Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Duro Power
Duro Power Theft By Unlawful Taking/False Advertising Covina, California
20th of Mar, 2011 by User738394
To best describe my complaint i have posted the emails between me and Duropower. They are listed from the most current down to the first email ever sent. So you probaly should read from the bottom message first going up and so on.....Duropower Advertising and tells you one thing and gives you something completely opposite or NOTHING at all. They ripped me off over $1000.00 Hello Sir,
To return the products , you will have to hire your own trucking company and pay to return the unit back to our warehouse,
Duropower Inc.
677 Arrow Grand Cir.
Covina, CA.91722 Then once the units are received and checked to make sure they are indeed unused and not damaged by you a refund minus restocking and shipping fee's can then be issued.
As we did not advertise the unit as electric start . The flywheel you demanded was ordered for you and received.
You yourself asked for pricing in your emails and you have been quote the price for the part.
Your RMA for the air compressor is RMA #22634 and for the starter motor RMA# 22681
C.O.D is not accepted by Duropower. After Delivery:
“After delivery” cancelations need to be received through email within 7 days of receiving the product. Products returned must be in new and resalable condition. For example, the product is no longer in “new and resalable condition” after it has been either filled with gasoline or started. The condition of the product is inspected upon return to DuroPower Inc.
Duropower Inc. does not refund “to” shipping charges. The purchaser is responsible for hiring their own shipping company to return the product. Furthermore, the customer is responsible for “to” and “from” shipping costs even in the case of canceled “free shipping” items.
Finally, a 3% processing fee and a 10% restocking fee is applied to “after delivery” cancelations. ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 6:46 PM
Subject: Fw: URGENT LAWSUIT Filed 3/16/2011 --- On Wed, 3/16/11, Toby **** wrote: From: Toby ****
Subject: Fw: URGENT LAWSUIT Filed 3/16/2011
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 1:45 AM PLEASE whom ever this may concern i have been in contact with a duropower rep for 5 months now and its all documented unfortunitly i have been left to file a lawsuit unless someone responds ASAP I just want Duropower to make this right...please read for mor details.. --- On Wed, 3/16/11, Toby **** wrote: From: Toby ****
Subject: URGENT LAWSUIT Filed 3/16/2011
To: "brenda"
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 1:39 AM U advertised as a easy start unit and its not ur customer service said all i need to do is order a starter i did and not you tell me ive wasted almost a thousand dollars because you people with not make this right or even tell me how to return the items for a refund....This is my finall request for you people to send me the 50 dollar part that i need or refund all items that ive purchased because they dont work. If you will not honor this ill be forced to file a lawsuit against duropower with attention to "BRENDA" as well as i will blog and tweet all over the internet as well as posting live videos on you tube showing the poor quality and proving that duropower is falsly advertising Equipment. I have been patient for 5 months now.. Now im fed up...Charges will be filed as of 3/16/11 u have 30 days to settle or else my lawyer with be in touch..... Regards,
Toby ****
Clearfield, ky
--- On Wed, 2/23/11, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122
To: "Toby ****"
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 5:36 PM

Hello Sir,
As we did not advertise the unit as electric start, and you ordered the starter motor on your own, tiring to make the unit electric start. The manual you looked through is for two different modal manual and electric start unit . For parts listing only.
This is something you wished to convert on the unit. The part was order for you and received. ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 8:55 AM
Subject: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122 Oh, No I dont thiink so. This part was said to be installed on the compressor that i purchased back in nov. this is all in this email....just read .]pls. Back in dec. it was said that this part was gonna be sent to me No one said anything about a price or anything.
When i originally ordsred the compressor i paid 150.00 dollars shipping for a home delivery which instead i had to drive to a semi-truck many miles away and unload 250lbs. item out of a semi-truck by myself . If you want me to purchase this flywheel which is the one the advertisment that i ordered from says is already installed on the compressor then DuroPower should refund my shipping fees that I gladly paid for but did not receive.. Because of the sales ad i also ordered a 120.00 dollar electric starter for this compressor which I can not use because for some reason the compressor i received doesnt have the proper FLYWHEEL that your sales Ad leads you to beleive it has.
I recently stated all this information. The reason this all came about is when i first got the item and read instruction and tried to start it and nearly broke my wrists becasue of how hard the engine is to pull start. So i ordered the electric start that is recommended by Duropower for this exact make and model. which will not work without the proper flywheel which is does not have,. Thats why you told me you would order and send me this correct part. I will even send the original back I just need this flywheel. If this flywheel cant be sent to me with out charge then I WANT TO RETURN THIS Compressor & Starter Motor for a complete refund. Just let me know ASAP how you want to handle this situation.
On Tue, 2/22/11, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122
To: "Toby ****"
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 6:32 PM

