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14th of May, 2011 by User153095
John Gleason is the director of the Colorado Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel. As I've mentioned in other postings, this office has brought a string of harassing and groundless disciplinary prosecutions against me over the past three years. I recently visited the website of John Gleason's law school, Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law. I had never heard of it before. It says, right up front, that half of its enrolled students scored in the 25th percentile on the LSAT! Yikes. I didn't even know you could GO to law school with a score like that. I mean, why would you even pursue it? It shows you would do better looking to some other field for employment. And here is this law school effectively ADVERTISING for such students. Could this be why Gleason went there? And now another possibility comes to mind: I scored in the 98th percentile on MY LSAT. Could this be why Gleason is obsessing about me? Got a little inferiority complex, maybe? Got to slap the uppity female down to prove she ain't so smart? And I never see him litigate anything personally. In fact, I think I've set eyes on him only once in my life. He always dispatches Coyle or McMurrey to do the work. I found an online posting he made, consisting of only a couple sentences, and it has errors in spelling and punctuation in it. This is yet another troubling example of the mediocrities who have been put into sensitive positions in state government, wielding great power--and abusing that power. Merit obviously not being the reason Gleason was selected for this position, there must be another reason. Any guesses? Research on the web about John Gleason, the man known as Regulation Counsel in Colorado--employed by the Colorado Supreme Court--has turned up compelling evidence that Gleason may not be a lawyer. The document numbers below correspond to documents in the embedded file icon below, so you can review them yourself: According to online bios [(1) and (2)], Gleason received his law degree from Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law. This is a third-tier law school, which nevertheless says on its website [(3), from] that it requires a baccalaureate degree from an accredited undergraduate institution for admission. There is no evidence Gleason ever obtained the undergraduate degree. In two online bios [(1) and (2)] Gleason has stated that he "attended" Columbia College--not specifying a location, so making it sound like Columbia University--and, elsewhere, that he "attended" Bowling Green State University. He never says he graduated from either of these undergraduate institutions. (In fact, he does not even use the word "graduated" in connection with Pettit College of Law. He says he "earned his law degree" there.) There is a Columbia College in Aurora, Colorado, which appears to be a for-profit (in the business of selling degrees). Gleason is lecturing there currently, in juvenile law(1); and this is interesting, because he has no experience in juvenile law, or any other field of practice, as discussed below. As to Bowling Green State, it appears Gleason would have liked to call this school his alma mater, but cannot, because he did not graduate. A donors' list which turns up on the BGSU website contains the names of thousands of donors, almost all of which are followed by a year of graduation--e.g., "Barry Smith '67." John Gleason's name is on this list but is not followed by a year. [(4), on p. 52] One of Gleason's bios states that he "previously served as a criminal prosecutor" for several years.(1) Another bio says he "served in the Allen County Prosecutor's Office"--without identifying where Allen County is. Allen County, Ohio, is, in fact, the county where Ohio Northern University is located. I contacted the prosecutor's office and they have no record of Gleason ever working there, not even as a student intern. (5) I also contacted the Ohio attorney registration office and they said Gleason was not registered as an attorney in Ohio and had never sat for the bar exam in Ohio. So, Gleason's statement that he "served in the prosecutor's office" is intended to make people believe he had lengthy experience working as a prosecuting attorney, when he had no such experience at all.
