Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
NutraSlim, UK
NutraSlim, UK, LTD QuickDetox Company would not accept a return for a refund. Poor customer service. Internet, Nationwide
9th of May, 2011 by User483791
To whom it may concern: This letter is to complain about service I recently received from the NutraSlim customer service department. I recently purchased both NutraSlim and QuickDetox products via online (order numbers 3952 and 3989). I took the products as directed for three days and then I became violently ill for two whole days. I have no known medical issues. I attempted to take the product again thinking that maybe it was 24 hour flu but unfortunately the products once again made me ill. I called NutraSlim customer service department on May 4, 2011 to find out how to deal with the problem Ive had with NutraSlim and QuickDetox. After I had been on hold for several minutes, a representative came on the line. I had to explain my problem to him several times because he did not seem to be listening and therefore asked me the same questions repeatedly. I was then put on hold for several minutes waiting to speak with a manager, and then he returned to say he could not help me. Needless to say, I was quite frustrated. I expected a much higher level of service from your company, and I am quite disappointed. Because I do not want to spend any more time on this problem, I am requesting a full refund for the faulty products immediately. I will be informing my friends and family about this experience.
5026 days ago by Maryehrnman
This is exactly what I have experienced! In my opinion they are a scam company. I have tried to return
their package unopened and the post office told me to write REFUSED on the front and to also cross through my name on the address label. They continue to ignore my cancellation. Also, I have tried to cancel via phone and email. No luck- I am for the 3rd month filing a complaint with my bank's FRAUD DIVISION, to do a charge back. Shame on NUTRA SLIM and //QUICK DETOX.
5020 days ago by Carlota
Exactly the same as you or even worst!
Placed trial order for nutraslim and quickdetox. I only got nutraslim but they charged me for both. Not trial at all. Contacting with customer service is like talking with the wall. They don't make sense of any conversation, they don't care at all.
Trying to file a complaint to BBB (Better Business Bureau) and can't even file the complaint since they DON'T RECOGNIZE THE COMPANY!

They are totally scam company. Don't place any order or you will regret.

