I went to work for this company and was promised all this wonderful training and that I didn't have to buy leads. Asked for referals but didn't get many! Well I was sent to Sterling, Colorado for training with Bob, the first 4 weeks went slow and boring while he was on the phone, talking alot and taking care of his personal business. Meanwhile I had to pay for my own hotel. After a timespan of 2 months he would run home, had to take care of some problem and leave me by myself, he would call and say that he was going to set up some appointments for me and never did, he did this a couple of times, he would tell me that he would show me how he approached businesses and never did, always on the phone. It was just one excuse after another.... Running back home all the time, leaving me to do business in Sterling. This was not the first time a team had been in Sterling the best business had been picked over. The town was struggling on its own and many insurance poor. Most woman had to work in town and the husbands kept the farms. It was hard to reach people and I was a single woman left to run the the country by myself. I would go and talk to many people but many were struggling too. The economy was not good. After talking so much and getting tired. My trainer finally got us some business, but not enough to pay what I had lost with the company. We were promised $1,000 draws in the beginning to keep us afloat and they only gave me $500 which I paid back.I did make a few sales - After that Bob went on vacation so I came back home, no money to pay hotel and didn't want to be alone again, we were suppose to work in teams, after he got back he wasn't working sterling either, I was trying to pay my bills and keep float, I didn't want to go to Sterling and have the same story over again. I kept hoping that Bob would step up to the plate and do what was right! NOT! Another guy came to work a few months earlier and was allowed to work in Greely and not go to Sterling. Rules different for me! It was very hard to stay motivated after all this crap! After that the company decided that everyone had to work together, Ft Morgan team and Sterling Team. I finally told Bobs boss Bruce that I didn't want to work with Bob and why! His boss Bruce acting caring and then they pulled a fast one on me. They told me to take a couple of weeks off and that I could go to work with them, they called me in one week not two and expected me to jump, which I did but they were trying to screw with me! I had to be in Sterling earlier than everyone else, there were 6 people trying to make money in this struggling town, and the Greely guy didn't get their til Wed. I had to go home Monday early due to problems with bank. I was tired of the whole thing, Bruce finally called me on Tuesday not to ask me how I was or if he could do anything to help me. But to terminate me! It was okay for Bob and The other guy to have personal problems but not me especially after all my money was gone! Oh your not producing enough! Sterling was a struggling town! No one else was out there either! It was like I was home doing whatever I did! I was trying to survive! This company is a big disorganized bunch of junk! I had talk to others that had gone through the same thing! There was usually a guy from Texas that would call and ask about the training, and how we felt about it for me he never did follow though! I wonder why? Bruce was in Ft Morgan a few miles away and he never checked to make sure I was okay! But Everything is my fault! Bob never in Sterling is still with the company and Greely guy is still with the Company, But Linda Gets Terminated! Imagine that! Never work for this company the rules are different if you are a woman! promise and never deliver! This company is just like the rest! a big fat recycling barrel! I took pride in the product and company and all I got was Shit! BEWARE BEWARE of BOB and BRUCE Run as fast as you can! I have to terminate you Linda? They all had problems and did things, but the rules were different for Linda? This company just doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves! Well Linda Has better things in her Horizons! But Beware of These People! Save yourselves, your trust, your money, and your sanity! Just stay away from them! Oh But if your a man you might be okay! Bob did say things to me that were not proper, I have them on tape but I won't go there! |