Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Norman Victor Meier - Norman Burrell-Meier - Victor Burrell - Dr. Norman Meier
Fake PhD in Human Behavior - Impostor - Stock Fraud - Pump & Dump
29th of Sep, 2013 by User81607
There is a PDF file on the following blog with detailed information and pictures for proof:

More information at following links:

Norman Meier, or Norman Victor Meier, or Norman V. Meier, or Victor Meier, or Victor Burrell or Victor Burrell-Meier, or Dr. Norman V. Meier and even Norman Meir, all of these names are the same person. The reason for using “Burrell” is because his wife’s name is Ursula Burrell-Meier.

Work history and all companies Norman V. Meier has incorporated or was involved with.
- Canaccord Capital
- Man Investments

Company Logos
- NOEME Investment (No longer exists)
- LEAP Institute – Swiss Equity Trust (no longer exists)
- Corumel, PWM AG (Is now Centauros) (Eddie or Edwin Meier and Norman Meier)
- MASS Petroleum, EXTOL Energy (MASS Petroleum connected to Penny Stock Fraud,
Norman Meier, Jordan Shapiro and Chad P Smanjak)
- Wave Uranium, FBC (Court documents on fraud)
- Norman Meier International (Website is being updated since 5 Sept 2013)
- Wylie Foundation (non registered charity by Norman Meier)
- Monte Cristo Gold (no longer exists)
- Glyva Investment GmbH (no longer exists)
- Hemis Corporation (Millions of losses and bankrupt)
- Tecton Uranium Corporation (Millions of losses and bankrupt, run by Norman Meier,
Clive Massey, Jordan Shapiro)
- Swiss Partners Group or Swissalis AG (bankrupt)
- Sirius (no longer exists)
- Allegra (no longer exists)
- Aurum (Active under the mgmt. of George Kuenzli)
- Stratos Gold Corporation (no longer exists)
- Sedona (Maybe still exists…)
- Condor Gold (no longer exists, formerly run by Clive Massey and Norman Meier)
- Mineralogics Corporation (no longer exists)
- XBF (no longer exists, Joerg Zielasek and Norman Meier)
- HiQ Consulting Inc. (is now a Transgender store)
- Athena Capital Partners (sanctioned by FINRA 4 Million in losses and bankrupt)
- American Incorporation Services or Nevada Business Experts (run by Natasha Waite,
Joerg Zielasek is now Sharon Zielasek, and Norman Meier)
- Refco Minerals (No longer exists, Natasha Waite, Clive Massey, Norman Meier)
- Aviara Mining Inc. (No longer exists, Natasha Waite, Clive Massey, Norman Meier,
Jakob Ogdahl)
- United Oil and Gas (2013 venture of Norman Meier with Philippe Wagner)
- Westbridge Oil (2013 venture of Norman Meier)
- Monte Cristo Oil (2013 venture of Norman Meier, Director Richard Wendler is Norman’s
- United Petroleum Partners (2013 venture of Norman Meier, Director Richard Wendler is
Norman’s Friend)
- Tristar Energy (2013 venture of Norman Meier with Philippe Wagner)
- Shrink Nanotechnologies (2013 venture of Norman Meier)
- Windfire Capital Corp. (Clive Massey and ex Norman Meier)
- SMA Swiss Management Academy Inc. (Run by Norman’s father, Eddie or Edwin Meier
and George Kuenzli)
- IPO Vision Inc. (Norman Meier, however no business yet)
- Horizon Equity B Inc. (Norman Meier, however no business yet)
- Ecologics Corporation (as Victor Meier, no business yet)
- Novodermica Corporation (as Victor Meier, no business yet)
- Syngentis Corporation ( Norman Meier, no business yet)
- Lionex Corporation (Norman Meier, no business yet)

You will find a ton of information in this blog, some are straightforward and some are a bit more complicated to comprehend. It is also difficult since most links; logos and people suddenly disappear on the web, that’s why there are a lot of screen shots for proof.
Norman Meier considers anything negatively written about him to be “false allegations”, yet
never proves with facts that they really are false. In this blog you will find a lot of facts that he simply cannot deny. And he has had the chance many times to prove that people writing stuff about him are wrong. However instead of setting the records straight he copy pastes his own claims from his website at (which is now being updated), and brags about his achievements. However his achievements are either phony or simply a lie. He has a fake PhD, MBA and BBA, his books are poorly written or copied from Brian Tracy. We will get into all the details further along the way.
Let’s make a list of key players in his past, present and possible future.
- Norman Victor Meier, Norman Burrell-Meier, Victor Burrell, Victor Meier (all the same)
has a PhD in Human Behavior from Newport University
- Jordan Shapiro (Hudson Capital is his company but he has many and he was involved
in everything Norman Meier did up until 2008)
- Chad Smanjak (Convicted Fellon)
- Penny Green (Attorney for all Norman Meier’s former Companies, Hemis, Tecton etc)
- Jason Jadidian (Stock promoter for Tecton)
- Micah Eldred (Island Stock Transfer/Spartan, now owns Tecton)
- Robert Weicker (fraudulent Geologist, for Condor Gold and Aviara Mining, sanctioned
by authority)
- Natasha Waite (Incorporated most of Norman Meier’s companies and was or is a part of
- Dr. Prof. Eddie or Edwin Meier (Has an unaccredited school, which Norman Meier has
his PhD, MBA and BBA from. Eddie also has a PhD in Human Behavior from Newport
- George Kuenzli (Is in charge of Aurum and a part of Newport and SMA Swiss
Management Academy, also has a PhD in Human Behavior from Newport University,
his own school)
- Clive Massey (They go back to Tecton, Condor Gold and Windfire capital corp)
- Philippe Wagner (worked for Benk Finance, which was a shady business, he now works
with Norman Meier “indirectly” for Tristar Energy, Westbridge Oil and Gas, Lion
Consulting Group and United Oil and Gas).
- Joerg Zielasek (worked with Norman Meier at Athena Capital Partners, which is now
sanctioned by FINRA, than they incorporated American Incorporation Services and HiQ
Consulting, however Joerg Zielasek suddenly disappeared and a “Sharon Zielasek”
appeared on the documents, wonder why? HiQ Consulting changed their name and is
now a transgender store in Switzerland, Joerg is now Sharon.
Norman Meier’s Incorporations

