Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Pristine Nutraceuticals
Pristine Nutraceuticals, LLC This Company Lied When They Told Us We Needed To Use ALL the Product Before We Could Retun It!!! Fort La
9th of Jan, 2011 by User759117
I purchased DigestaCure online at I have IBS and the person at assured me it would be GONE after I took the product. The problem was after taking the product for a couple of days it made me sick to my stomach. I quickly decided it wasn't for me.

My wife called the company at and was told by a person by the name of Sandra that I could not get a refund until ALL the product was taken.My wifewas lectured by this person named Sandra as to how Sandra is supposedly on the product and if I take ALL the product for the FULL duration ALL would be well.My wife was having none of it and Sandra HUNG THE PHONE UP on her!!!

At the top of their website they have under Healing Assurance Guarantee their so-called guanatee. They outline how they recommend you ask for a refund depending on what illness you have. They want you to take their product anywhere from 90 to 120 days andTHEN and ONLY THEN should you ask for a refund! I'm sure they figure the elderly will soon forget about it and NO REFUND will be then given back. Wear them out approach. Nice company! Read it, I GUARANTEE you'll read the most insidious refund guarantee you've ever read!!!

Never mind the product made me SICKto my stomach, their website promises a FULL 100% refund! After making threats of legal action a person by the name of Terry emailed me and told me I have to CALL the company back to get a refund and give them back my creditcard as they don't keepcreditcard numbersON-HAND. What-A-Run-Around-Scam!I did so and was put on HOLD for a very long period of time. I hung up and emailed the company with my creditcard information. I'm still waiting for a reply. That didn't come as of today.

The company has VERY POOR customer service in my opinion and are liars. My wife and I know this first hand. BEWARE!!!


Eau Claire -Wisconsin

4998 days ago by Jem

Did you discuss why you were getting sick to your stomach? They may have said cut back on the dose, because each person heals differently. Your level of ill health may require that you only take half-dose for a period of time.

They are not necessarily a scam just because they didn't refund your money the way you felt they should. Did you read the money-back guarantee BEFORE you made the purchase?

Taking the supplement for 90 -120 days sounds very reasonable, because when you are working with that which is from natural sources, it can take 3 times longer than perhaps a synthetic pill from a pharmacy.

You were told to call with your credit information for a refund, but you didn't like waiting, so you emailed them instead, and now you're upset at them because you didn't follow their instructions.

So far, you haven't convinced me of a thing, except that as soon as you didn't feel good, you didn't bother to find out why, then you want to snap your fingers and ask them to jump with a refund, then you became impatient with their refund process,'s all their fault.

Do I work for them? No
Am I a customer of theirs? No
Am I considering becoming a customer of theirs? Yes

Personally, of what I've read so far, their supplement sounds very reasonable, and promising. Healing at the cellular level sounds spot-on. It isn't just treating the symptoms, which is what the AMA mostly does, but this is going to the source, and it takes time to rebalance, detoxify, repair, and then heal.

Everyone is different, and because I prefer natural over AMA protocols, which is synthetic pills with side-effects, and/or surgery if the pills don't work and you get worse.

I'm willing to take this supplement longer than 120 days...why? Because my ill health didn't pop up overnight, and there is no way to expect it to heal/resolved overnight.

I really hope you read this, and decide to try again, because I've also read some very positive outcomes from people as a result of taking Digestaqure.

Good health to you!

4996 days ago by Jem
Yep, it's me again, Gary,

I just went to their website and I was looking at their Guarantee. I feel so sorry for you. What you were experiencing was what should be taking place, namely, Detoxification, which is the elimination of Toxins and Negative Bacteria; and it is "the first step to recovery, but it can and should be done at a rate
where the individual does not feel it happening."

Here's a quote from their web site: "A quick call to customer service upon the first sign of detoxification will solve the problem. Dosages will be adjusted down to a level where the negative bacteria die, and toxins are dislodged and eliminated at a rate unnoticeable to the person. Healing from disease is impossible without first killing and removing these agents of disease, but there is no need to feel this process taking place.

