Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Reliant Home Financial
Reliant Home Financial Group The Arize Group, Inc CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE FBI ARRESTS THESE COMPANIES FOR FRAUD!!! Overland Park, Kansas
13th of Jul, 2011 by User551526
Thursday, July 14, 2011 Loan Audit / Modification Services
Reliant Home Financial Group
DBA (doing business as)
The Arize Group, Inc
6711 W 121st Street
Overland Park, KS 66212
Arize Home Financial Group P : 1-855-222-0692
P : 1-800-385-7123
F : 1-800-745-9145 I am also a VICTIM of this fraudulent company ... not a disgruntled employee or anyone else ... A VICTIM! I was informed today in a phone conversation with Ruby that I would NOT be getting a refund! Someone better review the Agreement on Page 3, number 5, Section (c) about the Guarantee! "If the Company does not complete all the services it has contracted to perform in this agreement for Loan Audit services and the client has cooperated with all requests asked by the Company and sent in all required documentation required by the Company; the Company shall be OBLIGATED TO REFUND
the ENTIRE AMOUNT PAID BY CLIENT to the Company for Loan Audit services." Which by the way is a total of 3 payments of $996.00 equaling $2,988.00 that I need refunded so I can pay my mortgage! This company has put me on the road to foreclosure ... NOT a new mortgage, because the information given to me was NOT 'by law' as was stated to me that I did NOT have to make a mortgage payment during this dispute and review! I have been jumping through hoops for the last 3 months with these people and slowly but surely the red flags began to appear and every time I told them I wanted to cancel the Agreement which is also on Page 3 ... "Client shall be
able to cancel this agreement at any time", they kept reassuring me that I am in the middle of the process, it will take time to go through their Legal Department and then come to find out from Jeremey last week that my case should
NOT have even come across their desk, that I deal with a local bank and there is NOTHING wrong with my mortgage or how it was handled! I kept calling and getting the same voice message, 'we are no longer accepting new clients',
oh gee, I wonder why? I was informed in the initial call with Jon Wakely (con artist/sales agent) in April, 2011, that only 2 % of people DO NOT get a new mortgage, so I asked the pertinent questions about getting a refund, he said if they can't help me that all my money would be refunded! Then I'm sure he was following the script and proceeded to say that I WOULD have a new mortgage by July 1, 2011 and not to worry because their company was the best at Loan Audit services! These people did nothing but string me along and take my money, which by the way I WILL recover! I will give them ONE WEEK from the date of this report to send a Certified Check with my refund of $2,988.00 and that does not include all the other incidentals along the way, the cost of faxing, sending certified letters to my bank and the trips to the Post Office! I cooperated and did everything that I could to assist them with this Audit only to find out what kind of people I was actually dealing with! If I do not receive the REFUND which is also pasted on their website, a gold seal stating MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, the FBI will be knocking on their door along with the FTC, the Attorney General of Kansas, the Attorney General of PA, the Post Master General, the Internet Crime Center and a Class Action Lawsuit Attorney I will be contacting! So all the 'players' in this CON, Jon Wakely, Jeremey, Ruby, Sara and Nikki, the people that I've spoken with in the last 3 months, get the refund check ready and over night it or ALL of you will be paying a lot more in Attorney's fees, court costs, fines, etc! There is no hiding this crime anymore because everyone will know to BEWARE and have NO CONTACT whatsoever with this so called 'helpful' com-pany unless they want headaches and sleepless nights! LIARS!!! Don from
4963 days ago by Bryant
The company you are talking about is in shawnee kansas and the owner ruby price lives in bonner springs and so does her son i have all her information she will not get away with this she did the same thing to me but this time they did this to the wrong one.
4961 days ago by AxiomVIII
Bryant ... I am responding to your post, please send all the info about Ruby and the rest of the con artists!
I will appreciate any help you can give me and if I find out anything else about them, I will post here,
4955 days ago by Loren
I have tried to contact both ARIZE Group and RELIANT Home Financial Group and finally got thru to RELIANT 8/9/2011 and spoke with Danelle and she referred me to Justin Grey (800-385-7123 x 7027). He stated that there were some disgruntled employees that posted scam reports. I am not so sure that is the case, as I am a client and have not been able to contact anyone at ARIZE. I paid them $2, 988.00 for the loan restructuring services back on June 9, 2011. Last email contact was from Nikki Price on June 23, 2011 sending me a demand letter to be notarized and sent to BAC. I tried to fax them (913-322-6477) coorespondence, but the line was not working. Tried calling and only got send to a mailbox.
This is starting to smell like a scam. They have taken $2, 988.00 from me! I want my money back!
Loren Schaeffer
4955 days ago by Loren
THE ARIZE GROUP, INC. 15941 W. 65th Ste 394 Shawnee, KS 66217 (800)-719-8031
This is the proper address for the ARIZE GROUP. Website is down!

