powersignups.com TSAIM, LLC This program is a SCAM. Use false advertising to lure unsuspecting customers. Internet |
22nd of Feb, 2011 by User897607 |
According to https://powersignups.com/about.php PowerSignups delivers guaranteed signups to your signup pages. It also boasts to have "Our provider owns over 500 high traffic (50,000+ unique visits per day) advertising networks" Further boasts "90% of our advertisers receive between 100-250 signups per day. Keep this in mind when you’re deciding on a campaign size. If you’re just doing a test with us with a 100 signup order, that campaign will likely be completed within 24 hours after it begins." It also has a guaranteed page https://powersignups.com/guarantee.php that promises "You will receive double your order of signups if not fully delivered in 20 days after your campaign starts." Well, all these may be true back in 2010 when they first opened. But this is 2011 and all these has now changed. I order 500 guaranteed sign ups Jan 1st . The campaign started on Jan 2nd. Today is Feb 23rd, and from that time to now I only got a total of 27 sign ups. The most I got was 1 sign ups a day. And at first that came every weekday, for a total of 5 sign ups a week. Then it came sporadically, but it didn't come everyday, so only maybe 2-3 sign ups a week. And all the sign ups came from the same IP address Then after I complaint about it, they changed it to I complaint about their service on Jan 13th and I got nothing but rude remarks like, "Why do you need 500 signups in under 20 days anyway? Can you find anyone else that will deliver said signups? If so, by all means go find them.". And threats, "should you not close this case and let us continue delivering as we are already doing so. You will be reported for fraud ($500 is criminal offense) for getting services then declaring not getting them (also called theft) ". So I presented my case to the Master Card company and they agreed with me that this company provided defective product and they refunded my money. Thanks goodness for this otherwise Powersignups will drag me along and I would never see any sign ups or my money again. So buyer beware. They have changed the 20 day limit now to 30 days. But I hardly see how that will help them. For one, from Jan 2nd to Feb 23rd is total of around 50 days. But in that 50 days they only delivered 27 sign ups total to my account. If they claim they are so capable I should have seen a great increase in activity in the last 20 days, but that did not happen. In fact in the last 20 days I got less activity. From Feb 1 to Feb 23. there were only 9 sign ups total. I'm also glad the CPA company I deal with has a great tracking link. They track clicks, sign ups and IP addresses. This is how I know what is going on with the link I provided PowerSignups. They claimed they delivered 450 sign ups to my account. But my tracking link only registered 63 clicks and only 27 sign ups. So how can a link that has only been clicked 63 times generate 450 sign ups? I have also made sure there is no problem with the link I provided. I have tested it by clicking on it and every time I clicked on it it showed one click on the stats page. So there is no way PowerSignups can claim they showed my links at all, because if they showed it, it will be on the stats page as being clicked. So I can say this is a big scam. If you didn't provide them with a track able link, you will not be able to tell what they claim is false or know how to fight it. So never provide a link that can not be tracked or have no stats. Because these companies that promise these sign ups count on that fact that you have no proof to fight against them. So they can take your money and leave you high and dry, and they become fat and happy from your miseries and your hard earned money.
We would like to announce that we are NEW owners of www.powersignups.com. We are sorry if anyone had any type of problem with the company in the past. We would like to welcome you back to experience our fantastic service. We look forward to working with you.
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