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Rosemarie Zizzo
Rosemarie Zizzo DBA Cat Breeders Complaints website aka internet harassment Beaumont, California
6th of May, 2011 by User784930
This is a complaint against Rosemarie Zizzo, who is doing buisness as CACB.INFO, or Cat Breeders Complaints. On this website she is continuing an 8 year long campaign of harassment against cat breeders, by posting lies and untruths about them. The truth be known, she is a disturbed individual, and she herself has been kicked out of Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) for harassing, stalking, slandering other breeders. She was also a cat breeder, using the cattery name of Shardew. When her cats got to be an inconvenience, got to sick, cost too much money to take care of, she dumped them at her local animal shelter, not only once, not only twice, but THREE times! Each time, she got more cats and started over again. This was also a factor in why CFA suspended her for life.
CFA Permanent Suspension: Rosemarie Zizzo (Shardew), Hemet CA commencing June 23, 2004. Anything posted on her website should be taken with a grain of salt, as she has set herself up to be judge and jury for all cat breeders out of spite. She has had multiple websites the same as her current one, all of them suspended eventually by the ISP owners due to the slanderous nature of what she publishes. There are many websites out there to dispute her, but most individual breeders can't afford to hire attorneys to sue her and what good would it do as she would just start up another website, just like her current on, bashing cat breeders she has an agenda against. She has been taken to court several times, usually she doesn't bother to show up. Here are some websites that have disputed Ms Zizzo:
and a host of others, google her name and you will find rebuttals to her accusations. Usually somewhere on her site she is asking for donations, so beware! Anything can be said via the internet, so be careful what you read and believe! There are disturbed people out there with a public agenda to do harm to others!
5030 days ago by Cacbinfo
Welcome to
Complaints Against Cat Breeders Info

John 15:13 If you have purchased an expensive pedigree cat or kitten from a *CFA/TICA registered pedigreed cat breeder & you are not satisfied with your purchase & the registered cat breeder refuses to want to deal with you. You have emailed them, called them, the breeder will not answer you whatsoever. But they were quick to take your money that is for sure. You have come to the right site.

If you've been defrauded by *registered pedigree cat breeders, please know that you are not alone. You can reach out to others who've been taken advantage of, just like you have. Together we are no longer victims, but we certainly are VICTORS, we can heal one another through this experience.

CACB.INFO, is a ministry relentlessly devoted to those who have been:
a] taken advantage of by *CFA registered pedigreed cat breeders
b] were sold inferior pedigreed cat/kitten whom had compromised health issues before it left the breeders cattery.
c] Due to the compromised health of these cats, we were then were ripped off better known as "fraudulent"
d] financially & emotionally distraught by the entire experience.
e] witnessed cat neglect, cruelty or abuse inside breeders home or know about it.

CACB.INFO is the only "watchdog" list that records every single complaint about CFA registered cat breeders business practices & or cat/kitten welfare health issues & or cat abuse, neglect or cruelty issues that is posted online.

CACB.INFO website is online to provide research & knowledge to all trusting, protential cat buyers/cat breeders [who have been taken advantage of & was sold either a health compromised inferior cat/kitten], & to help educate the public.

We want the word to get out, to share with the buying public how CFA dishonest registered, pedigreed cat breeders do business in our market place worldwide.
Reach out! Get help!
I pray that this site is a blessing to your heart and life.

This is a christian owned site.
"Am I My Brother’s Keeper?"
It states in the bible that we are responsible spiritually to God for other people's burdens & hurts. So therefore I am my brother's keeper.
Galations 6:2 - Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

5007 days ago by Nunya Bidness
Hey Rosie, have you paid Melanie Lowry her $7, 5000.00 plus interest yet?

Yes folks, Rosemarie Zizzo, owner of CACB.INFO was sued in California Small claims court for her harassment of another cat breeder. Zizzo lost. She appealed, and lost again. Zizzo claims that she is homeless sleeps in cars, and has no pedigreed cats, computers or websites, when in reality, she lives in an apartment, transferred ownership of her pedigreed cats to her daughter-in-law, has computer access and multople websites including the one she named above.

