Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Paradise canyon vacation Scam protecting protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation
11th of Nov, 2011 by samantha_fox19
Paradise Canyon Vacation Scam protecting protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation

It looks like the president of must be enjoying his
free $10,000 travel membership along with seeing how
they removed all negative posts concerning Paradise Canyon
Vacation, except for Gaga's post on with her malicious
slander. But we all know who is Gaga is her name is Sega, the
250 pound wanna be model, who bought the stolen laptop brand new
in the box for $100 off another co worker. Yet slanders other
innocent co workers. are you aware that when Noel was
approached about Loren selling stolen xbox, playstation wii games
and blu ray movies, that Noel the manager said it was ok as long
as employees got good prices, and that Dave, Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left is Lorens best customer. That's right you keep protecting sleazy crooked call centers, funny
how you have few hundred posts on Vector knives in Winnipeg, but
won't post Paradise Canyon Vacation, whats the matter your president
don't need a set of cheap $100 knives. Your supposed to be a trusted
reliable job site yet you are crooked just like and , join the lick the urinals at the
Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre club along with your other crooked
so called trusted sites.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures

4883 days ago by Samantha_fox19
- Scam sites protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation

-, and are all licking
Paradise Canyon Vacation's balls, removing all negative posts about Paradise
Canyon Vacation, for your information this travel
company which denies being a timeshare company even though Noel told us
co workers that members receive enough free points to only stay 2 weeks at a
time share resort and Noel said that the company finances the $10, 000 to
$15, 000 like a bank financing a car loan, as for shady when our cousin
approached and asked Noel about Loren one of it's employees selling stolen
xbox, playstation, wii games and blu ray movies Noel said it was ok as long
as employees got good prices. you go ahead and protect crooked companies and let
innocent people get scammed, how much did Paradise Canyon Vacation pay you
to remove the posts, did they give your President a free $10, 000 memebership??
There are enough urinals for you to lick at the Paradise Canyon vacation
call center join and, thats all you crooked sites
are good for taking bribes to remove crooked comapny posts. For every negative
post you guys take down 100 more will go up to replace them. The internet is
freedom of speech and you crooked sites like yours aree only working for
big corporations not the little people.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures

... can kiss our a-s-s-e-s for your information Paradise Canyon Vacation
is keeping information from the public, not telling callers that the
travel membewrships are $10, 000 to $15, 000, another thing when the manager Noel was approached about Loren
an employee selling stolen xbox, play station, wii games and blue ray
movies, Noel said it was ok as long as employees got good prices.
So your trying to protect Paradise canyon Vacation so they can keep
ripping people off, and keep selling stolen goods on company property.
You are like protecting crooked companies who cry about losing
sales they get from misguiding information. the
internet is freedom of speech, as we were told by the police station
when Noel used scare tactics accusing him of posting blogs when Noel
fired thousands of employees, "cleaning house" so Noel says every other
week. His own Filipino people he shits on and there are many angry
Filipinos. go ahead and post :

"In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright
Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the
DMCA complaint that caused the removal(s) at"

Thats right keep trying to take away the peoples right to free speech online to
speak out and be heard about shady, crooked companies. Your only making a fool of
yourselves just like removing all the Paradise Canyon Vacation complaints,
for every post took down 100 more will go up to replace them, so
you can go and join and go lick the urinals at the Paradise
Canyon Vacation call center. How do you like that for freedom of internet speech

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


Paradise Canyon Vacation is now paying, they have
removed at least 8 pages of complaints from their website, just like and pretending to be a trusted site
being aided by in the protection of crooked companies.
So the president of was also given a $10, 000 travel
membership to remove all negative posts from the website and not allow new
complaints against Paradise Canyon Vacation, for your informtaion when the manager Noel was approached about Loren an
employee selling stolen xbox, playstation wii games and blu ray movies Noel
said it was ok as long as employees got good prices also they are misleading
the public with their presentations and not telling people its $10, 000 to
$15, 000 membership fee. Here are 2 valid and legitimate complaints from
very trusted websites, and also

- Yes, it is a scam.

New Member

Joined: May 2010
Posts: 1

Yes, it is a scam. We attended the presentation, which sounded
somewhat legitimate, so we tried the follow-up one-to-one.
The latter was with "Jack", the worst salesperson on earth.
He was rude, evasive, and condescending. He would not directly
answer our questions. I could go on and on. But in short: Run for
the hills, folks. And yes, they DO sell your private information.
I've already received junk mail for more "exciting presentations",
addressed directly to me. Since they are a member of the Better
Business Bureau (4 complaints in the year since they became
members should be a tip-off), I might be the 5th complainant
if the junk mail doesn't stop or if I start receiving calls.

- Yes It Is A SCAM!!!

Posts: 1

31 March 2011, 1:24

I got suckered and yes it is a scam! Paradise Canyon
Vacations "deals" are no better then anywhere else and
in some cases we found Paradise Canyon Vacation trips
to be more expensive then our friends who would just
book through a travel agent.
At the Paradise Canyon Vacation SCAM presentation
they constantly tell you how you can get great rates
(like $200/wk) at great places all over the world
without blackout dates. Using this company I've
never paid less then $1300/wk!! The best times to
travel are ALWAYS BLACKED OUT at Paradise
Canyon Vacations!
I travel a lot and I save VERY little using
Paradise Canyon Vacations
kerisosh's plug is a direct quote from the sales pitch!
It's all bulls**t and it's bad for you!!

at least they didn't take down the posts like your crooked site. you say yopu are a trusted site yet you delete
complaints, you can join and
and lick the urinals at the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center.
For every post you take down 100 more will go up to replace them
you think you can save Paradise canyon vacation so they can go on
scamming and misleading, the internet is here to protect innocent
people from losing $10, 000 to $15, 000 to rci time share companies
pretending to be a travel membership service. Noel said to the
workers that members get enough points to stay 2 weeks at a
timeshare resort, and also Noel told the workers that Paradise
Canyon vacation is like a bank financing the $10, 000 to $15, 000
also Noel said that Paradise Canyon Vacation is an affiliate of rci.

- For your entertainment please check out these pictures

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx protecting protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation

It looks like the president of must be enjoying his
free $10, 000 travel membership along with seeing how
they removed all negative posts concerning Paradise Canyon
Vacation, except for Gaga's post on with her malicious
slander. But we all know who is Gaga is her name is Sega, the
250 pound wanna be model, who bought the stolen laptop brand new
in the box for $100 off anohter co worker. Yet slanders other
iinocent co workers. are you aware that when Noel was
approached about Loren selling stolen xbox, playstation wii games
and blu ray movies, that Noel the manager said it was ok as long
as employees got good prices, and that Dave, Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left is Lorens best customer. Thats right you keep protecting sleazy crooked call centers, funny
how you have few hundred posts on Vector knives in winnipeg, but
won't post Paradise Canyon Vacation, whats the matter your president
dont need a set of cheap $100 knives. Your supposed to be a trusted
relaiable job site yet you are crooked just like and, join the lick the urinals at the
Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre club along with your other crooked
so called trusted sites.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation?