Over 40 companies Norman V. Meier mainly incorporated, was the CEO or had affiliations with them. He is 38 years old and has had over 40 companies? One normal human being may work their whole life for not even a quarter that amount of different companies. How come Norman V. Meier can have such an extensive work history? One could assume that he moves on to new ventures once one is not working or if one has a bad reputation. If we now investigate more into his work past and present you will get to learn more about Norman V. Meier as well as a whole bunch of people he is connected with. We are looking back 10 years of history of Norman V. Meier. If you start at the top he worked for AWD Switzerland, Canaccord Capital and Man Investments, if you search for those companies, they are legit.
However one dubious subject is his education. He has been calling himself Dr. Norman V.
Meier for a long time, has been accused online of using a fake PhD yet he has never proven to the world that he truly has one. If he really had a legitimate PhD he could easily diffuse all the suspicion and allegations by posting his dissertation. After 5 years he still has not taken a stand regarding this. On the subject, his PhD in Human Behavior and his MBA and his BBA he received from a School called Newport University Switzerland. However if one delves into the investigation of this so called “University” it is not legitimate. And digging further you can find out that the owners of that school were in fact his own father Dr. Prof. Edwin (or Eddie) Meier, who surprisingly also has a PhD in Human Behavior, we will get more into Eddie Meier’s past and present later. And Eddie’s best friend George Kuenzli also worked at Newport University who also has a PhD in Human Behavior. Funny how all 3 people from that University have the same PhD, I wonder if any of them have a dissertation? If one looks at Norman Victor Meier’s work history and CV it is hard to believe that he was able to get a PhD, BBA and MBA all while working full time at the above mentioned companies.

