Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Paradise Canyon Vacations - Winnipeg- $10,000 Scam - I-N
Paradise Canyon Vacations - Winnipeg- $10,000 Scam - I-N
16th of May, 2012 by sam1antha_fox40
Paradise Canyon Vacations - Winnipeg- $10,000 Scam - I-N

1021 Court Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba

NOEL CELL NUMBER 204-229-6527
OFFICE NUMBER 204-453-8142

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It looks like the president of must be enjoying his
free $10,000 travel membership along with seeing how
they removed all negative posts concerning Paradise Canyon
Vacation, except for Gaga's post on with her malicious
slander. But we all know who is Gaga is her name is Sega, the
250 pound wanna be model, who bought the stolen laptop brand new
in the box for $100 off anohter co worker. Yet slanders other
iinocent co workers. are you aware that when Noel was
approached about Loren selling stolen xbox, playstation wii games
and blu ray movies, that Noel the manager said it was ok as long
as employees got good prices, and that Dave, Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left is Lorens best customer. Thats right you keep protecting sleazy crooked call centers, funny
how you have few hundred posts on Vector knives in winnipeg, but
won't post Paradise Canyon Vacation, whats the matter your president
dont need a set of cheap $100 knives. Your supposed to be a trusted
relaiable job site yet you are crooked just like and , join the lick the urinals at the
Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre club along with your other crooked
so called trusted sites.

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- I would say watch out

New Member

Joined: Sep 2010
Posts: 2

Actually. I have been doing some research of my own. I got this call from these
guys last week. Becasue I grew up around the Lethbridge I was quite curious when
they told me their name. I asked flat out if they were affiliated with the
Lethbridge Paradise Canyon and the lady on the phone stumbbled to give me an
answer. That is where I started being skeptical. I asked them where they are
from and the lady told me she was calling from Winnipeg Manitoba. But the area
code on the phone number was a 403(southern alberta area code)

The Paridise Canyon in Lethbridge is a VERY nice place. Yes they have had some
problems with buildings and even part of their course sliding into the Milk River.
But they try to have that fixed up asap and they are very professional. Yes they have
an RCI timeshare system and on their website they even sell vacations. They call there
travel section of the company Paradise Canyon Travel. NOT PARADISE CANYON VACATIONS.

I just got the confirmation email and it looks cheap. They have photo shopped Paradise
Canyons Logo onto it and it looks bad. If you go to the actual paradise canyon website
it looks nice. Do you actually think that a company with such a good reputation around
their community would make up such a crappy email when they have obviously spent good
money on a nice well done website. I dont think so.

This Paradise Vacations company, I would gather, is no better than one of those lame
Vacation Faxes that comes across the machine once a month.
I wouldnt do it....... would you?

In closing haha. If you are ever in Lethbridge give Paradise canyon a try. especially
if you are a golfer. Very nice. The the housing area is clean and and cookie cutter
houses adds a nice feel for the community they are trying to uphold. But this other
"vacations company" I would say watch out. I am going to call the actual Paradise
Canyon tomorrow to find out more info and I will post another novel for you.
HAHA Cheers.

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- giving them a miss

Zoe Bell
bored desk monkey

Joined: Apr 2007
Location: TORONTO- yay!!!
Posts: 2,480

Well if that's the quality of their sales team I'll be giving them a miss

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Is Abby from The Minor Volleyball Association Dave's woman

That is the question we all have been asking at the Paradise Canyon
Vacation call center in Winnipeg. Abby came to us from The winnipeg
Minor Volleyball Association and like Dave, who is Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left, Abby is Luke's right hand girl who
sometimes uses her left also. Like dave she also likes to show off
her tattoos, unfortunately Noel had to let Abby go along with hundreds
of other tele marketers this year,the joke at Paradise canyon vacation
is that human resources is a revolving door, employees come and go
like Walmart shoppers. "thank you for shopping Walmart or is that
tahnk you for dropping into Paradise canyon Vacation", We would like
to thank Abby for informing us that Noel may soon be changing the name
of Paradise canyon vacation like he has done twicew before like Abby
has told us. Wait isn't this what scam companies do every few months
after people catch on to them. Than you Abby for getting us the inside
scoop from your new man Dave, lastly Abby has told us how Dave wants to
go and harass ex employees at home for going on line and warning people
about Paradise canyon Vacation, isn't this what the mafia does pay a
visit to your home.

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- Is Darcy Alan's woman???

At the very back of the Paradise Canyon Vacation call
centre you can find Darcy a governement social worker
and Alan an over exhausted warehouse worker all alone
the only 2 workers in the corner. They never get any
work done becuase Darcy is too busy discussing her
personal life with Alan who when not asleep at his desk
may listen, and crying about all her stuff in storage
for the past 2 years. But there is hope for these 2 love
birds because Alan is collecting $2.00 a week from workers
for the Lotto 649 hoping one day soon to win the big one
so that he can buy a big house so that Darcy and all her
furniture and belongings in storage can move in with him.

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- Is Edna Noel's woman?????