Is Paradise Canyon Vacation paying is protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation
and allowing them to keep on scamming people for
$10, 000 to $15, 000, for travel services people
can get just as cheap or cheaper if they shop
around, is allowing Gaga from Paradise
Canyon Vacation in Winnipeg call centre to slander
employees with mean malicious lies, yes you "GAGA"
aka Sega to protect their scam sales, Gaga why
didn't you mention that for years Rob and Loren have
been selling stolen Xbox, play station pc games and
blue ray movies along with stolen sports jerseys,
and by the way Gaga aka Sega the person you’re
slandering Mike our family and cousin when he
questioned Noel about the stolen Xbox games being
sold by Loren, Noel told our cousin it was alright
as long as employees got good prices, Gaga aka Sega
you like to slander our cousin Mike but like to
leave out employees buying and selling stolen goods. `
Is this what is about slandering employees,
instead of posting corporate is the only
web site that has taken down virtually all complaints
about Paradise Canyon Vacation, only allowing other
employees to post malicious lies like skanks named
"Gaga" aka Sega, is not supposed to take down
complaints or ban people from posting complaints, is being paid by paradise canyon vacation to
ban anyone from posting complaints and remove complaints. is a scam if this how how they run their web
site, and "gaga' aka Sega the 3 month employee
who is all talk but can’t leave her real name, Gaga aka
Sega how much did Noel pay you to protect his sales. and gaga AKA Sega keep on licking the urinals at
Paradise canyon Vacation call centre, and while your at it
have a free lunch eating in the toilet bowls on employee
turd, because you are what you eat, your both turds
hiding the truth.

- For your entertainment please check out these pictures

4883 days ago by Samantha_fox19
- Wake Up Paradise Canyon Vacation Members

Wake up and smell the coffee all you members who are paying $40 to
$60 a month for 20 years. Are you afraid to shop around, afraid to
admit that you got scammed by a shady salesman/woman. It's not too
to cut your losses and quit while your ahead. Here are posts from, a very reliable site actual people who got
scammed from Paradise Canyon vacation. There are hundreds of posts
on line from various scam sites except who removed all
negative posts except the one slandering mean malicious comments
about co workers.These posts are here to save you $10, 000 to
$15, 000. Yes Paradise canyon Vacation is RCI affiliated, Noel the
manager told us workers that members only get points for 2 week
stay at a timeshare location a year, yet they claim they are
not time share. Here are 2 posts from, regarding
Paradise canyon vacation and 2 separate people who been scammed.

New Member

Joined: May 2010
Posts: 1

Yes, it is a scam. We attended the presentation, which sounded
somewhat legitimate, so we tried the follow-up one-to-one.
The latter was with "Jack", the worst salesperson on earth.
He was rude, evasive, and condescending. He would not directly
answer our questions. I could go on and on. But in short: Run for
the hills, folks. And yes, they DO sell your private information.
I've already received junk mail for more "exciting presentations",
addressed directly to me. Since they are a member of the Better
Business Bureau (4 complaints in the year since they became
members should be a tip-off), I might be the 5th complainant
if the junk mail doesn't stop or if I start receiving calls.

Posts: 1

31 March 2011, 1:24

I got suckered and yes it is a scam! Paradise Canyon
Vacations "deals" are no better then anywhere else and
in some cases we found Paradise Canyon Vacation trips
to be more expensive then our friends who would just
book through a travel agent.
At the Paradise Canyon Vacation SCAM presentation
they constantly tell you how you can get great rates
(like $200/wk) at great places all over the world
without blackout dates. Using this company I've
never paid less then $1300/wk!! The best times to
travel are ALWAYS BLACKED OUT at Paradise
Canyon Vacations!
I travel a lot and I save VERY little using
Paradise Canyon Vacations
kerisosh's plug is a direct quote from the sales pitch!
It's all bulls**t and it's bad for you!!

For your entertainment please check out these pictures

4883 days ago by Samantha_fox19
Why is Paradise Canyon Vacation like a toilet???

- Abducted by a toilet

97 year old Woman freed after being trapped on lavatory for a week

A Winnipeg tele marketer woman from Paradise canyon Vacation call center
has been rescued after she fell into the lavatory and was trapped there
for a week.
The Winnipeg woman employee at the Winnipeg Paradise Canyon vacation call
center, who has not been named, was only found by the emergency services
after a co worker heard her cries for help.
When an ambulance arrived paramedics found her stuck on the lavatory
and unable to get out. She was dehydrated but otherwise unharmed,
despite having spent seven days wedged in the same position.
Reports said the woman, aged 97, was found in the evening on Sunday and had
become stuck the previous Sunday evening.
Eventually she was freed when emergency services broke into the call center
office through a back door and found her in the woman’s bathroom.
"The lady was maneuvered to one side to free her. The door swings inwards
and she had her feet wedged on either side of the lavatory, " a Department
of Community Services spokesman said.
"She was very dehydrated but she was conscious."
A co worker said the woman told him she had been there since 6pm on Sunday.
"To me that meant that evening but she meant last Sunday.
“The co worker had not become concerned earlier because
it was normal to not see the woman or any other tele marketers
taking any calls during the week, he said.
"I'd never even seen her dialing any calls, " he said "but we still
got paid just the same"

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Bring your own toilet paper

I worked for the call centre at Paradise Canyon vacation in Winnipeg, every week Noel
would bring us in the presentation room and threaten us if we didn't do better he
would "clean house" and fire us. If you saw the bathrooms you would take getting
fired as a blessing. The bathroom floors were never mopped, Noel would just dump
20 gallons of water on the floors and there would be 2 inches of water on the
floors, until it dried. Then we had the ants crawling all over the bathroom
floors, rumor has it that they were Gaga's aka Sega’s crabs, the girl who
slanders employees on, complaining of smell when in fact the smell was
coming from her own yeast infection. The garbage pails were always full of
employees garbage and doughnuts, that would explain all the ants, the garbage
was emptied a good once a month, the garbage was always 2 feet over the small
garbage pails. As for the bathrooms there was hardly ever any toilet paper,
the employees were using the toilet paper to dry their hands since the paper
towel dispensers were always empty. If you have to go to the bathroom for a
crap you had better remember to bring your own toilet paper from home.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


– Corncobs at work

What did tele marketers use when out of toilet paper?

Thank your lucky stars you don't work for Paradise Canyon Vacation call center, bucko.

Let me tell you about … corncobs. You may not believe this, but it was once common practice at the
Paradise Canyon Vacation call center to leave a corncob hanging from a string in the bathroom stall
for purposes of personal hygiene. The string, I gather, was to permit the cob to be reused. For
those who were punctilious in these matters, or else blessed with an abundance of corncobs, a box
of disposable cobs might be provided if the tele marketer met his sales goal for the week instead.
On Sundays and Mondays, the cob might be replaced by a mussel shell.
For those tele marketers with 2 or more sales in the evening, paper from discarded books or newspapers
was often provided by management to either of the foregoing. The meteoric growth of the Paradise Canyon
Vacation pamphlets, for instance, is thought to be partly attributable to
the protean nature of its catalogs, which, historians tells us, might serve a family of regular habits
for an entire season. As with the cob, the Paradise Canyon vacation pamphlets would be hung
in the bathroom on a string and pages torn off as needed. It's said the use of coated stock, which was
nonabsorbent, was a source of great consternation to travel members who could afford to join at
$10, 000 to $15, 000. when Paradise Canyon Vacation began printing color pictures in their pamphlets.
Families, in attempting to teach their sons to be cultivated gentlemen, often advised hoarding an
inexpensive volume of Paradise Canyon vacation Travel pamphlets for use in the loo. The idea, of course,
was that while you were sitting there in a contemplative state you'd be able to read
why Paradise canyon Vacations is no cheaper than other travel service and most often you will find more
expensive if you shop around, following which the paper aka travel pamphlet could be put to other ends,
so to speak. It hasn't escaped my notice that my magnum opus, that is Latin for stay away from Paradise
Canyon Vacation, is also well suited for this purpose. Maybe we should perforate the pages, for maximum
comfort and ease because that is all the travel pamphlet is good for.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Employee asleep for two days on call center toilet

Published: 2011 Oct 06 7:26pm

A 47-year-old man was asleep on Paradise Canyon Vacation call center toilet

for one and a half days before being discovered by staff, it has emerged.