Corumel Minerals Corp. – PWM AG – Centauros
Norman Meier and Edwin Meier (Unfortunately this is in German, however this information is exactly the explanation of Corumel and the connections between Norman Meier and his father)
Manchmal macht es Sinn, sich mit der Vorgeschichte eines Unternehmens zu
beschäftigen. Corumel wird seit Oktober 2005 an der OTC (Pink Sheets) gehandelt,
insgesamt sind 9,27 Mio Aktien im Umlauf. Die Firma macht seit Gründung 2002 keinen
Umsatz und ist somit eine der vielen Papierleichen am OTC-Markt, die nur eines windigen
Promotors bedürfen, um die wertlosen Aktien unters Volk zu bringen. Einziger “Besitz” der
Firma: Schürfrechte auf 363 acre (1,47km²!!!!) in British Columbia/ Kanada, was man
sich für ca. 1000$ kaufen kann. Am 1.April 2004 (sic!) verkaufte der damalige Präsident
der Fa. alle seine 5,5 Mio Aktien an insgesamt 9 Investoren, darunter die schweizerische
PWM AG. Diese übernahm 2,910,580 Aktien, und war damit Mehrheitsaktionär. Anschließend wurde
wohl noch eine Kapitalerhöhung beschlossen, so dass mittlerweile 9,7 Mio Aktien im
Umlauf sind. Dies passierte vor dem Listing an der OTC, somit sind die Eigner dieser
Papiere nicht nachvollziehbar. Allerdings wurden umgehend 3 Schweizer zu Direktoren
ernannt: 1. Baron von Wullerstorff-Urbair has been an architectural engineer since 1968
and is currently the CEO of PWM AG. Ein Bauingenieur und Chef der PWM AG mit
Adelstitel. 2. Professor Meier has been the Dean at the SBS Swiss Business School since
1993 and is currently the President and a professor at the SMA Swiss Management
Academy. Angeblich ehemaliger Dekan der SBS (konnte nicht geprüft werden, aber eine
Mail an die SBS könnte da Klarheit schaffen: (Sie können diese E-Mail Adresse erst sehen,
wenn Sie mindestens Premium-User sind.)) und jetzt Professor der Swiss Management
Academy, über die nichts anderes bekannt ist, dass sie ihren Sitz in Nairobi/Kenia hat.
Hochinteressante Website: Am 11.4.2004 war er in einer Mitteilung der
Firma an die staatliche Börsenaufsicht SEC übrigends noch Dr. Meier. 3. Mr. Christen has been an independent
business consultant since 1995 and was a lawyer prior to that for 35 years focusing on
construction law. Ein (ehemaliger?) Rechtsanwalt mit Schwerpunkt Baurecht und seit
1995 Firmenberater. Ich frage mich halt immer, was machen solche Leute als Direktoren
einer Goldminengesellschaft? Ich weiß es nicht, aber ganz sicher ist eins: Im Sep.04 hat
die EBK (Eidgenössiche Bankenkommission) gleich über drei im Kanton SZ ansässigen
Finanzgesellschaften Lobaye Gold AG, PWM AG und Thuringia Finanz & Treuhand AG,
wegen unbewilligter Tätigkeit mit sofortiger Wirkung den Konkurs verhängt.
Siehe auch: Also im September
2004 geht der Mehrheitsaktionär der Corumel in Konkurs, und über den Verbleib der
Aktien ab diesem Zeitpunkt kann nur spekuliert werden. Sicher ist hingegen, dass sie zu
diesem Zeitpunkt nichts wert waren, andernfalls wäre das Konkursverfahren ja nicht
eröffnet worden, wenn die PWM AG irgendwelche Vermögensgegenstände gehabt hätte.
Die 3 oben erwähnten Herren waren auch Direktoren der PWM AG, die nach damaliger
Auskunft Alleinaktionär der Corumel war:…e=8&date=040402 Am 11.4.2004 traten der
Baron und der Firmenpromotor zurück, neue Chefs der Firma sind jetzt der Professor einer
nichtexistenten Akademie in Kenia, der “Präsident” der zentralafrikansichen (genau,
Stichwort Bokassa) Kommission für Entwickling und Förderung, Mr. Didier Llinas, und Mr.
Chris Roth. Mr Since 2004, Mr. Llinas has been a managing director of Lobaye Gold SARL,
a mineral exploration company operating in the Republic of Central Africa. From 1999 to
2003, Mr. Llinas was a managing director of SECOMA, another mineral exploration
company operating in the Republic of Central Africa. Lobaye Gold war auch in der Schweiz
ansässig und ging ebenfalls in Konkurs(s.o.). There is no family relationship among the
directors or officers with the exception that Norman Meier is the son of Dr. Edwin
Meier. Schön gesagt. Prof Meier holt seinen Sohn on die Firma und der ist seit Januar
2005 Chef von Corumel, nachdem er bei mehreren Brokern in den USA und Kanada
gelernt hat, wie man Leuten Aktien verkauft. Anschließend war er Geschäftsführer des
LEAP Instituts, später umbenannt in Swiss Equity Trust GmbH (Geschäftszweck: die
Erbringung von Dienstleistungen aller Art in den Bereichen
Finanzberatung,Verkaufstechnik, Coaching, strategische Beratung und
Motivationspsychologie) die keineswegs bei der EBK registriert- wie uns die offizielle
Benachrichtigung an die Börsenaufsicht über den Wechsel der Führungskräfte Glauben
machen will. Zwischenzeitlich heißt die
Firma auch nicht mehr Corumel, sondern CENTAUROS CORP.(OTCBB:CORU.OB), ein
Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt. Also: Irgend jemand hat sich aus der Konkursmasse der
PWM AG die wertlosen Aktien gesichert, unter Aufbringung von 15.000 $ an der OTC
registrieren lassen, und seit Oktober 2005 die wertlosen Aktien unters gutgläubige Volk
gebracht. Beteiligt der Proffessor(?) einer Akademie in Kenia, sein Sohn (geschult in
Motivationspsychologie, mit Brokerkenntnissen) und ein Zentralafrikanischer Politiker. Seit
dem 1.4.2005 gibt es einen neuen Chef: Chris Roth, eigentlich Christoph, gelobt als
ehemaliger Chef einer Arbeitsvermittlungsfirma: AG in Liquidation, in
Stans, CH-400.3.003.712-0, durch Konkurs aufgelöst, Erbringung aller Dienstleistungen in
den Bereichen allgemeine Kommunikation usw., Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 84 vom 05.
05. 2003, S. 9, Publ. 976366). In deren Besiztz brachte sich Herr Roth durch den Ankauf
eines Firmenmantels der Dolle AG in Neuenhof, Herstellung von Holzzäunen. Haus und
Grundstück der Firma des Chefs sind mittlerweile versteigert. Also nochmal, seit 4.7. 2005 ist der
pleite gegangene Christoph Roth- noc_’n Schweizer- Chef bei Corumel. Ende Oktober
2005 (24.10) wird Corumel gelistet und erstmalig mit 0,05$ notiert. Am 27.10. 2005
verschmilzt Corumel mit RCA Resources Corporation zu Centauros Corporation. Was Corumel wert ist, wissen wir: nix.
Und genausoviel wissen wir über die RCA, nur dass sie sich mit der Exploration von
Diamanten, Gold, Platin und Palladium beschäftigt- in Zentralafrika? Am 17. 10.2005
engagiert Corumel bereits eine Werbeagentur für 30.000 $ pro Quartal plus 650.000
Aktien. Wert der Firma lt. letztem
Quartalsbericht: Minus 117.000$!!!! Per 30.9.2005!!!! Da der Verschmelzungsprozess mit RCA unter
diversen Vorbehalten steht, ist die Firma also nix wert. Aber die Werbeagentur und diverse
Berater verkaufen die Aktien wie warme Semmeln: Der Aktienkurs steigt bis auf 2,60$,
aktuell liegt er bei 2,00$. Bislang wurden 450.100 Aktien für ca. 653.588 $ unte_’s Volk
gebracht. Wo ein Käufer ist, muss auch ein Verkäufer sein, und der hat jetzt 653.588$
mehr. Verkaufen kann an der OTC nur einer, der die Aktien hat. Wer hat 9,27 Mio Aktien?
SEC Form 8-K Corumel Minerals Corp.


If you just google Norman V. Meier or Norman Meier and Hemis Corp you will find a ton of
information, also on rip off report.

According to Hemis Corp Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31. 2008 these are the following information:
There are three costs that seem to be the main ones, COMMISSION, COMPENSATION and
Exploration Expenditures. There is also a cost of $433’540.00 for “other expenses”. There are
way more commissions and compensation costs than exploration expenditures.
And than there are such costs as Stratos Gold payments of $40’000 and $75’000, which are
loans that are non-interest bearing and due on demand. The Company’s 2 DIRECTORS have
voting control of Stratos.
Hemis paid Tecton $955’083 and $952’677 again the advance is non-interest bearing and is
due on demand. The Company’s 2 directors have voting control over Tecton.
How can Hemis be paying out loans on demand from companies that also belong to the same people?
Now this is the HIGHLIGHT!!
As shown in the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements, for the period
February 9th 2005 (date of inception) to March 31, 2008, the company accumulated LOSSES
So let’s recapture here, Norman Meier claims to have not sold a single share however had
management agreements and somehow made over 24 million dollars disappear? And this is only Hemis Corporation, there was also Tecton.
Expenses for 3 months $408’702.00 in general admin expenses, $1’253’967.00 for CONSULTING FEES! And
54’885.00 for PROFESSIONAL FEES. From February 9th, 2005 (date of inception) to March 31. 2008, we incurred total GENERAL and ADMINISTRATIVE expenses of $23’761’099.00 (TWENTYTHREE MILLION SEVENHUNDRED AND SIXTYONE THOUSAND NINETYNINE)
$24’081’890.00 was mainly funded through equity financing. From February 9th, 2005 (date of inception) to March 31. 2008, we have raised an aggregate of $7’134’150 from the SALE of
our common stock, net of shares issuance costs. All the exploration forecasts seem to be only estimates, very high estimates, for example the estimate for the year going forward is over $8 million however in the past nothing near that amount was ever spent on exploration….

