Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Sams Club Discover
4th of Jul, 2011 by User500161
I have purchased privat tutoring lessons online using my Sams Club Discover credit card. After finding out that it was a scam, I tried contacting the merchant who refused to listen to me and threatened me with legal counsil. I contacted GE Money Bank and they assured me that they would dispute it and credit my account for the amount. 90 days passed and nothing has been done by the Bank, They have sent me a letter stating they cannot do anything about the dispute. When calling them on the phone the reps are all not nice, and the supervisors are even worst. They told me that If i am not satisfied with the decision I can write the bank itself, but that there was no one else that I can talk to. Its very frustrating considering that throughout the 90 days that I called them they would tell me everything is fine and the dispute is still being worked on. and this is not the bad part they sided with the merchant after the merchant sent them forged receipts and paperworks!!! I have tried on many different occasions to tell them that without any luck, No one at GE Money bank want to listen!!! Dont open up a credit card throught them, better off going with any other bank or credit card but not Sams Club Discover, and definately not GE Money bank!
5007 days ago by GEMoneyUS
I am with GE and sorry to read you are having difficulties with a dispute. Please send your contact phone number to so we can have a specialist reach out to you directly to see if we can offer further assistance.
RC Communications
4957 days ago by Anonymous
Golden Trunk Mines LLC Gregory Carrington shares scam Internet

5th of Jun, 2011 by User792977

Webnet's new scam with Gold Trunk Mines
People who have been scamed by WEBNET do NOT fall for the GOLDEN TRUNK MINE or Buena Suerte Family Trust ! The same people who sold you the crap webnet stock are selling the mine! Look for yourself! The "presiden" David Kirk has worked for Greg Carrington for years and is his lacky! There is no Beuna Trust-its just a new shares scam... Greg was recently found guilt of securities fraus and should have no part in sticks or bonds anyway-
On February 11, 2011 British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) published that the commission has banned an Abbotsford man for 20 years who admitted he was responsible for four related companies that made illegal distributions to investors in Canada and the U.S. Gregory Clark Carrington, an Abbotsford, B.C. resident, was the chief executive officer and president of WebNet Converged Wireless Networks Ltd., WebNet Broadcasting Corporation, WebNet Global Capital Partners Ltd., and 3dh Capital Ltd Further to your recent telephone conversation with John Bruder I will sum up the accelerated opportunity the Buena Suerte Family Trust a BVI Trust offers you (in the form of a Gift) to recover the capital you invested in WebNet companies. The Trust has agreed to become the ???Settler??? with regards to WebNet investors who agree to accept the Gift. This opportunity is off-shore and must be held in the highest confidentiality. This Gift offer is being made to certain investors or long term associates of the writer. The Gift is essentially a number of Shares in a public company Golden Trunk Mines, PLC which will be listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) during the next few weeks. Buena Suerte Family Trust (BVI) will receive a disbursement of certain Free Trading Shares of Golden Trunk Mines, PLC listing in the on FSE. I have negotiated with the Trust to offer to you a plan which will expedite your investment repayment and put you in a position to profit from the increase in value the Executive Management of Golden Trunk Mines anticipates. The plan requires you??™re confidentially and places your asset in a trading account which you will control off-shore. .You will be able to trade your shares on a daily basis and you will be provided instructions to do so. Your shares may be held in an account by a broker of your choice, but one will be recommended to you. There are restrictions placed on the shares. 1. You cannot just dump the stock. For that reason you must agree not to sell more than 5% of your shares in a month for the first year unless authorized by the Trust. 2. There is a transfer fee required by the UK transfer agent to issue the shares to you. This is called a Stamp Tax. Your fees are outlined in the attached Agreement. The Transfer fees are divided into equal payments as outlined in the Agreement. Half is payable now and the second half is due upon the Trust issuing of the Stock. 3. Although I am not a Trustee of the Buena Suerte Family Trust, I have agreed to act as a temporary Trustee and pay the Stamp Tax and Processing Fees from those funds. Gregory Carrington Acct # 92001-2283
Nevada State Bank ABA 122400779
