Petition To Excommunicate Roger Dale Albright, II Published by on Dec 21, 2010 Category: Region: Target:Anyone Web site: Background (Preamble): Sept. 25, 2009: I was seriously injured in a "slip n fall" on a wet-mopped concrete porch of a bldg. I spent 4 days in the Hospital on morphine & other pain med's. I was released on a "Walker." with severe back-pains. About Nov. 1, 2009: I was on the phone with Dale Albright (who worked for Coye law Firm) about my Work/comp case and my personal Injury (P.I.) case. Dale promised to file papers in both my cases and pursue them diligently. Dale also promised to "get you a Doctor" [before Christmas] if the work/comp Insurance Co. fails to provide one. The W/comp Insur.Co. refused to provide a Doctor before Christmas, so I called Dale every month about needing a Doctor, as I hobbled around on "crutches." (*) Dale [failed] to get me a Doctor as he had promised to do. (*) Dale told me "one lie after another lie" every month on the phone when I asked about the filing of my lawsuit (P.I.) against the bldg that caused my "slip n fall." He claimed he was "working on it."= a Lie. Jan & (early) Feb, 2010, Dale still failed to get me a Doctor. In April, 2010, Dale phoned me and told me we had to go to a Mediation Hearing in May, that it was required. May 24, 2010: At the Mediation Hearing, Dale & the mediator/Bill Lore formed a "conspiracy" to lie to me about almost every item discussed, as their only intent was to get paid for their services and to hello with the Injured-worker's rights. Dale showed up a 1/2 hour late "on purpose' to shove us into the lunch hour, to cause me to have a headache and stomach growls that threw my thinking off, all the way to 1:30 with nothing to drink or eat, and kept me in a very uncomfortable & hungrystate of mind, as was their secret intent. Dale lied to me left & right about almost every item I questioned RE the agreement. Dale told me we could not submit other Doctor's reports I had seen that corroborated my multiple injuries. Dale lied & told me we "had to" resolve the issues at mediation (as if i had no choice) or risk losing the case completely before the W/comp Judge and a multitude of other "blatant lies." Dale coerced me to sign a blatantly-crooked agreement that was only 3-pgs long. A month later, he sent me an 8-pg monstrosity agreement that had many clauses & specific language in it that was never discussed, and i never agreed to.I refused to sign it. FLORIDA BAR: I filed a valid complaint on his crookedness with the Florida Bar, and they found him guilty enough of wrongdoing that they ordered him to attend a Remedial course on ethics or similar and pay a $1,000 fee for the service. [SEE: copy attached]. WORK/COMP COURT: I filed Motions with the court exposing Dale Albright's crooked & underhanded lies to me in the whole 9 months he mishandled my cases(s). P.I. CASE: Dale purposely "stalled & Delayed' filing my P.I. case until the May 24, 2010/Mediation Hearing, when he finally told me he was [not] going to file it, in direct contravention to his "monthly lies' that he was "working on it." AS CROOKED AN ATTORNEY AS YOU CAN FIND. About Oct. 16, 2010: 1ST WORK/COMP HEARING: Dale lied to the Judge's face at the 1st hearing, and [directly against me, his client] in blatant violation of Florida Bar "Rules & Ethics. Dec. 13, 2010: 2nd WORK/COMP HEARING: Dale showed up and LIED LEFT & RIGHT TO THE JUDGE'S FACE AND DIRECTLY AGAINST HIS CLIENT, ME, IN A SHAMEFUL EXHIBITION OF "SWITCHING OVER' TO THE INSURANCE CO'S SIDE, IN DIRECT COLLUSION WITH JACK KELLER, COUNSEL FOR THE INSURANCE CO. An unbelievable display of "conspiracy by keller & Albright against Albright's own client." I brought these facts out the best i could to notice the Judge of their multiple-lies at the Hearing. (*) Dale Albright, II, has DELIBERATELY DEFRAUDE MY (2) CASES TO ENRICH HIS OWN POCKET, AND HELP THE INSURANCE CO-AGAINST HIS CLIENT (me) OPPOSITION. Dale deserves to have his Bar-License suspended for a whole year for the crooked way he intentionally defrauded my cases. Petition: I pray and plead for any other persons defrauded or lied to by Dale Albright, II, of Orlando, Florida (attorney)(now works for McBride law Group) to add their complaints to mine and post them all over the Web, to "expose' this crook for what he really is, a HIPPOCRITE! and [violating most of the bible's commandments], daily and blatantly, giving church goer's a bad name, as he tells people he belongs to a church near South Alafaya Trl (Avalon Lakes area) of Orlando, FL. and is hosted free of charge at GoPetition. Contact author .