Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services Barclay Davis, AKA, Mervin Davis, AKA, Merv Davis. Wife- Loretta Davis Stock swindler, scammer, liar Internet
23rd of Sep, 2011 by User436995
Barclay (Merv) Davis and his wife, Loretta Davis, are serial Stock Swindlers. The Davis' were formerly indicted for various penny stock scams, swindling investors out of millions. Davis, being a typical coward and a rat, turned on his former business associates to receive a plea deal. He still received 3 years in the Federal Penitentiary and was ordered to pay back a couple of million. Godd luck collecting that. NOW Mr and Mrs David are at it once again, helming the company known as "CaboResources" in the Los Cabos area of Mexico. They claim to be in a joint partnership mining gold in the Los Cabos area, which they may very well be doing, however, are offering "investment opportunities" to those in the US. They list on the website a "corporate" office based in Las Vegas, as well as the "International Office" in Los Cabos. The Las Vegas address does not have a phone number listed, so we drove by, as I live in LV. The shiny, brnad-new "Corporate" offices shown on the website do not exist, and the address listed is an old, run-down house, one they didn't lose to the SEC. Simply Googling the name "Barclay and/or Loretta Davis will give you more than enough information to warrant staying as far away from these liars as possible.
4157 days ago by MervDavis
Boo Hoo Hoo... risk investment is risky. Dag nabit anyway. Bite harder into your bottom li/ no/ How about some jelly donuts or a new iPod for the journey in to the unknown where you will be knowing and learning the art of getting schooled by the swindler son... its called a subscription agreement and if you signed that then you risked your investment and lost. Now a double looser like you little monkey. The monolith is here and sonow could I interest you in a pocket water purification systemjon the bone will whop yourskul and the cool water will belong to the other monkeys across the pond.

You got your ass handed to you nice and reddened. That is the way it is on planet MotherFhukr. This ain't Unicorn Farms next to Rainbow Maze. Your are the weak on a planet where only the strongest survive. Wow I am having such fun tearing your sphinktoid up.
4156 days ago by MervDavis
Ther Devil had this to say in rebuttle: Awwww man he got to talk first. he paints me up like I am all the bad in the world. He is always being like right over me when I am coloring and stuff and he keeps telling me how to color. I can't stand that. I mean like get your own crayons and color your own friggin picture. But Nooooo. he always has to be the center of attention. Kiss my feet, worship me, scrub the pots and pans, take out the trash, Is your library book over due? always thesame trhing from that control FREAk. I mean like shat bro can you let a neega just breath on his own fur a minute. When he offered the cage match I said YEa!!! I am THERE!!! I just went to GNC and got some mega mass. 5000 calorie shakes backed by eating pizza while I do setups. I am goning to knock that boy out!

I say Devil gonna knock you out..Huh?
I say Devil gonna knock you out..Huh?

Yea that is the song they gonna play when I set that joker on his back and he stares at the birdies.

There you have it folks. Strong words and this is gonna be one outlandish fight. Now we take you to Las Vegas where Ricketty Bridges gives us the break down on the odds. They are 5 to 1 that the devil lands first punch. 6-1 that Gawd uses lighting before throwing a punch. Even money that Gawd will be the victor. 31-1 the devil wins.

That is the way it is shaping up at the biggest show down in history. You can get your pre fight programs here. We have The complete bible with new and old versions for $169 each. We haver just the old testament for $40. The New Terstament for $60. The IJCB interpreted jewish christian bible is $149 with coupon and free shipping on wed if the order arives before 4:00 pm and it is not raining the following day at 10 am.

There you have it folks a big event lined up in our futures but the date has not been concreted yet.

My is Merv Davis. I have been trying to get people to just stop if for over 50 years. If you would just quit then you would understand how rediculous you look when you do it. You look ludicrous when you walk around talking about numbers and ways of life that are on the lunatic fringe of American FM. J Corp WEBN. If you would stop being poor dirty monkeys that stare at the sun with an IQ of 30 bscratch your azzk then lick your fingers when they are dirty. I mean that is what you do and it makes you poor. No matter how much money you have people dont want to touch money covered with intestinal babby batter fudge cakes.