This could be a possibility on how they made their money; instead of selling the shares they raised money, made consulting agreements (between the company and themselves or other companies they also owned) and got paid as many consulting fees as agreements.
In addition to consulting agreements, they paid themself also a salary and management fees from each company:
Norman Meier got a salary of $20’000 and a Management fee of $10’000 per months, for 20%
of time of work in the business for Tecton.

SEC info – Hemis Corp – SB-2- On 4/18/07-EX-23.1
Consent of independent registered certified public accounting firm

To: Hemis Corporation

As independent registered certified public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation
by reference in this FORM SB-2 Registration Statement, of our report, which includes and
explanatory paragraph regarding the SUBSTANTIAL DOUBT about the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, dated March 30th 2007 relating the consolidated financial
statements of Hemis Corporation and to the reference to our Firm under the caption “Experts” appearing in the Prospectus.

This was written in 2007 and the company went on and managed to have losses of OVER 24
million dollars.

Hemis Consulting Agreements Exhibit Number Exhibit Description
3.1 Certificate (Articles) of Incorporation as filed with the Nevada Secretary of State on February 9, 2005 (1)
3.2 Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation filed April 28, 2006 (1)
3.3 Bylaws (1)
4 Instrument Defining the Right of Holders – Form of Share Certificate (1)
10.1 Santa Rita Option Agreement (1)
10.2 Letter Agreement for Santa Rita with Corex Gold Corporation dated January 29, 2007 (5)
10.3 El Tigre and Porvenir Option Agreement (1)
10.4 La Centela Option Agreement (2)
10.5 Addendum to La Centela Option Agreement (2)
10.6 Bruno Weiss Management Agreement (1)
10.7 Douglas Oliver Management Agreement (5)
10.8 Norman Meier Option Agreement (3)
10.9 Bruno Weiss Option Agreement (3)
10.10 Hudson Capital Corp. Consulting Agreement (1)
10.11 Amendment to Hudson Capital Corp. Consulting Agreement (4)
10.12 Agreement with Aspen Exploration Corporation (5)
10.13 Wolfe Creek and Covenant Properties Option Agreement (5)
10.14 Consulting Agreement with Dorado Inc. (5)
10.15 Consulting Agreement with Battle X Inc. (5)
10.16 Consulting Agreement with Westgate Corporation (5)
10.17 Consulting Agreement with Dr. Fuat Cirit (5)
10.18 Consulting Agreement with William Snoddy (6)
10.19 Services Agreement with Mineralogics Corporation (7)
10.20 Anchor Point Project Option Agreement with Condor Gold Corporation
10.21 Option Agreement with Monte Cristo Gold Corporation
10.22 Management Agreement with Norman Meier (1)

Here is some information about how people started to look at Norman
Meier after what he had done.

“The Swiss Tend To Be Touchy About Sleazy Scammers”
Junior Gold Company HMSO set to Soar!
In today’s markets gold is King and there is no better
place to make Significant Money than Junior gold companies.
Do a search on “junior gold company” and you will see that
they are Making a killing and so are the people who Follow
them.The key is, knowing which companies have the big potential.
We have found one that we believe is a winner.
Hemis Corp. (HMSO)
Currrent Price: $1.05
Tarrget Price: $3.10
Why is this getting our top rating?
* The second largest gold c company in the world has entered
into a join-venture Property agreement with HMSO.
* HMSO recently discovered Molybdenum mineralization at its
El Tigre property. Molybdenum has quadrupled in price
since 2002!
* Go to your favorite financial information source and see
for yourself – lots of positive releases.
* World class properties, Excellent financing, a winning
team of experts. The recipe for success!
TECTON Uranium Corporation

Let’s have a closer look at Tecton
$55’000 in commissions was paid to Canaccord Capital
$100’000 was paid to Hudson Capital (JORDAN SHAPIRO) for investors relations and
business development. Again exploration estimates are high and money paid out was not for exploration but more for management, consulting, commission, and other….
Our net loss of $3’376’665 from January 19th, 2006 (date of inception) to January 31. 2008
was funded by a combination of our equity and debt financing.
For the year ended January 31, 2008, we used net cash of $2’514’776 in operating activities,
and net cash of $987’904 in investing activities. The net cash used in investing activities
included a non-interest bearing loan of $953’080 to an entity AFFILIATED WITH US and
$34’824 in acquisition costs to purchase capital assets.
We plan to raise capital through private placements, a direct offering or loans.
Norman Meier got paid $10’000 per month, Hudson Capital (Jordan Shapiro) $5’000 per month and Sedona AG $5’000 consulting fee per month. And Clive Massey also $4’200 per month Tecton also loaned Hemis $953’079 also non-interest bearing.
Also something interesting:

Code of Ethics
We have not yet adopted a code of ethics that applies to our principal executive officer,
principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing
similar functions because we have not yet finalized the content of such a code.
This is from a report of an Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
The company has incurred losses since inception. These conditions raise substantial doubt
about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
One could come to the conclusion that there must have been offshore accounts where money was transferred.
Desperado, Cloudless (offshore accounts Cyprus and Marshall Islands?)

(Swiss Wealth Partners, SwissAlis, Generation 21 and Panatrust Treuhand (Victor Gallus & Andrea Stoeckli))

(3) Andrea Stöckli has voting and investment control over Cloudless Investment Ltd.
(4) Victor Gallus has voting and investment control over Desperado Ltd.