Upon the first sign of detoxification, Call us immediately to receive a customized dosage schedule to accomplish detoxification without discomfort, and promote the healing recovery; Customer Service: 1-888-671-2873. The Healing Assurance Guarantee is contingent upon your willingness to communicate, and correctly complete detoxification, should toxins and negative bacteria infestations be apparent in your system. Cellular toxins and negative bacteria must be eliminated.

Our environment and, in most cases, our food sources are polluted with toxins and harmful substances. Negative Bacterial agents within the body also secrete an ongoing supply of toxins. A toxin is defined as any component that has a detrimental effect on cell function or structure. Levels of toxicity vary greatly among individuals, depending on age, numerous geographical and lifestyle factors. Long term exposure to toxins can result in metabolic and genetic alterations that can affect cell growth, behavior, and immune response. This is because the molecular structures of toxins are carcinogenic as they interact with human DNA. Example: The World Health Organizaition has implicated envirtonmental toxic chemicals in over 60 to 80 per cent of all cancer cases."

With their help, you most likely would be experiencing much improvement, if not complete healing by now. How sad... <<sigh>>

4988 days ago by Jem
Okay, I just ordered the product (07/22/11)! Once I receive it, I will be monitoring how I feel, and keeping in touch with them (Very Important to do this, because they help you detox without being uncomfortable, like poor Gary who posted above). I'm dealing with 2 gut-related conditions, and 2 autoimmune disorders.

I read on their site (, that when you are in the "Healing" mode, you take more capsules, unless you are detoxing too quickly, then you must slow the process down. But...later on, when you're better, then you only need one capsule a day for maintenance. What a deal! We always joke that "one day they will have a wonder pill..., " and I think this may be it, at least with the types of ailments, conditions, and diseases this supplement specializes in.

I still haven't read enough on their site. They offer so much to read! It's really wonderful, because the 199-page eBook is FREE!

More later...

4980 days ago by Amywith
Hi Jem,
I'm following your story because I am interested in this product as well. My canine has just been diagnosed with Discoid Lupus and we've been considering "Disgestaqure". We'd rather cure than treat for life. Please let us know how you're doing on the product. I'd like to get going on our treatment ASAP but as we all are aware there are scams and misinformation all over the place and $427.00 is a lot of money for most of us especially in this time and age of economical distress. I'm praying for healing. Thanks in advance for keeping in touch.
4979 days ago by Jem
July 31, 2011

Hi Amy,

Why do you feel you must start with the supply of the supplement that costs $427.00? Why not call them, they have been very nice to me, whether by phone or email, and just talk to them? The smallest bottle costs $69.00, and if you are treating an animal rather than a human, it may well be that they require a smaller dose, like perhaps for a child. Do I know this for sure? No, I don't; but they will. But...$69.00 sounds much more feasible than the large supply for $427.00.

I don't have a lot of money, so I bought the bottle that costs $159.00, no S/H. They sent it by Priority mail, and they were fast! I ordered it on Friday, and had it in my hands by Monday. Fast turnaround time! I called them with a few questions. I spoke to Steve, and then I started the next day. Easy, easy, easy to do. With a pet, I would think putting the dose in a syringe, and one quick squirt a few times a day, and there you go! The reason you do it a few times a day is that way it maintains a constant supply in the bloodstream. It's best to break open the capsule and mix in water, so it gets into the bloodstream rapidly, and more completely.

Even if they did not offer a money-back guarantee, it would be worth it to me just to be able to try it. The bottom line is we each determine what is valuable to us. I'm willing to spend my money on an opportunity to gain back my health; that holds real value to me.

I've just about completed a week, but I won't report anything until 2-4 weeks have gone by. I feel that is fair. But I will tell you now that even if I do not see any improvement after 30 days, I will not be disappointed. Each person heals at their own rate, and there are many factors, like food intake, stress levels, drinking enough water, being positive-minded, etc. And that fluctuates day-to-day, no one does it perfectly. hahaha

I do encourage you to at least call them, and discuss your dear pet with them.
Customer Service: 1-888-671-2873

Take care!

