rabperformance recoveries |
rabperformance recoveries filed asummons and complaint on me to pay a credit card company money that has ripped me off by increasing my credit limit |
3rd of Jul, 2011 by User230447 |
on August of 2006 i applied for a credit card from Aspen, In their agreement clause aspen declared that upon paying on my acct. for 4 months they would automatically increase my limit within 6 months, well i recieved an increase within 4 months, and that was okay but, aspen stated they would not increase any other credit limits without credit approval. well in dec. 2006 they automatically increased my card by 50 dollars, and i was okay with that but, in april 2007 they increased my credit limit to 400 dollars i was furious with them and they would not tale the extra 100 dollars off. After hollering at them the customer service agent said that she would post on my account to do no more increases, well after 2 more months aspen increased my limit to 750 dollars and i asked to speak to a supervisor and still thay would not take it off, i was told not to close it because that would lower my fico score so persisited to pay them every month in August of 2008 they tried to increase my limit to 1000dollars i threatened them with a lawsuit and they took the increase off. In august of 2009 my account was given an annual fee of 75dollars and the company folded up the aspen card period and sent me a letter in september the next month stating i no longer had a credit card and to continue paying my debt, i asked them to take the annual fee off since i had no use of the card but they refused, i also wrote to their dispute dept. still to no avail. Then a year later here comes rab recoveries stating that i owe them 1,200,00 dollrs with accruein interest. then they obtained a lawyer and quickly obtained a summons and complaint against me ordering me to pay 250.00dollars and pay a 100.00dollars amonth in which i told them i work p/t in retail which dont pay much i am willing to pay but my payments need to be lowered and they were nasty and said no.rab never gave me the chance to defend myself in court they just applied for the complaint no court date for me to appear i found that strange. |
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