Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
bridal Boulevard
Bridal Boulevard Dishonest company with false return policy published on their company website Shanghai, Internet
17th of Sep, 2011 by User816294
I have been so outraged with this company, I cannot begin to express it. I will let my emails back and forth with them do the talking. I think they make a clear case for the type of tactics this company uses in taking advantage of their customers.
My interactions concerning my dress return began on August 9th when I received a dress that had not been finished. It was supposed to have straps, and had none. Apart from this the hem on the bottom of the dress billowed out as if it were stuffed with cotton. I called Bridal Boulevard to ask for a return, they promised the information in an email, this is the email I got the same day. (nothing has been altered from these emails, except to remove addresses and spaces as the ripoff report instructs for this text box)
August 9th first email from bridal blvd concerning dress return
We are sorry for the missing straps.
Could you please kindly give us another chance to make it right for you? We can send you the straps soon and you can add it to your dress . or we send you the fabirc and you can find a tailor make the straps for you, we are glad to pay for the handing cost . ok for you ?
While could you please email us a picture to show us the dress you got has no straps? thank you.
August9th My reply to Bridal blvd first email
Hi Amy
I could not attach images to my hotmail account, you may reply to this address if you please. I have included two pictures of the dress. I have just spoken to my tailor who said she could make the dress a priority for a $30 fee and have it done in a week,
not two weeks like she usually requires. My wedding is sept. 3rd. I will not be waiting for the dress to be done during the last minute. In order for me to be comfortable to allow you to try to fix this mistake i will need in writing your instructions on how
to submit the tailor bill to you, the guaranteed time it will take for the fabric or straps to arrive here, and your word that I will not have any trouble getting reimbursed for the cost. On your fact sheet included with the dress you say you would cover up
to 50% the cost of the dress if alterations are needed, $40, (50% of $79.99) will not cover the cost of the straps, the fitting when they are done, and the charge to make the dress a priority. That being said, I will also need your guarantee that the full
cost of fixing this problem at my tailor will be reimbursed to me with no hassle. If you cannot meet these requests, and
guarantee me them in writing, I will have to return the dress like we spoke about on the phone. I am sure you understand with a wedding three weeks away that I have many other items to take care of, and that this is a big inconvenience to me. I will be waiting for your prompt response.
Thank You,
August 10th Bridal blvd reply
Hi, Emily,
Thank you so much for your patience to send me the picture as proof. I have passed it to our workshop to varify it. We are so sorry for the great inconvenience and extra stress this brought yo you. I have asked our workshop to send you the fabirc or the missing shoulder straps as soon as they can.
If you need take it to a tailor to add the shoulder straps to your dress, please be free to let us know how much it cost and please kinldy email us a picture of the receipt . so we can pass it to refund dept and ask for reimburse.
August 13 my reply to Bridal blvd
To whom ever it may concern
I have never received from your company the guarantees I asked for in order for you to fix the problem of the straps with the wedding dress. Apart from the strap issue your product looks nothing like what you have posted on your site,(see photo(compare to yours if you have doubts!!)) I am not interested in continuing to reason with your company as it is obvious to me you neither care about your customers nor your own reputation. I have asked you several times for a return code and address to return this dress if you could not guarantee my requests for full alteration cost to be refunded and a date for the strap arrival. My request for this information has been ignored with the exception of the date of the strap arrival, which was only provided after a series of emails, and a throughly frustrating experience. I will no longer be ignored and expect what I asked for from
you the first time I talked on the phone to your customer service representative, which is the code and address for the return of the dress. Your customer service and product has made my wedding dress shopping experience thoroughly frustrating and stressful. A woman should not have to bargain to return an item for which there is a published return policy. I am not interested in any response except for the RETURN CODE AND SHIPPING ADDRESS I AM GOING TO RETURN THIS SAD EXCUSE OF A
Emily Jewell
August 14th Bridal Blvd reply to me
The straps was already shipped via DHL with tracking 3633815371 . You can trace the shipement status on You will receive your order shortly.
Thank you!
August 14th my reply to Bridal blvd
I will be returning the straps with the dress. If I don't receive instructions on how to return the dress today I will be contacting my credit card company with your return policy and the paper trail of emails I have exchanged with your company! I am sick and tired of your intentional diversion of my request!!!! RETURN INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE
August 14th Next bridal blvd response to me
Hi, Emily,
We are so sorry for the problem of your dress. We have sent the shoulder straps to you via the quickest delivery. You should
get it now. Could you please go to a local tailor to add the shoulder straps to the dress, we are glad to pay for the handing cost if you get back the receipt of alteration.
Ok for you ?
If you insist on return, could you please let us know the real reason why you need return them so we can improve our service in the future. thank you.