Is Edna Noel's woman? That is the question all are asking
at the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center in Winnipeg. It
seems that Noel has been firing his own people Filipinos
even Brian who has been with Noel for 3 years. But Noel is
protecting Edna, giving Edna easy rebooks, and expo sheets.
Noel even has Catherine and especially Debbie the supervisors
making certain that Edna and her friend Laura are taken care
of, Edna doesn't have to tell callers that the supervisor will
call them back, she raises her hand and Debbie or Catherine
come running to close the lead and give the confirmation
number, while other tele marketers lose leads because people
don’t answer the return calls. Edna brags about her $1,000
commission in less than 6 months, but she has Catherine and
Debbie wiping her ass and wiping Laura's ass to ensure sales
and not having missed calls. paradise Canyon Vacation does
a lot of favoritism while other call agents work 5 times harder.
It's unusual that Noel has fired just about all the female
Filipino tele marketers but Edna, If I was Noel's wife I
would be questioning Noel as to why Debbie and Catherine are
wiping Edna's ass guaranteeing her sales, and why Noel is firing
his own Filipino people.

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- is it worth my while?

New Member

Joined: Mar 2011
Posts: 1


Yes this is one of the first hits that comes up when you
google Paradise Canyon Vacations.

I was invited to one of these presentations and while I
could never afford to buy in (University student) I was
going to go for the 2 free nights in a hotel.

Did anyone else go to a presentation and actually get this
offering? Is it worth my precious homework time?

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- Going For The Gifts

New Member

Joined: Aug 2010
Posts: 1


I actually received a call and my husband and I are
going to an informational seminar tomorrow night. I
have no intentions of purchasing anything at all. I
am only going to receive the 2 free hotel nights.
Did you receive this also? Anyhow good luck to you if
you decide to do it. We do travel, but there is no way
I am paying thousands of dollars to belong to a travel
"club". Take care and good luck!

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- free hotel nights?

Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester to Alberta, but now beautiful Nova Scotia!
No, I didnt get the free hotel nights.

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- Is Ms Soldier the mechanics woman???

We mentioned Darcy and Alan in the back corner alone, but
further up neat to Noel's desk, we have Ms Soldier another
rich like Darcy government social worker and the mechanic,
who in fact actually is a mechanic for Mr. Lube and
interestingly enough looks just like Charles Bronson.What
is it with these lonely female government social worker,
always looking for men, do they stay too late at the office
every night?
On with Ms Soldier, one particular night the mechanic wasn't
feeling too so he said, Ms Soldier voluntered to drive him
home at break, and she never returned that night or a few days
to be accurate. Rumours were spreading around the call center
like wild fire, Debbie the supervisor was saying that they both
eloped, others were saying that the mechanic was giving Ms Soldier
a well needed long overdue oil change. However Ms. Soldier and her
new man the mechanic finally returned to work, we beleive that they
drove to Las vegas and got married at a Marriage Drive by stand
while filling up their car at the same time. We can just see Ms
Soldier saying "fil er up , check the oil and a marriage license
on the side".

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Is Wendy Ozzie's woman

Mts Osbourne employee finds true love at Paradise Canyon
Vacation call centre, Ozzie a tall black anorexic man,
who we nick name foghorn leghorn after the rooster on
bugs bunny cartoons because he is loud and never shuts
up. This Ozzie rooster once strayed away from mother hen
Wendy and went to greener pastures to strut his stuff
with Tyler's auntie her daughter and 1/2 her basketball
team in the corner on the opposite side of the call center
floor. I guess Ozzie wanted the young hens over WQendy the
more mature fat mother hen. One night Noel said he expects
everyone at work unless thier sick or pregnant and Wendy
replied "I look pregnant", she does look like a beach ball.
It seemed that Ozzie got lonely for his main squeeze and
beleive me there is alot to squeeze Wendy and returned to his
usual spot next to the window, we knew it was love when we
saw that Wendy left Ozzie her phone number on the window
ledge next to his coffee cup, we guess it was a welcome
home present.

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The rooster is in the hen house

Foghorn leghorn or Ozzie an MTS Winnipeg Osbourne call centre
employee named after the bugs bunny cartoon rooster because he
is so loud and never shuts up. We believe Ozzie aka foghorn
leghorn has been sneaking into the hen house serenading a mature
hen by the name of Wendy the Horrible because of her high shrieking
voice that can wake the dead. Who is just as loud if not louder than
Ozzie. Every so often they have their lovers quarrles and Ozzie will
tell Wendy to not talk to him. Rumour has it in the call centre that
they must have kissed and made up because Wendy left her phone number
for ozzie on the window ledge next to his coffee cup. Does this mean
that Ozzie now has two women, Wendy and his girlfriend who he brags is
making $35 an hour as an xray technician. Will Ozzie be leaving his
young wife for a hungry cougar and grandmother. It seems that this
rooster is now going after more experienced mature hens.