I already file a chargeback but I'm not enough happy, can't believe this people can still run that business.
5016 days ago by Anonymous
I ordered it thru the trial and got sick as well. I cancelled within a week and mailed it back. Now a month later they are charging me for the trial pills. I told them that I sent it back like they told me to and they say they never received it. Therefore I must be lying and never sent it back. But I did and now have to pay $160.
5012 days ago by Cdawkins
I had the same thing happen to me just recently. when I ordered it as a FREE TRIAL all I had to do was pay shipping but when I finished ordering it is when the disclaimer came up saying if I dont cancel in 30 days they will continue to send product for $79.00 and charge my account. When I saw that I canceled emidiatly but no responce so I waited for order and then requested RA # and sent back by regular mail. They then charged me $ 160.00 on my credit card and I called explaning that I sent it back with RA # on envelope with unopened bottles as they suggested. They said without a tracking number they could not help me and the charges stood. I explained that they said in the disclaimer if I keep the product and cancel they will only charge 19.95 per bolttle but they said that since I opted to send it back unopened and under an RA# and have no record of recieving it that they will have to charge me full price.??? I have been fighting them since and they have since given my information out and I have had to cancel my debit card.
5009 days ago by Bormannk
There has got to be something that can be done against this people, this is an absurd. I went through the exact same thing and got charged $160.00 after I signed up for the FREE TRIAL. I canceled within the 30 days, then I sent back the empty bottles within another 30 days but they claimed they didn't receive. I am furious. Not to mention their product does not work.
I have placed a formal complaint with the BBB, but when I contacted customer service they were clear that they would not refund you then hang up on me! I was never rude or disrespectful. They said managers don't come to the phone to deal with complains.
5004 days ago by Vonnyarifin
wow, I am in the same situation. After canceling my free trial and send back the bottles they charged me again and just couple days ago they charge me for a small amount of $1.95 from nutraslim and quickdetox. When I called them they just put you through the music for more than 30 minutes and finally a customer service picked up the phone and do nothing at all. I just told him that the company is a scam and he just said: No, Mam the company is not a scam but sure they are. We have to fight back and spread the words about this before someone else have to go through the same thing with us. Shame on Nutraslim. Even the website is a scam, because it is not review but the news channel like they said they are. NUTRASLIM.COM IS A SCAM.
5003 days ago by Judeebee
I'm having the same problem, I sent for the free trial of Nutraslim & Quick Detox for which I paid the postage of £4.95 and £3.95. On 28th June they charged me £59.99 for Nutraslim & £59.99 for Quickdetox, then on 29th June they took the same payments again and that morning I received the next lot of tablets. I tried to phone and was left hanging for 28 minutes listening to their stupid tune - no response so sent an e-mail and was given an order number, I said if I didn't hear from them in 24 hours I would report them to Action Fraud. I sent another message to remind them I hadn't had a reply, then this morning 30th June, I received another lot of pills. They have now put my account overdrawn and I wrote another message to complain about this and still no response.
Because of this I Googled to see if the company was a scam and came across all these messages. First thing in the morning I am reporting them to Action Fraud. The address I have for them is in Northern Ireland, has anyone else in the UK had this problem?
5003 days ago by Edanina
DO NOT TRY THEIR "TRIAL" PRODUCTS!!! They will keep charging your account!!! I had tried their product thinking I had nothing to lose but $1.95 for Nutraslim and $1.95 Quick Detox shipping and handling. Their "Terms and Conditions" on the "Order page" before submitting to try their product only states that all you have to do is cancel within the trial period and you will no longer be charged. I tried their product in April and cancelled within the trial period. They even sent me a confirmation via email that my account is cancelled and I will no longer receive further charges. Two months later I was charged $1.95 twice from Nutraslim, $79.99 from Nutraslim, $1.95 from Quick Detox, $79.99 from Quick Detox. I called Quick Detox Customer Service #, had to call several times, was on hold for at least 30 minutes on every call and each time the hold was over 30 minutes I get automatically disconnected. I was not able to get a hold of anyone from Quick Detox. I was able to get a hold of someone from Nutraslim after several attempts so I could get the charges reversed. I was told that there was a glitch in their system so I was charged $1.95 several times for no reason but they will not be able to reverse the $79.99 since I did not return their bottle within 30 days even if the bottle was empty. I told them that I was never told that I had to return their "trial" bottle. They said that it was on their "Terns and Conditions" and directed me to their website. Their "Terms and Conditions' on their website at the bottom of their website page is different from their "Terms and Conditions" on their order page. On their order page, they do not list that you have to return their "trial" bottle or you will be charged. Why do they call it a "trial" just pay shipping and handling when you have to pay for it anyway?? They did not state this to "trick" people to get their account information so they could keep charging your account. This company should be put out of business by taking people's hard earned money. They held the funds on my account for more than 5 days. That was almost $200.00 that I was hoping to spend to have a nice weekend with my daughter. Do not let this happen to you. I have learned my lesson and not give out my account information for anymore purchases online or over the phone. Use a different account for purchases...
5003 days ago by Dotkewley
This is my response, people who fraud others are scum!

I also ordered as a help for a dear friend, but when it arrived the dosage on the bottles was different to the web site so I called customer service and the woman I spoke to gave a different dosage advice, I then read out the instructions on the bottle, she went away, on return she advised me to do something totally different!, " take after food otherwise it will make you as sick as my sister", only take one detox capsule at night or you will get constant diarrhoea, I was disgusted and as I am a senior nurse I cancelled the order. I then received their RMA and returned both products to Co Antrim. Nothing in their terms and conditions says you have to send returns by recorded delivery,