August 15th my reply to Bridal blvd
I insist on returning the dress and straps you have sent (not yet arrived). I would think it was very apparent why I am doing this. straps, I asked to return it immediately and you gave me the run around.
2. When I tried the dress on, it was apparent it not only lacked straps, but looked nothing like what your website advertised. (one look at the picture two emails ago and you would know why it is unacceptable!)
3. You never guaranteed me full alteration cost, with all the changes the dress would need to look like what you advertised, $40 was not going to cut it.
4. It took a phone call (where I asked for a return) and 5 emails for you to even acknowledge a return possibility!!!!
Your policy of pushing your poor quality product on your dissatisfied customers is bad business!! It is obvious you have not
reviewed the mountain of emails I have sent to you in the last week before you wrote "please tell us the real reason you want to return the dress" really!?!?! As if it was not obvious!! What a pain in my back side you have been!! RETURN INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE PLEASE
August 16th Bridal blvd response to me, this time from Linda
Hi, Emily
We just tracked the package of straps and see that it has been delivered already.According to the pic you sent to us, we
see that the dress is made corretly, we do not know why you think it is now as shown in the pic.
If you insisted to return the dress, you will have to pay 20% restocking fee , to cover the wasted fabric cost, is that ok for you?
Thank you!
August 16th my response to Linda at Bridal Blvd
Perhaps it would be helpful for you to see your own return policy.
"If our staff finds that the merchandise is defective as described, you will receive a refund for the purchase price plus shipping fees." -Bridal blvd website When I made a purchase with you I purchased a dress with straps, the dress you sent me has no
straps. (sounds defective to me) additionally the hem at the bottom of the dress billows out like it's filled with cotton (also obvious in the photos I've included). I have been given no guarantee by you my alteration cost would be totally covered and therefore will not proceed with alteration. In your last email you say you have reviewed the photos and the dress is not defective, yet you used the words "20% restocking fee for wasted fabric" when describing the charge you want to apply for
my return. Why would a dress that has no defect be made of "wasted" fabric?! Please take this opportunity to redeem yourself and admit that when the dress comes back (without the straps-defective) you will not be restocking it, but fixing it's defect! Is that what the 20% is for!?
Trying to apply these charges is unacceptable and dishonest. I have no problem going through my credit card company and making a complaint to get a refund. I am confident they will take one look at our email history and side with me. The choice is yours, allow me to return the dress with no fees and paid shipping, or I will let my credit company take it from here.
August 17th Bridal blvd Linda's response to me
Hi, Emily
We would like to explain the problem.
About the straps, we did not send it to you at the first time, we are sorry about that, But we send the straps to you immediately as soon as we got the message from you, and we even used the most expensive overnight delivery to ship the straps to you, which is much more expensive than the straps itself. We tried our best to solve the problem, you can see that we were doing our best to service our customers.About the dress, we did not see any difference between it and our pics.
So can you pls. consider to keep the dress?
If you insist to send the dress back,Please send the dress back to:
Wei Wu
Room 905, No. 2158
Siping Road
Shanghai, 200433
Please use first class postal service provided from the post office. It only costs about $14 to send and 1 week to deliver. Please
let me know when you send it back so that we can keep an eye on it. We will send the refund to you as soon as we receive the dress, is that fine?
Thank you!
August 17th my response to linda at bridal blvd
Thank you for finally giving me the return address.
You will see that in my messages to you I explicitly stated I did not want to keep he dress unless you gave me a written guarantee my total cost of alteration (even if it went above 50% of the cost of the dress) THIS NEVER HAPPENED. You sent the straps on your own accord. It is no fault of mine that your customer service personnel do not read carefully before they act. Perhaps this is something you should address internally. I was very clear that I did not want to keep the dress on
the phone and in my emails unless you could accommodate my needs (all of which were ignored, and straps sent anyway). I will not be bullied by you or your team. I have recently read very poor reviews of your company online. It seems you have a bad habit of pushing poor products on unsuspecting customers. AGAIN, I never asked for the straps to be sent without a written guarantee from you for alteration cost!!
When I first talked to Amy on the phone I asked for a return code and address. She made the decision to ignore my requests and have the straps sent. I will not be held responsible for the mistakes of your staff, or your policy of pushing poorly made products on your customers.
Additionally, the photos of the dress show obvious differences to the pictures published online. If your staff cannot see these obvious disparities like I said before, I am sure the credit company will. I will be filing a complaint with them by tomorrow afternoon, the 18th of August if you do not agree to refund me in full and pay the shipping cost.
Thank you, Emily
August 17th Amy's response to my 17th email to bridal blvd
Hi, Emily,
I never want to ignore your requests . I told you on 10th of Aug. If you need take it to a tailor to add the shoulder straps to your
dress, please be free to let us know how much it cost and please kinldy email us a picture of the receipt . so we can pass it to refund dept and ask for reimburse.