Reliant Home Financial Group
12101 Woodcrest Executive Dr Ste 160, Saint Louis, MO 63141-5050 <------- network error (website is down)
4953 days ago by AxiomVIII
Thank you Loren for the update / addresses, phone#'s, etc. Sounds like 'they' are ready to take
the money and run ... I want my $2988 refunded TOO!!! Whatever other info you have or find out,
please post here! I just read a post on and someone is going to hire a Paralegal
to investigate Ruby L Price and her gang of thieves, so this person doesn't want anyone rocking the
boat right now but we need to keep filing reports with the Attorney Gen Office in your state where this
happened and I guess we now have to broaden our scope to include KS and MO, also file with the Fed-
eral Trade Comission If enough complaints are filed on, they may start an investigation and a class action lawsuit may be filed. I'm sure we are not the only 'VICTIMS' of these unscrupulous villains! Also, file your report on We have to get the word out about this FRAUD!!!
4943 days ago by Stolen Money!!
The real scam artists are the owners of the sales companies/scam artists. They go by Arize Home Financial Group and Reliant Home Financial aka D & K holdings Inc., charter # f01095914 located in St Louis MO. The owners are Tyler Korn and Aj Doud. Since they made so much money scamming people they have since started a bar in st Charles, mo by the name of the red room. They say they are a Kansas Corp in order to get past the strict laws in place in Missouri, but they are not. They hire sales people who don't know that it's illegal for them to collect any money up front for anything to do with helping people with their mortgages and had them sell for them. After they collected the money the files were then sold to The Arize Group, Ruby Price to deal with at 1/4 th the price they charged the client. Of course Ruby had no way of completing the 1000 + files she received for Korn and Doud at the amount they gave her so in turn a bunch of people are about to get screwed over. Korn and Doud came from another Loan Mod scam by the name of Capital Debt Management, who is currently being investigated for mail fraud. You people really need to focus your efforts on D & K holdings incorporated in MO. The attorney general in MO is far worse then that of KS. Plus they were the ones who actually took your money. If you paid by credit card dispute the charge ASAP! If they took it out of your checking, go to the bank and tell them you never authorized the payment! Of course if you received the advertisement from them in the mail, posing as your bank in the first place, go to the post master general and tell them you have been scammed by this company. They will not help you! Nomatter what they tell you, you will be screwed out of every penny. They will not give you refunds if they don't help you because they have spent up all the money they made! Get out while you still can and do your part to put them behind bars! WHAT THEY DID TO YOU IS ILLEGAL AND YOU DON'T NEED AN ATTORNEY TO STOP THEM!!
4932 days ago by S. Mamchak
Well, you can add another victim -- ME! I, also, was solicited for a "Mortgage Readjustment" since "new laws and new directions from the Obama Administration" made it possible to lower my costs significantly and save me money that, currently, is melting away. I also was handled from then on by Ruby Price, who sounds like you would imagine Mother Theresa might sound. She sent me letter after letter to send to first this organization and then that organization, all of which said, basically, "Wha' you talkin' 'bout?" Finally, it reached Fannie Mae, and I had a long -- and I must say a very polite and understanding -- call fro them. The letter came to their attention, because they had received so many of them from many people -- all letters exactly the same, and all writers (What a surprise!) were sonmehow connected to Ruby Baby or
or ARIZE. I have sent him all the e-mails, and I ubnderstand that the Fannie Mae Mortgage Fraud Division may soon be knocking at Ruby's door. I hate being scammed, although, I forgive them as I try to forgive all my enemies. There will, however, come a day when we ALL must stand before the ultimate judge and explain what we did or did not do to our fellow creatures.
4932 days ago by Gadian

Please compare the testimonials below. Different names same testimonials.

How can different individuals from different states give identical testimonies.

