kinda ironic that now they are sending messages about what's going on. If you want to prove that someone has sent you and email, you can copy and paste the email with the time and date stamp you received! So who knows who this Jordan is or if he/she is even real? No, what is happening is someone is informing Terri about what is being posted on this site or she is probably reading it and finds it necessary to give an update to make everyone feel better, plus it gives her something to talk about on her call. If Terri can't make the trade happen or even if she isn't in a trade(which is probably what is going on) then why not just return everybody's money that was sent in over 2 months ago? Just say I couldn't get it done! That probably won't happen because people are who they are and no matter how good she makes it sound, you have to look at reality---a trade that was supposed to payout in 2 weeks is now 2 months past due and nobody has been paid! Nobody has received any money except who? Terri! She collected all the money and since she claims it is safe in the bank, then why don't she just refund everybody? Every week it has been something, "didn't make the deadline", "didn't get the wire", didn't get the 2nd wire", "had to do another wire", "wait for UPS email", "had to compile the database", "had to dump the first platform", "waiting on the paymaster", "done with the first platform again", "holiday this week"...and on and on and on!!! What next???

We were going to do a call this weekend, but with this being a holiday weekend, it has been pushed back. If you want to be informed when it will happen, send an email to [email protected] Most importantly, continue to pass the word to others so no one will be left out. Just listen to all the lies on the call, they will come right before all the good good news!
5044 days ago by Jamesyucker
5042 days ago by Frustrated
Well, this whole thing is getting old. I too am very interested in this conference call and sent an email to james, but haven't yet recieved a response.

If people are not being refunded as promised, then they need to speak up. The Q&A time would be the best time to do that. Others need to be made aware that Terri is not keeping her promise of a prompt refund (if in fact that is the case). I've been considering asking for a refund but will definitely be upset if she does not honor it.

As of this past week, funds have supposedly been sent to the banks. If people do not have their checks by week after next at the very latest, I think that is the final writing on the wall that this is a scam. I've really tried to give Terri the benefit of the doubt, but the endless excuses and frequent changes in her story are getting hard to just let slide by.
5039 days ago by Next Week
I totally agree with Terri behind bars, Enough is enough of Next Week
If a participant receives what is promised, What did i missed something?? If a participant receives what is promised, As far AS I Know All we received since this project have started are all her empty promises & lies.
it's Wednesday noon Still nothing oh let me guess the Holiday is causing the delays. Here comes the punchline ...we could see checks going out next week. Maybe it should be" Let's put her behind bars Next Week" My 25 Down lines & more of their down lines Just had enough of her lies & empty promises. Terri NEXT WEEK IS GAME OVER !!
5038 days ago by Next Week
Well, Here we go again! Terri Stated "If a participant receives what is promised you don't have the right to see a bank statement" Did I miss something because so far all I
have received are empty promises & lies week after week. I am sure I was told I would receive money.

For someone who brags to know a lot about trading Terri seem to be dumb in common sense, first she gives money to Two men, who she doesn't truly know, or are they partners in crime? Terri is not filing any kind of action on them, now why would that be, either they were in on it or they didn't do what Terri "claims" they did. Then Terri finds a platform that although "never took money from the bank account" wasted three months of time, which everyone one knows time IS money and she just "walks away" did they not already have the bank account numbers to maybe oh I don't know take the money anyway? I mean how do you just walk away from a contract? You can't even break a lease without penalty! Now I am not sure of the current platform that she is in "constant with" had no clue Terri was even in their platform, so it makes me wonder who Terri paid the money to? I would hate to think I sent someone over 495 thousand dollars and they wouldn't know me. Wow! that shows how much trade experience she has, or maybe we should be braced for another "coming clean" call, where once again it was not Terri's fault that she was dumb enough to yet again "loose" all the money!

She keeps talking of a Advisory team that does not even want their names brought out, is this because they are taking a share of the money she is stealing from the group, maybe they are doing trades on the side? Maybe that is the "true" project freedom group. Terri should rename the rest of the people project next week group.

Now with the new update Terri has bought herself all the time in the world, because when she typed the update she did some editing, a lot of double talk because she thinks
if she uses fifty-cent words people will think she is brilliant.

Terri calls us a lynch mob, well I would rather be apart of a lynch mob then a liar and a thief, all I know is I am not the one staying at a NICE hotel, it is not like she is living in the bates motel.