5720 Ft. Apache Rd. Swift: ZFNBUS55 Las Vegas, NV 89125-0990 4. In the accompanying agreement you will agree that at the point your ???Gifted??? shares reach a value of double your initial WebNet investment, you will turn over to the Trust your WebNet shares and any obligations by Dr. Gregory Carrington to recover your investment will be extinguished. 5. In the event you fail to maintain confidentiality, the violation will result in all Agreements being rendered null and void and the offended party my seek legal redress in the International Courts of the Hague. You will be issued the value of your cash paid into WebNet by any means in Free Trading Shares of Golden Trunk Mines, PLC on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. For example: If you invested $10, 000 in WebNet you will be issued 10, 000 Shares of Golden Trunk Mines, PLC anticipated during the next three to four weeks. It is anticipated the shares will list somewhere between 1 ??“ 1.3 Euros depending on the value of the Euro which is currently about 1.43 US dollars. So, 10, 000 shares are the same as approximately 13, 000 Euros or US $18, 590 depending on the value of the Euro. Based on the anticipated issue price, you may almost double your money right from the issue date. Golden Trunk Mines, PLC has received a Pre-IPO Letter of Credit in the amount of 20 million Euros and an offer to buy 1 million of the initial issue shares from a German Banking firm. This guarantees the issue. You can read attached to see how the Principals of Golden Trunk Mines, PLC expect to increase the value of the Shares. I recommend you do not sell your shares as it is anticipated that a 5-7 times valuation could occur and it is anticipated a dividend will be paid the first year. If this is satisfactory, please fill out the agreement attached and send it directly as an email and complete the wire transfer as early as possible as this offer cannot be made after the issue date. . If you have any questions call me at 702.866.9034 . My mailing address is as listed. Gregory Carrington
3111 Bal Aire Dr. Suite 6H
Las Vegas NV 89149 I have already signed as a temporary Trustee and scanned. You can do the same if you wish. Dr. Gregory C Carrington
As Temporary Trustee Agent for the
Buena Suerte Family Trust (BVI)
GOLDEN TRUNK MINES, LLC Background Golden Trunk Mines has entered lease purchase and purchase agreements with mining claim owners to provide the capital to start, re-start and otherwise put into production, certain Gold and Silver deposits beginning in January 2011. The Company??™s initial ventures will be in mines located in Southeast Oregon in the Virtue Mining District which is situated in Section 5, 9S, R41E of the Willamette Meridian. Baker City, Oregon is the nearest town. This area is known for being highly mineralized in precious metals. Golden Trunk Mines has identified these initial properties and considers them to be the most timely to pursue based on the location, access, ease of start-up, simple mining techniques, equipment on site, weather, engineering and assay reports from mining engineers familiar with the properties. Once operational, the majority of the mines can be scheduled for year round operation with certain equipment modifications. For purposes of start up only one shift is mandated, however two shifts can be initiated after 60 days of operations doubling the production from the mines. The Company intends to continue to review other mines which have been presented for investment evaluation with the mindset to add additional Gold properties via lease/purchase contracts. The mines will be acquired as investment funds, sales of Gold contracts and Gold production allows. Each prospective mine will have different investment criteria based on the proven reserves and the operational budgets required to put the mine into production. Golden Trunk Mines will be the principal owner of the included mines. Golden Trunk Mines intends on going public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in June of 2011 and is finalizing the details of the issue. Initially the Elk Heaven and the Flagstaff Mines will be included in the public company, however the other mines will be vended into the public company in the form of announcements which will add value to the public company and should reflect positively on the trading share price. Mining Operations Golden Trunk Mines intends to outsource the actual day to day mining operations necessary to harvest the Gold and Silver deposits with local experts familiar with mining in the area and will have onsite management to oversee its interests in operations and production. The Company has accepted contracts proposed by Quimby Mining of Oregon to operate the mines. New or nearly new, or reconditioned equipment will be contracted, purchased or leased from equipment companies. Gold Production All Gold and Silver from Golden Trunk Mines will be poured into