Who ever your whinny but hole is I can tell you that your money spent well. You was like a mule wih a spinning wheel. Danged if he know how he got it. Danged if he know how to use it. Arevadurche' Joe Dirt'ay
4156 days ago by MervDavis
Barclay Mervin Davis: The man, The Mith, The LEGEND. Written by a third party. Welcome to planet MutherFhukr .aka Earth. On this planet the one constant is that of a lie. You can count on it as sure as the sun will rise that someone somewherre will lie today. From that lie life will spring forth out of the chaos and wreckage. There are no rainbow farms and unicorn gallops on the cotton candy wishy maze.The number one organization that lies is the government. The number one killer of people is the government. The government is the most needed commodity on the planet. Without the governmental controls the death toll would be hirer from the chaos than the death rate of the government. Needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. The truth is whatever I say it is.

Merv Davis is a genius that has been bound and gaged so as not to disturb the thick encrustation of jizzled retard leftovers of the human race. Goyem is a racist word like coone. Well they are thick as a slab of concrete. Many men, I say Many Men have tried to break through the tardness but have yet to see the light. In the garden of Eden Baby the strawberry alarm clock will sound and the time of aquarius is now Man..

The jibberish you have read is what mervin Davis hears everyday from a crowd of bottom feeders that surround the old guy like kittens to a mothers teet.This pack of duds is the deadliest duds you have ever had the misfortune of comming across. like they are the dudliest. I see 40 monkeys setting on the shouders on the older monkey weighing him down and causing nothing but misery. when you put any animal be it human or otherwise under torment it will attack you. As those are the general rules on Planet MF.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! all magots of the planet MF are here by ordered to surrender their molecules to that of the deep. they are to join the mass exodus from planet MF to Heaven. In Heaven there are gold streets, a mansion for you, iPods on all the trees, free mp3 downloads forever, free movie downloads forever, free internet forever, 7 virgins that stay that way even after you diddle all of them at the same time, free ESPN deluxe, free chicken wings and beer all day everyday, no church on sunday because your dead and the days of week dont matter now that your richer than rich in heaven, free hotdogs, free cable tv and satelite tv with all the channels, free hotpockets, free mountain dew, free drugs, all the water of life you can drink, front row tickets to the main event at the colliseum: Main evet: Gawd takes on Satan in a winner take all cage match for the WWHNIC World Wide Head Neega In Charge duel to the death. Only ring side fans get free T-shirts and half off beer and concessions in allthe odd rounds.

Gawd had this to say: I loved him like the he was my own. I knew she been screwin around on me at the truck stop. The kid has read hair, I got white. So I did the best I could raisin a little beasterd on a supreme universal being salary. I mean it is expensive to live in Heaven. I mean listen to the name. Does it sound like it is cheap? Well I did what I could then the little red headed punk decided he was going to buck up on me so i paddled his ass then sent him to hells corner for a time out. You should have heard the filth that poured out of his mouth. He called me a rotten ninny and then said I was always bullying him and telling him what to do. He said he was tired of kissing my feet and wanted to go outside and ride his bike. Well that was a long time ago. Now that he is grown I am going to take my shirt off and give him an azzk woopin like he ain't never had before...

The crowd goes wild.

Ther Devil had this to say in rebuttle: Awwww man he got to talk first. he paints me up like I am all the bad in the world. He is always being like right over me when I am coloring and stuff and he keeps telling me how to color. I can't stand that. I mean like get your own crayons and color your own friggin picture. But Nooooo. he always has to be the center of attention. Kiss my feet, worship me, scrub the pots and pans, take out the trash, Is your library book over due? always thesame trhing from that control FREAk. I mean like shat bro can you let a neega just breath on his own fur a minute. When he offered the cage match I said YEa!!! I am THERE!!! I just went to GNC and got some mega mass. 5000 calorie shakes backed by eating pizza while I do setups. I am goning to knock that boy out!

I say Devil gonna knock you out..Huh?
I say Devil gonna knock you out..Huh?

Yea that is the song they gonna play when I set that joker on his back and he stares at the birdies.

There you have it folks. Strong words and this is gonna be one outlandish fight. Now we take you to Las Vegas where Ricketty Bridges gives us the break down on the odds. They are 5 to 1 that the devil lands first punch. 6-1 that Gawd uses lighting before throwing a punch. Even money that Gawd will be the victor. 31-1 the devil wins.

