Housecap Real Estate, Financial Llc, Property Management Walid Jawdeh, Walid AbouJawdeh, Walid Abou-Jawdeh, Julie AbouJawdeh, scam, Jamal Jouidi, W |
Walid Edmond Jawdeh,has stolenmy live's savings along with the hard-earned, live's savings of many unsuspecting victims. I am writing this report to warn others against investing or loaning money to this heartlesscon artistwho has destroyed the lives of his victims by taking everything from them.If you loan money to him, you will never see it again. Walid is another Bernie Madoff. Hedeserves to joinBernie in federal prison. They would make great cell mates.
Walid pretends to be a real estate professional and seeks people's money for hard-money loans (short term loans secured by real estate). He may offer other services, but I, and many other people that I know of, invested in hard-money loans through Walid. It's all a big scam! The money went straight into his and his wife's pocket! His wife's name is Julie.
The amount of money that Walid has scammed from people, that I know of, totals in the millions.He uses the money to support hisgambling andHis "high roller" lifestyle.One can only speculate that he uses money to support other illegal activities or organizations. I could have given my money to charities or done something good with it. Instead, I was scammed out of it by aLebanesecrimminal with no heart or conscious! It makes me sick!
Walid does not carethathe destroys peoples lives bystealing theirlive's savings. He does not care that he crushes hopes and dreams and causes stressand heartache. He doesn't care that his victims have a families to support. He is a heartless con man that scams victimsout ofmoney. He will then "string" his victims along by making false promises. He makes you think that he will return your money any day now. It's sickening to see how he has manipulated me and many others for over a year now.He has told nothing but lie after lie after lie. He has writtennumerous checks that bouncedwith insufficient funds. He has promised to wire money and even sent fake wire confirmations to make victims think thathe is finally returning their money.It'snothing but lies!Then, he urges victims not to go to the authorities or else they will not get paid.
Please listen to this warning and do not fall victim yourself. He is a smooth talker, will gain your trust, and then take you for everything you have! He is presumably hiding out in Lebanon presently. Please pass this warning on to everyone you know, especially anybody that is thinking about doing business with him. I, and all of the victims, may neverrecuperateour stolenmoney, but atleast, hopefullywe can prevent others from falling prey to Walid E. Jawdeh and his wife Julie.
Also, please take the time to read the other scam reports about walid and another man named Jean Marc El Jwaidi who was busted for a huge ponzi scheme in las vegas. Walid claims that Jean Marc owes him money, but the ways they both scammed people are srtikingly and very interestingly similar. They aslo have given their victims the exact same excuses. Do the math...