It's so nice when the person who owes you money makes your case for you!
4990 days ago by Truthtellin
Ya Rosie, spouting Jesus out of one side of your mouth and horrendous lies outthe other side. What did you just lie about to godaddy? You claimed under penalty of perjury that pictures of you taken at the courthouse where you lost a harassment case against you, were yours, copyrighted by you and belong to you and were used without your permission.. All terrible out right lies, but on your very own website you admit they were taken by the person who sued you. You lost one person her hosting account with your lies, not that you care, most likely our goal in our on going vendetta with Lollimops and Catinallity. Why don;t you grow up and accept responsibly for your own actions?
Oh, by the way John 15:13 does NOT say...If you have purchased an expensive pedigree cat or kitten from a *CFA/TICA registered pedigreed cat breeder & you are not satisfied with your purchase & the registered cat breeder refuses to want to deal with you. You have emailed them, called them, the breeder will not answer you whatsoever. But they were quick to take your money that is for sure. You have come to the right site.
John 15:13 says ...Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Which is not something you would ever do in your craziness. If you were actually a good Christian you would know to turn this over to God and let him deal with it.
Mark 7:8
You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”
Matthew 7:1
[ Judging Others ] “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
Luke 6:37
[ Judging Others ] “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
James 2:4
have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
James 4:11
Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it.
4990 days ago by Truthtellin
You can read all about this crazy demented person and the stunts she has pulled at pedigree-cbs dot org, her threats, lies, harassment, CFA suspension, the court judgement, the lying letter to godaddy, her letter to homeland security (they must have thought she was a real wack job, ha ha), her nastiness to anyone who attempts to cross her. There is no way this a Christian, she is completely possessed by Satan, her god.
she is worshiping false gods, her idol is her pursuit of Lollimops and CAtinallity.
4990 days ago by Truthtellin
If as you say, you are responsible for other peoples hurts and burdens, then why do you keep hurting Lollimops and Catinallity? OH sorry, I guess that does make you responsible, and you will have to stand before God one day and answer for your crimes. Are you aware of that? You will go to a very dark place for being responsible for so much hurt and misery, so much lying, so much slander and abuse. Maybe God will have mercy on your soul, but we do not pray for that. We pray for his justice to be swift and mighty, remember all the people He in his judgment has struck dead in the Bible?
4990 days ago by Truthtellin
Ya Rosie, spouting Jesus out of one side of your mouth and horrendous lies outthe other side. What did you just lie about to godaddy? You claimed under penalty of perjury that pictures of you taken at the courthouse where you lost a harassment case against you, were yours, copyrighted by you and belong to you and were used without your permission.. All terrible out right lies, but on your very own website you admit they were taken by the person who sued you. You lost one person her hosting account with your lies, not that you care, most likely our goal in our on going vendetta with Lollimops and Catinallity. Why don;t you grow up and accept responsibly for your own actions?

Oh, by the way John 15:13 does NOT say...If you have purchased an expensive pedigree cat or kitten from a *CFA/TICA registered pedigreed cat breeder & you are not satisfied with your purchase & the registered cat breeder refuses to want to deal with you. You have emailed them, called them, the breeder will not answer you whatsoever. But they were quick to take your money that is for sure. You have come to the right site.

John 15:13 says ...Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Which is not something you would ever do in your craziness. If you were actually a good Christian you would know to turn this over to God and let him deal with it.
Mark 7:8
You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”
Matthew 7:1
[ Judging Others ] “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
Luke 6:37
[ Judging Others ] “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
James 2:4
have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
James 4:11
Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it.
4988 days ago by Truthtellin
And here is the truth about Rose Marie Zizzo, posted b her family

My name is Mark,
I am Rose Marie Zizzo's cousin. I feel the need to explain to everyone who has posted comments blogs and words of hate about my cousin the reason she is the way she is and to warn innocent people of potential misery.

Rose Marie was always a troubled child but trouble turned to tragedy when she was 11 years old Rosemarie had always exhibited signs of mental instability however when she was 11 years old, we were just kids and my cousin, who had always been obsessed with cat's, ruthlessly poured gasoline on the neighbor's cat, then lit it with a lighter she stole from my mother, I ran screaming to my mother Rosemarie stood and watched with fascination.

My mother quickly called 911 but it took them over 24 minutes to get to our home and sadly it was too late for the little kitten, it was at that time my cousin was taken from our home and placed in a mental facility. She lived out the next several years there and was stabilized on medication for her Schizophrenia disorder, she appeared to be fine when they released here but then she began to collect cats in her trailer until one day a someone reported her to the authorities for having over 75 cats in her trailer many of which were severely sick and deprived of human compassion.

As the investigation continued multiple cat bodies were found stored in her freezer, it was at this time that our family discovered that Rose Marie had stopped taking her medication, she was once again hospitalized for week in 1/2 and released. Having all of her cats taken from her she turned her mentally deranged mind to the Internet where she began a marathon of stalking cat breeders building what appeared to be cat breeder consumer sites.