I say we make a plan to get this liar and cheat off the street before she does anymore damage! Oh and just so you know Terri(because I know you read these) NO pets allowed
in Jail! You might need a pet sitter for your Pomeranian
5038 days ago by Next Week
Well, Here we go again! Terri Stated "If a participant receives what is promised you don't have the right to see a bank statement" Did I miss something because so far all I
have received are empty promises & lies week after week. I am sure I was told I would receive money.

For someone who brags to know a lot about trading Terri seem to be dumb in common sense, first she gives money to Two men, who she doesn't truly know, or are they partners in crime? Terri is not filing any kind of action on them, now why would that be, either they were in on it or they didn't do what Terri "claims" they did. Then Terri finds a platform that although "never took money from the bank account" wasted three months of time, which everyone one knows time IS money and she just "walks away" did they not already have the bank account numbers to maybe oh I don't know take the money anyway? I mean how do you just walk away from a contract? You can't even break a lease without penalty! Now I am not sure of the current platform that she is in "constant with" had no clue Terri was even in their platform, so it makes me wonder who Terri paid the money to? I would hate to think I sent someone over 495 thousand dollars and they wouldn't know me. Wow! that shows how much trade experience she has, or maybe we should be braced for another "coming clean" call, where once again it was not Terri's fault that she was dumb enough to yet again "loose" all the money!

She keeps talking of a Advisory team that does not even want their names brought out, is this because they are taking a share of the money she is stealing from the group, maybe they are doing trades on the side? Maybe that is the "true" project freedom group. Terri should rename the rest of the people project next week group.

Now with the new update Terri has bought herself all the time in the world, because when she typed the update she did some editing, a lot of double talk because she thinks
if she uses fifty-cent words people will think she is brilliant.

Terri calls us a lynch mob, well I would rather be apart of a lynch mob then a liar and a thief, all I know is I am not the one staying at a NICE hotel, it is not like she is living in the bates motel.

I say we make a plan to get this liar and cheat off the street before she does anymore damage! Oh and just so you know Terri(because I know you read these) NO pets allowed
in Jail! You might need a pet sitter for your Pomeranian
5038 days ago by Terri Behind Bars
Well, Here we go again! Terri Stated "If a participant receives what is promised you don't have the right to see a bank statement" Did I miss something because so far all I
have received are empty promises & lies week after week. I am sure I was told I would receive money.

For someone who brags to know a lot about trading Terri seem to be dumb in common sense, first she gives money to Two men, who she doesn't truly know, or are they partners in crime? Terri is not filing any kind of action on them, now why would that be, either they were in on it or they didn't do what Terri "claims" they did. Then Terri finds a platform that although "never took money from the bank account" wasted three months of time, which everyone one knows time IS money and she just "walks away" did they not already have the bank account numbers to maybe oh I don't know take the money anyway? I mean how do you just walk away from a contract? You can't even break a lease without penalty! Now I am not sure of the current platform that she is in "constant with" had no clue Terri was even in their platform, so it makes me wonder who Terri paid the money to? I would hate to think I sent someone over 495 thousand dollars and they wouldn't know me. Wow! that shows how much trade experience she has, or maybe we should be braced for another "coming clean" call, where once again it was not Terri's fault that she was dumb enough to yet again "loose" all the money!

She keeps talking of a Advisory team that does not even want their names brought out, is this because they are taking a share of the money she is stealing from the group, maybe they are doing trades on the side? Maybe that is the "true" project freedom group. Terri should rename the rest of the people project next week group.

Now with the new update Terri has bought herself all the time in the world, because when she typed the update she did some editing, a lot of double talk because she thinks
if she uses fifty-cent words people will think she is brilliant.

Terri calls us a lynch mob, well I would rather be apart of a lynch mob then a liar and a thief, all I know is I am not the one staying at a NICE hotel, it is not like she is living in the bates motel.

I say we make a plan to get this liar and cheat off the street before she does anymore damage! Oh and just so you know Terri(because I know you read these) NO pets allowed
in Jail!
5038 days ago by Next Week
Well, Here we go again! Terri Stated "If a participant receives what is promised you don't have the right to see a bank statement" Did I miss something because so far all I
have received are empty promises & lies week after week. I am sure I was told I would receive money.