Dore bars. The bars are poured into 2.2 kilo bars generally consisting in the case of Gold, Ninety one percent (91%) or higher content of Gold and the balance Silver/platinum. This is a common method of holding Gold prior to it being refined to .9995% fine. Until Gold is refined to .9995% fine there are no tax consequences. The Dore bars are individually assayed, stamped, serialized and sold to the smelter at spot less a small discount. Elk Heaven Details The Elk Heaven Mine asset consists of claims covering approximately 100 acres in Section 15 and 16, Township 8 South, Range 36 East of the Willamette Meridian, Grand County, Oregon. The claims are reached by leaving Sumpter Oregon and turning up Cracker Creek road in to the Silver Creek drainage. The Mine has two levels of minerals. The Upper level is entered at approximately 6, 000 feet and the Lower level entrance is at approximately 3, 000 feet. The Elk Heaven vein system lies partially in the pre-tertiary granodiorite complex and is partially in the Paleozoic-mesoic metamorphic schists and Argillite. The vein on the Elk Heaven claim is in Granitic rock and is exposed by two adits. The Lower level ore shoot is identified along the strike above the adit for several hundred feet where the vein pinches and swells from 2 foot to 4 feet wide. The Upper level consists of a minimum of 60, 000 tons of ore and the Lower level consists of an additional minimum of 20, 000 tons of ore. Although the Elk Heaven is a Gold and Silver Mine, Associated Geologist; Lloyd E. Priczell BSc. assayed the Elk Heaven Mine and his results indicated 2.35 Oz per Ton of Platinum, 19 Oz per Ton of Palladium, 2.2 Oz of Iridium per Ton and 1.2 Oz per ton of Rhodium (Greater Western Resources Assays). Based on these findings, the Company could be sitting on a world class deposit of Rhodium. During the summer of 2011, the Company will announce an extensive drilling program to prove up the findings and add considerable value to its initial valuation. Inferred Asset Value Gold Silver Platinum Palladium Iridium Rhodium Upper level 2.4 Oz/T 57 Oz/T 2.35 Oz/T 19 Oz/T 2.2 Oz/T 1.2 Oz/T
(60, 000 Tons) 144, 000 Oz 3.4M Oz 141, 000 Oz 1.1M Oz 132, 000 Oz 72, 000 Oz
Price (6/12/10) $1500 $35.0 $1625 $698 $750 $2480 Gold Silver Platinum Palladium Iridium Rhodium Lower level 2.4 Oz/T 57 Oz/T 2.35 Oz/T 19 Oz/T 2.2 Oz/T 1.2 Oz/T
(20, 000 Tons) 48, 000 Oz 1.1MOz 47, 000 Oz 380, 000 Oz 48, 000 Oz 24, 000 Oz
Price $1500 $35.0 $1625 $698 $750 $2480
Total Value $288 M $150 M Analysis of Precious Metal Assets Gold $288 M Less 25% = $216 M* recoverable after milling.
Silver $150 M Less 25% = $112.5M* recoverable after milling.
Total $328.5 M * Total Value of recoverable Gold and Silver after milling. Lead Load Mine Plunging to the West of the Elk Heaven Mine is a massive ore shoot containing Pyrite, Sphalerite, Galena, Chalcopyrite, Covellite, Bornite, Gold and Silver. Golden Trunk Mines has a purchase contract in place to acquire this mine. Samples from the 6 foot wide vein on the ore shoot were sampled on a drift and assayed by ASARCO (a Montana based assayer) prior to its shut down. The results averaged 0.26 Oz/Ton Gold and 3.27/Ton Silver. Further drilling and testing is necessary to prove up a huge inferred reserve of Rhodium. Engineers estimate there are 90, 000 tons of processable mineralized ore. The inferred value of this mine indicates $1.2B in minerals. This mine will come on line in the first quarter of 2012 and will have a significant influence on our trading price. The Cliffs Mine and the Flagstaff These are really two mines with two different Lease/Purchase Agreements; however the mines leases sit adjacent to one another and have the same mineral characteristics and mining methodology. The Leases are on two sides of a small valley facing one another. Eventually the mine shafts will meet up in the middle of the valley where hopefully based on engineering there are substantial Gold And Silver reserves indicated. The Company will announce a post issue drilling plan to prove up the reserves in the valley. The Cliffs Mine has a proven recoverable reserve of 134, 000 Oz??™s of Gold and the Flagstaff has 198, 000 Oz??™s of Gold. The Silver indicated is roughly ten times the amount of Gold. The two mines will produce an average of 60 oz of Gold per day within 60 days of start-up increasing to 100 Oz??™s per day. The mines have an estimated life span of approximately 8-10 years. The mines have been assayed and have additional geological and historical data available. Production costs are estimated to be 25% of gold value per ounce. The Flagstaff Mine consists of thirty-three (33) unpatented claims, twenty-five (25) being on BLM land and four (4) claims on private land. All private land is owned by the same party. The Flagstaff Mine claims are located at approximately 3500 feet above sea level. Baker City, Oregon, is the nearest town.