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- It's a family affair

Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre is like one big happy family,
out to scam you out of $10,000. The head of the Matriarch is Catharine
now the supervisor who calls and gives you your confirmation number,
will tell you to enjoy and leave your money at home. Then there is
Tyler, Noel's little pet, whom Noel protects by giving him the easy
expo sheets and rebooks, we always wondered why Tyler’s nose was
always so brown. Then there's Tyler's Auntie who is the coach of a
women’s basketball team who brings with her 1/2 her team along with
her anorexic daughter, how wonderful now you got a mother and son team
scamming people and a mother and daughter team scamming people as well,
then there’s Catherine's daughter Laura who's been away for a while,
and then this other girl that we all believe she is single because she
always wears dresses showing off her cleavage. Beware the Catherine
clan, especially her son Tyler with the brown nose, he is a very smooth
talker and wants to make his momma proud by trying to scam as many people
as he can out of $10,000.

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- Just Say "NO"

Help us to help others so they don't get scammed by the professional
Tele-marketing scammers, if you been scammed into a presentation, or
had a bad experience with Paradise Canyon Vacations, please post a
reply and join our community, check your contract you may have 5
days for a refund like some other time share contract, don't sign
any contracts till you bring it first to your lawyer, is it worth
$10,000 to $15,000 per $50 month for 20 years on top of the $3,500
initial start up cost for something you can do yourself for free,
shopping around is still free.

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- Lavatory tips

Lavatory Tips From One Paradise Canyon Vacation employee Who Knows

Submitted by Tele marketer Laura on Tue, 24/11/2011 - 15:26 //

Manager's note: this was submitted yesterday as a comment on our
discussion about improving Paradise Canyon Vacation toilets.

Good advice below; worthy of being an article on its own.

I work as a tele marketer for Paradise Canyon Vacation call center
a major rci time share company call center.

Here are a few tips for all you lavatory-phobes.

First of all: do not touch anything. As you enter the dreaded lav, grab a tissue and use it to lock the door,
to turn on the sink, and especially to open the door when you leave. Also, bring hand sanitizer with you.
Call centers may look clean, but think about the sheer amount of human traffic dropping germs everywhere.
I'm shocked to see how few tele marketers clean their hands. It's happened a few times that we had to put
little disposable handwipes in the lav when the sink was broken. And at the end of those shifts, it's
surprising how few of them have been used.

Second piece of advice: wear shoes! I am always shocked to see how many people go into the lav without shoes
or socks on. Don't they realize
that the liquid that permeates the floor is piss potpourri? So roll up your long pants before you enter!
The lavs rarely get disinfected.
Between most shifts, Noel is on a tight schedule and barely has the time to give the place more that a
quick once-over.

Next piece of advice is to remember that not all the lavs in a call center are the same. If you are a person with
a disability, or if you are obese, or if you need to help another worker to use the lav, most call centers have
special features to help you.
For instance, many have curtains that can be closed for privacy if ever the lav door must stay open to accommodate
more that one tele marketer. Some lavs even have removable walls. Also, there is usually at least one lav with a
baby change table.

(Just remember that it's covered with dangerous fecal bacteria -- line it with seat covers or something.)
And don't be embarrassed to

ask Dave or Noel for help -- we are used to such things.

My next piece of advice: time your washroom breaks carefully. The worst and busiest times to use the lav?
Right after the break is finished.

Another bad time, especially on a long call, is right before landing a lead, when we make the announcement
that Noel is about to throw 20

gallons on the floor to clean the bathrooms.

Everyone then goes to brush their teeth and curl their eyelashes. Another delicate time to go is when
we have our supervisors in the aisle.
You have to time it right or else you may get stuck at the back and have to wait till everyone else
finishes their service. If workers had to wait then run back and forth every time someone wanted
to go to or come back from the lav, we would never get anything done. So please, don't get nasty
if you do get stuck and end up shitting your drawers becuase all the bathrooms are full

My next suggestion is for those of you who may get stuck in a seat right next to a really smelly
lav: ask the the supervisors Dave, Catherine or Debbie for an unused pouch of coffee grounds to
hold close to your nose. It blocks almost any odor. I noticed that many Asian tele marketers like
Edna think ahead and bring those little facemasks that cover their nose and mouth, thus protecting
them from germs and odors. Pretty smart.

Finally, my best advice would be to not wait until the last minute to go -- even if that means
climbing over the big snoring co worker dude in the aisle [yes you Dave}.

It really sucks when your bladder is about to rupture and you got to keep dialing the phone for
the rest of the shift.

(By the way, that little dirty look from Noel means you CANNOT use the lav before break.)

Oh, and for those people who ask why the lavs are not scrubbed mid-shift, I have a pretty
good idea

theory: tele marketers are trained to fight fires, to treat any first-aid emergencies that may
occur while on the phone, to fight off terrorists, to scam thousands of dollars from callers in
minutes, to speak numerous languages, and to stay calm and smile during life or death disasters;
but we are NOT trained to clean dirty toilets! Would any other educated, rigorously-trained
career-people be expected to clean up crap during their fourteen-hour shift? I doubt it.