Jason Jadidian

Penny Green

Beacon Equity Research (Victor Sula PhD and Tecton)

MASS Petroleum – XTOL Energy – Laud Resources
The Norman Meier, Chad Smanjak connection
reactivated in 2011 by Jordan Shapiro)

Very interesting, Hudson Capital = Jordan Shapiro, Sedona AG = Norman Meier, and Chad
There has been a youtube video uploaded about Hemis Corporation in Las Vegas, where
Norman can be seen in a snap shot with Chad Smanjak.
All these websites lead to Mass Petroleum
A federal grand jury in Orange County indicted 37-year-old Chad Smanjak Wednesday on 10 counts of aiding
wire fraud and one count of money laundering.
Federal prosecutors say Smanjak fled to his native South Africa earlier this year and is considered a fugitive.

A federal grand jury in Santa Ana this week indicted Chad Peter Smanjak, 37, on 10 counts of
aiding wire fraud and one count of money laundering.
Smanjak fled to his native South Africa earlier this year after authorities executed a search
warrant and is considered a fugitive, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE), which is joined by the Office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) in the criminal probe, with assistance from the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC).

Chad P. Smanjak, a citizen of the Republic of South Africa, is a stock promoter. Smanjak
directed Dynkowski’s manipulative trading, and controlled a series of Panamanian companies
that sold shares during the scheme.

Sedona AG

Jordan Shapiro
This man (Norman Meier) along with Jordan Shapiro and their attorney Penny Green took their
publicly traded companies and created what is called a “Pump and Dump”. What they did is
place out false information (paid news companies in some cases 7500 Beacon Equity) causing
the stock to increase significantly and they sell their stock and make money the stock
eventually tanks to nothing.
Now you should know that this was a shell company they did not own a piece of equiptment,
their mining leases were either sold off for profit and diverted into Mr. Meiers off shore
accounts. The entire Board of directors resigned, now Penny Green Atty at law files bogus
SEC filings. Mr. Meier and Mr. Shapiro made a loan for close to one million dollars from Tecton
Corp to Hemis Corp with out board approval and all the monies went into Meiers and Shapiros
accounts. Meier has a phony PHD, i have hired a Private investigation company and they
turned up so much fraud its not even funny. I have turned all of this over to the DOJ> Stay
away from these people, also George Kuenzli is part of this scam too. STAY AWAY FROM


Shapiro is involved with the following companies:
- Metropolitan Energy Corp
- Schwabo Capital Corp.
- Lornex Capitla Inc.
- Mass Petroleum
- Tecton Corp.
Website (no longer exists on the internet) :
Aviara Mining, Inc.
Location: Carlsbad
Industry: Venture Capital
Year Founded: 2011
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Creation/Idea
Entity Type: “C” Corporation
Description: Aviara Mining, Inc. is a minerals exploration and development company actively
working on projects in North America. Aviara aims to develop extensive surface and
subsurface mineralized zones while continuously acquiring high potential assets for its portfolio
of projects. Mineral exploration projects are evaluated and managed by a team of qualified
industry professionals. As gold is a limited global resource under increasing demand and
pressure from multiple applications, Aviara is committed to play an active role in exploring
valuable resources of gold, focused on the most important regions in North America.
Consequently, exploration projects should show a minimum of 250,000 oz. of gold to meet
Aviara’s technical standards. Preferably, Aviara will execute its business strategy by
acquiring formerly productive precious metals assets. Due to a long term decline in gold prices
that lasted from approximately 1980 until the beginning of the the 21st century, these assets
were often dismissed by the mining industry as being uneconomical and unworthy of
investment. Due to the huge growth in gold prices to all-time nominal highs and the
development of modern exploration and drilling techniques, these formerly productive assets
have never been more attractive. By acquiring these projects, Aviara will accumulate
substantial gold holdings at a significant discount to their true value – delivering maximum
returns to its shareholders.
GEOLOGIST – Robert Weicker
Aviara Mining’s Geologist has had a few run ins with the authorities it seems, here the most
recent article, there are more to be found on the internet:

Aviara Mining Blog:

Natasha Waite
Address (possibly old):
2390 Rising Glen Way Apt. 109
Carlsbad, CA 92008-2065
Experienced Human Resource Specialist
Carlsbad, California (Greater San Diego Area)
Management Consulting
Current: VP of Human Resources at HiQ Consulting, Inc.
Past: Office Manager at Eastbiz, Inc.
Natasha Waite’s Experience
VP of Human Resources
HiQ Consulting, Inc.
October 2011 – Present (4 months) Carlsbad, CA
Responsible for the people strategy and for providing proactive HR support. This role is
responsible for developing, managing, and ensuring all HR programs align with business goals
and building and sustaining a high performance workforce. This role is responsible for
managing and advising on all Human Resources policies and programs including recruitment,
employee relations, compensation and benefits, organizational development, talent
management, and learning and development.
Office Manager
Eastbiz, Inc.
July 2003 – December 2010 (7 years 6 months)
What did Natasha do between December 2010 and October 2011? She worked for
Athena Capital Partners Carlsbad as a Manager, however she changed her LinkedIn
page to not show that anymore.
Professional Bio
Advisor Name Natasha Waite
Individual CRD # 5921458
Registered Titles Broker-Dealer Agent
State Registrations California
Work History
Firm City State Start Date End Date
Athena Capital Partners, Inc. Tampa FL 1/3/11 Present

Why does Natasha have an individual CRD#? Neither this number nor Natasha Waite can be
found on the FINRA broker check.
Natasha’s new blog Blog (no longer exists)

Another blog – INVISABLE HELPER (The Executive Assistant to the Small Business Owner)

“Anytime something sounds too good to be true, the first place I check is the ripoff report. “
So she suggests first checking ripoff report if anything is on there. If you check for Hemis
Corporation, Tecton Corporation or Norman Meier you can find reports on ripoff.
This is another article about Natasha Waite

