Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Fairytale Service and Therapy Dogs Wendy Morris Service & Therapy Trainer stole $10,000 from totally disabled woman Golden Valley, Arizona
24th of Dec, 2011 by User902750
I contracted with Fairtytale Service & Therapy Dogs/Wendy Morris to supply me with a service dog in 6/2010. I was supposed to receive the dog immediately. Ms. Morris agreed to supply the dog to me for half her usual fee if I agreed to be photographed because most disabled people don't want to be in photos; Ms. Morris felt this was a win/win. She needed a truly disabled person for her website & other uses & I desperately needed the service dog since mine of 15 yrs had just died. Ms. Morris claimed to be certified & licensed (she's not), she also said she trained her service dogs for 4 hrs/day/every day. The first dog pulled me to the ground and fractured my amputated leg on a visit. I told Ms. Morris there was something terribly wrong with the dog. She screamed at me & claimed it was me. Of note my 6'2", 220lb son was pulled to the ground by the dog. Finally 2 months later she called & said the dog had pulled her down & it was unsafe to place the dog with me. She promised me another dog immediately. The 2nd dog was coming from California from one of her breeding 'arrangements', her friends took the puppy out to a dog shelter walk for charity & he caught Kennel Cough; finally when he made it to AZ, she only trained him for 1 hr/day/every other day (she admitted it). When I questioned her, (because he refused to do anything I needed him to do). She said she had already 'spent enough time on my dogs!" then she informed me that she really wanted to keep this dog for her new stud dog because the one she had kept was not working out. We argued, then a few weeks later she claimed that my dog was better suited for a child with autism. In the meantime, I had paid over $10,000 including her family vacation to Sea World (she claimed this was for extra training), food, vet bills, grooming, neutering, shots, licenses, service certification, service vest, etc. Ms. Morris has & is REFUSING TO PROVIDE the contractual dog to me. Ms. Morris is refusing to refund ALL of my money to me, refusing to give me a trained dog per the contract & won't accept my calls/e-mails. Now she has filed an article in the Arizona Republic, 12/23/2011 written by Mr. Scott Craven, that she is going to 'give a service dog to a person in need'. I am an above knee amputee, living on disability and extremely part time work! I support a child alone; & have many chronic illnesses. How much more needy can you get? This is a media ploy by Ms. Morris, I will guarantee if this is not the dog that was supposed to come to me, it is someone else she has cheated! Buyer Beware! I desperately need help; I have filed a complaint with the newspaper, all of the news stations in the Phoenix Metropolitan area & The AZ Attorney General's Office. Please people do not do business with this CROOK; she is cruel to her dogs & to her clients! I can prove all of my claims. If you are an attorney willing to work pro bono, I'd love to work with you!!!!
4821 days ago by Yogi