The man had been hired as a casual tel;e marketer 26th October 2011, suffering

from pains in the chest and abdomen from stressful calls. Co workers gave him samples

of thier calls, and decided he be ok for the rest of the night.

But Noel came to his desk at 7:30pm to give him his booking results, his chair was empty

and the worker had disappeared.

Staff searched for the man in the immediate vicinity of the the call center, but did not find him.

Supervisors assumed that the man had left the call center, so Noel discharged him. It was only

nearly two days later that the man was found in a toilet

adjacent to Noel's office. He appeared to have gone there on his own, locked himself in the

toilet and fell aleep.

"He had been there for one and a half days, " said Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes

uses his left acting as a spokesman to The Local.

Franzén said she could not reveal whether doctors had considered the man's condition to be

life-threatening, but she did say that he had not been confused.

"If a tele marketer is in a confused state then we keep an eye on them, but that was

not judged to be the case here."

Dave said that a more thorough search of the call center for the man had not been

judged necessary.

"We are a very big call center, and it's not unusual for workers to just leave.

We didn't look for him because he was not confused."

The call center said in the future that bathroom passes will be assigned.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Female Tele marketer f-a-r-t-s like an elephant

Tele Marketer Wendy Suspended For Passing Gas

Girl's Family Says Punishment Too Steep

Winnipeg, Manitoba -- A chubby 300 pound female tele marketer has been suspended
from work because she intentionally passed gas and refused to stop eating refried
beans and drinking beer in the lunch room, according to Paradise Canyon Vacation
management. Wendy was also seeen bringing to work "balut" by the dozen which is
chicks still inside the egg shell for snacks, we beleive that this is how she won
Ozzie over by sharing her "balut" with Ozzie, later that week co workers said that
they saw Wendy's phone number next to Ozzie's coffee cup, Ozzie being a married man
began playing hard to get and this is when Wendy began passing gas to win him over.
This was the first time we ever seen a black skinny anorexic man from the MTS call
centre in Osbourne in a stolen sports Jersey bought from Rob clasping a stolen xbox
game purchased from Loren whom Noel said it was ok to sell stolen goods as long as
employees got good prices turn blue all 6ft and 88 pounds of him.
Noel reported that Wendy a veteran short 300 pound tele marketer was suspended from
Paradise canyon Vacation call center under a company rule against disruptive behavior
and eating beans and drinking beer in the lunchroom and eating "balut" grossing out
the other co workers by pulling the whole chicks out of the egg shell before eating them.
Supervisors and co workers said Wendy repeatedly passed gas to make Ozzie laugh, but
instead Ozzie passed out from the stench and collapsed. Emergency paramedics had to be
called in to bring in smelling salt and oxygen mask to revieve Ozzie. Dave, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left in the mean time till the ambulance arrived didn't
hesitate to volunteer with a big fat grin on his face and huge lump in his pants to give
Ozzie mouth to mouth resuscitation with an occasional slip of the tongue.
They said the smell also made it difficult to breathe making the other tele marketers
and co workers turn blue in the face and gasping for air.
Noel said that when he heard Wendy f-a-r-t-i-n-g it was music to his ears like a wild
herd of elephants trumping and blowing their trunks.
Wendy's family said their daughter isn't perfect and they're appealing the suspension,
saying the manager Noel went too far with its punishment. Noel did say that he enjoyed
the smell of Wendy's passing gas and that it reminded of being back home in the Filipines
when he lived in tents and everyone used to poop in the corner of the tent.
On the brighter side Noel just announced that Wendy will be re instated for training purposes
and will be allowed to eat all the deep fried beans and drink all the cpold beer she wants at
work and that all tele markers with less than 12 leads an hour will be sitting next to Wendy
till their production improves.
Smelling salt and oxygen masks will now be supplied in the emergency kit next to the band aids,
which for some strange reason Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left has been
going through a box of band aids every other day, Dave claims its from wood splinters chopping
wood on his uncle's farm, but we found out that his uncle sold the farm 10 years ago, we always
wondered what a right hand man who sometimes uses his left does with his right hand.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Gaga aka Sega has crabs or is that dinner for 2

Now that the truth comes out about Paradise Canyon Vacation employees selling stolen Xbox,
play station pc games and blue ray movies, the employees like Gaga aka Sega come out of
the wood word to protect their jobs, Gaga aka Sega you can go and eat the shit out of
Paradise Canyon toilets call centre, because you’re a piece of shit like the rest of
them, I sat next to this person you’re trying to slander and he was a perfect gentleman,
and even though he rode to work, he changed his clothes and brought spare clothes, as for
mental the only mental people is you for protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation it's funny
Gaga aka Sega how you didn’t mention the stolen sports jerseys and stolen Xbox games and
blue ray movies and when our cousin's bike seat was stolen he mentioned to Noel about
Loren selling stolen movies and Xbox games and Noel the manager told our cousin it was
ok as long as employees got good prices, Gaga aka Sega why did you leave out employees
selling and buying stolen goods Gaga aka Sega how much did Noel pay you to slander our
cousin, or is Gaga really Noel impersonating an employee to try and save his company
and sales Gaga aka Sega you can lick my ass and let me crap in your mouth, look at you
trying to scam innocent people out of $10, 000 dollars, next time you’re on the phone,
just tell the truth and tell the people its $3, 500 down not refundable, and $50 a month
for 20 years oh and don't forgot the lengthy contract they got to sign, when you can do
this, then you can talk shit about people, till then keep licking the urinals at Paradise
Canyon Vacation call centre. You didn’t quit gaga Noel fired your ass because you couldn’t
produce bookings, and Gaga aka Sega those ants in the ladies bathroom floor, those are not ants,
those were your crabs, were those crabs the free dinner for two you were offering callers on the
phone to attend the free presentation, Gaga aka Sega go see a doctor you skank.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Lavatory tips

Lavatory Tips From One Paradise Canyon Vacation employee Who Knows

Submitted by Tele marketer Laura on Tue, 24/11/2011 - 15:26 //

Manager's note: this was submitted yesterday as a comment on our
discussion about improving Paradise Canyon Vacation toilets.

Good advice below; worthy of being an article on its own.

I work as a tele marketer for Paradise Canyon Vacation call center
a major rci time share company call center.

Here are a few tips for all you lavatory-phobes.

First of all: do not touch anything. As you enter the dreaded lav, grab a tissue and use it to lock the door,
to turn on the sink, and especially to open the door when you leave. Also, bring hand sanitizer with you.
Call centers may look clean, but think about the sheer amount of human traffic dropping germs everywhere.
I'm shocked to see how few tele marketers clean their hands. It's happened a few times that we had to put
little disposable handwipes in the lav when the sink was broken. And at the end of those shifts, it's
surprising how few of them have been used.

Second piece of advice: wear shoes! I am always shocked to see how many people go into the lav without shoes
or socks on. Don't they realize
that the liquid that permeates the floor is piss potpourri? So roll up your long pants before you enter!
The lavs rarely get disinfected.
Between most shifts, Noel is on a tight schedule and barely has the time to give the place more that a
quick once-over.

Next piece of advice is to remember that not all the lavs in a call center are the same. If you are a person with
a disability, or if you are obese, or if you need to help another worker to use the lav, most call centers have
special features to help you.
For instance, many have curtains that can be closed for privacy if ever the lav door must stay open to accommodate
more that one tele marketer. Some lavs even have removable walls. Also, there is usually at least one lav with a
baby change table.

