A Path Heart |
A Path of Heart Couples Counselling Kelowna A Path of Heart -Couples Counselling Kelowna, Robin Menard, Robin Morgan, Sol Menard, Robin Morgan Menard |
6th of Mar, 2011 by User672426 |
Near the end of November 2010 I contacted Robin Menard (aka Robin Morgan, Robin Morgan Menard) regarding couple counselling. My husband and I have been married 15 years and have an amazing marriage, however, communication had withered a bit. Below: Robin Menard sent this email to me December 5, 2010. This email is a complete fabrication that destroys credibilty and integrity for which the "counselling couple" claim to have as 1) it turns out that at the time Mrs. Menard sent the email she had been married for 1 and half years and not 2 and half years as she claimed (married 1 and half years! Are they kidding, they have been married 1 and half years and profess the audacity to give others advice about being married? Narcissim at it's best? The ego! Sorry, but it doesn't matter how many EFT classes you take, you might as well say that you are not married at all at this point because you don't have a clue, goodness you are still deep in the honeymoon phase)as I learned they were married in the summer of 2009.Given that it is March 2011, Sol and Robin Menard haven't even been married for 2 years yet! Perhaps what Mrs. Menard meant to say was that by Dec 2010 they had been together, in general, for 2 years - as this would be accurate information. It is serious as one may question the mental health of people who propose that they are "equipped" to counsel other couples about relationships when they themselves haven't been in a healthy relationship for more than 2 years. Give me a break. Are they seriously trying to treat other couples when they have been married for ONE and a hlaf years? Furthermore, Mrs. Menard claimed to be a Registered Social Worker and she is not registered at all 2) as noted below, Mrs. Menard claimed to be a RSW but that her name wasn't on the list yet because she was newly registered - it is now 3 months later and there is still no "Robin Menard" or "Robin Morgan Menard" or "Robin Morgan" registered with the BC College of Social Workers. 3) Mrs. Menard's time at Crossroads was not 2 years as she claimed. My opinion is that their services are a scam and the disingenuous nature of them creates an enormous question as to whether or not they are stable - as I don't understand how they can claim to be "couples counsellors" when they have been married ONE and a half years. Robin Menard's email: My husband Sol and I have only been married for 2 1/2 years. The RSW is very recent so they may not have it up yet. If you would like to meet us we do offer the first session for free. I was working full-time at Crossroads Treatment Center as a clinical therapist for two years until recently we opened our own private practice. I have my Masters in Social Work and I have just recently registered for my RCC and RSW. I should be on the RCC list serve under Robin Menard. If you are interested in meeting with us please give me a call at (250) 863-7863. I look forward to meeting you, Robin |
A person does not even have to be married to understand the dynamics of healthy relationships, the value and necessity of trust, communication, intimacy etc. Marriage, family, friendships, the fundamentals are really all the same. When you are a healthy person with healthy boundaries and perceptions, an education etc. your relationships are generally healthy and reflect these things as you learn and grow with various people in those relationships. I was shocked to find this available online as I have known Robin personally and professionally for over five years and find this claim to be an erroneous testimony filled with slander and defamation character which could rightfully be brought in front of a judge to decide. |
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