Gleason's bios also state that he was in private practice with a law firm in Denver for several years" [(1) and (2)], making it sound like he also had a wealth of experience in civil litigation before coming to OARC. This is misleading, too. I found that he was admitted to the bar in Colorado in 1985, and that he worked with a sole practitioner named Robert Bartholic before being employed by the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel in late 1987 or early 1988. I found this out by going through back issues of the Legal and Financial Directory to match up the office address. At best, then, Gleason worked 2-1/2 years for Bartholic after being admitted to the bar in 1985. I talked to Bartholic on Feb. 17, 2010, who said he did no litigation and that he "didn't really have enough business to keep Gleason busy." Thus, as I said above, Gleason has never had any experience in juvenile law as a practicing lawyer--although he is now teaching this subject to college kids--nor had he ever done any civil litigation or criminal prosecution as a lawyer prior to getting his job at OARC. I note that the Attorney Registration Office in Colorado says it does not keep old employment records of attorneys or judges. I was shocked by this informationI think this must be a recent change. Thus, it is nearly impossible to find out if a judge on ones case has a conflict, due to prior employment. This is why I had to go through back issues of the Legal and Financial Directory. I located the advertisement for the job Gleason got at the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, in the Sept. 1987 issue of The Colorado Lawyer (34). The text of the ad is as follows: "Full time & half-time investigative counsel, Supreme Court Grievance Committee. $36,876-42,684, full-time; $18,348-21,342, half-time. Must be adm. to prac. in CO w/at least 3 yrs law prac. to related exp. Send ltr. of interest, res. & one writ. sample to Committee Counsel, 600 17th St., #500S, Denver 80203-5435 by 8/25/87." This jibes with what Maximillian Potter reported in an article in 5280 Magazine last year (6), that Gleason was hired by OARC as an investigator. The problem is, he did not have at least 3 years experience (although the ad is garbled.) At the time he applied he might not have had even two, since he was admitted in 1985 (I believe in October, although I didn't check whether October or May specifically). Interestingly, too, it appears that the 8/25/87 deadline stated in the ad for submitting applications would already have passed by the time the September 1987 issue was published, so that the ad was spurious: the new hire had already been selected. The ad also required the applicant to submit a letter of interest, resume, and writing sample. In open records requests to the OARC which both Sean Harrington (of and I made early in 2010, we were told, first--not by Gleason, but by deputy attorney general Maurie Knaizer--that only Gleason could produce these records, since he was in charge of the office, and that Gleason was out of town. Later, Knaizer told us the records "do not exist." So, what happened to them? These documents were part of a personnel file and a public record. Gleason was in charge of them and now they do not exist. Thus, there are these carefully worded, ambiguous statements in Gleason's bios, which appear calculated to mislead. Pettit College of Law boasts on its website that fully half of its student body scored in the 25th percentile on the LSAT. I do not believe someone who scored in the 25th percentile on the LSAT could pass the Colorado bar exam. Also, as discussed, Pettit says an undergraduate degree is required for admission. Did Gleason lie on his application for admission to that school? Did someone let him in without this credential, and, if so, why? Did he lie on his application for admission to the bar in Colorado? A long statement from the applicant about his or her education and work experience is required, under oath, to gain admission to the Colorado barand then there is the bar exam, which is tough. Did someone just give him a bar ticket? And did he lie on his application for employment at OARC? Is that why its gone? Or is he lying now, saying that his application materials, which are public records, "do not exist"? As for Pettit College of Law, there is a map online of the states where its graduates have ended up practicing law. The vast majority are in Floridanot in Ohio, as one would expect. In fact, I reviewed the bios of every lawyer at a law firm in a nearby city in Ohio, around 180 lawyers (cant remember the firm now), and not a single one had graduated from Pettit (and only one had attended Ohio Northern University as an undergraduate.) A propos of articles on the web about the Masonic control of Denver--and the world (e.g., google "DIA conspiracy")--it turns out that John Gleason, the head of the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, probably is a Mason. Last year, I contacted the only employer Gleason ever had as a lawyer prior to OARC, Robert Bartholic, who said that a man named John V. Egan, III, worked for him at the same time as Gleason did, and that Egan and Gleason are good friends. Bartholic indicated both had been deputy sheriffs and then became attorneys. Egan is now the Grand Poobah of all Masonic lodges in Colorado. Here's the link--big picture of him wearing his regalia, right on the home page: Bartholic is a prominent Freemason and Big Kahuna himself, as is Stephen Munsinger, a judge in Jefferson County (who was bad news in a case I had against Beneficial Finance Co.). Their names are on the list at: The Denver