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- Like father like son

We called the owner of Paradise Canyon to discuss employees
selling stolen DVDs, Xbox games, play station games, and the
owner said he will fire anyone selling stolen goods on
company property, when we told the owner that Noel told our
cousin it was ok for employees to sell stolen goods as long
as employees get good prices. The owner backed off as if to
protect Noel yet he said he would fire anyone selling stolen
goods, now why doesn't he fire Noel for allowing employees
to sell stolen goods, all he said was that he would post a
memo and no one was fired. Noël, Rob, Loren should have been
fired along with Dave his assistant Loren's biggest customer
for buying stolen movies and games, Rob for selling $200
jerseys at $40 and Ozzie an MTs Winnipeg, osbourne employee
for buying 1 jersey a week from Rob. Noel slandered our cousin
by pretending to be an employee with malicious slander to
protect his sales, the owner, manager and employees are all
crooked, stay away

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- Men will be boys

BRAVE NEW Work Place

Boys told no standing to urinate

'It is a human right not to have to sit down like a girl'

'Standing room only' work place

It's an entirely new definition of "Standing Room Only." Or perhaps a new measure of

"equality" has arrived.

Whatever it is, it has sparked a huge political debate at Paradise Canyon Vacation call center

The trigger for the explosion of opinion? A decision in the Winnipeg district that male tele

marketers must sit on toilet seats when urinating, not stand.

According to the news report, the rule was announced for boys and men at Paradise canyon Vacation

call center, prompting outrage from workers.

Accusing the company of "fiddling with God's work," and now workers want the issue discussed at

the executive committee at Paradise Canyon Vacaton

"When men are not allowed to pee in the natural way, the way men have done for generations,

it is meddling with God's work,"

"It is a human right not to have to sit down like a girl," said Sinder senior employee on

his return from India.

Noel did say that the restrooms are used by both boys and girls, and the young boys are not

"good enough at aiming" in order to have "a pleasant toilet."

Paradise Canyon Vacation officials are still listening to opinions on the issue.

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- Mickey Mouse "watch out"

Paradise Canyon Vacation is out to scam Disneyland, it's
nice to know that the manager Noel can afford to take
his entire family including 12 kids to Disneyland. This is
just one of many extravagant vacations he takes every other
month, which he boasts how cheaply he gets it for. The
average family has never ever been to Disneyland with their
1-2 children, yet the manager of Paradise canyon Vacation
goes 3-4 times a year to Disneyland with 12 children, and his
wife's family and their 10 children, when you’re scamming people
$10,000 to $15,000 per travel membership you can afford to raise
a whole army of kids. So you wonder why the membership is so
expensive, it's not cheap to fly 22 kids and 4 or more adults to
see Mickey and Minnie Mouse and stay at the Disneyland resort for
2 weeks, all thanks to the members who paid $10,000 to $15,000,
it seems the only one getting the net prices is Noel, everyone
else is getting prices just as cheap or cheaper if they shopped
around. Let us Just hope that Mickey and Minnie mouse have hidden
their nest egg of cheese so that they too don't get conned into
attending a free presentation and get scammed out of $10,000 to
$15,000 for the membership.
Don't be fooled it is $10,000 to $15,000 with a lengthy contract to
sign. $3,500 not refundable and $40 t0 $60 a month for 20 years.
Tele marketers calling you will offer you 2 free gifts which are
2 free night hotel stay and a free dinner for 2, the presentation
will not mention the $10,000 to $15,000 membership fee, you only
find this out after the salesman arrives at your home. Yes the
pressentation is free, tele markers will call you and say
"leave your money at home, is strictly information only, i'm not
calling to sell you anything". The travel prices are just as
expensive if not cheaper if you shop around or go on line. All
you get is a membership nothing more to show, at least with
magazine companies for $1,200 they send you a $5 diamond watch.

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Minor Volleyball Association

It seems that Paradise canyon Vacation and the Minor
Vollleyball Association in Winnipeg maybe be working
hand in hand. Apparently Abby, Lukes right hand girl
who sometimes uses her left was employed with the
Paradise Canyon Vacation call center October 2011,
and like Paradise Canyon Vacation the Mionor Volleyball
Association also call people mostly businesses
looking for money, $200 to sponsor a child or $300 a
team. Would you trust the Minor Volleyball Association
if their assistant was working with Paradise Canyon
the tarvel company that is a timseshare but denies
it, they dont tell people it is $10,000 to $15,000
till the salesman arrives at your home. Abby went to
Paradise Canyon to get tips on how to scam people for
her company, also Abby told us that Paradise Canyon
Vacation may soon change its name due to internet
bad publicity or should we say the truth coming out.
When you support the Minor Volleyball association you
also support Paradise Canyon Vacation.