Hello Toby,
The part has arrived and the price for the flywheel is $59.99 plus $15.95 for shipping
You can call the office to order this and make payment.
Brenda ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122 The middle of Feb has past just like January if the parts don't arrive in 7 days i will be forced to file a civil suit with duropower and its subsidiaries. Or ill need detail confirmation of location and shipping schedule for these parts to defer a civil suit. --- On Thu, 2/10/11, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122
To: "Toby ****"
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011, 5:39 PM Hello Brenda, The parts are in the container and you will receive them around the middle of Fed. Best Regards, Sara Yang DuroPower Inc. Beijing Office ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122 Hi, Have you verified that my part is in the proper container and its arrival date. This has become a very urgent matter........ --- On Tue, 2/1/11, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122
To: "Toby ****"
Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 5:57 PM Hello Brenda, We have a container with some generator parts and will arrive around the begin of Feb. I will double check whether this part included. Regards, Jenny ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 5:22 PM
Subject: URGENT order # 015155 & #015122 hi, did you ever find out the location of the part i need..............thanks....... --- On Fri, 1/28/11, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: order # 015155 & #015122
To: "Toby ****"
Date: Friday, January 28, 2011, 8:57 PM Hello,
I will have to contact China to get container information and get back to you. ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: order # 015155 & #015122 Hi The month of January is almost over. You told me that the part i requested should be received by the end of January. Could I get a update on the shipping of this part. Thanks --- On Tue, 1/4/11, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: Re: order # 015155 & #015122
To: "Toby ****"
Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 6:03 PM About the part I have contacted with the manufacture, and you will receive it around the ending of January in next container. Best Regards, Sara Yang ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 9:55 AM
Subject: Fw: Re: order # 015155 & #015122 I HAVE ATTACHED A PDF of the part I need. From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: order # 015155 & #015122 how much would a new flywheel with teeth for a starter for this unit cost because that is theonly thing i need to install a starter to turn the motor over for me because thats that was the problem to begin with .. in the parts list for this air compressor it shows two different flywheels one with teeth and one with out. i need the one with teeth u get me that and im satisfied. let me know if u need a part number. --- On Mon, 12/13/10, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: order # 015155 & #015122
To: "Toby ****"
Date: Monday, December 13, 2010, 5:38 PM Hello Sir,
As we are not the manufacture only distributor of the products, To change the motor over to electric start , a new motor would run you $699.00for the electric start. And Sorry but we would not trade out the motor. As this unit we have never sold with electric start. I can only try and order a electric start motor for you Which could be at least 8/10 wks before delivery to our warehouse here.
Have you tried to bleed the system for air?
Is the fuel pump delivering fuel to the injector?
you can try to clean the fuel pump could be clogged? ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: brenda
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: order # 015155 & #015122 Since this motor will not work for electric start how can you help me to switch this motor for a motor with a starter the motor type doesnt matter as long as its 6hp or above deisel or 10hp or above gas. as far as starting the motor that i have i followed the directions exactly. I did the following steps. 1. filled with good oil to full mark
2. checked the belt and made sure the engine turned over smoothly.
3. filled with light deisel full
4. set engine speed lever to run
5. pulled starter handle till felt resistance and released slow.
6. pressed decompression lever.
7. Pulled the starter handle all the way out hard and fast just like the manual says.
8. machine would not start so rechecked every thing by the book.
9. added 2cc of machine oil to the oil hole one top of the engine.......
10. Still no success just very sore hands and arms. When i read the info on this item befor i purchased it it says EZ start. this is far from easy to start....So as i was reading the owners manual i noticed on page 4 under engine starting type its says "recoil manual start and optional electric start". With that being said i was given the impression that this motor could easily be converted to electric start and being your website has a starter on its SPare Parts page that says fits the dp296d motor wich is what the DP6010 air compressor lists as its engine on your website wich i have printed. Please help me solve this willing to purchase a new engine if duropower will trade and give me a fair price for all my trouble and financial losss,,,,, --- On Fri, 12/10/10, brenda wrote: From: brenda
Subject: Re: order # 015155 & #015122
Date: Friday, December 10, 2010, 11:43 PM Hello Sir,
Duropower will contact the shipping company to see why they did not deliver the item to your home as this is how it should have happened. 1. As for the the Diesel compressor not starting . could be that air is in the fuel line and the fuel is not pumping up to the injector.
What steps did you take before you tried to start the unit?
2. As for the starter motor, this would not work . You would have to change out the entire motor, as this is not an electric start unit. the unit is not set up with an ignition or wired for it. It is not just simply changing out the flywheel involved
Please forward the steps you took before you tried to start the unit? ----- Original Message -----
From: Lucy
To: Toby ****
Cc: brenda cole
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: order # 015155 & #015122 Toby I'm sorry to hear about that. Brenda will contact you with the help. Regards
Lucy ----- Original Message -----
From: Toby ****
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 1:33 PM
Subject: order # 015155 & #015122 Hi, I am Toby **** I ordered a Air compressor on 11/19/2010 (DP6010)....... When it was shipped i was called by phone and was asked to drive into town and meet up with a truck driver to receive my item which I had to unload myself at a local Sav-A-Lot(almost 300lbs.)inwhich i didnt feel was fair i thought thats what shipping and handling is for.
After opening the item and following instructions i nearly broke my hand twice trying to start the deisel compressor. I was completely unaware that you had to be a muscle man to start the compressor(DP6010). So i thought i was being smart by ordering the recommended starter from DuroPower that your website says fits this exact model. So I just received my starter and attempted to install the starter and realized when i took the starter cover plate off of the aircompressor(hints one of the reasons why i ordered a starter) only to find that this aircompressor doesnt even have a flywheel with teeth instead it has a smooth wheel. Both of these orders are completely useless and are definitly not what i was lead to beleive i was receiving. Because of this situation my newly founded company is shutdown/out of buisness. I would like to keep these items if and only if duropower can help me solve this problem. What i think i need maybe your techs can better help me with is a new flywheel made for a starter and the exact engine for the DP6010 6.0 HP Diesel Engine 10 Gallon Twin tank portable compressor. I have selected to purchase my equipment through Duropower I have already spent more money on one item than i am allocated. I need to solve this ASAP. I hope DuroPower will stand good for its merchandise. please contact me anytime ASAP

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