4978 days ago by Jem
August 1, 2011

Hi Amy,

I wanted to tell you that I gave a sick cat 1/4 of a capsule, and this is what I learned. When mixed with liquid, it has a little bit of a consistency like psyllium, like a little gooey. I didn't use very much water to mix it together, and I used an eye dropper.

For myself, I mix it in juice or kool-aid, and I shake the bottle vigorously, making sure to get any that has settled to the bottom of the bottle before pouring about 3-4 oz. to drink, so I don't get that slightly gooey consistency when I drink it.

Tomorrow, when I give the cat another 1/4 of a capsule, I'm going to mix it with either more water, or some tuna water, but enough so it's not kind of thick, but stays more liquid-y.

I had spoken to Nick at Customer Service, and he also said it could be mixed into the food, but this cat isn't eating very much, so I'm using the eyedropper so very little to none gets wasted.

Anyway, just wanted to pass this tidbit of advice on, in case you decide to use this supplement for your dog.

Take care!

4977 days ago by Jem
August 2, 2011

Hi Amy,

I added more water this time, and the cat accepted two full squirts with an eyedropper. I'll give her two more later tonight; so I used a lot more water, but it makes it so much easier for the animal to swallow.

4953 days ago by Jem
August 26, 2011

Hi Amy,

It's been about a month or so now, and I'm happy to say that so far, I'm pleased with the results. One of my autoimmune problems is plaque psoriasis. I have a patch above my right ankle. Funny, but it kind of looks like an upside-down mushroom. Anyway, I would say that about 1/3 of it is now gone. Plaque psoriasis has kind of a hot reddish/pink tone to the skin, and can even have like a silvery look. So by describing it like a mushroom, there is the cap, the stem, and the bottom of the stem. Most of the "stem" part is gone now, and just a little bit of the bottom of the "stem, " is left. I'm hoping to report in another month more healing of the "cap" part of this patch.

Now, the other autoimmune I'm dealing with, which I wouldn't wish on anyone is Lichen Sclerosis. It's main focal point is the genital area, including the perineum, and anal areas. In males, it is called BXO. It does not discriminate, and can happen to infants, children, teens, adults, and elderly. I've dealt with this for at least 7 years. The main destructive aspect of this autoimmune is intense itching. It is destructive because in scratching that itch, the skin (tissue), can crack, swell, and bleed, and even develop open lesions. Going to the bathroom can be an absolute nightmare, because the urine touching your skin is like salt on a wound! Some days are worse than others, but it's always there, it has a presence.

I have worked hard to get it under control, but was still having at least one, sometimes two, bad itching attacks a day. Honestly, I was not expecting any improvement this early on, but after only three weeks on this supplement, my itching attacks are down to about one every three days. Only a person who is living this nightmare understands how amazing that is! The sense of relief, and calm is SO wonderful!

I'm really filled with hope, and look forward to even more improvement in the next couple of months. Anyone reading this really should go to their site, and give it a try. It just cannot get simpler than this. Open some capsules into water, or some other cold or room temperature (NEVER HOT), beverage. Shake, drink 1/4, put the rest in the refrigerator. Wait a few hours, drink another 1/4, repeat until gone. Next day, do the same. It's a flexible time schedule, it's not rigid; the main idea is to keep a steady supply in your bloodstream.

Please do yourself a favor and try it. The list of what this supplement can help is tremendous! Also remember that when an AMA doctor says something is 'incurable, ' that is the doctor telling you that is the limit or extent of what they know, but that does not mean that outside the realm of the AMA, it would be viewed the same.

Take care, and good health to you!

4926 days ago by Amywith
Hi Jem,
How are you doing on the product? I would think you've had some real improvement by now. It looked as though it was definitely heading that way by your last entry. Haven't started my my dog just yet.
4915 days ago by Jem
Hi Amy,

I wasn't sure if you were going to check back, but glad that you have. I have now completed two months, which is still at least one or two months shy of the minimum amount of time necessary for the body to dislodge toxins, kill off bacteria, and reverse the negative effects of autoimmunity disease, which is the Master Disease, according to the research and findings of Digestacure.