Girls are doing well. We are still trying to crate train them. They are getting better. The last 3 nights they have slept in their crate for about 8 hours without an accident which is great because before that they woke me up every hr, then 2-3, then 4, and now 8. They had their vet checkup and second set of shots. They have seen their first snow and love running through it. Now it is all melting and the mud is here so they get muddy everyday. The weather is getting warmer so it is getting a little easier because they like being outside. Pictures will be coming. I have been having trouble uploading them but as soon as I figure out why I will send you some
4821 days ago by Yogi
She was having fun... Went to VET today and had her chipped & first shots
EVERYONE loves her!!
4821 days ago by Gcranch
I contacted Wendy Morris when I still lived in Alaska and inquired about riding lessons and sale horses. She has been very helpful through email contact and we stayed in touch for several month before I finally moved to Arizona. In the meantime I had a very bad experience with a woman that I had also contacted and that had talked me into a horse that I was supposed to take over and that had been in a neglect situation and a so called "rescue". The horse had been kept alive to collect my payments until I got here from Alaska and it turned out the woman should have had her euthanized but did not see a veterinarian and kept the horse in pain and alive and malnourished so she could continue to collect the monthly boarding fee from me.
From that point on I was very skeptical of anyone wanting to sell me a horse. When I met Wendy and her husband I instantly liked them and liked the facility and and cleanliness of the place. The animals looked happy and well taken care of. I went out to see them almost every weekend and rode several horses. One day Wendy had a bay roan mare that came out of a bad situation with neglected feet and she was just so skinny. I feel in love with her and named her Rain. We all knew from the start that Rain needed a little special care and lots of TLC because of the prior neglect she had gone through with her previous owners. Wendy and her husband have made it possible for me to own her on very reasonable terms and are always there to lend me a hand and to give me advice when I need it since I am just a beginning rider. Rain has made a remarkable recovery and is improving greatly. Her feet have gotten better and she has gained weight and is slowly developing into a real beauty of a horse. In a way we are both a really good match and I really love this horse. I am able to learn with her and she is able to have an owner that cares about her and live in a great facility where she is is well taken care of and loved. My horse had issues with rakes in the past and was very afraid of them. Wendy and her husband have worked with her on that issue when told them about it and made a point of showing Rain on a daily basis that rakes do not have to be scary objects.
I have had a heart breaking experience with the first horse and it was refreshing to meet some honest and friendly people that are up front about the horses that they sell. I know of secveral other people that have had bad experiences with bad horse buys in the past but finally found their perfect horse through Wendy Morris. I feel i got matched up with the right horse for the type of riding that I am going to be doing and for my level of experience. I also think I got matched with a great horse that is perfect for me. She listens very well to me and we both are getting along great and we are having lots of fun.
The community and camaraderie at the Ranch is great and we all became good friends that go on rides together and help each other out with advice, learning and the animals in any way we can. If someone needs help there is usually always someone there to ask. I have learned a great deal about horses already and usually I learn new things at the Ranch on a daily basis. The facility has several different arenas to ride in for all types of riding and there are miles and miles of trails to go on around the property. There are also all sorts of events at the facility for all types of riders for all levels and disciplines of riding and you never feel left out just because you are just beginning.

4821 days ago by Gcranch
I found my horse Angel online browsing for horses and was instantly attracted to her. I was looking for a younger horse that is calm and gentle. I'm a novice in buying horses. I actually went to Wendy's place - we only live 1 1/2 hours away - to see Angel and I rode her. I liked her and decided to buy her, but had my vet come out and check her out to make sure everything's alright. I still overlooked one thing - my fault - Angel is twisting her right hind leg which means she'll never be able to be an endurance horse, but is just fine for my kind of riding.

Angel is a very sweet horse and I absolutely love her and I'm very happy with her. She's great to ride and very dependable, I enjoy riding her a lot out on our trails and she just does what you want her to do, has never caused any problem out on the trails nor done any stupid thing. I've gone on extended rides for 3-4 hours with her up the mountains, we've gone down to the lake and she loves to go into the water. I ride her with a Parelli bareback pad and Parelli rope halter around our Equestrian Center, and my 12 year old daughter who has cerebral palsy has ridden her for several weeks during the last stage of her own horse's pregnancy. I also let my daughter's friends ride Angel. That's how much I trust her and how good and dependable a horse she is.

I got what I was promised and I'm very happy with Angel. I also had recommended Wendy Morris to one of my daughter's former school mates and she bought a horse from her and seems happy.

I can definitely recommend Wendy Morris.
4821 days ago by Gcranch
Stitch is still as amazing as ever. He’s got a sweet, funny personality that none of us expected, with just enough feisty to keep him “normal”. ? No one can believe he’s a four year old, let alone a four year old stallion. I’ve loved riding him, and now that the farrier says his feet are allright, I’m taking him out on the hills the minute they dry out a little bit. Jason (the farrier) says that what Toby started with Stitch and his feet probably saved him from having to wear wedge pads the rest of his life, so next time you talk to him, tell Toby thanks for me- and also for all the great training, and my job (and my boss, during my lessons) has had a pretty easy time of it.