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Noel aka Harvey Dent

I worked for Paradise canyon vacation, and so did 3/4 the population
of winnipeg and surrounding suburbs, you could say they had a revolving
door when it came to employees. Just like Walmart's revolving door the
only diffrence is that at walmart people still walked out happy. On to
Noel , the manager of Paradise Canyon Vacation like Harvey Dent he too
seemed nice at first, but when you got to know him you saw his mean,
ruthless , malicious other side that is taken over by greed and
money. That is why employees at Paradise Canyon vacation call him
2 face. He will treat pet employees better and give them easy rebook
and expo sheets like Ozzie and MTS employee who Noel has been
suspiciously on several occasions paying him cash Thursday night when
all other employees were given pay cheques, even Edna was seen given cash
from Noel also. Noel every 2 weeks does what he calls "cleaning house"
or firing people, he even fires his own Filipino people like Brian who was
with him for 4 years, Brian even asked him "why you firing me, othjer people
have less sales thgan me?', Noel kisses ass to Tyler, catherine' son gives
him all the easy expo sheets and rebooks while other tele marketers have
to do the hard dirty work. If thats not enough of a slap in the face to
employees how about Noel calling the police on his own employees when they
come to pick up their final pay cheques, threatening and using scare tactics
telling his employees that the police will be waiting for them when they get
home, accusing employees of going on line telling the truth about Paradise
Canyon Vacation. This happened to a family member, we called the police station
and then went doen in person to investigate, there was no report it was all lies
on Noel's part the scum bag,and the police station said the internet is free
speech, freedom of speech. Noel fired 3/4 the city of winnipeg, he has to expect
a few thousand unhappy employees. Like Harvey Dent, Paradise canyon vacation is
also involved in crime, when our cousin approached and asked Noel about Loren
selling stolen xbox,playstaion, wii games and blue ray movies Noel said it was
alright as long as employees got good prices. Is this the kind of company you
want to hand over $10,000 to for a travel membership with prices just the
same if you shopped around for free.

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- Noel aka two face

Noel will lie to you right to your face, that is one of the qualities
for scamming people out of $10,000 to $15,000. Also Noel will go on
line pretending to be an ex employee like he did with Gaga aka Sega
to say hurtful and very malicious things about ex employees trying
to protect his sales on,.Our cousin offered Noel antivirus
to borrow for one night, after 3 weekends of Noel saying " I didn’t
get around to it" he asked Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left, and Dave said that Noel is a procrastinator and that
he himself lent Noel a movie and it took him a year and he still
didn’t get it back. Not returning something someone lent you is just
like stealing, and is a power control sickness. Dave told Noel he
needed the software, Noel then just dropped it on his desk. Since
then Noel has been lying to our cousin, when he approached Noel for
trade show sheets, Noel said he didn’t have any, yet Noel would get
up and pass trade show sheets around, Another time when asked Noel
said he didn’t have any but gave Ozzie 2 sheets. Noel was not the
same since returning the antivirus and was no longer talking to our
cousin, and eventually fired him, while giving other employees the
easy trade show sheets. When Noel's boss Rod was called Rod said
trade show sheets were only for callers with high lead volumes, but
on his last night there he saw Tyler’s aunt who was also given a 1
week termination to sign with a trade show sheet, Noel was protecting
Tyler’s aunt from being fired. Noel is a lying scum, and two faced who
will lie right to your face. Is this the kind of man you want to hand
over $10,000 to $15,000 for travel membership, if this is how Noel
treats his own employees then how does he treat his paying members.
You’re better off flushing $10,000 down the toilet then give it to
Paradise Canyon vacation.

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- Noel can sniff Gaga's aka Sega’s Panties

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites.
Employees like Allbladerss and gaga come out of the wood word to protect
their jobs, Especially Gaga aka Sega trying to slander innocent workers,
whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth, that Paradise Canyon
Vacation don't tell you till the salesman arrives at your home that it’s
$10,000 to $15,000 for the travel membership, and tell you completely
different at the presentations. Noel fired a whole bunch of people like
he does every other week, "cleaning house" as he says, Noel has pissed
off many if not hundreds of ex employees including his own Filipino
people. So who is Gaga aka Sega to accuse of going on line you skank.
Allgallbalderss and gaga aka Sega you can both go and eat the shit out of
Paradise Canyon toilets call centre, because your both a piece of shit like
the rest of them, gaga aka Sega is the biggest turd of them all slandering
other employees but gaga aka Sega didn’t mention that Noel the manager said
it was ok for employees to sell stolen Xbox, playstaion games as long as
employees got good prices, funny how gaga left that part out Gaga you enjoy
trying to scam innocent people out of $10,000 dollars, next time you two are
on the phone, just tell the truth and tell the people its $3,500 down not
refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh and don't forgot the lengthy
contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss when you can do this, then you can
tell people to eat your shit, till then you and Gaga keep licking the urinals
at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre. Gaga it’s easy to talk trash about
others, when Noel is paying you to protect his sales, so don't give us the
bull shit you came on your own to shit on employees, by the way Gaga aka Sega
that smell you talk about was not the worker riding his bike to work he brought
fresh clothes with him, that smell was of dead fish coming from your panties,
go and see a doctor for yeast infection you skank, or better still have a bake
sale don't forget to invite Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his
left to the bake sale Dave just loves fish smelling cream pies.