NV Annual Report for Natasha Waite
Principal Name Entity Name File Number Status Entity Type
Natasha Waite Refco Minerals Corporation E0610882009-5 Default Domestic Profit Corporation
Natasha Waite Tristar Energy Group Inc E0383152011-6 Active Domestic Profit Corporation
Natasha Waite Tristar Energy Group Inc E0383152011-6 Active Domestic Profit Corporation
Natasha Waite American Incorporation Services Inc E0386772011-3 Active Domestic Profit Corporation
Natasha Waite American Incorporation Services Inc E0386772011-3 Active Domestic Profit Corporation
Natasha Waite Aviara Mining Inc E0195312011-8 Active Domestic Profit Corporation
Natasha Waite Hiq Consulting, Inc. E0545872010-7 Active Domestic Profit Corporation
Official Carlsbad Address
1808 Aston Ave Suite # 260
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel: (760) 931-5800
Their website cannot be found anywhere anymore and their employees have changed their work
history on LinkedIn etc.
Maybe this is the reason why.
Norman Meier is not the owner of Athena Capital Partners, who he claimes to be on LinkedIn,
however his business partner, Joerg Zielasek was a part owner of the original Athena Capital
Partners in Florida. This could be the reason why they used this name and opened their sales
center in Carlsbad.
$4 million dollars in federal and state tax liens and civil judgments of
unpaid debts.

Norman Meier did register the domain name with an address that belongs to a Mark Chernov in Vancouver…..

Norman Meier
1118 Kings Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7T 2C3
Created on: 11-OCT-10
Expires on: 11-OCT-12
Last Updated on: 23-FEB-11
Administrative, Technical Contact:
Meier, [email protected]
1118 Kings Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7T 2C3
Athena Capital Partners, Inc. Broker-Dealer
Key Facts
Athena Capital Partners,
Legal Status
Compare Corporation Broker
CIK Number 1146147
Firm CRD # 116226
SEC Number 53541
SEC Registrations
 Registered Broker
Types of
Private placements of
Registered In:
State Registrations
New York
Athena Capital Partners, Inc. Employees
Full Name Location
Cimino, Kevin Tampa, FL
Meier, Norman Carlsbad, CA
Fleming, Jason Carlsbad, CA
Collins, Christopher Carlsbad, CA
Whitley, Joshua Carlsbad, CA
Alnajafi, Amer Carlsbad, CA
Mcguire, Elizabeth Tampa, FL

(Old/outdated information yet still interesting….)
If Athena Capital Partners was active with this many brokers, including Natasha Waite who has
a CRD# 5921458 on the internet but not registered with FINRA, how many investors invested
through them? What did they tell their investors? And what kind of projects did they invest in?
Windfire Capital Corp where Norman Meier was also a Director? In Refco Minerals where
Joerg Zielasek, Natasha Waite and Norman Meier were involved? Aviara Mining? And is HiQ
Consulting now the new Athena Capital Partners in Carlsbad?
Athena Capital Partners was a licensed broker through FINRA, however there is no
incorporation documents showing that Norman Meier ever was the owner. It is Kevin Cimino’s
Natasha Waite was the Manager at Athena Capital Partners Inc in Carlsbad now she is the VP
of Humane Resources at HiQ Consulting Inc.
Jakob Ogdahl was Manager at Athena Capital Partners, now he is Director of Investor
Relations & Business Development at HiQ and Aviara.
All the mentioned employees and others have individual broker numbers and they have been
recruited by Athena Capital Partners, there are many job postings from Carlsbad to be found
on the Internet. So one can come to the conclusion that several new hires were made in 2011
and they past their exams in order to sell products to investors.
West Coast Wall Street Conference in October 2011, before or after FINRA sanctioned them?
(left Dr. Norman Meier, right Jakob Ogdahl)
Athena Capital Partners
Financial Services industry
2010 – 2011 (1 year)
The principals of Athena Capital Partners, Norman Meier of Switzerland and Joerg Zielasek of Germany are
highly successful in private equity in Europe and are now expanding their reach into North America. Athena
Capital Partners/Carlsbad is their first entry into the North American private equity market and opened here in
December of 2010. We are very exclusive in our approach, only taking on perhaps four or five projects for an
entire year who are seeking equity capital typically in the $10mm+ range.
Jakob Ogdahl for Athena capital Partners and Aviara
If you are looking for capital please contact me. We are looking for strong companies and projects
to introduce to our pool of Swiss/European investors.
I look forward to hearing from you, [email protected]

We are looking for strong projects/companies seeking capital. Please contact me at
[email protected]

Jakob Ogdahl
7143 Navajo Rd Apt 6201
San Diego, CA 92119-4609
(619) 460-1124
HiQ’s Jakob Ogdahl is actively looking for projects and has posted the following on some LinkedIn groups
and the internet.
I am looking for a project with an NI 43-101 completed in the last 12 months and ready for
Please contact me at [email protected].

VP/SVP/Dept Head
Location: Carlsbad
Industry: Venture Capital
Year Founded: 2011
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Creation/Idea
Entity Type: “C” Corporation
Description: Aviara Mining, Inc. is a minerals exploration and development company actively
working on projects in North America. Aviara aims to develop extensive surface and subsurface
mineralized zones while continuously acquiring high potential assets for its portfolio of projects.
Mineral exploration projects are evaluated and managed by a team of qualified industry
professionals. As gold is a limited global resource under increasing demand and pressure from
multiple applications, Aviara is committed to play an active role in exploring valuable resources of
gold, focused on the most important regions in North America. Consequently, exploration projects
should show a minimum of 250,000 oz. of gold to meet Aviara’s technical standards.
Preferably, Aviara will execute its business strategy by acquiring formerly productive precious
metals assets. Due to a long term decline in gold prices that lasted from approximately 1980 until
the beginning of the the 21st century, these assets were often dismissed by the mining industry as
being uneconomical and unworthy of investment. Due to the huge growth in gold prices to all-time
nominal highs and the development of modern exploration and drilling techniques, these formerly
productive assets have never been more attractive. By acquiring these projects, Aviara will
accumulate substantial gold holdings at a significant discount to their true value – delivering
maximum returns to its shareholders.