(Just remember that it's covered with dangerous fecal bacteria -- line it with seat covers or something.)
And don't be embarrassed to

ask Dave or Noel for help -- we are used to such things.

My next piece of advice: time your washroom breaks carefully. The worst and busiest times to use the lav?
Right after the break is finished.

Another bad time, especially on a long call, is right before landing a lead, when we make the announcement
that Noel is about to throw 20

gallons on the floor to clean the bathrooms.

Everyone then goes to brush their teeth and curl their eyelashes. Another delicate time to go is when
we have our supervisors in the aisle.
You have to time it right or else you may get stuck at the back and have to wait till everyone else
finishes their service. If workers had to wait then run back and forth every time someone wanted
to go to or come back from the lav, we would never get anything done. So please, don't get nasty
if you do get stuck and end up shitting your drawers becuase all the bathrooms are full

My next suggestion is for those of you who may get stuck in a seat right next to a really smelly
lav: ask the the supervisors Dave, Catherine or Debbie for an unused pouch of coffee grounds to
hold close to your nose. It blocks almost any odor. I noticed that many Asian tele marketers like
Edna think ahead and bring those little facemasks that cover their nose and mouth, thus protecting
them from germs and odors. Pretty smart.

Finally, my best advice would be to not wait until the last minute to go -- even if that means
climbing over the big snoring co worker dude in the aisle [yes you Dave}.

It really sucks when your bladder is about to rupture and you got to keep dialing the phone for
the rest of the shift.

(By the way, that little dirty look from Noel means you CANNOT use the lav before break.)

Oh, and for those people who ask why the lavs are not scrubbed mid-shift, I have a pretty
good idea

theory: tele marketers are trained to fight fires, to treat any first-aid emergencies that may
occur while on the phone, to fight off terrorists, to scam thousands of dollars from callers in
minutes, to speak numerous languages, and to stay calm and smile during life or death disasters;
but we are NOT trained to clean dirty toilets! Would any other educated, rigorously-trained
career-people be expected to clean up crap during their fourteen-hour shift? I doubt it.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Men will be boys

BRAVE NEW Work Place

Boys told no standing to urinate

'It is a human right not to have to sit down like a girl'

'Standing room only' work place

It's an entirely new definition of "Standing Room Only." Or perhaps a new measure of

"equality" has arrived.

Whatever it is, it has sparked a huge political debate at Paradise Canyon Vacation call center

The trigger for the explosion of opinion? A decision in the Winnipeg district that male tele

marketers must sit on toilet seats when urinating, not stand.

According to the news report, the rule was announced for boys and men at Paradise canyon Vacation

call center, prompting outrage from workers.

Accusing the company of "fiddling with God's work, " and now workers want the issue discussed at

the executive committee at Paradise Canyon Vacaton

"When men are not allowed to pee in the natural way, the way men have done for generations,

it is meddling with God's work, "

"It is a human right not to have to sit down like a girl, " said Sinder senior employee on

his return from India.

Noel did say that the restrooms are used by both boys and girls, and the young boys are not

"good enough at aiming" in order to have "a pleasant toilet."

Paradise Canyon Vacation officials are still listening to opinions on the issue.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Noel can sniff Gaga's aka Sega’s Panties

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites. Employees like Allbladerss and gaga
come out of the wood word to protect their jobs, Especially Gaga aka Sega trying to slander innocent workers,
whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth, that Paradise Canyon Vacation don't tell you till the
salesman arrives at your home that it’s $10, 000 to $15, 000 for the travel membership, and tell you completely
different at the presentations. Noel fired a whole bunch of people like he does every other week,
"cleaning house" as he says, Noel has pissed off many if not hundreds of ex employees including his own Filipino
people. So who is Gaga aka Sega to accuse of going on line you skank.
Allgallbalderss and gaga aka Sega you can both go and eat the shit out of Paradise Canyon toilets call centre,
because your both a piece of shit like the rest of them, gaga aka Sega is the biggest turd of them all
slandering other employees but gaga aka Sega didn’t mention that Noel the manager said it was ok for employees
to sell stolen Xbox, playstaion games as long as employees got good prices, funny how gaga left that part out
Gaga you enjoy trying to scam innocent people out of $10, 000 dollars, next time you two are on the phone, just
tell the truth and tell the people its $3, 500 down not refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh and don't
forgot the lengthy contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss when you can do this, then you can tell people
to eat your shit, till then you and Gaga keep licking the urinals at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre.
Gaga it’s easy to talk trash about others, when Noel is paying you to protect his sales, so don't give us the
bull shit you came on your own to shit on employees, by the way Gaga aka Sega that smell you talk about was not
the worker riding his bike to work he brought fresh clothes with him, that smell was of dead fish coming from
your panties, go and see a doctor for yeast infection you skank, or better still have a bake sale don't forget
to invite Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left to the bake sale Dave just loves
fish smelling cream pies.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Rising Urinal

Reading urinal rises to the occasion

Reading urinal
Now you see it... now you don't

The company's first rising urinal is to make its ascent in the hallway of Paradise Canyon Vacation

The Urilift is a tardis-like unit containing three urinals.

Cleverly hidden during the day under the tiles, disguised as a manhole cover it can be raised using
a hydraulic system operated by remote control on Noel's desk. Widely used in Manitoba, the invention
is designed to be used at night to stop tele marketers using desks and garbage pails as toilets.
Hopefully this facility will encourage men to walk an extra couple of yards to relieve themselves
It is visible, easily accessible and hygienic, and is located between Noels desk and the
presentation room in the heart of the call center
Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left, said he was thrilled that Paradise canyon
vacation Call center was the first place
in the country to install the technology.
Paradise Canyon vacation is famous for many things like scamming members out of $10, 000 but never
before have we been noted for our innovative sanitary facilities."
Manager Noel said there was a serious reason for installing the device.
Paradise Canyon Vacation thriving night-time calling and economy brings many benefits but the result
of some men's unhygienic behaviour is not one of them.
"Hopefully this facility will encourage the male tele marketers to walk an extra couple
of yards to relieve themselves."

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Tele marketer's head stuck in toilet seat

Firefighters Manitoba came to the rescue of a tele marketer who had a toilet seat stuck on his head.

The worker, aged 18 and a half, and his worried supervisor went to Winnipeg fire station after she

was unable to get the toilet seat off his head.

Firefighter said: "We put some dish washing liquid on his head and ears and it slid off nice as pie.

"The tele marketer was very brave and didn't make a fuss and once we had got the seat off he toddled

away as happy as can be."

The fireman added: "The tele marketer had put his head through it and couldn't get it out again,

he came in here wearing it like a collar.

"His supervisor had tried to get it over his head but couldn't budge it so she walked him down here

and asked us to have a look at it and we went to work and we managed to get it off in no time."

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- The Guide to Taking a Dump at Work

Originally published in 2005 as "The Paradise Canyon Vacation Tele marketers guide

to taking a dump in a call center"...this document is a living tribute to something

we all have to do at our jobs from time to time. Foul smells, rude sounds, and bad

reputations are the stuff of legend or nightmare for many a minimum wage worker

tele marketer. With this "Guide to taking a dump at work" we will "show you the ropes

and help through a difficult learning time for many, and a happy place for others...