I called and spoke to Steve from customer service, and he said everyone heals differently, and with their own timeline. There will be fluctuations, but it is important not to allow that to be discouraging. Like the tortoise and the hare, the slow, but steady, "Keep Going, " attitude of the tortoise is the path to take. What I noted to Steve is that my body seems to want to hop around a little, which is okay with me.

While I have seen improvement in the plaque psoriasis, it is not gone, but it is much lighter in color, and lays almost completely flat now. (In plaque psoriasis, the immature skin cells stack up and so it is higher than non-affected skin.) That is my layman description.

I have days where I feel more tired, which again, I would attribute to the "internal housecleaning and redecorating, " taking place. LOL But with that said, I have seen an improvement in the quality of my sleep. That's what I mean, there is a give and take to this. Patience is needed, and I have it, thankfully.

In all fairness, the instructions encourage people to avoid certain foods for a couple of reasons. It lessens the stress placed on the body, and some people do not realize that they are gluten-intolerant, or lactose-intolerant; so they encourage you to avoid wheat, corn, sugar, and dairy products.

I have not done that. Not so much a problem with sugar or dairy, but I have been eating wheat and corn, like wheat breads, and bagels, and corn tortillas. I didn't feel ready to do that, but even so, I did improve anyways. However, I am going to begin avoiding those things within the next few days, and I'll see if I feel a marked difference. It's not that you can never have those food items again, they can be integrated back in slowly AFTER your body is balanced, efficient, and working like it should.

I'm now about one week into my third month, so I'll come back and report again in the near future.

My motto is now, "Try it for everything!" One of the videos on their site encouraged me to view it like that. (The lady with eye problems.)

Take care!

4915 days ago by Jem
Oh, I forgot to post the date. October 3, 2011

4870 days ago by Deesker
Hello, I am writing to find out if you're feeling any better as of today? I am interested in trying this product but don't have alot of money to shell out. Thanks.
4825 days ago by Chrissye1
Hi Jem,

As of this first day of Jan 2012, how are you doing? Just ordered Digestaqure for Hasimoto's Thyroiditis and Sicca, which is just like Sjogrens, where mouth, tongue, nose, ears, throat etc. are all dry...not much moisture or saliva because of the two problems above.

Am hoping I find relief and healing from this product.

Hope you check back and keep us posted. It looks like it's been about three months since you posted.

Chris E.
4818 days ago by Seraph7
Hi Jem, would love to hear your continued updates. Thank you for being so detailed and direct. I too have psoriasis as well as fibromyalgia (both immune disorders) as well as a few other irritating things I think this might work on...please keep us updated!!!

Many thanks!
4646 days ago by Bruzer
Want to know if anyone tried Digestacure for RA?
4628 days ago by Stickman
Want to know if anyone tried Digestacure for Myasthemia Gravis. CDM
4628 days ago by Suesmith
DO NOT fall for or BELIEVE these snake oil cures! They DO NOT WORK, they Do NOT CURE, EVER.
4615 days ago by Stephiej777
I've been diagnosed with acid reflux. The main symptom of concern for me is horrible breath which smells like rotten eggs. I can't smell it, but am frequently asked if I have passed gas. It's really starting to effect me socially and psychologically. I speak for a living...I'm desperate. Has anyone had this issue and gotten positive results with Digestacure?

4605 days ago by Jjm
I would like to know why Digestaqure is not registered with the Better Business bureau I have checked and they are not listed . A possible customer.
4554 days ago by Ars5901
My name is Amy, I was recently diagnosed with Sjogens Syndrome (primily). I have been looking at disgesture and ran accoss this sight, because I wanted to know if anyone else has tried and had success. I see on U-tube a women who says she was cured, however; I need someone who has tried and can verify.

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