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Get out debt
Get out of debt: STEVE RHODES STEVE RHODES HUGE SCAM SO BEWARE! Get out of debt website full of crap! washington, District of Columbia
10th of Jul, 2011 by User413335
Beware of this Steve Rhodes guy. His advice is very limited to dated knowledge. I'm guessing he knows this because his activities to get people to visit his site are very shady at best. First of all, he CLAIMS to get you out of debt for free yet he has Google ads all over his site. His advice will push you to clicking on those ads so he can get paid. On the other end are his affiliations that will then charge you for their services. Before I get too deep into this you have to see this site: This guy is obsessed with trying to be the next Dave Ramsey. So much so that he only delivers bad press about other companies to try and get other to visit his site and click on his ads. For example, he will sign up for your company newsletter and then go as far as to write articles on his own site criticizing your newsletter. Correct me if I'm wrong but if you are sending an email out to your own private list then who cares how you do your marketing? This guy does. According to his website he seems to stick with mostly services in the finance industry. So, he will sign up for your company newsletter and then begin to post an article on his own site about your company and what you say to your own customers and prospects. In some cases the only proof he claims to show people about a company is the actual company newsletter that was sent to him from signing up on your list. He NEVER has actually used your service so he's basing his articles on smoke and mirrors. Again he CLAIMS it will be submitted by another user but we all know the truth on that statement. The only people who follow this guy are the ones that are just as clueless as he is or are getting paid to do so. He never brings hard testimonials from any company about their service either. He writes ONLY negative press about your company because he somehow thinks that Dave Ramsey or someone like him may pick up his news one day and tell him how great he is at slamming other companies WITHOUT PROOF! Good luck on that one Steve Rhodes. Steve Rhodes is clearly an idiot when it comes to finance and is only out for personal gain. He slams a number of companies on his website that I know for a fact are honest companies with great reputations. His website sounds like he took a bunch of information all around the net and compiled it into one little spot and then said, "Hey, I'm Steve Rhodes and I'm now an expert!" expert at slamming good honest companies reputations. Oh and by the way, DON'T be stupid and contribute anything to his "Legal Fund" as he calls it. As with any opinion his site is protected by certain laws anyway so any money you may donate just goes into his pocket. THIS GUY IS A COMPLETE SCAM.... IS A COMPLETE SCAM! BEWARE of any of his advice. Don't listen to anything this guy has to say. All of his advice is hearsay and he often pays other to back him up and submit argument son his own website. If you are thinking about using a company that he's slamming on his site then my advice would be to do other research on the company beforehand but don't take his advice. Chances are anything he says about any company is completely false or misleading. He is known to fake tons of documents. Whatever company you are thinking about dealing with do other research on that company first. DON'T listen to what this guy says.
4951 days ago by Kowboy
I agree with what the author says in this article. Usually in life if you claim to be better than everyone else and your life and company are centric to bashing then remember one thing. You point a finger at a person but there are four pointing back at you. If you need real help with your finances go to the National Foundation of Credit Counseling. Not some guy who makes a living off of bashing others then telling you he is an "expert" because he went through bankruptcy and was then kicked out of several states for breaking the law.
4951 days ago by Kowboy
Rebuttal to Steve Rhode, The Get Out of Debt Guy Dork

Comments (11)

Some people just thrive on talking smack in the case of Steve Rhode, the self appointed get out of debt guy who claims to help you get out of debt for “free”. The truth is he wants you to come to his site so he can sell your information as a lead to a debt consolidation or debt settlement company; the same companies he enjoys bashing. Unfortunately the company he recommends was sued for violating Illinois state law. (Sorry to hear that Cambridge.) Steve is no stranger to getting in trouble with the law such as the case with the state of California issuing a desist and refrain order for his unlicensed bill payment software .

Steve’s personal life experience led him to bankruptcy which is a scenario I consider as the absolute last option since it wrecks your credit for ten years in most cases, not to mention you have to jump through all sorts of means testing hoops based on income and state guidelines. Hiring an bankruptcy attorney in most cases will stick youin a Chapter 13 scenario where you have to repay quite a bit of your debts back and relinquish control of your assets to the courts. You also will have an even more difficult time in finding a job with a bankruptcy on your credit report for ten long years instead of 7 years if you did a debt settlement or a credit counseling program that does not affect your credit score since you’re truly trying to resolve your debts.