I take Stitch to the stallion station Monday, Tues, and Wed. to get trained to the phantom and collection. I’ve attatched a few photos of him so you can see how he’s grown. He still has another inch and a half or so to grow in height, and he’s slow to develop the neck and jowls that studs get- we’ve been glad he’s a slower-growing horse as it will keep him safer as we use him. He’s gotten to be easily my favorite horse to ride regardless of what I’m doing. He’s ponied horses that we’re teaching to lead, helped teach lessons, ridden in big groups, moved cows from the small pasture to the arena… I just can’t say enough good things about him and how happy we are with him. He can get wound up if you ask for it, but he comes right back when I relax. The few times he’s been interested in the girls in class, I’ve just kind of growled at him and told him to shush, and he immediately remembers what his job is and how he’s to behave.

Did you still want to breed to him? With the way the economy is, I wasn’t sure if you’d still be interested, but I’d love to get some of his babies on the ground other than locally. I’ve gotten five outside mares interested so far, and four of my own… not sure how many my boss is planning on breeding this spring. We’ve all decided that even though it’s tough financially now, the economy and horse market should be back to normal in three to four years when the colts can be shown and sold at their best, fully trained and handy.

Let me know how you guys are doing over there no matter what- I think of you often, and if you ever get to the area, be sure to stop in and say hello!

4821 days ago by Gcranch
Wendy...just wanted to send a few pics of Sammy in his new surroundings. He is doing great and is a very gentle horse, of which I am glad because I am the one taking care of him till Bill returns from Afghanistan. I have a few questions for you also. We have bought a turn out blanket for him for when the nights gets really chilly here. Has he ever worn a blanket? Does he give you a hard time putting it on him? Also Bill wanted to know if you had any of his medical records from the dentist and the vet. And what was the last deworming meds you used and when, Bill metioned that you can't use the same one twice in a row. I am slowly learning about horses, but mostly thru trial and error. Bill did a crash course for me before he is not as overwhelming as I thought it would be and it does help that Sammy is very gentle. The Army has changed our plans and we are going to stay here in Arizona after Bill returns instead of moving to Texas. I think Arizona is growing on Bill and he is seriously thinking about settling down we shall see. Hope things are going good for you guys, Deborah
4821 days ago by Gcranch
My name is Faye and I have bought a couple of horses from Wendy. I bought a nice buckskin from her for my husband a few years ago and he just fell in love with him. I also bought a paint from her for myself as I was having problems with the mare I had at the time. Boy, what a difference in personality, I couldn't ask for a better horse. My horses name is Frankie and I have not had any problems or complaints about him since I bought him two years ago. This horse does everything I ask and Wendy couldn't have done a better job pairing us up. Thanks Wendy! I think of you often and one of these days I will get my butt back out to your place to ride.
4821 days ago by Gcranch
I purchased a big Black TB gelding a few years ago for my step son, whom is a beginner rider. The horse that we purchased from the Glen Canyon Ranch was, LUCKY. He was a mid age gelding with huge personality and heart. My step-son, whom was ready to ride yet needed a horse that he could grow with as well be babysat by, took right to Lucky. Just as the same day we purchased Lucky our experience for the years that we had him the horse was exactly what we purchased on that day. Would I recommmend buying from Glen Canyon Ranch... yes I would. If you want personalized service by people whom care what you or your children ride, then you really need to stop by, take a ride and talk with the great folks at Glen Canyon Ranch. Make the experience of buying your new love a trusted, heart felt experience that will carry on even after you take that special new horse home. Thank you Wendy and Jim!
Sincerely yours,
Krystal & Family
4821 days ago by Gcranch
I contacted Wendy Morris when I still lived in Alaska and inquired about riding lessons and sale horses. She has been very helpful through email contact and we stayed in touch for several month before I finally moved to Arizona. In the meantime I had a very bad experience with a woman that I had also contacted and that had talked me into a horse that I was supposed to take over and that had been in a neglect situation and a so called "rescue". The horse had been kept alive to collect my payments until I got here from Alaska and it turned out the woman should have had her euthanized but did not see a veterinarian and kept the horse in pain and alive and malnourished so she could continue to collect the monthly boarding fee from me.
From that point on I was very skeptical of anyone wanting to sell me a horse. When I met Wendy and her husband I instantly liked them and liked the facility and and cleanliness of the place. The animals looked happy and well taken care of. I went out to see them almost every weekend and rode several horses. One day Wendy had a bay roan mare that came out of a bad situation with neglected feet and she was just so skinny. I feel in love with her and named her Rain. We all knew from the start that Rain needed a little special care and lots of TLC because of the prior neglect she had gone through with her previous owners. Wendy and her husband have made it possible for me to own her on very reasonable terms and are always there to lend me a hand and to give me advice when I need it since I am just a beginning rider. Rain has made a remarkable recovery and is improving greatly. Her feet have gotten better and she has gained weight and is slowly developing into a real beauty of a horse. In a way we are both a really good match and I really love this horse. I am able to learn with her and she is able to have an owner that cares about her and live in a great facility where she is is well taken care of and loved. My horse had issues with rakes in the past and was very afraid of them. Wendy and her husband have worked with her on that issue when told them about it and made a point of showing Rain on a daily basis that rakes do not have to be scary objects.
I have had a heart breaking experience with the first horse and it was refreshing to meet some honest and friendly people that are up front about the horses that they sell. I know of secveral other people that have had bad experiences with bad horse buys in the past but finally found their perfect horse through Wendy Morris. I feel i got matched up with the right horse for the type of riding that I am going to be doing and for my level of experience. I also think I got matched with a great horse that is perfect for me. She listens very well to me and we both are getting along great and we are having lots of fun.
The community and camaraderie at the Ranch is great and we all became good friends that go on rides together and help each other out with advice, learning and the animals in any way we can. If someone needs help there is usually always someone there to ask. I have learned a great deal about horses already and usually I learn new things at the Ranch on a daily basis. The facility has several different arenas to ride in for all types of riding and there are miles and miles of trails to go on around the property. There are also all sorts of events at the facility for all types of riders for all levels and disciplines of riding and you never feel left out just because you are just beginning.