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- Noel slanders employees

Noel posted the malicious mean lying post against our cousin posing
as "Gaga" aka Sega on an ex female employee who says she
worked for Paradise Canyon Vacation call center for 3 months, yet
funny doesn't leave her real name; a real ex employee would not be
afraid to leave their real name, Gaga aka Sega is a 250 pound female
from Trinadad and Tobago who used to come in to work in tight clothes
trying to hide her fat pretending to be Kim Kardashian or a model
wanna be, this post is either Noel or someone he paid to go online.
Yes Paradise Canyon Vacation is $10,000 to $15,000 to join which they
don’t tell you until the salesman arrives at your
house, completely contradictory from what is said at the free
presentations. It is $3,500 down non refundable and $40 t0 $60 per
month for 20 years and let’s not forget the lengthy contract you have
to sign. Noel was aware for years about stolen Xbox, play station and
pc games and movies being sold by Loren and stolen sports jerseys by
Rob valued at $200 selling for $40 to $60, when approached about the
stolen DVDs and Xbox games he said it was ok as long as employees
get good prices. Now what kind of business allows for stolen goods
to be sold on company property. As for the employees, yes there are
very rich people including government employees, including Ozzie an
MTS, Winnipeg Osbourne sales rep, whose been buying Robs sports
jerseys at the rate of 1 per week, and Dave his right hand man who
sometimes uses his left is one of Loren’s biggest customers. Whatever
Noel said about our cousin is all lies to protect Paradise Canyon
Vacation, check out trip advisor to read the truth about Paradise
Canyon Vacation. Noel is now paying his employees to protect his sales.
Noel impersonating as "Gaga" aka Sega on calls people mental
yet he approves of stolen goods in the call centre. and calling people
losers when Noel fires his own Filipino people, he is supposed to look
after his own people not crap on them. All Noel has written or has paid
one so called "Gaga" aka Sega to write is all lies. The truth is Noel
tried to steal our cousin’s antivirus which he lent Noel for one night
because Noel asked to use it, for 3 weeks Noel said he was too busy or
"I didn't get around to it" then our cousin asked Dave his assistant
or Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left to please ask for
it back, since then Noel has treated our cousin like crap, and eventually
fired him all because he asked for his software back, then he accused our
cousin of writing things on line and told our cousin that the police
will be waiting at his home when he gets home, this was all threats and
lies, the police station was not aware and said the internet was free
freedom of speech. Paradise canyon Vacation is like a revolving door
employees come and go every day, hundreds if not thousands of employees
have quit from that call centre. Noel I'm sure has fired thousands of
people, yet he blames our cousin all because he asked for his software
back, and because he didn't let Noel intimidate him by trying to steal
his software. Noel even calls the police on employees, a scare tactic.
Is this the kind of company you want your want one of your friends or
family members working for. This employee who wrote the blog is more
than likely Noel himself posing a "Gaga" aka Sega a past female
employee to slander our cousin and try to protect his sales. Now another
ex employee Abby, who is working for The Minor Volleyball Association in
Winnipeg tells us how Noel is getting Dave to do his dirty work for him,
Dave is Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left wants to go to
our cousins house, not enough 3 harassing phone calls during supper time,
seems they love to harass people during supper. What is next harass ex
employees at their jobs, Dave just worry about harassing callers and use
your scare tactics on them to make them cough up $10,000 to $15,000 for
your travel memberships which your tele marketers lie and say is free
till the salesman arrives at their homes.

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- October at Paradise Canyon Vacation

Moonlighting has its advantages just ask Abby, from
the Winnipeg Minor Volleyball Association, she was
having difficulty getting businesses to hand over
$200 per child and $300 per team. What better way
to learn to scam people than from the best, that is
why for a week in October 2011, Abby went to work
for Paradise canyon vacation to learn the ropes,
if they can scam callers out of $10,000 to $15,000
I'm sure they can teach Abby how to scam $200 to
$300 from businesses.

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- Abby Don't cry for Paradise Canyon Vacation

Abby actually worked for the Paradise canyon Vacation call center a week
the month of October 2011 and yes her real name is Abby, Winnipeg's
Minor Volleyball Association right hand girl who sometimes uses her
left from what we hear she got along very well with Dave, Noel's
right hand man who uses uses his left, was it love at first sight a
right hand man and right hand girl who sometimes both use their left.
She was practically crying running tears like a faucet with her little
red beatty watery eyes telling us how the internet posts is making people
aware of Paradise canyon Vacation and effecting its sales, and that Dave
her right hand man who sometimes uses his left and who by the way is also
Noel's right hand man who also uses his left was going to go to ex employees
homes to tell them to stop posting the inside scoop on Paradise Canyon
Vacation. It's nice to know that Paradise Canyon Vacation is not happy with
just firing employees , now they send Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left with his home made priosn tattoos to scare and bully employees at
their home. So nice to see Abby not worried about the innocent people being scammed
$10,000 and told the presentation is free till the salesman arrives at their home
with a lenghty contract asking $10,000 to $15,000 with $3,500 down not refundable
and $40 to $60 for the next 20 years, but instead Abby is crying for the crooked
management and its losing sales. Abby also did warn us that Dave Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left told her that Paradise canyon Vacation might be changing
their name soon due to public awareness of their scam .If Abby the the Winnipeg Minor
Volleyball Association right hand girl who sometimes uses her left supports this crooked
time share company,I would stay away from the Minor Volleyball Association and
Paradise Canyon Vacation.