Escapee -- A f-a-r-t that slips out while taking a leak at the urinal or forcing poop in

a stall. This is usually accompanied by a sudden wave of panic/embarrassment. This is

similar to the hot flash you receive when passing a police car while speeding. If you

release an escapee, do not acknowledge it. Pretend it did not happen. If you are standing

next to the f-a-r-t-e-r at the urinal, pretend that you did not hear it. No one likes an escapee,

it is uncomfortable for all involved. Making a joke or laughing makes both parties feel uneasy.

Jailbreak (Used in conjunction with escapee) -- When forcing poop, several farts slip

out at a machine gun's pace. This is usually

a side effect of diarrhea or a hangover. If this should happen do not panic, remain in

the stall until everyone has left the bathroom so to spare everyone the awkwardness of

what just occurred.

Courtesy Flush -- The act of flushing the toilet the instant the nose cone of the log hits

the water and the poop is whisked away to an undisclosed location. This reduces the amount

of air time the poop has to stink up the bathroom. This can help you avoid being caught

doing the WALK OF SHAME.

Walk of Shame -- Walking from the stall, to the sink, to the door after you have just

stunk-up the bathroom. This can be a very uncomfortable moment if someone walks in.

As with all f-a-r-t-s, it is best to pretend that the smell does not exist.

Out of the Closet Pooper -- A colleague who poops at work and is damn proud of it. You

will often see an Out of the Closet Pooper enter the bathroom with a newspaper or magazine

under their arm. Always look around the office for the Out of the Closet pooper before

entering the bathroom.

Pooping Friends Network -- A group of coworkers who band together to ensure emergency

pooping goes off without incident. This group can help you to monitor the whereabouts


Safe Haven -- A seldom-used bathroom somewhere in the building where you can least expect

visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of the opposite sex. This will reduce the odds

of a pooper of your sex entering the bathroom.

Turd Burgler -- A pooper who does not realize that you are in the stall and tries to force the

door open. This is one of the most shocking and vulnerable moments that occur when work taking

a dump at work. If this occurs, remain in the stall until the TURD BURGLAR leaves. This way, you

will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.

Camo-cough -- A phony cough which alerts all new entrants into the bathroom that you are in a

stall. This can be used to cover-up a WATERMELON or to alert potential TURD BURGLARS. Very

effective when used in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.

Astaire -- A subtle toe-tap that is used to alert potential TURD BURGLARS that you are occupying a

stall. This will remove all doubt that the stall is occupied. If you hear an ASTAIRE, leave the

bathroom immediately so the pooper can poop in peace.

Watermelon -- A turd that creates a loud splash when hitting the toilet water. This is also an

embarrassing incident. If you feel a WATERMELON coming on, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.

Havana Omelet -- A load of diarrhea that creates a series of loud splashes in the toilet water.

Often accompanied by an escapee. Try using a CAMO-COUGH with an ASTAIRE.

Uncle Ted -- A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. Could spend extended lengths

of time in front of the mirror or sitting on the pot. An UNCLE TED makes it difficult to relax

while on the c-r-a-p-p-e-r, as you should always wait to drop your load when the bathroom is empty.

This benefits you as well as the other bathroom attendees.

Fly-by -- The act of scouting out a bathroom before pooping. Walk in, check for other poopers.

If there are others in the bathroom, leave, and come back again. Be careful not to become a

FREQUENT FLYER. People may become suspicious if they catch you constantly going into the bathroom.

Crack Whore -- A c-r-a-p-p-e-r that has seen more ass than a Greyhound Bus. Tell- tale signs of a CRACK WHORE

include pubes, p-i-s-s stains and s-h-i-t streaks. Avoid CRACK WHORES at all cost. Try finding out when the

janitor cleans each particular bathroom. Don't forget, a CRACK WHORE can become a SAFE HAVEN.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures



When I was at Paradise Canyon Vacation Call Center,
we had a small bathroom next to the closet. It was nothing fancy, just a sink and a toilet, but it got the job done.
A reversible sign on the door had a red STOP and a green GO to let you know whether or not someone was inside.
Of course, our high society humor would call for switching the sign to GO while someone was inside, and let the hilarity ensue.
One day, Dave the supervisor, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left, tapped me on the shoulder and started yelling
at me for peeing on the toilet seat and floor. I hadn't even used the bathroom yet that day, so the sloppy pisser had to have
been someone else another tele marketer. But arguing with Dave was next to impossible, so I had to spend my entire lunch break
wiping the floor with bits of toilet paper, while the other tele marketers teased me.

Needless to say, I've had a thing about public restrooms ever since. I'm not one of those guys like that character in AMERICAN PIE
who had to hold it until he went home, but I've certainly had my share of bathroom hang-ups. For the most part, urinating in
Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre toilets was a pretty quick and uneventful experience. You could walk up to the urinal of choice,
unzip just a bit, and go on about your business with minimal interaction. But sometimes, things didn't go so easily.

For you uninitiated women that never got to venture inside a boy's bathroom, you haven't experienced the wonder of a wall of urinals.
Sometimes as many as two on the wall would hang there, just waiting to receive their piss offerings.
Choosing the right urinal said a lot about you. In fact there were rhymes we used to help us figure out exactly which one we wanted
to pee in. One of the most common would have you start naming them off from the left, "COFFEE, TEA, MILKSHAKE, PEE" in a sort of
p-i-s-s-scented "EENIE, MEANIE, MINIE, MOE". Supposedly whatever urinal you chose was what you liked to drink. Lord help the poor kid
with a full bladder that didn't check in advance and haphazardly chose the "PEE" urinal. "Ha! Ha! YOU LIKE DRINKING PEEEEEEEEEEEE!",
was a tough insult to live down. Most of the kids "in the know" would choose milkshake or coffee, if they had their druthers.

Another variation on the theme was to count off, "KING, QUEEN, BOOGER, and MACHINE!" This was particularly handy if you accidentally chose
the "PEE" urinal from the first rhyme, and could correct your taunting party, "No no...I'm using MACHINE!" For obvious reasons, the
"BOOGER" and "QUEEN" urinals were the ones to avoid, but as some of the more sexually aware 5th and 6th graders would point out,
if you chose "QUEEN" it was like you were putting your dick inside of a hot babe!

The real trauma of the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center bathrooms was when you had to take a s-h-i-t. You might as well have s-h-i-t
your pants at work for all the grief you'd get if someone walked in on you. Now, I've sneaked into many a times in the girl’s bathroom
at Paradise canyon Vacation call center in my day
(OK...last month) and I've never understood why the stalls in the girls' rooms had doors on them, but for some reason they were removed
from the boys'. What evil activities did the administration aka Noel think were taking place in them?

Once in my 2nd hour of work, I made the mistake of taking a shit in a stall that not only had no door, but no toilet paper either.
I was stranded there for about 15 minutes before I convinced some poor co worker to grab me some from another stall. When you need
to do the famous "squat walk" at home to grab a new roll, it's OK, but nobody would ever dare getting caught performing it during work.
He held his nose for dramatic effect, and practically threw it at me, as if I was some homeless man asking him to wipe my ass.

When I was in Paradise Canyon Vacation call center, bathrooms may have been horrifying to use, but they were actually cool to hang out in.
I mean if they were good enough for Fonzie to use as his office, it was OK for us tele marketers, right? Every once in a while, some
workers would take part in the bizarre ritual called "CRISS CROSS PEE" or "CROSSING SWORDS". While Star Wars was popular, you'd even have
weirdos pretending to be Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader with their lightsabre urine streams. There was even a spell where some workers
would try to pee on your shoe. Suddenly peeing in the stalls instead of the urinals seemed like a much safer idea.

