Weight Loss Dojo |
Weight Loss Dojo charged my credit card, then told me they had it recorded that I created an account- Never heard or spoke to them before! Internet |
24th of Apr, 2011 by User574650 |
It started first when I noticed a strange charge for $39 some odd dollars on my bank account. Then a couple days later I got some fitness DVD's in the mail, but in my husband's name. Not knowing what they were, I assumed it was just something I forgot I purchased on my account, and the DVD's were probably just some promotional giveaway. Then a few weeks later, another charge and more DVD's. So at this point I thought ok, this is some kind of automatic sign up thing. So I called the 800 number on the credit card charge line, to find out who this was, how they got my credit card and how it was they created an account for me. Then ask them to cancel it, and refund my money. The lady I spoke to was very rude, and after 30 minutes of talking circles around me- I asked to speak to a supervisor. She told me the supervisor would just say the sme thing- "We have it recorded that you agreed to our terms & cond., and we do not offer refunds." When I finally got the supervisor, I explained the situation, and informed her I wanted this account canceled and that I wanted a refund. Before she would assist me, she need the phone number on the account- I gave her mine and it was incorrect!! After arguing with her for 20 minutes about how ridiculus this was, and how could I have created this account if I don't even know the phone number on it..., I gave her my husband's cell #, since the DVD's were addressed to him- and sure enough, that was the one! I told her my husband did not create this account, and is not an an authorized user on my account so he shouldn't have been allowed to create an account at all if that were the case! After explaining that he did not create any accounts and (of course checking with my husband first to make sure) she told me I should prosecute my husband for fraud!!!! I went back to my husband to see if he's received any strange phone calls or sales calls- he did recall one- where they read him a Visa card #, which he confirmed was NOT his. He stated several times "that's not my card, and I don't know who's it is." Apparently this company thought that was a solid "yes, please send me your stuff" answer! After calling the supervisor and explaining to her that no one gave concent for them to charge my card, and demanding information as to how they could call someone else with MY credit card number, and when they cofirm that is NOT their card- they create an account with it anyhow- she told me she didn't know!! Husband or not- that is unaccepatable! She continued with advising me that if overnight the DVD's back- she could refund 50% of the charges to my account! REDICULUS! I let her know that I would be disputing these charges with my bank since they were fraudulent- she then advised me that she had put a freeze on my account, and any disputes from the bank would be denied- and she has it recorded!! I did as I said and dispiuted the charges with my bank. A few days later- these people called my husband and again asked him to confirm that he created this account- he of course said NO- and they began yelling and manipulating him- trying to get him to confirm that he did have a phone conversation with them on x day at x time, and aggree'd to the terms & cond. My husband told them to go to 'you know where', and said talk to the bank or my I'll call my lawyer- the representative closed off the conversation with "F*** Sir, and have nice day!" Can you believe it!!! I woule NEVER do business with these people- and if you're a victim of this scam- I would urge you to work with your bank in disputing the charges with Visa or your credit card provider! The nerve! They're just lucky there's no store I can walk into- if there were- I'd give them a good ol' can of whoopa**!
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