Time Warner Cable |
Time Warner Cable Time Warner Cable San Diego Worst Customer Service In The World - Please Read My Story San Diego, California |
21st of Aug, 2011 by User275607 |
TIME WARNER CABLE SAN DIEGO OK heres what happened to me. And, bear with me. I dont remember names and dates. This happened about four years ago, and really, I just want you all to hear the story..youre not going to believe it. OK here goes. A few years ago we had added digital cable to our already service and were struggling financially. Needless to say we were late on making our payment but we did pay it using a personal check via U.S. Mail. About three days later I called Time Warner to see if they had received our payment as I was worried our service would be shut down. They informed me that they had not received our payment but not to worry that they were not going to shut down our service. A few days later (maybe 3 or 4) I called them again to see if they had received our payment. They informed me that they still had not. Now, for a letter to go from somewhere in San Diego to somewhere else in San Diego usually takes at best 2 days (and I know this from experience). Also, I believe the U.S. mail is pretty reliable. We always choose to have our bills mailed to our home as we feel very strongly about having paper recordings of our business transactions. So, needless to say, I started getting very concerned about their non-receival of our payment and I expressed this concern to the Time Warner agent I was speaking to at that time. His advice was to contact our bank and see if the check had been cashed and if so, have the bank fax a copy of the check to Time Warner. We, following their directions went to the bank. The check had indeed been cashed by Time Warner and we had the bank teller fax a copy of the check to the fax # that was given to me by the TW agent. Afterwards, I figured thats done. Thats a done deal. Out of my hair. Bill payed, etc. But just to be sure, I again called them two days later and would you believe it..still no payment received. And no mention of the copy of the check faxed by the bank in our account. So I explained again whats happening to yet another TW agent. This one assured me they would put a note in our account (on the computer) of these transactions while they investigate the situation. A couple of days later, another follow-up call by me, another TW agent to tell my story to. This agent tells me that no payment has been received, no copy of cashed check was received , there are no notes in our account. All they know is that we havent payed our bill and wed better hurry or our service may be compromised. I remember it was a Friday, and this agent asked me to fax a copy of the check to their personal (or personal department) fax number and they would be sure to straighten this mess out once and for all. So, I flew down to Postal Annex within that hour and faxed the copy of the check to the given fax number (that I double checked very carefully with the agent on to make sure it was the right number before I hung up). I didnt contact them again for about a good week or so, I got really busy with other things and besides, I thought surely it was a done deal. Oh, by the way, while Im thinking about it, I just want to point out too, that Time Warner does not bother to send you (or email you) complimentary Late Payment Notices. So, in other words, if I wasnt calling them every so many day, I would have had no way of knowing what was going on until my service was shut off. A week or so later I make yet another follow up call and would you believe.. yes, I think you know, I dont need to tell you the rest. Nothing. Nothing was done about the problem. Nothing in my account had been changed. Nothing had been added. Again, there were no notes. Almost as if I had been talking to ghosts this whole time. UNBELIEVABLE. Now, I have worked in a lot of offices (and I mean a lot..at least 50+) as an Office Temp and I have Never, and I repeat Never seen customer service anywhere close to being this poor in any of the companies that I have worked for. And I just couldnt make sense out of it. It was as if TW agents were deliberately just leading me on..knowing full and well that they didnt intend to do anything about anything. Crooks do things like that. Not legitimate businesses. I started thinking maybe it was just me. But what on earth could I have done to make them treat me like this? Frankly, I was starting to get not only thoroughly pissed off but scared. My mother especially is elderly and relies on television (despite how bad the programs are these days). Basically, we saw Time Warner as our only option. We had tried AT&Ts bundle pkg (during its infancy) and it just didnt work. Our computers wouldnt run and we didnt know of any other cable carriers for our area. So, looks like we were stuck with these guys. At this point I really started asking for names (first and last) of TW agents. As well as their private phone number so I could work solely with them and not have to keep telling my story to every Mary or Harry. One agent, I believe her name was Kim obliged me with this info and promissed to investigate the situation for me again. About a week later I was burning the midnight oil house cleaning and about 5am in the morning I sat down to my computer to wind down and play a game on Pogo.com or something and my internet wouldnt come up. I thought, Oh my god they wouldnt. They didnt! I picked up my phone (which is Vonage) and no phone. I went into the TV room, turned on the television and no cable. At this point I lost it. I just went berserk. I didnt have a cell phone so I waited till about 7:30 before going down to a neighbors house begging them to let me use their cell phone for a while. I called TW and a technician answered. I just started screaming (shouldnt have, but did). The technician told me they would turn my service back on for 24 hours and during that time I had to get the issue resolved. So as soon as the office opened I was on the phone calling Kim. Someone else answered the call and said she was on another call but that they could help me but I insisted on speaking to Kim only so asked for her to return my call. She did. I asked her if she remembered me and she said she did. I asked if she had done any investigating into my case and she said she had. She had called to department of the first individual that asked me to fax check copy to and found out that she was on vacation for the two weeks immediately following the day that she asked me to fax the check copy to her. Other members of the department claim to have seen the check (or copy of Im not even sure which) but have no idea what happened to it. At this point I informed Kim that I was coming in in person (and I dare you, I dare you to tell me that you havent received a copy of the check) and asked if I should ask for her at the receptionist desk when I got there and was informed by Kim that they dont actually disclose their location to the public. That the location I was referring to was basically a drop-off and pick-up site for equipment. I guess in hindsight, I probably should have just gone in in person a long time ago. But at the time we didnt have a car so I had to get a friend to take me and who would have thought it would go this far anyways. So, I went to the Mira Mesa site on Ware Ct., waited in line for an hour to speak to a rep and then per Kims instructions asked them to fax the check copy to Kim. They called her to make sure I was legit and she assured them that I was (at which point I might add, their attitude towards me completely changed from real bitchy to pleasant and professional). Then, of all things, would you believetheir fax machine wouldnt work. I had to hang around for yet another hour while they fiddled with their fax maching until finally they got it to work. It was getting around 6pm closing time. So we finished our business and I promptly went home and called Kim who did receive the fax and did finally fix the problem. Kim you are my hero, my champion. You have ethics and you are much much too good for Time Warner. They will only corrupt you my dear. Run while you have the chance. |
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