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Teleflora Flower Buyers Beware you are not getting what you pay for!!! Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
26th of May, 2011 by User723495
When you want to order flowers for anyone or any ocassion consider using the internet to locate a local florist by address or zipcode rather than going through a national 1-800# floral service. These companies use Teleflora to locate a local florist but the fees that are charged to do this are huge and taken from the money you have paid! If you order 75.00 in flowers the base line fee is 27% of the order before it ever gets filled and florists spread the other fees over their orders as well. Having the Teleflora Service in a Flower Shop can cost an average of $900.00 per month to the florist and that cost is past on to the consumer. On a 75.00 order at least 20.00 is in fees and it is really more like 30.00 when everything is added up. That has lowered the value of your order to 45.00 to 55.00 dollars. The delivery charge is then either added on top of this without your knowledge usually or that cost is deducted from the already lowered amount. A 75.00 order is now approximately 50.00 and the delivery if taken out would reduce that by another 10.00. A 40.00 order will have approximately 20.00 in flowers, greens and the vase at cost, leaving the florist with a 20.00 profit and you paid 75.00!!! If you call the local florist directly instead of having the national 1-800# company do that for you your 75.00 flower arrangement will have much more value and flowers! You will know if it includes the delivery or if that amount is added and you will have at least double the value in flowers, greens and the vase. Many florist have their own online order forms which are often through Teleflora but the florist is only charged $3.45 for that order. Even if your local florist contacts a florist for you your local florist gets 20% of the order and the florist they contact gets 73% to work with while Teleflora gets 7%. With the internet it is easy to find a local florist for the address or zip code you are sending them to. Many grocery stores are selling flowers this way now and the quality is not as good as a local florist. Beware of who you are ordering flowers through, especially if it is connected to Teleflora so much of your money will go to fees you could end up with a daisy in a bud vase!!!
4974 days ago by Bbj
The same percentage ratios apply to orders sent through FTD and its affiliates!

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