There were any number of pranks to pull off in the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center bathrooms, and nearly all of them involved using wet
paper towels. You could wad up a stack, get them wet, then throw them to the tiled floor and make a pretty large smack. Sinks were pretty
easy to clog up and overflow with them as well, which surely prompted the invention of faucets that turn themselves off. Of course the
greatest bathroom thrill as a worker was to pee on the "OUT OF ORDER DO NOT USE" sign that was occasionally taped on a urinal.

The call center for Paradise canyon Vacation had retarded workers working in the same building as us. They had their own special desks, but ate
lunch in the same lunchroom, and of course used the same bathroom. These unfortunate co workers were always getting made fun of in some kind
of way. I remember going into the bathroom and seeing this little bully tele marketer tell a retarded co worker about twice his size to hold
out his hand so he could smack it. The poor tele marketer was letting him do it over and over again while he cried. I helped a nice co worker
out when I came upon him in tears, holding the large carved wooden key that they used for a bathroom pass, cracked in half. I told him that
the break was pretty clean and if he just laid it down fit together on the manager's desk when he got back to work, someone else might think
they broke it.
When I ran into the co worker later in the week, he thanked me as if I gave him the secret of life.

As I got older and more self conscious at Paradise canyon Vacation, my big fear was pissing next to people. I'd really have to relax and
meditate for a good minute before I could let it out. But it took perfect concentration. I had several times where I'd be ready to pee,
and some other worker would come up next to me, preventing me from finishing. I'd stand there and pretend to pee for about a minute, and
then flush it really quick, so nobody would think I was a psycho who just liked to stand there. Since I drink more heavily as a tele
marketer, I've not found it to be much of a problem anymore.
Though every now and then, even at work, some worker walks in the bathroom with me, and chooses to pee in a stall behind a closed door.

Using bathrooms at the workplace at Paradise Canyon Vacation is an entirely different phenomenon. Where I work, it's actually pretty well
accepted to bring reading material into the john. Everything from The Sports Page of the newspaper, to interesting stories printed off the
internet are handily tucked above the toilet paper rack for tele marketers to read. Some people are pretty uptight about it being
unsanitary, but it never bothered me. In fact, unless I've actually got a hunk of crap on my finger, I never even wash my hands along with
all the other co orkers, unless someone else sees me in there, to keep up
appearances. You don't want to be known as "that guy who doesn't wash" when it's time for company potlucks even though none of the other
workers washed their hands either or never will for that fact.

The big terror of the Paradise Canyon Vacation workplace bathrooms is being identified as the worker who took a monster size noisy smelly
s-h-i-t. If your shoes look anonymous enough under the stall, and nobody saw you walk in, you're usually safe. But lord help you if another
worker sees you walk out after gassing up the place with a deathly fecal fog.

It really bugs me when co workers talk to me while I'm sitting on the toilet. I don't know why but it really creeps the hell out of me.
Not too long ago, I was taking a s-h-i-t, and didn't realize there was Noel the manager sitting in the next stall over. Noel shouted,
"Hey man, I'm right here with ya!" This was kind of freaky, as I didn't recognize the voice, and was truly weirded out by his attempt
at bathroom camaraderie. I remained silent, and slightly scared as he added, "'s a helluva day!". Not knowing what to even say,
I remained quiet as he went on and on about other nonsensical things, until I finally figured out
that the dude Noel was actually talking on his cell phone while he was taking a dump!

I mean, it's bad enough seeing people walking around stores and driving with cell phones, but who the hell calls up their friends while
they're taking a shit, at work?
At this point, the evil side of me emerged, and I groaned loudly like I just passed an elephant through my sphincter and flushed the
toilet 3 times in a row, just to make sure that whoever this Noel guy was talking to, would realize where the call was really coming

And then there's the utter pandemonium of the men's room at Paradise canyon Vacation call center, where you've got the new pitfall of
puke covered toilets to avoid.
In addition, brave women, sickened by the impossibly long and slow lines in their bathroom are in there with you! And forget about
washing your hands in those sinks,
there's about as much p-i-s-s in those as the urinals.

Of course, once you're married and have kids, any shred of bathroom decency goes out the door. In fact, it's as if there's no door at all.
You know you've got the right woman when she can walk in and brush her teeth while you're taking a c-r-a-p, and not blink an eye.

Anyway, quit talking to me, I'm trying to pee.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Tighter than a bull frog's arse

How cheap is Paradise Canyon Vacation, they are so cheap they
won’t give employees 8 hours a day, and bother people in the
evenings during supper. Even xentel gives employees 8 hours a
a day and the 4 hour option. Paradise canyon vacation is like
a revolving door with employees quitting every day, it is almost
as bad as tele solutions. Except at tele solutions you don't have
to work Sunday nights. Paradise canyon Vacation has no respect
for people they call, they only want their $10, 000 travel membership
fee. If they cared about people they would leave people alone on
Sunday nights. You’re supposed to bring your own paper and pencil or
pen and ruler, the company don't supply that. Workers are always
stealing pens and rulers off other workers desks, Noel don't be so
cheap and buy some pens!!! State of the art equipment, really now,
how about $5 bargain shop phones, which only 1/2 are working
properly, all calls are made by hand. Other call centers are using
computers and usb headsets. Where is the $10, 000 to $15, 000
membership fee going? Either Rod the owner or his manager Noel's
pockets, because there surely is not pens, papers, rulers or
computers with usb headsets. Don't forget the 1/4% sales bonus
incentive, oh my a whole 1/4%, how can they afford this?

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Toilet Water Cleaner Than Fountain

Winnipeg, Manitoba A Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre employee had a hunch

something was amiss with the company's drinking fountain water. And right he was.

For the sake of his curiosity, he tested the bacteria content at four water fountains

and one toilet to challenge a ban on workers from bringing bottled water to work.

It seems some supervisors were using it to sneak in alcohol.

Guess which was cleaner? It wasn't the water fountains.

He then asked workers where they would prefer to get their water.

That wasn't the fountains, either.

The manager, supervisors and co workers said they had no idea.

Katherine the evening supervisor used Q-tips and petri dishes, swabbing the spigots of four

fountains and sampling one toilet, dunking the cotton in the bowl's center and then dragging

it around the rim for a complete sample.

She took the results to the lab put them under a light to speed up the bacteria's growth.

The petri dishes with fountain water were swarming with bacteria. The sample from the toilet was

clean, probably because the toilets are doused with cleansing chemicals daily.

"I wanted to see the looks on their faces, " Katherine said.

Either allow water bottles back, Katherine urged, or install "down- pour" systems used in office water coolers.

She took her results to the Board of Directors with an eye-opening PowerPoint presentation.

Administrators quickly replaced the spigots and casing at three of the water fountains and custodians gave them

all a thorough cleaning.

More call centres are providing water in lunch rooms now, but the ban on water bottles remains.

"It was a great lesson. We don't always see things in and about the company that are in need of repair,

" said a co worker, adding, "You'd be surprised how clean the water is in a toilet."

For your entertainment please check out these pictures

4883 days ago by Samantha_fox19
- Oh Come All Yee Roaches

Whenever Paradise Canyon Vacation calls it is just like Christmas time,
perhaps they should answer their calls with a "ho ho ho" because they will
offer you so many gifts just to attend their 1 hour presentation.