Public Library has membership lists for the Masonic lodges in the Denver area from the 50's and 60's, and two Bartholics, including Robert and his father Clarence, held several high positions throughout this period. There is a plaque to Clarence at the D.U. Law School. Although I haven't seen John Gleason's name on these lists, these associations (including loans to Gleason from Bartholic detailed below) indicate that he is a Mason, too, so it appears more and more certain that he was planted at OARC to protect the criminal banking cabal in its subversion of our judicial system. I've pointed out that he did not possess the minimum requirements for the OARC job when he applied, and probably does not have an undergraduate degree. Seemy post of 9/4/10. As for Egan, he was listed in the Colorado Legal Directory in 2008, but is apparently running a sprinkler company. Freemasonry and the big banking interests have been closely intertwined for several hundred years; and they are working together to achieve the New World Order. See En Route to Global Occupationby Gary Kah and The Crimes of a President by Joel Bainerman, both written in 1992. The banking interests I'm talking about include the Rothschild family and the Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs, other banks in Europe. Although, at the lower levels, Masons believe they are doing community service, as Kah points out they are also taking oaths to keep the operations of the organization secret. The lower ones do not know what the higher ones are up to. The highest-degree Masons choose who is permitted to progress to their inner circle. There are examples in Kah's book of persons who have been high-level Masons and defected, then turned up dead. Masons worship Satan, as well (which is Kah's problem with Freemasonry, as a devout Christian); but Christians are often allied with Freemasonry, he says because the Freemasons deceive them and say they are working to unify the world for Jesus Christ. The way they control government is by surrounding leaders with a network of co-opted advisers. Masons never do anything under the name of Freemasonry. There are thousands of Masons in governments all over the world. When I was quizzing Bartholic on the phone last year about why Gleason left his employ to go to work at OARC, he piped up, "I thought he just applied for the job and got it!" That hadn't been exactly responsive to the question I asked and seemed to indicate...that he had different knowledge. Bartholic's relationship with Gleason goes way beyond simply being his employer, because five and seven years after Gleason left his employ, Bartholic and his wife Esther gave him two mortgages on his home at 700 E. Northridge Rd., of $12,000 and $10,000, which were paid off not that long after they were recorded. Gleason worked for Bartholic 1986-87. The fact he got these mortgages years later indicates a personal relationship, making even weaker Gleason's statement that he had "several years' experience in private practice with a law firm in Denver" before being taken on at OARC sometime after September 1987. There was only his association with Bartholic, who told me he "didn't have that much" for Gleason to do and did no litigation. The property records in Douglas County reveal other interesting mortages Gleason has taken, as well, which I detail below. (A link to an online vault where these documents are stored is at the bottom of this post.) What they show, in a nutshell, is that several big loans have been taken out against Gleason's home which are then paid off in full a few months later. If someone else besides Gleason paid off these loans, only the bank (and the parties themselves) would know, because that information does not appear of record. Payoff of a borrower's loans by a third party would mean the borrower pocketed the cash; and the question we must ask is, what did he do to deserve it? The company making several hundred thousand dollars worth of loans I regard as most questionable, Englewood Mortgage Company, is discussed at the end. Here's the skinny: John S. and Karrie M. Gleason closed on their first home at 700 E. Northridge Rd. in Highlands Ranch on Oct. 28, 1987. [Reception #8734702; doc (8)]. My first question is: the ad for the position he got at OARC appeared in the Sept. 1987 issue of The Colorado Lawyer. So did he qualify for this loan based on someone's private assurance he was going to get that job? The Gleasons paid $124,000 for the home, and had a deed of trust (from MVC Financial Corporation, apparently an arm of Mission Viejo) of $118,600 against it. (Doc. 9) [I have usually copied only the first couple pages of deeds of trust, since they are usually very long, mostly boilerplate.] While they owned that home, as mentioned the Gleasons recorded two second mortgages for the benefit of Gleason's former employer Robert Bartholic and his wife Esther Bartholic. These were for $12,000, recorded 7/17/92 and released 12/8/92--five months later (so somehow Gleason came up with $12,000 to pay him back) (docs. 10 and 11)--and $10,000, recorded 4/6/94, and released 6/7/96. (Docs. 12 and 13). They sold that house on June 25, 1996. Thus, it appears they paid Bartholic back in full for the second loan before they had the proceeds from the sale. On Feb. 3, 1994, over six years after they bought the house, they then took out a deed of trust (DOT) from North American Mortgage Co. of $114,000, (Doc. 14) which paid off the original mortgage with MVC Financial Corp. (Doc. 14-A). That was at some point transferred to GE Capital Mortgage Services, Inc., but when it was released on 9/25/96, the