For someone who brags to know a lot about trading Terri seem to be dumb in common sense, first she gives money to Two men, who she doesn't truly know, or are they partners in crime? Terri is not filing any kind of action on them, now why would that be, either they were in on it or they didn't do what Terri "claims" they did. Then Terri finds a platform that although "never took money from the bank account" wasted three months of time, which everyone one knows time IS money and she just "walks away" did they not already have the bank account numbers to maybe oh I don't know take the money anyway? I mean how do you just walk away from a contract? You can't even break a lease without penalty! Now I am not sure of the current platform that she is in "constant with" had no clue Terri was even in their platform, so it makes me wonder who Terri paid the money to? I would hate to think I sent someone over 495 thousand dollars and they wouldn't know me. Wow! that shows how much trade experience she has, or maybe we should be braced for another "coming clean" call, where once again it was not Terri's fault that she was dumb enough to yet again "loose" all the money!

She keeps talking of a Advisory team that does not even want their names brought out, is this because they are taking a share of the money she is stealing from the group, maybe they are doing trades on the side? Maybe that is the "true" project freedom group. Terri should rename the rest of the people project next week group.

Now with the new update Terri has bought herself all the time in the world, because when she typed the update she did some editing, a lot of double talk because she thinks
if she uses fifty-cent words people will think she is brilliant.

Terri calls us a lynch mob, well I would rather be apart of a lynch mob then a liar and a thief, all I know is I am not the one staying at a NICE hotel, it is not like she is living in the bates motel.

I say we make a plan to get this liar and cheat off the street before she does anymore damage! Oh and just so you know Terri(because I know you read these) NO pets allowed
in Jail! You might need a pet sitter for your Pomeranian
5038 days ago by Next Week
Well, Here we go again! Terri Stated "If a participant receives what is promised you don't have the right to see a bank statement" Did I miss something because so far all I
have received are empty promises & lies week after week. I am sure I was told I would receive money.

For someone who brags to know a lot about trading Terri seem to be dumb in common sense, first she gives money to Two men, who she doesn't truly know, or are they partners in crime? Terri is not filing any kind of action on them, now why would that be, either they were in on it or they didn't do what Terri "claims" they did. Then Terri finds a platform that although "never took money from the bank account" wasted three months of time, which everyone one knows time IS money and she just "walks away" did they not already have the bank account numbers to maybe oh I don't know take the money anyway? I mean how do you just walk away from a contract? You can't even break a lease without penalty! Now I am not sure of the current platform that she is in "constant with" had no clue Terri was even in their platform, so it makes me wonder who Terri paid the money to? I would hate to think I sent someone over 495 thousand dollars and they wouldn't know me. Wow! that shows how much trade experience she has, or maybe we should be braced for another "coming clean" call, where once again it was not Terri's fault that she was dumb enough to yet again "loose" all the money!

She keeps talking of a Advisory team that does not even want their names brought out, is this because they are taking a share of the money she is stealing from the group, maybe they are doing trades on the side? Maybe that is the "true" project freedom group. Terri should rename the rest of the people project next week group.

Now with the new update Terri has bought herself all the time in the world, because when she typed the update she did some editing, a lot of double talk because she thinks
if she uses fifty-cent words people will think she is brilliant.

Terri calls us a lynch mob, well I would rather be apart of a lynch mob then a liar and a thief, all I know is I am not the one staying at a NICE hotel, it is not like she is living in the bates motel.

I say we make a plan to get this liar and cheat off the street before she does anymore damage! Oh and just so you know Terri(because I know you read these) NO pets allowed
in Jail! You might need a pet sitter for your Pomeranian
5038 days ago by Next Week
Well, Here we go again! Terri Stated "If a participant receives what is promised you don't have the right to see a bank statement" Did I miss something because so far all I
have received are empty promises & lies week after week. I am sure I was told I would receive money.

For someone who brags to know a lot about trading Terri seem to be dumb in common sense, first she gives money to Two men, who she doesn't truly know, or are they partners in crime? Terri is not filing any kind of action on them, now why would that be, either they were in on it or they didn't do what Terri "claims" they did. Then Terri finds a platform that although "never took money from the bank account" wasted three months of time, which everyone one knows time IS money and she just "walks away" did they not already have the bank account numbers to maybe oh I don't know take the money anyway? I mean how do you just walk away from a contract? You can't even break a lease without penalty! Now I am not sure of the current platform that she is in "constant with" had no clue Terri was even in their platform, so it makes me wonder who Terri paid the money to? I would hate to think I sent someone over 495 thousand dollars and they wouldn't know me. Wow! that shows how much trade experience she has, or maybe we should be braced for another "coming clean" call, where once again it was not Terri's fault that she was dumb enough to yet again "loose" all the money!