I did my utmost to persuade our shippiing dept to send you the missing straps via the overnight shipping.If you could not be feel better until now, I would show my sincere apology for our mistakes in your order again.
We never want to lost each of our customers. We apologize for the inconveneince you have encountered with through this deal.
Last, May I beg you keep the dress ? Just told by our workshop that it's very easy to add the shoulder straps to your
dress. Even though we are very glad to reimburse you the needed handing cost. you just need email us a picture of the receipt.
If you insist on return, please return the dress to us asap. We will still take care of it and creit back upon receipt.
Thank you.
August 19th my response to amy and linda at bridal blvd
Amy and Linda,
Thank you for apologizing about the dress and the hassle.
However, I must make clear why your attempts to get me to keep the dress failed. I made very clear on the phone that I wanted to return the dress. You responded by saying the information on how to do so would be in an email. Instead I got none of that information, and a response asking me to reconsider. I then felt that perhaps I should allow you to fix the problem, but if I was going to continue doing business with you I would need to have some written guarantees regarding the dress and its being fixed going forward.
I made very clear that I expected in writing the fact that if the alteration exceeded the 50% of the cost of the dress, I would be reimbursed the complete amount. This you never guaranteed. Your reply simply said send a picture of the receipt so that it could be forwarded to the refund department. Considering how you had already not supplied me with the return information, I in no way trusted that I would be reimbursed the entire alteration cost.
I sent another email, requesting again that I receive in writing a guarantee for full alteration cost reimbursement even in the event it exceeded 50% of the cost of the dress. And I made bold and underlined that part of the email. (hoping you would pay special attention to that part!!!!) Again, nothing, just that the straps had been sent.
This angered me as I had never asked for the straps to be sent if I did not first receive a written guarantee for reimbursement of the full alteration cost even if it exceeded 50% of what I had paid for the dress. I continued to ask for the return address, and only got it after several very angry emails to your company.
I dont know how you can expect a customer to trust your word that alteration cost would be covered, without explicitly stating in writing the details of this alteration refund, if you were not adhering to your own published return policy when dealing with a defect that was your own fault!!!
Actingin the end like you had done everything possible for me, when really you were only doing everything in your own interest, and totally disregarding the return agreement we entered into when I bought the dress from you!!!!
The dress has been sent back to the address you provided me. Considering the tactics you have tried on me I sent the
package global express via the US Postal Service. (the only delivery option that guarantees me proof of delivery of the dress once inside China) The rate was $34.50, and you should expect the dress on the 23rd of August or before. The rate you quoted me in a previous email neither got the dress to china in a week, nor offered delivery confirmation.
Whenyou receive the dress, which I will be able to see, I expect a refund to my credit card, like the one in your published return policy for defective merchandise. The dress cost $79.99 + the original shipping $10.00 + my return shipping cost $34.50. The total refund I expect is $124.49 US Dollars. (I only wish I could charge you for my time and frustration during this whole ordeal!!!!) Anything less than this and I will be submitting a formal claim with my credit card
company, who I may add I have already consulted with concerning our situation. It seems that if you want to continue to treat your customers in the manner you have treated me, and get away with it, in the future you should probably revise your published return policy.
I am very sorry that my experience with you has been so poor. I sincerely hope you take this mess as a learning experience and in the future consider things from your customer's point of view. No customer should have to write a series of 10+ angry emails before a published return policy is honored.
August 21st reply from bridal blvd this time from vikey
So sorry for the inconvenient , we have passed your problem to our refund dpt. and the will solve the problem shortly.
Again, I apologize for the inconveniences
August 28th email to bridal blvd
Hello again,
My tracking information shows the dress was delivered on the 23rd of August. I would appreciate an email from your return department verifying this fact, and a detailed invoice of my return and when I can expect it to be processed.
Thank you,
August 28th response from doris at bridal blvd
We will check with our shipping dept about it on Monday and give you the response,Is that ok?
Thank you!
August 30th an email to bridal blvd
Hello again.
I have not received the email you promised me Sunday. I would hate to start with threats about making a formal complaint with my credit card company again. Monday has come and gone, and no response from you, your returns dept., nor your shipping department. PLEASE send me a detailed invoice regarding my return and refund tomorrow (tues 30th of Aug) or I will be submitting my case to the credit card company.
August 30th response to my last email to bridal blvd
We checked with the postal office,they told us that the parcel arrived in China on 23rd of Aug.So it's on the way to our company now.
We will email you once we receive it.Is that ok?
Thank you!