That is the way it is shaping up at the biggest show down in history. You can get your pre fight programs here. We have The complete bible with new and old versions for $169 each. We haver just the old testament for $40. The New Terstament for $60. The IJCB interpreted jewish christian bible is $149 with coupon and free shipping on wed if the order arives before 4:00 pm and it is not raining the following day at 10 am.

There you have it folks a big event lined up in our futures but the date has not been concreted yet.

My is Merv Davis. I have been trying to get people to just stop if for over 50 years. If you would just quit then you would understand how rediculous you look when you do it. You look ludicrous when you walk around talking about numbers and ways of life that are on the lunatic fringe of American FM. J Corp WEBN. If you would stop being poor dirty monkeys that stare at the sun with an IQ of 30 bscratch your azzk then lick your fingers when they are dirty. I mean that is what you do and it makes you poor. No matter how much money you have people dont want to touch money covered with intestinal babby batter fudge cakes.

Who ever your whinny but hole is I can tell you that your money spent well. You was like a mule wih a spinning wheel. Danged if he know how he got it. Danged if he know how to use it. Arevadurche' Joe Dirt'ay
4035 days ago by Debit Davis
It is amazing to me that such bizarre thoughts go through someones head, their logic and understanding is so warped that I can only surmise that they are in fact insane. I have met Merv and Loretta Davis, they are smooth and charming. Typical of the the con game, where no morals exist, just a surface display! But, what they don't realize is that they will never accumulate anything of value, they will continually lose. They will have no real friends, only those who understand life on the same sick level as they. So, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, just keep playing the game the way you do, soon it will end in a sad muddle of pain and horror, and you still will not understand. But, maybe John Alderson will get to you before I do.
3777 days ago by Blackjesus
Sports fans this is Rickety Bridges with the latest in this long running battle of the tooth. The Insaciable John Alderson and Beat Of king Debit Davis are about to take on Jesus Christ Superstar and his Brother Black Jesus in a beef battle to the end of the earth. Never has a more mismatched set of SOB's have entered the cage. The necrofiliac novelty of carnage and power shift has never been so disturbing. In the left corner we have the Surgeon of Disfigurment Debit Davis and his partner The Punching Bag John Alderson squaring off against your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Superstar and his partner BeatchoAss BMF Black Jesus...

Crowd goes wild in this forum of super stardom.

With no further a do lets get to the fight... Ding

OH MY GAWD!!! Jesus Christ Super Star opens the sevens seal on the can of woopass. Now Black Jesus is on top of the stuned two hacking them up with a hatchet and a fork.. The fight is over before it began. The parishners are now saying last rights and you can purchase coffe cups, t-shirts and action figures in the lobby. I have never seen such a brutal mess happen so quickly. The odds of this happening were almost to outrageous for the Las Vegas bookies but I am sure there is an under or two that have paid off hansomly.

BlackJesus has this to say: MF when the eternal brothers of heaven and earth get on you you know what time it is? This aint no WWF wrestling match we down in this hood and be holding down since 1999. When you step on our block yo you best know who be running these Avenues here in iLLinois. We the kings the big king!!! King Killa Big Killa cat peela.. We peels cats all day long MF! We the ones you knows who aint be giving no care to a punk in a uniform who cry to no big nose lawyer. We owns these streets yo. We the ruler and yous the knuckles that gets cracked by them..

Jesus Christ Superstar had this to say: Yea... what he said.. Dido fool!
3777 days ago by Blackjesus
Go to youtube and look this video up...
Mike Tyson vs John Alderson, 1985 [Full Fight]
Video ID RhwAsPKTAiQ

John Alderson... He is the one who got knocked out by Black Jesus at 9:25 in the time line of the video link above. Black Jesus had this to say... You talk the talk about Mr. Davis and I had to deliver some lightning to his head so he know who the lord of host is. Its Merv boy. Now wont you come threaten some more shit Dr. Debit Davis so I can cure you. I will bite your sack off like I did that ear. Black Jesus aint getting on no cross like my white brother did. You gonna see the power of the lord in an over hand right to your head. Then you will see the birdies. Black Jesus the other savior who aint about no talking on the mound... I about knocking you down and biting your appendages off. Black Jesus is not the other white meat he the delivere ofhead vacations.

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