Further Flagstaff Mine exploration has discovered two additional gold bearing veins with reserves yet to be determined Mining Operations The Company intends to outsource the actual day to day mining operations necessary to harvest the mineral deposits with local experts familiar with mining in the area and will have onsite management to oversee its interests in operations and production. Fred Quimby Mining of Baker City, Oregon is the mining company the management team has selected to operate the Elk Heaven, Lead Load, Cliffs and Flagstaff Mines. Development of Business
The Executive Management of the Company has completed a full examination of the documents relating to the Mine leases. The Company has reviewed the assays relating to the leases. Based on these investigations and on advice of the mining contractors, an appropriate business and development plan has been established with regard to mining equipment purchase, placement and operations. The Company will complete further drill testing and assaying to prove up what they believe is a world class deposit of Rhodium in the Elk Heaven and the Lead Load.
Plan of Attack Initially the Company will start up the Flagstaff. June production is anticipated by the mine operator to be 20 - 25 Oz??™s per day or 600 - 900 Oz??™s a month after the initial startup is complete. On or about June the Company will go public on the Frankfort Stock Exchange (FSE). The process is straight forward with the Company purchasing a free trading shell (Newco) on the FSE. The Company is purchasing the shell and all of the services from an experienced exchange attorney. The shell is a UK PLC company with 99% ownership. The PLC Company and the Shell dues are paid in for one year and it has no business record. The Shell is completely free of any debts or claims and the stock is free trading with no restrictions. The package includes a sponsor, underwriter, brokers and market-maker. Additionally the Company will retain a public relations firm who will assist our staff with marketing presentations in Germany to groups of investors. The Company will be featured on German investor business television. The Company will make an Initial Public Offering (IPO) setting the share value at approximately 1.0 ??“ 1.5 Euros. It is the intent of the Company to authorize 500 million shares and issue 150 million shares. The Company will place 5-8 million shares in the IPO. The money raised will be used to open up the Flagstaff and the Elk Heaven mines for operations. Public Company Flow 1. Company goes public. Funds used to open up Flagstaff and Elk Heaven. 2. 15 to 30 days after Issue date the Company announces production from the Flagstaff
and vends in the Cliffs. 3. Company announces a drilling program to prove up an indicated one million Oz??™s of Gold and Silver deposit laying in the valley between the Flagstaff and Cliffs mines. 4. 15 to 30 days after Issue date the Company announces a drilling program on the Elk Heaven to prove up an indicated world class deposit of Rhodium with an estimated value of 1.3B dollars as well as 0.9B deposit of Platinum, Palladium and Selenium 5. 30-45 days after the Public Listing, Company announces Gold production from the Cliffs mine nearing 50-60 Oz??™s/ day. 6. 60 days after IPO, Company announces purchase of the Lead Load mine which is located next to the Elk Heaven. The Lead Load engineering indicates larger deposits of minerals that the Elk Heaven. 7. 120 days after IPO, Company announces a drilling program to prove up the minerals indicated in the Lead Load Mine. 8. 120 days after the IPO, Company announces production from the Elk Heaven, Cliffs and Flagstaff totaling 100 plus ounces of Gold per day. 9. 180 days after IPO, Company announces the drill testing program at Elk Heaven has proved up an indicated world class Rhodium deposit. The Company announces Gold production of 120 Oz??™s per day. 10. 270 days after IPO, Company announces production from the Golconda. 11. 360 days after IPO. Company announces it is now producing Gold from four Mines during 2011 those being the Cliffs, the Flagstaff, the Elk Heaven, and the Golconda. Monthly production is estimated to be 180 Oz??™s / day, 5, 400 Oz??™s /month of Gold plus concentrates. Total value of Gold at 5, 400/month x 8 months x $1, 380 less 30% production costs = $41.7 Million. * Average production should exceed 8 months. 10. Given; Net revenues of $47.1 Million it is conceivable to get a 5 to 7 times earnings which would put the Companies stock trading value from 5 to 7 Euros. Company Management
