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Fairytale Service and Therapy Dogs Wendy Morris Service & Therapy Trainer stole $10,000 from totally disabled woman Golden Valley, Arizona
24th of Dec, 2011 by User902750
I contracted with Fairtytale Service & Therapy Dogs/Wendy Morris to supply me with a service dog in 6/2010. I was supposed to receive the dog immediately. Ms. Morris agreed to supply the dog to me for half her usual fee if I agreed to be photographed because most disabled people don't want to be in photos; Ms. Morris felt this was a win/win. She needed a truly disabled person for her website & other uses & I desperately needed the service dog since mine of 15 yrs had just died. Ms. Morris claimed to be certified & licensed (she's not), she also said she trained her service dogs for 4 hrs/day/every day. The first dog pulled me to the ground and fractured my amputated leg on a visit. I told Ms. Morris there was something terribly wrong with the dog. She screamed at me & claimed it was me. Of note my 6'2", 220lb son was pulled to the ground by the dog. Finally 2 months later she called & said the dog had pulled her down & it was unsafe to place the dog with me. She promised me another dog immediately. The 2nd dog was coming from California from one of her breeding 'arrangements', her friends took the puppy out to a dog shelter walk for charity & he caught Kennel Cough; finally when he made it to AZ, she only trained him for 1 hr/day/every other day (she admitted it). When I questioned her, (because he refused to do anything I needed him to do). She said she had already 'spent enough time on my dogs!" then she informed me that she really wanted to keep this dog for her new stud dog because the one she had kept was not working out. We argued, then a few weeks later she claimed that my dog was better suited for a child with autism. In the meantime, I had paid over $10,000 including her family vacation to Sea World (she claimed this was for extra training), food, vet bills, grooming, neutering, shots, licenses, service certification, service vest, etc. Ms. Morris has & is REFUSING TO PROVIDE the contractual dog to me. Ms. Morris is refusing to refund ALL of my money to me, refusing to give me a trained dog per the contract & won't accept my calls/e-mails. Now she has filed an article in the Arizona Republic, 12/23/2011 written by Mr. Scott Craven, that she is going to 'give a service dog to a person in need'. I am an above knee amputee, living on disability and extremely part time work! I support a child alone; & have many chronic illnesses. How much more needy can you get? This is a media ploy by Ms. Morris, I will guarantee if this is not the dog that was supposed to come to me, it is someone else she has cheated! Buyer Beware! I desperately need help; I have filed a complaint with the newspaper, all of the news stations in the Phoenix Metropolitan area & The AZ Attorney General's Office. Please people do not do business with this CROOK; she is cruel to her dogs & to her clients! I can prove all of my claims. If you are an attorney willing to work pro bono, I'd love to work with you!!!!
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.
4817 days ago by Odie And Ivy
Not a scammer!!!
I am frustrated by the original complaint comments made. We have been nothing but happy with our two service dogs, they are providing the service we expected and are only still puppies, and with additional follow thru with the training they have already received they are going to be wonder dogs. Our Odie was “pulling “our daughter who is I a manual wheel chair. We called Wendy and asked for help with this issue. She responded quickly, mailed us an assistive device and within 1 day Odie stopped pulling and have not done it since. Odie listens to my daughters commands and recognizes She is her person. Odie assists Libby in school every day, she has provided a wonderful service and had given my daughter confidence and has helped people in the community see my daughter as the “Girl with the Service Dog” instead of the “Girl in the wheel Chair”
Wendy is such a compassionate person she wanted to be sure that both children could benefit from a service dog of their own, we had to fund raise to get Odie so there was no way we could afford a 2nd dog. Wendy donated Ivy to my son; our family was so grateful, Wendy only asked that we pay for the dog food and the vet fees. My husband and I were happy to do that but felt that her generosity was too much and offered to pay her the cost of the dog, that way she would only be donating her training time.
Ivy and my son are a great team, she responds amazingly to my sons hand commands, as he is non verbal, she is a lover and will sit with him and snuggle, she walks so well next to his power chair and is a disciplined dog. Ivy also visits James in his special needs class where she greets all the involved children and they love to pet her super soft fur, it make all the children so happy.
I have an open relationship with Wendy and she truly loves her dogs and wants them to go the best family. She wants a good fit.
So from a mother of “Truly Disabled Children” my last comment will be Wendy Morris Provides wonderful service dogs. Dogs are not machines; they require follow thru and need time to feel their families need and expectations. They are not going to come into a new home and be a wonder dog right away, they need time to adjust to their new family. Wendy has given her dogs a strong blood line and amazing training. These Dogs are so mature and disciplined for being considered puppies. Wendy has been a wonderful support and has given continuous support; she wants the best for her dogs and their people.
As for her generosity, Wendy is free to give a gift to whomever she wants. To be forced or quilted into giving a gift, it is no longer a gift. My husband and I have been so touched by the generosity we received from Wendy and all the other families that donated to us to help us get our Odie and Ivy, that a percentage of the profit I will make Selling my Custom Service Dog Vests, leashes and collars, ( a business I have started with the support of Wendy’s encouragement) Our family will be donating to deserving families that need help purchasing a service dog, I will not be forced to give anyone help I will be giving freely from my heart.
Lastly there are plenty of angry people in the world that feel entitled have unrealistic expatiations, don’t let one angry person denture you from working with Wendy, she has become completely compliant with all the laws within the required time and has built a beautiful facility for her dogs. She has a wonderful heart and wants nothing more than to provide a family with a perfect fit and will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Dog is the right dog.
4817 days ago by Legal_help_in_kingman
There is low-cost and sometimes free legal help for you.

Mailing Address:
P O Box 7000
Kingman, AZ 86402-7000

Physical Address:
700 West Beale Street
Kingman, AZ

Telephone (928) 753-0770
Fax (928) 753-4290
4813 days ago by Angels We Have Heard
Dear Angel on the Loose
My friend you speak untruths about knows who you are and the witch craft you pretend to pratice. The thank you letters are of public record. Wendy has done nothing but be kind to these people. They have all recived thier dogs. They all have been very happy. We know you ride around in your pathetic old car, spewing un truths. We know for a fact that she never ripped you off just gave you allot. Try backing off a little you have been caught. You know nothing of the real truth about anything . You only know what you make up in your mind. We want to wish your mother well in Germany as well. Talking about lies you told a big one to get your citizen ship here like I DO and then I Don't.
4727 days ago by Sfbrabbitry
The lady, Diana, that has posted this original post is nothing but lies. I went out of my way when Wendy called me to find a Golden that would be big and able to become a service dog for her. Now keep in mind that this lady had a Golden that she literally scared the crap out of. I met with that dog and noises scared him. Why not ask her where and what she exposed that poor baby too.
Also she did not pay $10k for any dog or training(I have an email from her saying she is having trouble at her job and may lose her home since she has no money).
I have gotten 3 dogs from Wendy and have paid NO WHERE near that price. Not one of the dogs we have gotten from Wendy have had any issues with noise or working. They do everything I ask of them and have done various other things.
I could get into alot of details about this, but it is best to wait until the legal aspect is done, then the truth will come out.
Wendy has done nothing wrong nor is she trying to scam anyone. Remember it is a 2 way street with 2 sides and sometimes things get twisted. People want something for nothing and expect to be given things and when they do not get that then they say they were ripped off.
4259 days ago by Carole Veschi
I had a similar experience with Allen's Place, NC trying to get a service dog for my special needs son. They stole $6500 from me. Please warn others about these heartless scams that prey on the disabled.

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