Because of her ongoing harassment and defamation of reputable breeders, tons of breeders began to complain about Rose Marie to CFA, they banned her from ever registering cats. She was now banned from the world's largest cat breeding registry and all of her cats she once owned were taken from her. One would have thought this would have been the end of her brutal online attacks against pedigreed cat breeders, it would have been in a sound and stable humans mind but that was not the case with Rose Marie Zizzo.

Going on and off of her medication made her medical condition even worse. She had become fixated on a woman known as Melanie Lowery. Melanie was a cat breeder who had sold her a cat, my cousin began to post comments that the cat was ill and Melanie was evil, after enduring two years of vicious attacks from Rose Marie Melanie had finally had enough and filed a lawsuit she won this lawsuit in the amount of $7500, my cousin was found guilty of Internet cyber bulling and wrongful defamation of character our family had to scrape together the money to pay Melanie for my cousin's wrongful actions.

This slap on the hand did not faze my sister, she continued to widen her selection of cat breeders primarily consisting of Persian and Himalayan cat breeders then quickly turned on all other pedigree cat breeders. At this point Rose Marie had been kicked out of CFA, lost a lawsuit, had a judgment against her to silence her online attacks and all of her cats were taken from her, these events continued to deteriorate her mental illness, as our family we did not know what to do for psychological disorder which escalated around the world via the Internet so we began to distance ourselves from her and remind her we would not be here to bail her out financially again.

Her family support network had been exhausted by her controversial behavior and outburst which occurred on a day to day basis, her irritable moods could be triggered from a certain food, too little or not enough sleep. The one thing we began to notice was how the simple glance at even a feral cat launched her into another online tirade and violent declamation. Her wild words pushed cat breeders to form an alliance against her, while some fought back others ignored her demagogue, vehement ways.

To this day Rose Marie continues to build multiple complaint sites in which she uses to feed her perplexed and delusion state of mind. These web sites are as dangerous as she is, with no family no cats and no friends only a computer she learned the dangerous skill of installing malicious spyware and tracking malware on her sights to see how many people were reading her disoriented post about cat breeders.
4985 days ago by Truthtellin
Here is the rest of that letter by Mark Zizzo

The hazardous malware installed onto anyone's computer who dared to visit Rose Marie's complaint sites fell victim.

This became her new obsession. When people visited her site for any length of time her
websites installed invisible history tracking spyware, this
software enabled Rosemarie to track the future Internet surfing
history of people who visited her site, using this spyware she was
able to watch people go into their online banking and credit card

Unsuspecting cat breeders and everyday citizens reading her rants
fell victim to her watch full eye. Rose Marie was able to see the
login information and passwords breeders used to advertise their
cats for sale online. Breeders could not understand how personal
information stored only in their email boxes was being displayed on
Rosemary's websites. As Rose Marie read through the emails of any
and all who visited her web sites she posted personal information
such as income tax documents for the world to see, by this time
Rose Marie was no longer only targeting cat breeders, everyone was
a victim who was seeking phony complaints stored on her deceitful
websites. We as her family knew to never visit any of her sites
because she WILL obtain personal documents and private information
and post them on her website in hopes of getting a reaction from

Rose Marie has hundreds of complaint sites with various looks and
feels to them.

The only safe, accurate and authoritative consumer review sites are

The Attorney General's Office (Per state)

The FBI has now been notified of her illegal online treacherous
behavior. Under no conditions should anyone be so drama driven
that they feel the need to visit one of her many websites, doing so
WILL compromise your computer and financial records to this
seriously ill mind. As ashamed as we are of the fact that Rose
Marie continues to fail taking her medication I feel that the
obligation to intervene in hopes of saving another family from
suffering distress and torment by my cousin's ruthless actions.
I do hope this glimpse into the personal side of Rose Marie Zizzo
will help to explain the torment and torture to all who take

Mark Zizzo
4967 days ago by Expozinthewacko
RoseMarie Zizzo has sent so many letters to the Escondido Police Dept. tha they immediately recognized her name and chuckled, they said they have her in the 51/50 file and have forwarded all her letters to the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT).
The Better Business Bureau feels the same way, they have red flagged her name and put her in the "way out there" file and will no longer respond to her complaints, EVER!
HAHA they are finally getting it ZIZZO! You are WACKO!
4625 days ago by Cacbinfo
May God have mercy upon your very souls
4625 days ago by Cacbinfo
May God have mercy upon you all

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