4932 days ago by Gadian
More info about this company:, -Inc---Reliant-Home-Financial-Group-False-Advertising-for-$1992.00-on-06-08-2011

If anyone succeeded in getting the refund from this company please post it here so that we all can recover our money ;(
4931 days ago by Informed1111
Here are the phone numbers of the 2 owners of the company that stole our money.

Tyler Korn - 314-479-3880
Aj Doud - 314-315-1540

Call them - they got tired of me calling constantly and they gave me my money back plus an additional $500 for my trouble. Now I did also file complaints with the attorney general and the BBB, maybe that also had something to do with it though.
4931 days ago by Insider911
If you want to get a hold of them, I found the best way is to call them at their new investment, Red Room Sushi Lounge. Below are links:

Facebook: Good to see pictures of AJ Doud the owner ( He looks so happy to of stolen our money doesn't he) He is the one wearing the Black and Red Shirts with his peace sign up.

The bars phone number where you can contact them at. (If you want you will have to be persistent, they aren't just going to give it to you unless you are consistently bothering them.)

4929 days ago by Bryant
The arize group and reliant home financial did the same thing to me 3, 270 for nothing but two demand letters and that was it after that i was told by nikki price to hire an attorney to go after my mortgage company but in the contract it states they would do a loan audit if not you are to get a full refund when i told this to nikki price she agreed with me and she said loan audits are illegal so why is it in the contract then when i followed up and kept calling i got a phone call from the shawnee police dept to stop bothering ruby price. I know she was subpoenad last week by district attorneys office i do not know what came out of it. As for tyler korn aka dumb dumb and amjad daoud aka slob neck they gave me 1400 out of my 3270 so i am still owed 1870 with all the money they scammed us out of the two losers bought a bar in saint charles on main st same town where dumb dumb lives cell #'s are amjad daoud is 3143151540 and tyler's is 3144793880 and it is also illegal to collect upfront monies to lower someones loan.
4928 days ago by Response 11
Tyler Korns address:

Aj Daoud's address:
4927 days ago by Gadian
Hi Bryant,

How did you get your $1400.00 ? Did you keep calling them? I need to get mine refunded too. thanks, Gadian (NOT an ex or disgruntled employee).
4920 days ago by Kdsr
I've been going through a restructuring process with The Arize Group. My 1st instinct told me it was a possible scam, since it sounded to good to be true. Marvin Parnell, the intake specialist, kept pressing the issue for payment information. I should have hung the phone up then. They kept me up to date with the progress of the restructuring until the last payment was made...then they became ghosts. No one answers the phone, they don't respond to emails, then they claim they haven't received your information. This is supposed to be a 100% money back guarantee is they don't live up to the agreement. I can't reach Ruby Price, Sara Cordry, or Jeremy Burgen. They got me for $2988.00 and I AM PISSED!!!

K. D.
4916 days ago by Bryant
The arize group i believe opened under another name i guess ruby did not have a choice from all the negative attention her buisness is getting. The attorney general office is investigating reliant and arize if they did not honor the contract you must make a complaint with the attorney general's office in kansas. These two parties did this to many people and need to be taught a lesson that they are not entitled to others peoples money.
4914 days ago by 1234321
I'm also a victim of this scam. Ruby blames Reliant and Reliant blames Arize. To those of you who have succesfully recieved a refund, how did you do it? I've already contacted the BBB and am currently in process of putting together a compliant with the Attorney General in Kansas. Should I also do this with the AG in Missouri too? Any insight that you can offer would be most helpful. Is there any chance that there will be a class action lawsuit put together?
4912 days ago by Bryant
Bbb is not going to get you anywhere it just looks bad on there rating you have to contact attorney general's office asap and fax them your contract and all your evidence.
4911 days ago by Bryant
The arize group is now going by the name sterling hmd. Sterling home mortgage destroyer I feel bad for all these people that are about to get screwed.It is all the same cons in the picture Ruby Price Jeremy
Burgen etc. She gave out my information illegally to her friend to call me and pretend he was going to help me get my money back but he was just trying to see how much evidence I had against Ruby.
4905 days ago by Bryant
The arize group is now going by the name sterling hmd which stands for home mortgage defender. What a joke these people are. All the same low lifes still there niiki price ruby price jeremy burgen etc. I feel bad for all these innocent people that are about to get scammed.

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