Aviara Mining, Inc. is a minerals exploration and development company actively working on
projects in North America.
Aviara aims to develop extensive surface and subsurface mineralized zones, while continuously
acquiring high potential assets for its portfolio of projects. Aviara is currently raising capital to
start work on the Hixon Creek project. Please visit our website and download our company
broshure, or contact me directly at [email protected] I look
forward to speaking with you

GEOLOGIST – Robert Weicker
Aviara Mining’s Geologist has had a few run ins with the authorities it seems, here the most recent
article, there are more to be found on the internet:


American Incorporation Services or Nevada Business
AMERICAN INC SERVICES (they deleted this and
it’s now Nevada Business Experts)
Our Team
He has a PhD in Human Behavior, an MBA and a BA, all from Newport University in
Switzerland. He holds two designations from the Canadian Securities Institute: a Canadian
Investment Manager Designation and a Derivatives Market Specialist Designation. He is a
member of the FCSI (Fellowship of the Canadian Securities Institute) in Canada. He is
also a member of the Fellowship of the Canadian Securities Institute. He has a financial
planning designation from AWD Switzerland and nine other finance diplomas.
Mr. Zielasek is a German national living in Switzerland. He holds a degree in engineering
and MBA from the University of Karlsruhe in Germany. After several years of working for
some of the largest German companies in, Mr. Zielasek found himself working in mergers
and acquisitions. He soon realized that his passion lay more in the business consulting
and financing of new companies.
Besides business development and consulting, he turned the consulting company into an
enterprise that also provided fundraising services for start-up companies. For the last ten
years he has been in the consulting, business development and Private Equity business. J.
Zielasek has had a cooperation with the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland for the last
ten years. He developed a tool for customer value management based on research of the
Institute for marketing and commerce, which was implemented with several large scale
companies in consulting projects.
Natasha Waite has 20 years in Customer Service experience. In 2003, Ms. Waite started
with a company that served to set up Nevada corporations. In this time, she has personally
assisted in setting up over 10,000 Nevada corporations and countless corporations in all
other states.
Natasha Waite has built a reputation on developing long term relationships with her clients
by assisting them with every step of their corporate needs from initial set up to ongoing

Norman Meier
1118 Kings Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7T 2C3
Created on: 08-JUN-11
Expires on: 08-JUN-12
Last Updated on: 26-AUG-11
Administrative, Technical Contact:
Meier, [email protected]
1118 Kings Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7T 2C3

Aurum, Stratos, Allegra, Sirius

Published Author (copied from Brian Tracy)
Notice the comments from Natasha Waite, Philippe
Wagner and Thomas Jandt (works at the same location as
Athena Capital Partners was)
Here he mentions the “Wylie Foundation”

He made $ 100’000 a month, yes with all those companies and
their agreements and management fees, so basically he was
paid investors’ money that never went into projects.

On his website (which is now
being updated) he has a program for sale about Self
Confidence, if you google the text you can see that he
copied from Brian Tracy’s book “Power of Self-

Brian Tracy’s Book Power of Self Confidence
Wylie Foundation (non registered charity)
Again this was on his website
(which is being updated)
Clive Massey – Tecton – Condor Gold – Windfire – Refco
Minerals – Aviara Mining

Norman Meier – Damage Control – and purchased reviews
on Merchant Circle and Wallet Hub
As Norman Meier noticed that he is being asked to come forward and admit the truth by
supplying evidence and clarification he went on a “PR” mission and wrote on blogs,
forums and even made his co-worker Jakob Ogdahl post a letter for him.
And the most interesting fact is that Norman Meier must have activated or paid a service
to write FAKE reviews about him and his “Seminars” on Merchant Circle, Wallet Hub
etc. The reason why one could assume that they are fake is due to the exact same
people writing reviews also on other companies sites. These people are not real they
have a name a picture and someone who pays money will get the same face and name
for their companies review. Check out for yourself…

William W. (from Illinois who took Norman Meier’s
Seminar) also made comment for Northwest Nasal & Sinus
Nicole H. (from Illinois) wrote a review for Northwestern
Nasal & Sinus, Auto Body Experts USA llc, Norman Meier
International, 19 Breeders
Andy Mc C. (From Fresno CA) also wrote a comment for
Northwestern Nasal & Sinus, Auto Body Experts USA llc,
Norman Meier International Inc. and 19 Breeders
This is also interesting because this Norman Meier “The
Catalyst” isn’t even Norman Meier himself, yet his paid
comments come up under a wrong “Norman Meier”
because it’s an automated possibly paid service….
And some more comments about Norman V. Meier

Here are the several letters he posted all over the internet:

Norman Meier has many Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+
accounts, this may be to confuse people as to which one
is really his…
Norman Meier
Mahagoni Investment, Business Consultant for Hair Salons, Miascara Business Consultant –
MBC, Manjeet Business Consultant….
Norman Meier
Worked at: Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Studied at: National University – Carlsbad, California
Lives in: Carlsbad, New Mexico
Norman Meier
Studied at: Newport University USA
Lives in? Las Vegas, Nevada
Norman Meier:
Worked at: FINRA
Studied at: Newport University (California)

Norman Meier Google +
One can assume that this one could be his real one
because “Sharon Zielasek former Joerg Zielasek” is in his
This is just another one….
FBC Holdings – Wave Uranium
This goes back a while, Wave Uranium with Jordan

( is being updated and most likely
will not reflect the same information as here once it is
The Wylie Foundation is a charity that helps animals in need. It supports other organizations
and has its own individual projects. The main focus lies on helping cats and dogs but all
animals in need will be helped.
Make a Donation for Animal Charities
Animals in need cannot ask for help. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people that hurt,
torture or kill animals for no reason. Others try to exploit animals and mistreat them right.
Some animals don’t get the attention or help that they should get. In some countries they are
neglected and multiply with no control under the worst conditions.
Some companies in America still sell puppies in malls. Those dogs have to stand and sleep on
metal grids and do not get the social interaction that they would need to develop properly.
There are a lot of reasons to help animals!
I have decided that I will help animals in need because that is where my heart lies.
“Wylie”, my late dog, was the love of my life. At only seven years of age he died of cancer. In
his honor I have decided to create a charity to help animals.
Making money and being successful can be a wonderful thing. However, you can only be
fulfilled in your life if you do something good in the world. This world has provided me with a lot
of abundance. And now it is time to give something back to the world.
10% of the earnings of all products sold on this website will be directly donated to the
Wylie Foundation.