Today I checked my on-line banking, found I had been charged £128.88, phoned them X3, finally got through to a supercilious American man who said because I had no proof of recorded delivery, they had every right to charge! This is a total SCAM, put it on every place you can think of, including their web site though I think they delete any negative feed back. For UK users, they have said certain programmes endorse them, as for Lorraine, this is totally untrue., we need to fight this scam, feel free to copy
5002 days ago by Paula..p
i am so angry..i have been ringin this company for ages and am always put on hold.
i have sent loads ok emails to canel my trail period, and get this bloody no. u need to
send back the bottles..
no one has replayd to my emails, they have taken £120.00 pounds fron my card
i am decusted
i will be sendin my trial bottles back without there no..."what no"why do we need a no.
its just a set up so they can keep u long enough to lift ur money.
i will fight this, and get my money back """"its dustin the way they are treatin people
i have never went through this before
it also says on there site, they have an awardin winnin customer services..well that is a
big joke.. they are cons...i dont want this 2 happen to anyone else ...
5002 days ago by Shedevil
Same problem as you on or around exactly these same dates. Action fraud cannot really help you, they will take a statment over the phone and report it to the police as fraud. They will give you a crime number which might help if you have to go into battle with your bank or credit card company.

The bank takes very little responsibilty as this is a CATs transaction (continual Authority Transaction) . Very very dificult to stop. If you paid by debit card report it to your bank straight away, they will file a charge back but you have to wait 30 days for a decision. Close your account, that is the only way to stop the ba*tards taking your money. If the bank are no help file a complaint with your card issuer (visa or Mastercard) and then the financial ombusman.

I am currently waiting for my banks decision as whether I can get all of some of my money back

Keep a record of everything and lets spread the word on how to beat this scum
5002 days ago by Dotkewley
I posted a dispute claim three days ago and have now posted the text below to the company, as you will see they have broken their own terms and conditions. This may help when dealing with charge back, please feel free to copy and print if you think it will help your case.


We pride ourself on having the best online support team. All our customer care agents go through a series of training procedures to make sure every customer receives the utmost attention to their needs. For any questions or concerns about your order please use any of the 3 available options to contact our support team

The above statement heads your contact page but was blatantly not the case when I contacted them about the discrepancy in dosage advice.

The terms and conditions differ on your sales page to those at the bottom of the support page where it states;

Canceling During Trial Period: If you wish to cancel your order within your Trial Period, simply call our Customer Care Department at 855-273-0488 and inform us that you wish to cancel (or visit and follow the prompts on the website to cancel), then return your trial bottle (even if it"s empty!) within 30 days from canceling, by the method set forth in Section 3, below. If you cancel within the Trial Period and return your trial bottle within 30 days after canceling, you will not incur any further charges. If you cancel but do not return the bottle, your credit card will be charged $79.99 for a 30-day supply (a second bottle will be shipped to you the day you are billed to complete your month supply). You also are responsible for all shipping charges to return the Product to us.

Please note the spelling mistakes are the ones on YOUR web page.

As the trial was 14 days and you charged my card for a 30 day supply, YOU have broken the terms and conditions.

I have contacted my bank, "Action Fraud UK" and Trading Standards about miss representation of your terms and conditions.

I am aware of many other persons who are currently in dispute with your company and have brought this to the attention of the bodies named above.

There is also a discrepancy in the amount taken from individuals charge cards.

To protect the integrity of your company it is imperative you respond to all the individuals with whom you have a dispute and issue refunds as a matter of urgency to avoid legal action being issued against you.
5002 days ago by Mags18
I have just had the same thing happen to me Judeebee. I did not sign up for further pills. I sent an email to them as soon as I received them as they are huge the size of horse tablets and I can't take them.