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Dave tells Abby he wants to harass employee at home

We found out today Oct 26, 2011 that a Abby an ex female employee of
Paradise Canyon Vacation in Winnipeg now working for the Minor Volleyball
Association in Winnipeg as their right hand woman who sometimes
uses her left, worked and quit the same week of Oct 16-22, 2011 told
Abby told our family that Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left was threatening to go to our cousin's house, this is
beyond harassment, Noel fired alot of people, and some people are
fighting back on line, letting the truth be known. Right now
Dave is harassing our cousin with 3 phone calls , all 3 calls *57 was
pressed and the call traced back to the Winnipeg police department.
If Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left comes around
our cousin's house, our family will call his parole officer, and Dave can
go back to prison and get a few more home made oops prison made tattoos.

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Is Abby from The Minor Volleyball Association Dave's woman

That is the question we all have been asking at the Paradise Canyon
Vacation call center in Winnipeg. Abby came to us from The winnipeg
Minor Volleyball Association and like Dave, who is Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left, Abby is Luke's right hand girl who
sometimes uses her left also. Like dave she also likes to show off
her tattoos, unfortunately Noel had to let Abby go along with hundreds
of other tele marketers this year,the joke at Paradise canyon vacation
is that human resources is a revolving door, employees come and go
like Walmart shoppers. "thank you for shopping Walmart or is that
tahnk you for dropping into Paradise canyon Vacation", We would like
to thank Abby for informing us that Noel may soon be changing the name
of Paradise canyon vacation like he has done twicew before like Abby
has told us. Wait isn't this what scam companies do every few months
after people catch on to them. Than you Abby for getting us the inside
scoop from your new man Dave, lastly Abby has told us how Dave wants to
go and harass ex employees at home for going on line and warning people
about Paradise canyon Vacation, isn't this what the mafia does pay a
visit to your home.

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Minor Volleyball Association

It seems that Paradise canyon Vacation and the Minor
Vollleyball Association in Winnipeg maybe be working
hand in hand. Apparently Abby, Lukes right hand girl
who sometimes uses her left was employed with the
Paradise Canyon Vacation call center October 2011,
and like Paradise Canyon Vacation the Mionor Volleyball
Association also call people mostly businesses
looking for money, $200 to sponsor a child or $300 a
team. Would you trust the Minor Volleyball Association
if their assistant was working with Paradise Canyon
the tarvel company that is a timseshare but denies
it, they dont tell people it is $10,000 to $15,000
till the salesman arrives at your home. Abby went to
Paradise Canyon to get tips on how to scam people for
her company, also Abby told us that Paradise Canyon
Vacation may soon change its name due to internet
bad publicity or should we say the truth coming out.
When you support the Minor Volleyball association you
also support Paradise Canyon Vacation.

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Paradise Canyon Vacation to change it's name

Oct 26, 2011 we have the inside scoop, from Abby the
Winnipeg Minor Volleyball Association right hand girl
who sometimes uses her left was an employee of the
Paradise Canyon Vacation Winnipeg call center kicked
out after a week in October of 2011, she told our
family that Paradise Canyon vacation is thinking of
changing its name because of all the internet posts,
better news still she told us that they changed their
name twice before. Isn't that would tele solutions does,
change their name every few months,isn't this something
that scam companies only do, to continue scamming people,
look at Edna, she uses Ella, Jenna and Britney so people
dont catch on to her.
Help us to help others, warn others that Paradise Canyon
Vacation will be changing their name, just like Tele
solutions the magazine company does every few months,but
the presentations will still be an hour, and the 2 free
night hotel stay and dinner for two should remain the same.
they are getting desperate and want to scam people out of
$10,000, be aware and dont beleive any vacation offers over
the phone and stay away from the Minor Volleyball Association,
now that Abby has learned the ropes from Paradise Canyon
Vacation on how to get money from callers.

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- Oh Come All Yee Roaches

Whenever Paradise Canyon Vacation calls it is just like Christmas time,
perhaps they should answer their calls with a "ho ho ho" because they will
offer you so many gifts just to attend their 1 hour presentation.