Steve misinterpreted my quote in a press release stating “As of October 17, 2005 all Americans seeking bankruptcy must complete a credit counseling program. The problem with this is that so many people are unable to afford the monthly payments in a credit counseling program, and must seek debt settlement.”

I never implied that seeking bankruptcy and completing an education course delivered typically by credit counseling groups in order to qualify for bankruptcy meant you enroll in debt settlement. Duh! That class is required 180 days prior to acceptance in a bankruptcy. I never said the class forces someone to enroll in debt settlement. My key point of the press release was that many people are unable to afford the payment in a credit counseling program, and thus must seek debt settlement. Steve’s quick advice is to tell everyone to jump into bankruptcy because it worked for him. I find that foolish. If you could pay back your debts in 4 years with interest rates between 0-9%, why wouldn’t you do so in a credit counseling program? It doesn’t crush your credit score if you pay back your full debt on time and in full. 35% of your credit score is measured by making payments on time, and 30% is measured by your debt to income.

Should we all just give up and jump into bankruptcy? Ridiculous. Remind me not to be on a sinking boat with you Steve. If our clients cannot afford the credit counseling payment, the debt settlement payments are half of that. For example, on a $50, 000 credit card debt, your payments are around $1, 100 to $1, 500 a month. If your interest rates are above 18% and you are making minimum payments, you will never paid that debt off. However, depending upon the creditor, we have arrangements with banks like Advanta, First Premier, Tiresplus, and Firestone to drop your rates to 0% interest as long as you make your payments on time. The payoff time is 4 years or less in most cases. If you can’t afford that payment, your payments could be as low as $641 over 48 months and you would save 30-40% of the debt amount since we have over 200 attorneys nationwide at our disposal.

Not to mention debt settlement historically yields a higher return to the creditors . (See Briesch Whitepapers and Weinstein Whitepaper) Debt settlement certainly yields more money to banks than than bankruptcies or judgments, which is why they work for both parties not only to heal our economy but more importantly, help our clients resolve their debts and send their credit score back up. I’ve personally done a debt settlement and I’m happy to say my credit score isn’t trashed because I listened to some poor advice from the quick yet devastating bankruptcy advice from Steve Rhode.

Yet Steve is more than happy to capitalize off selling leads off his website to debt management companies like Cambridge Credit Counseling, which was sued for violating one of Illinois’s latest state law revisions on limiting debt management upfront fees. Steve to me is just a wannabe Dave Ramsey who’s hoping his balding appearance and sob story about bankruptcy will capture audiences and more importantly, LEADS so he can then sell to make money off you. (Personally I like Dave Ramsey and most of his advice in regards to financial discipline but I don’t believe he understands there are some legitimate credit counseling and debt settlement companies out there, helping people get out of debt.) The entire first half of his Steve Rhode’s website is riddled with Google Adwords links that pay him everytime you click them like some worthless spam site so he can earn money every time you click them. (We have them too but they don’t cover the entire first half of the page; we find that annoying.)

Funny Steve. If the debt settlement companies are so bad, why don’t you just take down your referral form Isn’t supporting them hypocritical?? You of all people should understand the demand and need for people to leverage income in this recession while providing a valuable service for their clients through debt management and debt settlement services if they are indeed a fit for the programs. Our press release was written to mortgage brokers who are hurting in this economy and don’t know what to do with their dead leads.

Affiliates don’t need special licensing at this point in time to refer business to debt management companies in most states but the laws are changing since debt management has been the wild west. Several states are beginning to require licensing to even talk to their residents, but not all. South Carolina, Minnesota, and Illinois are a few of the states requiring even companys that refer business to credit counseling companies to be licensed and registered with the state.

We welcome debt management laws in regards to requiring educational courses like the few states currently do in this wonderful nation. Steve, I doubt you’re licensed or much less know about the new state laws.

As for your idiotic remark about the attorney general, I’ve met him. He’s a nice guy. And to clarify, we are not a debt settlement company. We train and teach affiliates the proper way to counsel and qualify people for debt management and settlement programs so they can make money just like you’re trying to do so they can focus on their core business. utilizes over 200 attorneys nationwide ensuring only attorneys approve our clients truly belong in debt settlement programs, and if they truly are not a fit, guess what? They recommend bankruptcy if there is a true financial hardship that debt settlement cannot offer. No one can provide debt settlement services in Georgia unless they are attorneys which is why we ONLY use attorneys.