release recites that the evidence of debt had been misplaced. (Doc. 15) So, no telling what was actually paid to release the lien. And although they sold the home on June 25, 1996, this mortgage was not released until three months later. This is strange. Did the encumbrance remain against the house, which now belonged to other people? Finally, still respecting the Northridge Rd. home, on May 11, 1995, the Gleasons took out a deed of trust (recorded 5/23/95) for $10,000 from Norwest. (Doc. 16) The Bartholic loan (Doc. 12) was subordinated to the Norwest DOT via an agreement which does not appear in the index, but I came across in the records by accident. (Doc. 12-A). The Norwest DOT was released Sept. 4, 1996, almost three months after they sold the home. (Doc. 17) On Sept. 25, 1996, the Gleasons closed on their second house in Highlands Ranch, at 2235 E. Thistle Ridge Cir., paying $220,000. (Doc. 18) The same date, they recorded a $176,000 mortgage from Norwest. (Doc. 19) This DOT was released Jan. 18, 1997, less than four months later (Doc. 20). On Dec. 16, 1996, they had obtained another mortgage, from Englewood Mortgage Company, for $181,500 (reception #9672609) (Doc. 21). This was three months after theyd closed on their home, and apparently paid off the $176,000 Norwest mortgage (Doc. 19). People dont usually go through all the hassle and expense of a closing only to turn around and refinance three months later (and banks dont usually let them, in my experience). This $181,500 deed of trust was assigned to the Bank of Oklahoma. It was released on June 12, 2001but notarized and recorded over two years later, on August 8, 2003. (#2003119465) (Doc. 22). On June 13, 2001, another deed of trust for the benefit of Englewood Mortgage Company was recorded against the Thistle Ridge Circle home, for $195,000. (Reception #2001053294) (Doc. 23). This was assigned to Washington Mutual, and released Feb. 12, 2003, recorded April 9, 2003, so paid off in 16 months. (Doc. 24). On January 27, 2003, another DOT, a 30-year mortgage for $200,000, was recorded for the benefit of Englewood Mortgage Company, referring to a promissory note signed Dec. 31, 2002. (Reception #2003010743.) (Doc. 25). This was assigned to Provident Funding Assoc. LP on Dec. 31, 2002 (Doc. 26), and released Jan. 10, 2005. (Reception #2005002832.) (Doc. 27) A 30-year deed of trust from National City Mortgage for $203,000 dated Dec. 21, 2004, was recorded on Jan. 11, 2005 (Reception #2005003853) (Doc. 28). This was released August 19, 2005, seven months later (reception #2005078080) (Doc. 29). A 30-year deed of trust from J.P. Morgan Chase was recorded August 11, 2005, in the amount of $211,000 (reception #2005075620) (Doc. 30). So between Jan. 11 and August 11, 2005, the Gleasons refinanced twice (if these were refinancings); and between June 13, 2001, and August 11, 2005, four times. In fact, as of April 8, 2003, there were $576,500 in loans recorded against this house, bought for $220,000 in 1996. As of Jan. 12, 2005, there were only $203,000 in loans recorded against it, meaning $373,500 had been paid off. Would a public official have $373,500 lying around to do something like this? On Oct. 25, 2010, recorded 11/3/10, the Gleasons then received a 15-year deed of trust from Quicken Loans in Michigan, in the amount of $207,000. The J.P. Morgan Chase deed of trust (Doc. 30) was released Nov. 8, 2010 (Doc. 32). Mission Viejo--the developer of Highlands Ranch (where both of the Gleasons' homes are)--is or was the client of the Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck law firm, which I have referred to for years as a "mobbed-up law firm," backed up by Pete Brewton's expose of the S&L crooks, including Norm Brownstein and his "clients" Larry Mizel/MDC Holdings, Ken Good, Bill Walters, John Dick, that lot. (See Brewton's 1992 book, The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush. Ken Good--for whom Brownstein set up more than 100 trusts--has, by the way, been linked to Mohamed Atta; see Welcome to Terrorland by Daniel Hopsicker.) Englewood Mortgage Company is a trade name for EMC Holdings, the registered agent for which is an entity called Marsico Enterprises. These entities involve an investment banker named Tom Marsico. The "organizer" for EMC Holdings as of filings made in 7/16/01--the relevant time for the mortgages to Gleason--was an attorney at Brownstein Hyatt named M. Jeanne Nelson. Also, the organizer for Marsico Enterprises was Edward N. Barad, another Brownstein attorney. Thus, Gleason is connected with Brownstein through Englewood Mortgage Company, as well as through Mission Viejo. Alison Maynard
5047 days ago by Kay Sieverding
My life was really screwed up by dirty Colorado lawyers. I complained to Gleason's office many times regarding extortion, threatening statements, fraud, and perjury and everytime Matt Samuelson wrote me a vague letter saying that there was nothing to investigate. Then he called and said they decided not to process my complaints.

My problems started in Steamboat Springs where my adjoining neighbor and then president of the city council, Kevin Bennett, a convicted drug dealer, fenced off Princeton Ave adjoining my former property and then in 2000 built a building that he, the city manager, and the city planning services director all described as a garage. However, only 40 % of it is a room accessible to automobiles. It is over 2000 sq feet, is two stories, and has central heating and plumbing. I complained that it violated the zoning so I was criminally prosecuted and run out of Steamboat.

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