I have just found out they have taken £59.98 from my account. I am hoping my bank can stop further payments. If they can't then I will report my card as lost that way they won't have my card details to take any more money.
5002 days ago by Dotkewley
I have just looked on Companies House and Nutraslim is a UK registered company!
Their registered office address is;
The Old Exchange
12 Compton Road
SW19 7QD
Their company registered number is 07461044
Status; Active
Date of incorporation 6/12/2010

THEY CHANGED THEIR NAME FROM LEANSPA on 24/03/11, google it, yes scam from start to finish.
The good news is that as they are registered in the UK we can have more effect. I have also posted on twitter, perhaps we can get it trending. I am @prettyvizsla
5001 days ago by Dotkewley
Have a look on Face book, there are lots of others, its the one with 48+ likes. NatWest and Barclays are fully aware of the scam so which ever bank you are with speak to their "Fraud team" as soon as possible and ask for your card to be cancelled immediately. Then save, print and send with a detailed letter to your cards dispute team, you will find they are also fully aware of what is going on. Good luck every one.
5001 days ago by Seeing Red
It is appalling that companies like this can get away with such a scam, preying on innocent individuals. Yes we must all act together to stop any further fraud and to protect the public. If anyone out there has contact with the media, please use your contacts and see if we can blow this outfit to kingdom come. I, like many others, was violently sick and lost several days work through it. I haven't been physically sick like that for 40 years.

Make sure you contact your bank or credit card company to alert them to this - they are 'FRADUSTERS' and need to be completely blacklisted. I've just discovered they have continued to take 2 lots of 1.95 out of my credit card account and this is 2 months after I've cancelled! I've had to block my card while the bank check them out.

Good luck guys, I'm $140 down

5001 days ago by Shedevil
For those that paid with a debit card, canceling it will not stop the payments being taken, you will need to close your account and re-open another. this can be done in just a few minutes by your bank.

Go to your bank straight away and ask how many more pre-authorised payments are on the account from this company. If you have none you are lucky, close the account and it should stop, if you have several more pre-authorised payments pending they might still come out but my advice would be to close your account.

I'm 10 minutes down the road from Wimbledon and if it helps can arrange to visit their compny office for what good it will do.
5000 days ago by Sarahbaillie
i am having exactly the same problem i am from the uk i ordered ther trial bottles and havnt used them i rang up to cancel but can never get through and so far they have taken 4 lots of 59.99 out of my account using my debit card detrails i am fuming i reallyt dont no what to do i have emailed them a few times with no responce to canceling my order my next option is citizens advice, i have since cancelled my debit card will that stop them taking more money out my account?
5000 days ago by Notahappycamper
I've had the same happen to me, ordered on 19th June - I sent them an email on the 23rd June to cancel and get RMA, I received this on the 24th June. On the 29th June 2 x £59.99 and 2 x £1.95 has been taken from my account. The fraud department can't do anything about it as the money was processed on the 24th the day I received confirmation of my returns number. I asked about closing the account and re-opening another one, they said that's no use as any payments can just be put through your new account, but if any further payments go out of the account they will be able to get the money back. Over the weekend I found another bottle of Nutraslim (that I haven't asked for as I've cancelled) down the side of the house, no note through the door. The invoice is dated 25th June. I've tried their numbers this morning and finally I've got through to one but I've been on hold now for 18 minutes. Not happy.
4999 days ago by Adele0603
I too have had the same problem - Im from the UK. Ordered Nutraslim and Colon cleanse. Only got Nutraslim - tried to call - after 20 mins waiting, hung up. Emailed advising I wanted to cancel - no response. I couldnt even get an RMA number as it didnt recognise my order number!! I called MBNA (I paid on my Visa). They knew all about this. I asked if I could close the visa - they said that Nutraslim could still debit the card even when the account is closed as it is a guarenteed method of payment. They were, however, really helpful. I have seen x2 debits for two trial bottles (of which I only received one) and x2 lots of £59.99. MBNA asked for a copy of the email I sent them advising to cancel, a copy of the Ts&Cs of their website (of which I am adhering to - not sure they are) and a copy of the registered post certificate where I have sent the empty bottle. MBNA advised that I will be able to get the money back in 5-6 days and any future payments they take will also be refunded - so I didnt feel as bad but am so annoyed I was suckered in to what quite frankly, is a product that has made me feel lousy and if I have lost weight its because I am ill!!!

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