We’re also proud to say that our attorneys are averaging a 30% settlement on our client’s debts, and only went over 40% twice last year, which is 12% below the industry average. Credit Solutions of Texas boasts over 100, 000 clients and their average is 41.6%. As for our debt management credit counseling clients, our processor maintains an 87% retention rate and actually purchases clients from debt management companies that are shut down due to noncompliance since they have to be serviced by someone. They also have an A rating with the BBB. So no Steve, we won’t be shut down because we let an A rated processor do what they do best as they are licensed and bonded in every state. We speak to every client that is referred to us to make sure they truly belong in the proper program rather than hustle them off into a program they don’t need.

Steve, perhaps you should take a basic phonics course and not skim our press releases, but rather read the entire article. With over $395, 000, 000 in delinquent credit card debt, this country needs help from ethical debt management providers who truly care about their clients, and thats exactly why was created. People need jobs and helping people get out of debt, just like you’re trying to do, is a very rewarding career path. At the end of the day, we’re held accountable for our actions which is why we do everything by the book.

Perhaps if you spent more time on helping people and less time talking crap about things you don’t understand, you might learn something. As for us, wesleep great at night because our clients are truly helped. Maybe you can take some of your adwords revenue and seek hair replacement therapy, Dr. Cole here in Atlanta is an excellent hair replacement surgeon with his revolutionary Follicular Isolation technique. We wouldn’t mind throwing a few cents in your direction.
4951 days ago by Kowboy
These were some posts from others on BusinessExchange article

Steve Rhodes is an idiot who knows nothing about the debt relief industry. He falls behind on some bills, get debt collection calls from 3 dollar an hour debt collectors, and runs for the bankruptcy courthouse. More so, his site is chock full of negative fear mongering content. I think he scrambles around the internet for content and rewords it to evoke fear and anguish into consumers. He really has no clue what he is talking about in most cases. Big hug! What a goob..
4951 days ago by Kowboy
What Steve does is criminal. He claims that companies are scams, that are in fact honest and law abiding debt management companies. He hides behind complaints from who? And he goes and sells leads to Cambridge, you just have to laugh.
Telling people to not to pay their debt and to go BK, what great advice. He is a real American hero. Hey Steve why not put your phone number and address up so we can call and write to thank you properly?
Oh yes you are a piss ant that hides behind cyberspace, tossing your barbs at the real men and women who drive the economy of this great nation. How many people do you employ while working out of your mom's basement Steve?
4951 days ago by Kowboy
OMG just saw this site Steve Rhodes is worse than a criminal look at this


Steve Rhodes is a bad man, he owns and operates who steals peoples money. He lies and says hes out for the consumer while hes really out there for himself, playing people to get them to give him money. Steve Rhodes is no savior, he is a con man who is out for himself, slandering other people… I looked at his site, he featured all these people who were scams, so I thought he would be a safe choice… but no, as soon as things got tough with my account he was no where to be seen. You are a bad man Steve Rhodes!
4951 days ago by Kowboy
Another complaint by Complaints Board...this is getting bad...This guy is not a good person. He seems to be the worst type...he is holier than everyone yet he is the real scam artist.Look at this post

Steve Rhodes is a con-artist
Steve Rhodes is a bad man who attacks people at their worst. I was down, I lost my job and my marrage was falling apart. I had a lot of debt and was drawn in by a site called get out of debt . org. it looked promising, he reviewed different companies warned me off what called “scams” and then I found out that he himself owned the company he referred me to! If this deception wasn’t bad enough, this company strung me along and wasted so much time that my creditors wanted nothing to do with settlements...

This is just got to be embarrassing for a guy like this.
4951 days ago by Kowboy
Another one ...this is beyond funny...this guy should be prosecuted

I am a consumer from the Washington, DC area, and I came across what I consider one of the typical fraudsters that you find on the internet these days that I think needs to be exposed. This guy seems to have a national audience, which makes him even more dangerous.

First, some background. I am 48 years old. I work in the federal government (I'm not writing this at work, by the way). I am in debt. Like many people, I Googled "get out of debt" since I would like to get out of debt. Pretty basic, huh?