4821 days ago by Gcranch
Scam Informer | is the biggest | scam of them all |
August 22, 2011 By Mr. Expose You 1 Comment

Have you been scamed by Scam Informer web site, then please read the rest of the artilce and join our fight to close the web site down.

Stop Fraud, STOP SCAM INFOMER“Scam Informer”) which is allegedly owned and operated bythe defendant in this matter—Karsen, Ltd. Although the Scam Informer site was first recently created on January 31, 2011, Xcentric discovered that the site contains tens of thousands of unlawfully copied pages pirated from the Ripoff Report website, many of which include Xcentric’s registered trademarks and registered copyrighted works.

Have you had somebody post derogatory, or slanderous coments about you / your company or family, on and when you contact the web site through there online contact form, and get no reply, did you recieve an email a couple of days later, offering to clear up your Online Reputation for $3, 000 then this is part of their illegal scam, to con money from people in fear of there reputaion being destroyed online.
Kramer Ltd. have many cases growing against them for their illegal activities, the web site is a Ghost, the con is for real, they have copied most of the reports from and been in breach of many copyright infringements world wide, they are registered in Russia with there hosting servers, we are now asking you to join our petition to have these people and there web sites banned by search engines and be blocked.

Contact or email us in confidence, so we can build our petition and complaints against / Kramer Ltd.