1) 2 free night hotel stay, 30 hotels right across North America
2) Dinner for 2, usually Boston Pizza they claim $50
3) $1, 000 gift voucher, towards the services after you spend $10, 000
4) Draw for 7 day resort stay
5) Boat cruise, yearly draw prize

They give like Santa but save like Scrooge, the owner and manager
call the people who come out to the presentation/expo for the free dinner
for 2 and 2 free night hotel stay "roaches” and they don't like people
coming out to the presentation/expo for just the free gifts. Then why do
they make the tele marketers tell the people about the gifts, and then
insult the people for showing up to receive the gifts they were promised
on the phone. All they want is $10, 000 to $15, 000 for their membership
for vacation prices one can get cheaper or just as cheap if they shop
around. The gifts, coupons are not given the same night, you have to
fill out a registration form and wait 2-3 weeks in the mail. Yet they
want people to show up sometimes the very same night for their
presentation, but you have to wait 2-3 weeks, that is if you receive
your gifts. One lady received the 2 free night’s hotel but had to fly
to Florida from Alberta to use it, and pay her own air fare, you can't
just pick and chose which hotel you want to stay at, depending on where
it is, it may cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars to get to
the hotel destination. As for the $1, 000 gift voucher that is only after
you have given the salesman a non refundable cheque for $3, 500 and sign
the lengthy contract to pay $40 to $60 a month for the next 20 years. In
the long run coming out for the free gifts is not so free after all.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures

4883 days ago by Samantha_fox19
- Paradise Canyon Vacation new Mr Potatoe Head

Paradise Canyon Vacation has a new toy this Christmas for it's members,
the new Mr. Potatoe Head courtesy of Noel who also has many faces, now
you too can spend hours of fun rearranging Noel's face like im sure
thousands of ex employees would love to do. Those of you who may not
know Noel may think he's a greaT person, but don't let his short looks
fool you underneath that Filipino exterior is a mean ruthless,
malicious conniving greedy little man, who only cares
about money.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Noel aka Harvey Dent

I worked for Paradise canyon vacation, and so did 3/4 the population
of winnipeg and surrounding suburbs, you could say they had a revolving
door when it came to employees. Just like Walmart's revolving door the
only diffrence is that at walmart people still walked out happy. On to
Noel, the manager of Paradise Canyon Vacation like Harvey Dent he too
seemed nice at first, but when you got to know him you saw his mean,
ruthless, malicious other side that is taken over by greed and
money. That is why employees at Paradise Canyon vacation call him
2 face. He will treat pet employees better and give them easy rebook
and expo sheets like Ozzie and MTS employee who Noel has been
suspiciously on several occasions paying him cash Thursday night when
all other employees were given pay cheques, even Edna was seen given cash
from Noel also. Noel every 2 weeks does what he calls "cleaning house"
or firing people, he even fires his own Filipino people like Brian who was
with him for 4 years, Brian even asked him "why you firing me, othjer people
have less sales thgan me?', Noel kisses ass to Tyler, catherine' son gives
him all the easy expo sheets and rebooks while other tele marketers have
to do the hard dirty work. If thats not enough of a slap in the face to
employees how about Noel calling the police on his own employees when they
come to pick up their final pay cheques, threatening and using scare tactics
telling his employees that the police will be waiting for them when they get
home, accusing employees of going on line telling the truth about Paradise
Canyon Vacation. This happened to a family member, we called the police station
and then went doen in person to investigate, there was no report it was all lies
on Noel's part the scum bag, and the police station said the internet is free
speech, freedom of speech. Noel fired 3/4 the city of winnipeg, he has to expect
a few thousand unhappy employees. Like Harvey Dent, Paradise canyon vacation is
also involved in crime, when our cousin approached and asked Noel about Loren
selling stolen xbox, playstaion, wii games and blue ray movies Noel said it was
alright as long as employees got good prices. Is this the kind of company you
want to hand over $10, 000 to for a travel membership with prices just the
same if you shopped around for free.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Noel aka two face

Noel will lie to you right to your face, that is one of the qualities
for scamming people out of $10, 000 to $15, 000. Also Noel will go on
line pretending to be an ex employee like he did with Gaga aka Sega
to say hurtful and very malicious things about ex employees trying
to protect his sales on, .Our cousin offered Noel antivirus
to borrow for one night, after 3 weekends of Noel saying " I didn’t
get around to it" he asked Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left, and Dave said that Noel is a procrastinator and that
he himself lent Noel a movie and it took him a year and he still
didn’t get it back. Not returning something someone lent you is just
like stealing, and is a power control sickness. Dave told Noel he
needed the software, Noel then just dropped it on his desk. Since
then Noel has been lying to our cousin, when he approached Noel for
trade show sheets, Noel said he didn’t have any, yet Noel would get
up and pass trade show sheets around, Another time when asked Noel
said he didn’t have any but gave Ozzie 2 sheets. Noel was not the
same since returning the antivirus and was no longer talking to our
cousin, and eventually fired him, while giving other employees the
easy trade show sheets. When Noel's boss Rod was called Rod said
trade show sheets were only for callers with high lead volumes, but
on his last night there he saw Tyler’s aunt who was also given a 1
week termination to sign with a trade show sheet, Noel was protecting
Tyler’s aunt from being fired. Noel is a lying scum, and two faced who
will lie right to your face. Is this the kind of man you want to hand
over $10, 000 to $15, 000 for travel membership, if this is how Noel
treats his own employees then how does he treat his paying members.
You’re better off flushing $10, 000 down the toilet then give it to
Paradise Canyon vacation.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Noel can sniff Gaga's aka Sega’s Panties

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites.
Employees like Allbladerss and gaga come out of the wood word to protect
their jobs, Especially Gaga aka Sega trying to slander innocent workers,
whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth, that Paradise Canyon
Vacation don't tell you till the salesman arrives at your home that it’s
$10, 000 to $15, 000 for the travel membership, and tell you completely
different at the presentations. Noel fired a whole bunch of people like
he does every other week, "cleaning house" as he says, Noel has pissed
off many if not hundreds of ex employees including his own Filipino
people. So who is Gaga aka Sega to accuse of going on line you skank.
Allgallbalderss and gaga aka Sega you can both go and eat the shit out of
Paradise Canyon toilets call centre, because your both a piece of shit like
the rest of them, gaga aka Sega is the biggest turd of them all slandering
other employees but gaga aka Sega didn’t mention that Noel the manager said
it was ok for employees to sell stolen Xbox, playstaion games as long as
employees got good prices, funny how gaga left that part out Gaga you enjoy
trying to scam innocent people out of $10, 000 dollars, next time you two are
on the phone, just tell the truth and tell the people its $3, 500 down not
refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh and don't forgot the lengthy
contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss when you can do this, then you can
tell people to eat your shit, till then you and Gaga keep licking the urinals
at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre. Gaga it’s easy to talk trash about
others, when Noel is paying you to protect his sales, so don't give us the
bull shit you came on your own to shit on employees, by the way Gaga aka Sega
that smell you talk about was not the worker riding his bike to work he brought
fresh clothes with him, that smell was of dead fish coming from your panties,
go and see a doctor for yeast infection you skank, or better still have a bake
sale don't forget to invite Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his
left to the bake sale Dave just loves fish smelling cream pies.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Noel slanders employees

