I'd like to relate my experience with an online Replica watch company known as Replica2U, located at , and also known under the name of Luxury Replica.Their website is well laid out, and their pricing seemed reasonable compared to other watch sites, so I placed an order with them on July 15, 2010 for a watch that was listed at $422.00.
As I checked out, I was informed that there would be a $35 shipping charge.This was annoying, as I personally have shipped watches to China for $13.So already, I was being gouged on the shipping for more profit.The completed order was then sent to a transfer site, where the $457 was changed into a foreign currency that I was not familiar with.When I checked my bank account the next day, I found that $511 USD had been transferred from my credit card a far cry from the original $422!
It took 12 days for the watch to arrive, and when it did, I was sorely disappointed.The watch looked 20 years old, the gold was like tarnished brass, the bracelet was stiff, and when I shook the watch to wind it, it would run for 5-10 minutes and then stop.The watch was old, cheap, and completely non-functional.
I immediately wrote to Rep2U, asking for a full refund.They responded three days later:
Please put it back into 2 plastics as what we send and use bubble wrap to wrap the item and put in bubble envelope to sent back to us. No need to sent with the wooden box (if any). Please state repair item on the consignment note. Do not state watch brand name to avoid from custom block. If using Registered Post, please add an insurance on it. Sent to: Rosdi Ahmad No. 28, Jalan Amanputra 1/6 Taman Amanputra 47130 Puchong Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 6-012-2333871
I then wrote to them saying that I did not want the watch replaced, but refunded.This letter was ignored.I wrote again, and again was ignored.A week later I wrote again and was told that they would replace the watch.No reference to or even acknowledgement that they had received my request for a refund.
The watch was useless, so, even though I realized that shipping the watch back would mean that they would have both the watch and the money, I returned it.A month later (September) I had heard nothing I wrote, and was ignored.No response.A month later (October) I wrote specifically asking for a response.Twelve days later, I received this:
We are waiting for new stock to come. We will keep you update.
Thanks. Note: your domain is blocking our email address.
-The last line, their excuse for me not receiving email from them; which obviously isn't true, because I received it in an email from them.But, just to be sure, I checked the spam folder at my email server, as well as the spam folder on my own computer nothing.
At the end of November, I wrote one last time, requesting a refund and telling them to put me on a notification list such that when the watch comes in, I can purchase it then.It is now December 18, and I have received no response.
This company realizes that they are well hidden on the other side of the world from most of us, and they feel that they will suffer no consequences by just keep hundreds of dollars of customer's money and ignoring them.
Please keep in mind, if you are looking at their site, that the price they are showing will swell to almost A HUNDRED DOLLARS MORE by the time the money is taken from your account this could be 25 50% percent more than you expected to pay.They have no problem shipping absolute junk, and they will ignore all requests for customer service.I am now out more than $500 from a purchase made almost six months ago, and have absolutely nothing.Don't let this happen to you.There are far better, more trustworthy sites out there, and I recommend you DELETE Replica2U and Luxury Replica from your list. |