She keeps talking of a Advisory team that does not even want their names brought out, is this because they are taking a share of the money she is stealing from the group, maybe they are doing trades on the side? Maybe that is the "true" project freedom group. Terri should rename the rest of the people project next week group.

Now with the new update Terri has bought herself all the time in the world, because when she typed the update she did some editing, a lot of double talk because she thinks
if she uses fifty-cent words people will think she is brilliant.

Terri calls us a lynch mob, well I would rather be apart of a lynch mob then a liar and a thief, all I know is I am not the one staying at a NICE hotel, it is not like she is living in the bates motel.

I say we make a plan to get this liar and cheat off the street before she does anymore damage! Oh and just so you know Terri(because I know you read these) NO pets allowed
in Jail! You might need a pet sitter for your Pomeranian
5038 days ago by Next Week
Well, Here we go again! Terri Stated "If a participant receives what is promised you don't have the right to see a bank statement" Did I miss something because so far all I
have received are empty promises & lies week after week. I am sure I was told I would receive money.

For someone who brags to know a lot about trading Terri seem to be dumb in common sense, first she gives money to Two men, who she doesn't truly know, or are they partners in crime? Terri is not filing any kind of action on them, now why would that be, either they were in on it or they didn't do what Terri "claims" they did. Then Terri finds a platform that although "never took money from the bank account" wasted three months of time, which everyone one knows time IS money and she just "walks away" did they not already have the bank account numbers to maybe oh I don't know take the money anyway? I mean how do you just walk away from a contract? You can't even break a lease without penalty! Now I am not sure of the current platform that she is in "constant with" had no clue Terri was even in their platform, so it makes me wonder who Terri paid the money to? I would hate to think I sent someone over 495 thousand dollars and they wouldn't know me. Wow! that shows how much trade experience she has, or maybe we should be braced for another "coming clean" call, where once again it was not Terri's fault that she was dumb enough to yet again "loose" all the money!

She keeps talking of a Advisory team that does not even want their names brought out, is this because they are taking a share of the money she is stealing from the group, maybe they are doing trades on the side? Maybe that is the "true" project freedom group. Terri should rename the rest of the people project next week group.

Now with the new update Terri has bought herself all the time in the world, because when she typed the update she did some editing, a lot of double talk because she thinks
if she uses fifty-cent words people will think she is brilliant.

Terri calls us a lynch mob, well I would rather be apart of a lynch mob then a liar and a thief, all I know is I am not the one staying at a NICE hotel, it is not like she is living in the bates motel.

I say we make a plan to get this liar and cheat off the street before she does anymore damage! Oh and just so you know Terri(because I know you read these) NO pets allowed
in Jail! You might need a pet sitter for your Pomeranian
5037 days ago by Been Scammed
June 2nd still no money from Terri Petty and the project4freedom...tonight another call another broken promise Guaranteed every single Thursday for almost 1 year, now.

OK last week this Jordan person emailed Terri P (dated May 25th, 2011) and part of what he/she said was...We are presently in the process of distributing the net proceeds and earned commissions. The bank is finally cooperating!!! Please stand by as I will have more specific times, amounts, pay orders etc. for you to provide to your banks and or paymasters if necessary...
In a couple of hours, the trader will have all of the final details of which I will provide to you immediately.

Mind you this person said they trader will have Final Details in a COUPLE OF HOURS, then would IMMEDIATELY contact Terri this email was from May 25th...posted in Terri's website, by her I am assuming...

Another email from Jordan same date stated:
I am literally on PINS AND NEEDLES ( Why would a professional always doing trades be on Pins & Needles? Sounds like a child writing this email. ) as of this writing as confirmed last evening or rather middle of my morning that the payouts were sent to each participating parties banking facility. Presently, I am waiting for the copies of the pay orders of which are sent to each bank notifying the bank of the impending deposit(s). The minute that I have it I will be calling you shouting glory

OK now on June 1st
WJ, whomever that is, wrote this what I think is a ridiculous email How could a Professional trader hae this kind of a mess up? Something is NOT RIGHT here...