Here is a page from this following court case.

read through the image below, see for yourself the actions in process.
4821 days ago by Angelontheloose
What can one expect from a pathetic sorry excuse for a human being? I tell you what you can expect... She sits behind her computer and makes up fake thank you notes from people that never existed and posts them on a scam complaint of a woman that she has robbed of about ten thousand dollars. But that is how she rolls. That is how she operates. Just as she has robbed all of us of money or our beloved animals. But we are watching you Wendy Morris. You have hurt enough people in this area and elsewhere by selling them sick animals and ripping them off with thousands of dollars we all got your number. How much money have you pocketed in all this time? You do not care about people and their needs. All you care about is your money. And we are watching no matter how many pathetic letters your make up or copy and paste. You are not a dog trainer and you are not a good person either. Your pathetic little world will come crashing down on you. All your lies that you have told and games you played with people and their feelings and livelyhoods will come back to haunt you. God is watching your every move and your judgment day will be near. The day will come when you have to answer to some of the things you have done to humanity and to the animal world and I do not want to be in your shoes when this day comes. Until that day we will be watching you and so will God. Be aware we are here always close by! Look over your shoulder. Go ahead and post more thank you notes on here. We do not believe them. We know who you are. Watch your back. Satan walks this world. Satans name is Wendy Morris and she pretends to be a dog trainer and pretends to care about people..
4821 days ago by Angelontheloose
What pathetic liar would sit there all day and copy and paste and make up fake thank you notes and post them on a scam alert that just told the world how she ripped this disabled woman off for 10 thousand dollars??? Oh yes that is Wendy Morris. Satan is walking this world in the shoes of Wendy Morris that walks around and ripps off disabled people that are dependent on a service dog. She does not care how much you have as long as she can get it from you and can get her hands on it. She does not care who you are as long as she can get your money. She would take the money away from a beggar on the street. But GOD is watching you Wendy Morris for all the sins you have committed all the lies you have told and all the people and not to forget the animals that you have hurt. We got your number. We will be watching you. Your judgement day will come when you have to answer for the things you have done. Maybe finally you pissed off to many people in the world. We are all watching you and how you treat people and animals. So go ahead and post more lies on this website of this woman that you just hurt and stole money from. But look over your shoulder. We will be watching you and so will GOD..

To everyone else that reads these rants Wendy posted and the few of use that have posted here in earlier posts: Maybe we have implanted a seed of doubt in your head and you will seriously do your homework because if Wendy sees a chance to pull the money out of your pocket she will do just that. She will go over dead bodies to get what she wants and what she usually wants is money. She has lied and cheated her way through life. I am just one of many that crossed her path and there are lots of others. This woman that posted the scam alert is legit. This is how Wendy treated me as well and several others that came into contact with her.
4820 days ago by Conserend Person
This scam report is owned and opertated by the russians, here is prof Lies being put on to others to try and put them out of bussiness and then charge them to fix it !
Registration Service Provided By: DOMAIN NAMES REGISTRAR REG.RU LTD.
Contact: +7.4955801111


Private Person
Eugene Selihov ()
Sevanskaja 46, 93
Moscow, 115516
Tel. +7.9269005487

Creation Date: 31-Jan-2011
Expiration Date: 31-Jan-2012

Domain servers in listed order:

Administrative Contact:
Private Person
Eugene Selihov ()
Sevanskaja 46, 93
Moscow, 115516
Tel. +7.9269005487

Technical Contact:
Private Person
Eugene Selihov ()
Sevanskaja 46, 93
Moscow, 115516
Tel. +7.9269005487

Billing Contact:
Private Person
Eugene Selihov ()
Sevanskaja 46, 93
Moscow, 115516
Tel. +7.9269005487

Note: This Domain Name is currently Locked. In this status the domain
name cannot be transferred, hijacked, or modified. The Owner of this
domain name can easily change this status from their control panel.
This feature is provided as a security measure against fraudulent domain name hijacking.
4820 days ago by Love-hate
Nice work Yogi, all these post made by the same person...makes you wonder huh?
4820 days ago by Love-hate
Good going, Yogi, writing all of these thank you letters, at least you could have done is have everyone write their own letters.
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.

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