Mr. William W. Wells Chairman of the Board
Mr. Wells (Bill) of Sumpter, Oregon has over fifty-nine (59) years working in the Natural Resource Industry, thirty (30) years of that being directly involved in the development of Gold, Silver and Mineralized mining projects. His knowledge of the industry is invaluable to the Board and to operations. Mr. Wells knows the Elk Heaven and Lead Lode mines in every detail and when asked about the mining history of the area can provide vast knowledge and experience.
Mr. David Kirk President, CEO Board Member
Mr. Kirk is a Founding Investor of the Company. Mr. Kirk has spent most of his adult life in the field of Business Development. He was involved with Mayor Tom Bradley in the Office of Events and Entertainment in Los Angles, California. He was partnered with Bunker Hunt in a massive timber, sawmill, creosote plant project in Mindanao, Philippines. Mr. Kirk founded the Noah??™s Ark Foundation, a California non-profit for the preservation Endangered and Threatened Species, DNA and Genomes using liquid nitrogen. He donated this company to Texas A & M University in 1999. Mr. Kirk has gained a sound knowledge in the mining industry and provides a vision for the Company. He anticipates exponential results with the mining operation.
Mr. Brent Powell Sr. Vice President Board Member
Mr. Powell is an initial Investor in the Company and brings many years of extensive experience in heavy equipment acquisition and operation. Mr. Powell sold his large tracts of farm land and export business where he produced pelletized feed for shipment to Japan. This business made him knowledgeable in production and export. Mr. Powell will contribute his time and resources to the Company by monitoring the equipment management and maintenance as well as assisting in negotiating contracts to sell Concentrates to China and other parts of the world.
Mr. Terry B. Massey, Sr. Vice President of Business Development Board Member
Mr. Massey is responsible for components of the sales and marketing efforts of the company. During the last 28 years he has been involved in various worldwide marketing efforts of high end resorts and service apartments. He served as Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the Allegro Group, Santo Domingo, D.R., now operating under the flag of the Occidental Group of Madrid, Spain. He was instrumental in the formation of a sales and marketing program in Bangkok, Thailand that generated over $300M in service apartment sales. He is also is recognized as one of the top motivational, key note speakers in the industry. Mr. Massey is the ???media face??™ of the company, producing multiple videos and seminars to enhance the marketing effort as well as strengthen the name recognition and credibility quotients of the company. Mr. Massey will lead the Companies Investor Marketing and Public Relations.
Short Term Objectives
The Company will raise the funds required to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange by virtue of a placement of Bonds to qualified purchasers. Commitments are in place to meet the minimums required to go public. Funds from the listing and sale of shares will be used to open and operate the Golden Trunk Mines.
Long Term Objectives
The Company will pursue growing mining operations on the Company leases. By increasing the size of the processing plants and associated equipment, the Company can recover more Gold and Silver and increase annual revenues. Investors share in the revenues and increased production directly increases revenues giving shareholders a faster and larger return on their investment. The Company can add additional Mines at the appropriate time to insure continued product. Gold prices have increased an average of 10% each year for the past 10 years. If this trend continues the Company will take advantage of the increase in values which will directly influence Net Revenues...

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