Judge Juanita rice |
Judge Juanita rice Judge cenntenial , Colorado |
18th of May, 2011 by User678039 |
Judge Juanita Rice awarded me alimony in 2007, then released the ex from paying. He had closed his business to avoid paying me. She not only let him off of contempt, but let him use a pro bono court appointed attorney to do so. I'm on disability from the state and only recieve $140.00 a month. Now he has another business, lives in a nice house, obviously can afford his bills. Owns two trucks and at the time she released him was giving his girlfriend over $3,000.0o amonth plus a new truck and her electric bills. All documented through the company tax information. How is this fair? |
Long story short, I was under the jurisdiction of Majistrate Rice in 1999, for my truancy court issues. I was beaten, lied about, neglected, sabotaged and even PREVENTED from leaving the house in one of my "Foster Homes, " (A more accurate term to describe what occured there is "Abuse Facility.") by the "parent" ensuring that I would be late that day. Anyone who is a representation of a parent would have driven me to school that day, instead I was ultimately sent to the "Footecenter, " for a total of 4 weeks for attempting to self-correct my behavior as a youth with a truancy problem. The explaination becomes many more times disturbing, but ultimately, I was deprived of an opportunity to receive a decent high school education for minor flaws all teenagers have. Yes, I was deprived of an education through Misjudgement Rice's abuse of "Foster Homes", the Dahlia Street Youth Center, the Footecenter and anger management facilities, even though what she was paid to do was to correct my shot at getting that kind of education. The full story will come to the public eye someday, but for now Rice remains at large and I long for the day when her vendetta against children will be quenched by a lawsuit and hopefully the denial of her ability to ruin other peoples' lives, by removing this disgrace of the American legal system. OBJECTION!!! I object that what was unjustly done to me is deemed as a "Service, " by the state of Colorado. Someday, I hope I have the money to hire a lawyer and stop her from flushing more shattered lives down the toilet! Justice is blind and needs guidance, but this person leads justice to a street corner to whore her and takes a 100% commission. REVOLTING!!! |
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