September 9th email from me to bridal blvd
Hello Again,
I have been waiting to hear from you that you had received my package. However, I have heard nothing. I thought I would
allow you some days to perhaps locate it in your company. I am interested to know how you checked that it was delivered to china on the 23rd as you did not have the tracking information to do so. the postal system there must be very good if they allow you to call up and tell them your name and track where a particular package from a particular sender is!!!
Please be advised that in tiring of waiting for your reply, I went to my local post office today, and got an official print
out with the details of my package and its delivery. Infact, It not only arrived in china on the 23rd, but was delivered seven hours later to you!
I am so very weary of dealing with this nonsense. I have over and over given you the benefit of the doubt concerning this issue, from start to finish. I am giving you one last chance to make right this wrong and process my refund of my purchase price plus shipping both ways, or I will be submitting all my paperwork to my credit card company, (your policy, my photos, our emails, and my official tracking print out from the post office).
Sept 9th vikey of bridal blvd responds to me
Sorry for the inconvenient , we will contract with our refund dpt.and they will solve this problem for you sooner. Really sorry .
Sept 13 email to bridal blvd
To whom ever it may concern,
I have received a credit on my credit card today for $79.99 US dollars. You have neglected to refund me my shipping costs, like your return policy states you refund for defective merchandise. I originally paid $94.98 for the dress, including the
shipping. I also paid $34.50 to ship the dress back to you. Please communicate this discrepancy with your returns department and refund me the total you own me according to the agreement we entered into when I bought the dress from you as stated in your own published return policy.
I expect immediate action.
Sept 14 Amy of bridal blvd response to me
According to our return and refund policy, there is 20% restocking fee charged to cover the wasted fabirc and handing cost. and
the shipping fee is not returnable.
Sept 14th my response to bridal blvd
We have been over this several times. The dress you sent me, without straps sewn on, like that I intended to purchase, was
defective. From your own return policy on your website; Defective, Damaged or Misshipped ItemsYou are eligible for a refund of the full purchase price plus shipping costs for defective, damaged or mis-shipped items. If you believe your items were
damaged during delivery, you must first obtain "Proof of Damage" documentation from your delivery carrier.
Notice how it says cost of dress plus shipping cost!?
I expect you to treat me in the way your return policy outlines, and not to continue to give me the run around. There is no reason for me to be out nearly $50 because of your company's mistakes. Take care of this or I will continue with my formal complaint with the credit card company and consumer protection agency. A partial refund is unacceptable.
Sept 14 Amy's response to my latest email to bridal blvd
Could you please let me know how much you have got ?I will check it with our refund dept.
Sept 15th my response to Amy
Like I stated in my previous email, I was refunded $79.99, the listed cost of the dress. I was initially charged $94.98 for the dress with shipping included. I also paid $34.50 to return the dress to you. All this information was given to you two emails ago, scroll down and you will see it. I expect an additional refund of $49.49 (that is the remainder of the underfunded dress price, plus the return shipping)I do not want any more excuses about restocking fees or wasted fabric. Dresses that can be restocked do not have "wasted fabric" as restocking implies they can be sent out to the next customer who places an order. The dress your company sent me will not be restocked as it came without straps, and cannot be sent out again unless the defect is first fixed. (this is no fault of mine, and I will not pay for your company's mistakes). I also do not want to hear any excuses why my return shipping cannot be reimbursed. If your company wanted control over return shipping methods, they should include a
return shipping label with each order like every legitimate catalogue and Internet company. I chose the least expensive method for getting the package back to you that offered delivery confirmation. (and glad I got confirmation, because you only refunded me after you denied getting the package, and I got an official print out of the delivery confirmation from the post office, and made you aware of this fact. Please scroll down and confirm this for yourself!!)I have been treated poorly through
this entire process and any excuse as to why I should not receive the $49.49 that is still owed me will be promptly met with a formal complaint to the United States Consumer Protection Agency, as well as a formal complaint to Visa. (whom I might add, I have already consulted with concerning the discrepancy between your published policy, and the way this matter has been handled). I am confident that if you do not make this right, and refund me my money, they will happily investigate,
and find in my favor.
Sept 18th Amy of Bridal blvd response to me
We credited back in full of the dress. according to our refund policy, the shipping fee is not returnable.
Closing words of my complaint at ripoff report
if you are interested in seeing the published return policy for yourself, which I had copied several times from the internet for the customer service people at bridal blvd. visit their website at This company had no intention of ever letting me return the dress, or receive a refund for the dress. only my persistence got me a refund of the list price. I am sure they do this kind of thing to others all the time, and profit on people's growing tired and dropping their dispute with them. I will not do so. I am perfectly fine to spend my time telling my story so that others do not have to go through what I have with this fraudulent company. I will make complaints and post internet reviews until I receive both a refund and an apology.

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