Norman Meier asks for donation on his website for his animal foundation, however this
foundation is nowhere registered or to be found. Where does that money go to?
Norman Meier’s Blog

If you go check out it may still be “updating” since he was exposed
online about his fake books and fake charity, however we have screen shots of his old site.

Private Life, Norman Meier and Ursula Burrell
Norman V. Meier also wrote in his book “Start Your Own Business and Live Your Dream: Become a
Self-Made Millionaire”. His dedication to his father:
This book is dedicated to my father Prof. Dr. Eddie Meier.
Thanks for not being a regular nine-to-five guy and teaching me early on in life what it takes to become
a successful person. Your unconventional way of thinking and living has taught me to be courageous in
all situations in life. I admire your unbreakable believe in your vision and no matter what happens, you
will always be my hero. I could not have wished for a better father.

Start Your Own Business and Live Your Dream: Become a Self-Made Millionaire With Your Business: Norman V. Meier: 9781449061074: Books

Start Your Own Business and Live Your Dream: Become a Self-Made Millionaire With Your Business: Norman V. Meier: 9781449061074: Books

Buy from Amazon

This book has the power to change your life forever . . . In less than two and a half years, Norman Meier,
has become a self-made millionaire with his own business, earned over $100,000 per month and took
two companies public that were valued at over $300 million in the stock market. He has started and built
several businesses from the ground up and raised millions of dollars for his business ideas and start-ups.
In this book he will teach you his secrets, his knowledge and mental attitude so you can do the same. He
will help you to find the business that is right for you, how to make it work like no one has shown you
before and how the power of Private Equity (raising capital for your business) can make you a
millionaire. You will learn how to start your own business and how to make it successful so that you can
live the life that you have always dreamed about.
And his acknowledgements:
Natasha Waite, family Zielasek, his children Jackson,
Charlise and Emerson and his love of his life Ursula
Swiss Equity Trust – LEAP Institute
Swiss Wealth Partners
From or his book, he says thank to Joerg
Eddie Meier / Dr. Edwin Meier / Edwin Meier
If Norman Meier is the son of the so called Prof. Dr. Edwin (Eddie) Meier, from Switzerland
than you should really stay away from him. His father (Eddie) claims to be a Professor which is
not true at all. His Business School (Swiss Management Academy AG) is almost bankrupt and
does not exist anymore. The only thing that works in his environment is the school in Kenya.
Both use to write books on health and personal management, while they are totally broke. Stay
away from this people. If you don’t trust me, just make a search in Google of yahoo and you
will understand.

SMA – Swiss Management Academy – Prof. Dr. Edwin (Eddie) Meier

Edwin Meier wrote a book with Georg Neuf

Glück und Erfolg - Nur wer sich weiterentwickelt bleibt oben, we stehen bleibt geht unter!: Georg Neuf und Prof. Dr. Edwin Meier: Bücher

Glück und Erfolg – Nur wer sich weiterentwickelt bleibt oben, we stehen bleibt geht unter!: Georg Neuf und Prof. Dr. Edwin Meier: Bücher

Buy from Amazon

And Georg Neuf has been sanctioned by FINMA in Switzerland

This just shows what kind of people Edwin Meier collaborates with.
Edwin Meier involved with PWM AG – here is an article about the case.


Eddie Meier taught Norman Meier early on in life how to scam people and take their money, move to
another country and start a new scam.
SMA – Swiss Management Academy and Newport University connection

Moneyhouse confirms that Switzerland Campus of Newport University USA has Edwin Meier as a

Newport University Switzerland was the institution (owned and operated by his father Edwin Meier and
George Kuenzli, his long time friend) that issued Norman V Meier his MBA and PhD in Human
Behaviour (Dr. Edwin Meier and Dr. George Kuenzli also have a PhD in Human Behaviour)
Norman V. Meier, George Kuenzli and Edwin Meier have all Phd’s from the same institution and are
criticized for it, if they would want to set the records straight why not make their dissertation public to

SMA – Swiss Management Academy
Connections to SMA (Swiss Management Academy Inc.) and how Dr. Norman Meier got his
PhD, MBA and BA all in 3 years while working full time.
SMA belongs to Norman Meier’s father Dr. Edwin Meier. SMA formerly known as Newport
graduate school issued all Norman’s certificates. Norman Meier got his PhD, MBA and BA
from his father.



NGS Newport Graduate School AG (NGS Newport Graduate School SA) (NGS Newport Graduate School Ltd), bisher in St. Gallen,
Firma Neu: SMA Swiss Management Academy AG. Uebersetzungen der
Firma Neu: (SMA Swiss Management Academy SA) (SMA Swiss Management Academy LTD).
Sitz Neu: Dübendorf.
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend: Meier Prof. Dr. Edwin, von Bülach, Bassersdorf, Präsident, mit Einzelunterschrift [bisher:
Meier, Edwin, in St. Gallen, Mitglied];
Georg Künzli, MCT Management Consulting & Training, in Thalwil, Revisionsstelle.
He holds an MBA and a Ph.D. in Human Behavior, Concentration in Business
Management, from Newport University in California.

(Dr. George Kuenzli)
Most recent Edwin Meier and George Kuenzli collaboration

SMA Switzerland went bankrupt and out of business.
On NV Annual Report you can see that SMA was registered by Norman Meier in 2006
Some interesting facts:

Fake PhD in Human Behavior  - Impostor - Stock Fraud - Pump & Dump Fake PhD in Human Behavior  - Impostor - Stock Fraud - Pump & Dump

4160 days ago by Shoesus57

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