Noel posted the malicious mean lying post against our cousin posing
as "Gaga" aka Sega on an ex female employee who says she
worked for Paradise canyon Vacation call center for 3 months, yet
funny doesn't leave her real name; a real ex employee would not be
afraid to leave their real name, this is either Noel or someone he
paid to go online.Yes Paradise canyon vacation is $10, 000 to $15, 000
to join which they don’t tell you until the salesman arrives at your
house, completely contradictory from what is said at the free
presentations. It is $3, 500 down non refundable and $40 t0 $60 per
month for 20 years and let’s not forget the lengthy contract you have
to sign. Noel was aware for years about stolen Xbox, play station and
pc games and movies being sold by Loren and stolen sports jerseys by
Rob valued at $200 selling for $40 to $60, when approached about the
stolen DVDs and Xbox games he said it was ok as long as employees
get good prices. Now what kind of business allows for stolen goods
to be sold on company property. As for the employees, yes there are
very rich people including government employees, including Ozzie an
MTS, Winnipeg Osbourne sales rep, whose been buying Robs sports
jerseys at the rate of 1 per week, and Dave his right hand man who
sometimes uses his left is one of Loren’s biggest customers. Whatever
Noel said about our cousin is all lies to protect Paradise Canyon
Vacation, check out trip advisor to read the truth about Paradise
Canyon Vacation. Noel is now paying his employees to protect his sales.
Noel impersonating as "Gaga" aka Sega on calls people mental
yet he approves of stolen goods in the call centre. and calling people
losers when Noel fires his own Filipino people, he is supposed to look
after his own people not crap on them. All Noel has written or has paid
one so called "Gaga" aka Sega to write is all lies. The truth is Noel
tried to steal our cousin’s antivirus which he lent Noel for one night
because Noel asked to use it, for 3 weeks Noel said he was too busy or
"I didn't get around to it" then our cousin asked Dave his assistant
or Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left to please ask for
it back, since then Noel has treated our cousin like crap, and eventually
fired him all because he asked for his software back, then he accused our
cousin of writing things on line and told our cousin that the police
will be waiting at his home when he gets home, this was all threats and
lies, the police station was not aware and said the internet was free
freedom of speech. Paradise canyon Vacation is like a revolving door
employees come and go every day, hundreds if not thousands of employees
have quit from that call centre. Noel I'm sure has fired thousands of
people, yet he blames our cousin all because he asked for his software
back, and because he didn't let Noel intimidate him by trying to steal
his software. Noel even calls the police on employees, a scare tactic.
Is this the kind of company you want your want one of your friends or
family members working for. This employee who wrote the blog is more
than likely Noel himself posing a "Gaga" aka Sega a past female
employee to slander our cousin and try to protect his sales. Now another
ex employee Abby, who is working for The Minor Volleyball Association in
Winnipeg tells us how Noel is getting Dave to do his dirty work for him,
Dave is Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left wants to go to
our cousins house, not enough 3 harassing phone calls during supper time,
seems they love to harass people during supper. What is next harass ex
employees at their jobs, Dave just worry about harassing callers and use
your scare tactics on them to make them cough up $10, 000 to $15, 000 for
your travel memberships which your tele marketers lie and say is free
till the salesman arrives at their homes.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures

4883 days ago by Samantha_fox19
- Employees selling and buying stolen goods

Paradise Canyon Vacation employees for years have been enjoying
the benefits of buying stolen goods during work time on
company property. When Noel the manager was approached about
Loren selling Xbox, play station, pc games and blue ray movies,
Noel said it was ok as long as employees got good prices.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Selling stolen laptop for $100

Where else but at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre can you buy a
brand new stolen laptop for $100 still in the box. It happened with
a tele marketer called Sega, who used to come in everyday dressed
like she was a model walking down the runway. Rather than going to
the store to buy a new laptop she took advantage of Paradise Canyon
vacation employee benefits, and purchased a brand new stolen laptop
for $100, off one of the tele marketers, a big fat guy who was going
to the gym everyday so said Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left. When Noel the manager was confronted about Loren selling
stolen Xbox and DVD movies, Noel said it was ok as long as employees got
good prices Not only can Sega buy stolen brand new laptops still in
the box, she can also buy Xbox, play station, pc games and DVD movies from
Loren, are his stolen movies any good, ask Dave Noel's right hand man who
sometimes uses his left, Dave is Loren's biggest customer. Stolen laptops
Xbox games and movies is not all that Paradise Canyon Employees benefits
entitles them too, they can also purchase stolen $200 sports jerseys from
Rob for $40, ask Ozzie an Mts Osbourne Winnipeg call centre employee,
he's been buying stolen sports jerseys one of every week for months, and
wears his stolen jerseys with pride. You too can receive employee benefits
and buy stolen laptops, Xbox games, DVD movies and stolen sports jerseys,
all you need is a desire to lie to people about free presentations and
scam people out of $10, 000 for memberships.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Selling stolen sports jerseys

Along with scamming people out of $10, 000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get sports jerseys
valued at $200 for $40 to $60, thanks to Rob a tele
marketer in the call centre who has been for years
moon lighting selling stolen jerseys. Is the quality
good? Well just ask Ozzie a tall black man from Mts
on Osbourne in Winnipeg, Noels pet tele marketer
who along with Tyler also gets very easy expo sheets
while the rest of the workers have calls 5 times as
hard. Ozzie has been buying stolen jerseys at the rate
of 1 a week and is very proud to wear his hot jerseys,
Ozzie can afford to buy one very week because he brags
how he's making $20 an hour and his girlfriend is
making $35, you think with that kind of money he would
buy store bought sport jerseys. Just goes to show where
your money goes when you pay your Mts bill. As for Paradise
Canyon Vacation, they give it the thumbs up, because when
Noel was approached about the situation he said it was ok
that Loren sells stolen Xbox, placation, pc games and movies
as long as the employees get good prices. Is this where the
$10, 000 membership fee goes, to pay crooked employees. Dave,
Noels right hand man who sometimes uses his left is
Loren's best customer. If this is the how the call centre
is running I hate to see the 1 hour presentations.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Selling stolen Xbox games

Along with scamming people out of $10, 000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get net prices
on all their favorite Xbox, play station and wi games,
not to mention DVD HD and blue ray movies. All thanks to
Loren one of their top bookers. When Loren is not
behind bars and at work, he is selling Xbox games and pc
games to his top buyer, Dave who is Noels right hand man
and sometimes he uses his left. Paradise Canyon gives
all this the thumbs up, because when Noel was approached
concerning the situation he said "it's ok as long as
employees get good prices", now would you join and
pay $10, 000 membership if the employees and right hand
man are all buying stolen DVDs. They should be offering
these DVD movies and Xbox games at the presentations at
employee prices, along with the dinner for 2 and the 2
free hotel night stay.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures

4883 days ago by Samantha_fox19
- Yes, it is a scam.

New Member

Joined: May 2010
Posts: 1

Yes, it is a scam. We attended the presentation, which sounded
somewhat legitimate, so we tried the follow-up one-to-one.
The latter was with "Jack", the worst salesperson on earth.
He was rude, evasive, and condescending. He would not directly
answer our questions. I could go on and on. But in short: Run for
the hills, folks. And yes, they DO sell your private information.
I've already received junk mail for more "exciting presentations",
addressed directly to me. Since they are a member of the Better
Business Bureau (4 complaints in the year since they became
members should be a tip-off), I might be the 5th complainant
if the junk mail doesn't stop or if I start receiving calls.

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


- Yes It Is A SCAM!!!

Posts: 1

31 March 2011, 1:24

I got suckered and yes it is a scam! Paradise Canyon
Vacations "deals" are no better then anywhere else and
in some cases we found Paradise Canyon Vacation trips
to be more expensive then our friends who would just
book through a travel agent.
At the Paradise Canyon Vacation SCAM presentation
they constantly tell you how you can get great rates
(like $200/wk) at great places all over the world
without blackout dates. Using this company I've
never paid less then $1300/wk!! The best times to
travel are ALWAYS BLACKED OUT at Paradise
Canyon Vacations!
I travel a lot and I save VERY little using
Paradise Canyon Vacations
kerisosh's plug is a direct quote from the sales pitch!
It's all bulls**t and it's bad for you!!

For your entertainment please check out these pictures


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