WJ Greets themselves to Terri NEVER meeting her before... and was pleased to meet her...then said he was advised that she was not in receipt of a PREVIOUS EMAIL...that they said was sent on May 13th
and that there was an oversight that he did NOT KNOW that she was PARTICIPANT on their PLATFORM goes on to say that they have been BATTLING the institutional Banking Systems in Granting their Authority..TO PERFORM, as they have so many times in the past...( Well if this is a fact why did this Jordan person email Terri Petty on May 25th saying ...they WERE PRESENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF DISTRIBUTING THE NET PROCEEDS AND EARNED COMMISSIONS?.

WJ goes on to thank her for her patience as they PERSIST..TO FACILITATE A COMMODIOUS TRANSACTION so I am curious does that mean You Create Freedon Corp, is NOT in a TRADE ..have we been LIED TO AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN?

then WJ goes on letting her know for HER report he is advising ( what does that mean?) that the platform is traunching the value of SEVERAL INSTRUMENTS on therri's behalf ( since she stated on the call that this is HER TRADE..excuse me it is the MEMBERS MONEY NOT HERS... WJ CONTINUED TO say those traunchings will be a credit of at least 1 full weeks net proceeds payments to You Create Freedon Corp, that has been FORWARDED TO THEIR TRADE ANK FOR IMMEDIATE PAYOUT TO THE DESIGNATED COORDINATES ( WHO ARE THEY AND WHERE DO THE MEMBERS FIT INTO THIS?)

NOW it is mentioned that there was a BREECH IN SECURITY with their Major VERIFYING banking system ( WELL OF COURSE WHAT ELSE IS NEW..) ...HOWEVER THE PROBLEM WAS corrected ..

WJ now awaits the SCHEDULED RELEASE fot these proceeds to You Create Freedon Corp.
WJ said that there was an ADVANCE PAYMENT that was ISSUED to You Create Freedon Corp.
which is NOW INCLUSIVE of the TOTAL AMOUNT TO THE CREDIT OF You Create Freedon Corp.

BLAH BLAH BLAH...then WJ goes on to say ( you just have to laugh at this crap ) that they were ADVISED OF THE RELEASE OF PAYMENTS BUT HAS not confirmed by the delivery OF THE PAY ORDER...

Remember this was emailed June 1st, today being June 2nd...and that Terri should not be alarmed
because LIQUIDATIONS OF THIS AMOUNT in our present economy ( come on our economy has been like this for some time...( are these really PROFESSIONAL TRADERS????), THESE LIQUIDATIONS seem TO MOVE MUCH SLOWER ( SINCE WHEN) ? Sound like more hog wash...

Now REMEMBER this Jordan person siad on May 25th...We are presently in the process of distributing the net proceeds and earned commissions. and in a COUPLE OF HOURS ...

Well folks it is NOW June 1st and that is a whole lot more than a couple of hours...ans WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THOSE PAYOUTS...NOW THIS WJ PERSON HAS A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY...

Will be interesting to hear the excuse tonight...hey still hoping to get paid...just want to get an update here..lets hope Terri has been Honest and will be paying everyone NEXT week...this is all facts no knocking Terri...let us pray that she is being TRUTHFUL...

Terri Bring the Membes home come on and do something REALLY REALLY GODD FOR YOUR FELLOW MAN AND WOMAN...OUR CONFIDENCE IS IN YOU...Payout without a doubt..
5029 days ago by Apple
Questions for Whatashame/James and anyone who is in the know.

Send your email here for date and time if you want to hear: [email protected]
I already did.

I listened to the cc with Robert.

Will a group be formed to work with him, he is very professional and completely transparent.
From my understanding, the group has to raise enough funds/members to participate in his offer, how much progress has been made so far please, how many members do you have right now?
I want to join, the returns are excellent.
Thanks for that.
5026 days ago by BrokenDreams
Terri Petty says that John and Gio stole the money. John and Gio had a meeting with the Freedom Committee on Feb 15th. That meeting was recorded and was supposed to be sent out to all the Freedom Project members. Terri and the committee did not send it out. Gio said that he did not steal anything and if the FP people sent him in their receipt for the money they sent to Terri, that he would make arrangements for them to get their money back through a non-profit organization. Gio's lawyer sent Terri a letter asking Terri to send an email out to the membership. This letter stated that Gio did not steal anything, and was not going to give Terri one thin dime, but he was willing to help her members. Those Freedom Project members who heard this through the grapevine sent their receipts to Gio and Gio gave them the money.

Terri and her committee just continued to blame John and Gio. Terri has always laid the blame on someone other than herself for everything she has done over the last 10 years. No one has ever been paid by Terri. I wonder who she will blame this time?

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