As usual, there are various results in the Google search, and I am a pretty skeptical person. So, I click on a few links to see what I can find. One link was from the guy on CNBC at night that's always talking about how he was bankrupt. Another was a link to a site called Another was a link to Lending Tree (you know the company with the commercials about banks competing?).

Anyway, after browsing the aforementioned links for a few minutes, I decide to spend a few more minutes on the site. It looks pretty good, and it seems to be relevant. The first thing that I notice about the site is that it's written by a guy named Steve Rhode. I don't know him from Adam, so I Google him, too. As I'm browsing the results from the search, everything looks legit. Lots of quotes from Steve in various news organizations, etc. Of course, Steve, just like the CNBC, claims to have gone through bankruptcy, which is why he is an "expert" now. A few pages in, I find that Steve has written a book on the topic. Okay, so now I know that Steve is using his website to drive book sales. Typical, but, the man has to make a living, I guess, even if he is just using his "free" website to sell his books.

So a little further in to the search results, I notice that Steve is linked to an organization called Myvesta, which claims to be a non-profit. So, I Google "Myvesta Steve Rhode". And there it is...exactly what I expected to find, since nearly every so-called "guru" is not really that and usually has a shady past. As it turns out, Myvesta, which used to be known as Debt Counselors of America, has a cease and desist order from the state of California, which is known for aggressively pursuing fraudulent activities by companies such as this. Turns out our "guru" is out peddling debt advice and California has shut him down for not complying with California law. And, our so-called "non-profit" is apparently selling a $200 per month "debt payment" plan. What a complete and total fraud! Thank heavens for Google!

So, yet a little further in to these search results, I learn that Steve and his co-founder were forced to resign from the company in late 2003. Ah, but this gets better. Steve resigned and appointed his wife as the, Steve commits fraud, the state of California pursues him, and then he appoints his wife to run his company. Yeah, things have really "changed" at Myvesta, the non-profit charing a $495 enrollment fee and a $200 per month "maintenance" fee.

Needless to say, after figuring all of this out, I decided to keep looking for a reputable site, so if you find one, let me know. I hope this helps expose Steve Rhode, Myvesta and for the complete and total fraud that it is!

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 3/17/2010 3:54:09 PM and is a permanent record located here:

Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report.
4951 days ago by Kowboy
Steve Rhode is a scary guy...he portrays himself an a completely neutral objective observer, and on top of that look at all of the free information he just gives away. Steve Rhode is no different than any other debt settlement scammer that he so aggressively attacks on his website. Steve Rhode is a two bit con man that got run out of California and has found a better way to scam money out of people... he recommends only true and pure debt assistance like Damon Day...Hey Steve what kick are you getting off of every so called legitimate debt help firm that you refer on your nonsense website? Steve why don't you share on the main page of your website the specifics of your difficulties with California...and Steve just the facts none of your embellished nonsense. Steve people in glass houses babe!

"I notice that Steve is linked to an organization called Myvesta, which claims to be a non-profit. So, I Google "Myvesta Steve Rhode". And there it is...exactly what I expected to find, since nearly every so-called "guru" is not really that and usually has a shady past.

As it turns out, Myvesta, which used to be known as Debt Counselors of America, has a cease and desist order from the state of California, which is known for aggressively pursuing fraudulent activities by companies such as this. Turns out our "guru" is out peddling debt advice and California has shut him down for not complying with California law. And, our so-called "non-profit" is apparently selling a $200 per month "debt payment" plan. What a complete and total fraud!

Thank heavens for Google!

So, yet a little further in to these search results, I learn that Steve and his co-founder were forced to resign from the company in late 2003. Ah, but this gets better. Steve resigned and appointed his wife as the, Steve commits fraud, the state of California pursues him, and then he appoints his wife to run his company. Yeah, things have really "changed" at Myvesta, the non-profit charing a $495 enrollment fee and a $200 per month "maintenance" fee.

Needless to say, after figuring all of this out, I decided to keep looking for a reputable site, so if you find one, let me know. I hope this helps expose Steve Rhode, Myvesta and for the complete and total fraud that it is!"

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 5/9/2010 8:02:49 AM and is a permanent record located here:

Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report.

Click Here to read other Ripoff Reports on Steve Rhode
4133 days ago by Ruthhass
Take a look at this article.
Steve Rhode “the Get Out of Debt Guy” – Should Consumers Beware or Does he Offer Helpful Information?

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