1) 2 free night hotel stay, 30 hotels right across North America
2) Dinner for 2, usually Boston Pizza they claim $50
3) $1,000 gift voucher, towards the services after you spend $10,000
4) Draw for 7 day resort stay
5) Boat cruise, yearly draw prize

They give like Santa but save like Scrooge, the owner and manager
call the people who come out to the presentation/expo for the free dinner
for 2 and 2 free night hotel stay "roaches” and they don't like people
coming out to the presentation/expo for just the free gifts. Then why do
they make the tele marketers tell the people about the gifts, and then
insult the people for showing up to receive the gifts they were promised
on the phone. All they want is $10,000 to $15,000 for their membership
for vacation prices one can get cheaper or just as cheap if they shop
around. The gifts, coupons are not given the same night, you have to
fill out a registration form and wait 2-3 weeks in the mail. Yet they
want people to show up sometimes the very same night for their
presentation, but you have to wait 2-3 weeks, that is if you receive
your gifts. One lady received the 2 free night’s hotel but had to fly
to Florida from Alberta to use it, and pay her own air fare, you can't
just pick and chose which hotel you want to stay at, depending on where
it is, it may cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars to get to
the hotel destination. As for the $1,000 gift voucher that is only after
you have given the salesman a non refundable cheque for $3,500 and sign
the lengthy contract to pay $40 to $60 a month for the next 20 years. In
the long run coming out for the free gifts is not so free after all.

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- One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

I worked at the Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre in Winnipeg,
and it was just like being in the movie "one flew over the cuckoos
nest", but unfortunately there were more than one cuckoo. There
were people selling stolen sports jerseys like Rob, and others like
Loren selling stolen Xbox, play station, pc games and blue ray movies,
Loren we believe spent 1/2 of his time behind bars when not at work
for days on end. Then we have a tall black anorexic man from the
MTS Osbourne Winnipeg call center, Ozzie who loves to brag how he
is making $20 an hour at MTs and his girlfriend $35 working with x-rays,
and he just can't stop talking about the house he bought, and what does
Ozzie aka Chris do with all his money, buys stolen sports jerseys
from Rob at the rate of 1 per week, so know you know what happens
when you pay your MTS bill, employees like Ozzie buy stolen sports
jerseys. When approached about the stolen Xbox games Noel said it was
alright as long as employees got good prices Then we have the warden
Noel who loves to fire people every other week "cleaning house" as he
calls it, and lastly his right hand man Dave, who sometimes uses his l
eft, with his prison tattoos he blends in nicely with Rob and Loren,
we call them the 3 amigos, that is just the tip of the iceberg, n
ow you see why we call the Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre
"a few flew over the cuckoo’s nest"

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- Out of the woodwork

Paradise canyon vacation is getting its rich MTS sales rep from Osbourne
Winnipeg Ozzie and it's government social workers lets not forget Gaga
aka Sega to go online and try to save the company, the bottom-line is,
they are all lying to the people they call. Tell them the presentation
is free don’t bring any money. When the membership is $10,000 to $15,000
and you can get the same deal if not cheaper if you shop around. When
you come to the presentation for the 2 free gifts, Noel the manager and
the owner says you are roaches, but they want your $10,000 and insult the
people for coming to the presentation for the gifts they were promised.
Is this the kind of company you want to give $10,000 to, who calls people
names and thinks of people as roaches? The shady employees are coming on
line to protect their sales, the same employees who are buying stolen
sports jerseys from Rob valued at $200 for $40, and stolen Xbox , play
station, pc games from Loren, this is ok for the manager Noel when a
approached said it was ok as long as employees get good prices. So
when you read or see posts from Paradise Canyon trying to protect Paradise
Canyon and slander the employees for speaking out, it is more likely Noel
the manager trying to protect his job and sales.

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- Paradise Canyon Vacation is paying

Is Paradise Canyon Vacation paying is protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation
and allowing them to keep on scamming people for
$10,000 to $15,000, for travel services people
can get just as cheap or cheaper if they shop
around, is allowing Gaga from Paradise
Canyon Vacation in Winnipeg call centre to slander
employees with mean malicious lies, yes you "GAGA"
aka Sega to protect their scam sales, Gaga why
didn't you mention that for years Rob and Loren have
been selling stolen Xbox, play station pc games and
blue ray movies along with stolen sports jerseys,
and by the way Gaga aka Sega the person you’re
slandering Mike our family and cousin when he
questioned Noel about the stolen Xbox games being
sold by Loren, Noel told our cousin it was alright
as long as employees got good prices, Gaga aka Sega
you like to slander our cousin Mike but like to
leave out employees buying and selling stolen goods. `
Is this what is about slandering employees,
instead of posting corporate is the only
web site that has taken down virtually all complaints
about Paradise Canyon Vacation, only allowing other
employees to post malicious lies like skanks named
"Gaga" aka Sega, is not supposed to take
4665 days ago by Jkdgwe
2012Sorching summer comes, in order to thank everyone, characteristic, novel style, varieties, low price and good quality, and the low sale price. Thank everyone

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans, LV, Coogi jeans, Affliction jeans

$30 Air Jordan shoes, Shox shoes, Gucci, LV shoes

50%Discount winter fashion :Sandle, t-shirt, caps, jerseys, handbag and brand watches!!!

$15 Ed Hardy, LV, Gucci Bikini

$15 Polo, Ed Hardy, Gucci, LV, Lacoste T-shirts

$25 Coach, Gucci, LV, Prada, Juicy, Chanel handbag,

$10 Gucci, Ed Hardy sunglasses

$9 New Era caps.

give you the unexpected harvest

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

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