Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
12th of Dec, 2010 by User636755
TO THE WORLD OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMEN BE AWAKE; BE AWARE, BE ALERT; and be very, very care full, Dear International businessmen. There is a man, introducing himself as AN ADVOCATE OF THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, (WHICH, HE IS NOT ACTUALLY), JUST TO IMPRESS AND BUY CREDIT TO MANIPILATE AND CON FOREIN INVESTORS. THIS MAN CALLS HIMSELF DEREK MULLER. AND HIS REAL IDENTITY IS: MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3; Passport N0: 457077639; his company is named* Lger Consulting* (Specialized Financial Services and Consulting)
Authorized Financial Services Provider
FSP No. 7878
VAT Reg. No. 4740242815,
Contact numbers: +27829262727. Phone: +27123491524/ +27865421548; Facsimile: +2786630 2703
Address: Persequor Close 7B/2. 49 De Havilland Crescent. Persequor Park. Pretoria. 0020
Please find attached his picture.
This man has a permanent smile; he pretends to be very courteous; always very servable, with the allure of a saint respectable man. He is ready to buy you earth and haven, especially, if he is aware that you are expecting some money in your account, but., ask me, I will tell you what I went through from the evil day I meet him up to the day, I knocked him out of my life, which cost me distortion; black-mailing; threatening mails; humiliation and insult though a site web. I invite the world of businessmen, to read attentively the following adventure; I went through after meeting the above named guy.
This is my reply to the lies of the so cold Advocate of the respectable High court of South Africa so he calls himself, Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, Passport N0: 457077639; a South African national man, to clean my name.
If the story published by Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, on 2nd.October 2010 on Google site web is true, then he is an idiot and he deserve this. Because, he is holding a Masters degree of low, he should have taken both my company and I to the court of low. What is he waiting for? Why is he looking for justice in a site web instead of looking for justice in the right place? This guy is a liar.
As far as I am concern, this man is not an idiot; he knows what he is doing. He used to prevent me from doing business with other people. ( He could do whatever possible to stop me doing business with other partners). Now that I have knocked him out my life and out of my business, he wants to stop other businessmen from doing business with me and my company as well. Actually he knows how influent and powerful, I am in the D.R.Congo my home country. Shame it is a pity.
The bible says: You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Late September this year, I received the first written black mailing mail from Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, who, calls himself * Advocate of the High court* to impress and buy himself credit in the world of business. In his mail, he threatened me saying, I must pay him 35,000.00 US$, otherwise, he is going to damage both my company's name and mine, in one of the Google site webs, and he is going to write a letter to Home Affaires to obtain my deportation. I told him to go ahead and so he did. Please find attached the copy of the mail below in annex On 24/10/2010, I received a second threatening mail; (a black-mailing mail) from Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, which I invite the world to read
On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Derek Muller wrote:
Dear Robert, Please note that this letter (as promised) will be hand-delivered by Koos to the South African Department of Home affairs next week the 1st of November 2010, that is to say if our outstanding money is not settled before that time. The combined money spent by myself, Pieter and Koos amount to about R300,000. I do not think you will be able to settle, but then again, you have proven to be a person full of surprises. As you always used to say let the truth be known, no matter how unpleasant. Regards Derek PS I do not hold any bad feelings towards you, but you must be prevented from causing other people harm and there are consequences for everything we do in life. Derek Muller
Advocate of the High Court
B.Iuris LLB, CFP Two months ago, on 2nd.October, 2010, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES used the following site web: Htm, to publish a profanity report on both (ECOTRAS) the company, I represent and myself, attending to my personal dignity, and which I unfortunately, came across only some days ago, on the 1st. of December 2010. My reply to all the allegations is:
First question, why does the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES has to black- mail me before he publication of his story to the site web, if really he has been offended? Do the doors of the High court, he always claim to be the Advocate closed? Why did not he give his full identity to the world? What is he hiding? Why does he do one thing and the opposite?
My concerns are: Let me raise some few concerns, according to Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, story, he claimed that he, as a businessman, has been victimized by both Ecotras and Dr J.R.Tshibangu Mutombo Kabwe. Everybody will agree with me that, our good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, has a legal back ground unless the word Advocate is this surname.
If the answer is yes, then, he should know that, in business, everything must be clearly defined; written; signed and recorded. If this is the case, then he should provide written proof of agreement of employment signed with Ecotras as a company or Dr J.R Tshibangu as its legal representative.
Because, as we all know, talk is cheap. He claimed having worked as a company Director in ECOTRAS; he should then be able to tell the world, what was actually his job description? Can the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES produce; show and tell the world, with whom, when and where did he signed an employment agreement to work with Ecotras Airlines CC;SPRL; or Ecotras Pty for a salary of 10,000.00 UD$?
If he is a shareholder, why can't he tell the world how much money, he actually invested. And in which bank in South Africa or overseas, had he deposed the amount of money that he is claiming?
Personally, I do not understand the relation between 15 KG of sugar; 2litters of cooking oil; 12,5 KG of maize meal; ect, he might have provided to my family, when I was out of South Africa, and an investment as shareholder in an air transport company. Unless the net work in my heard is not working properly. And if it is still working, then somebody somewhere needs proper care from a psychiatrist.
Let me inform Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, the quality of the furniture that he offered as a gift to my lovely wife to impress me, was too poor to feet to my standard. So, I actually gave them away just some few months after he bought them. I am really surprised and shocked to realize that the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, is confusing business and friendship, gift and service although he calls himself businessman with a legal background.
Speaking of the property he is talking about, I have come to realize that, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, is not a man of class. That three bed roomed house without a living space, was not that bad, but the area was looking like a bush. I had very good neighbors: rates and cockroaches. The particularity of that area was; everybody that owned a property was selling it, including my land lord. I am a man of standard and this was not my standard.
Furthermore, the good Advocate sent me an invoice of 243,487 R (US$ 33,173) on 8 September, and on 24/10/2010 the amount grew to 300,000 R, I really do not know the formula that he used to get this amount of money. If this is the kind of Financial advises we have in this century, sham it is a pity. I leave it to the world to judge. Please take not that: The Republic of South Africa owns the best justice system in Africa, if the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES was really offended, why did not he take both my company and I, to the court of low? He has a Legal background, and he is offended by a poor, useless foreigner that lives in South Africa begging for food and accommodation. Here again, I leave it to the world to judge.
Remark: the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, tried to discrete the D.R.Congo my home country, Ecotras my company and Jean Robert Tshibangu the principal actor.
Actually, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, is ignorant of what is actually going on; in the D.R.Congo, as a country, Ecotras as a company and Jean Robert Tshibangu as a person. May the world help this guy to learn how to behave in this world with respect for other human being?
Response to Mr. Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3; Passport N0: 457077639 / phone N0: +27 829262727
*Advocate of the High court* and (the owner) of the following company
Lger Consulting (Specialized Financial Services and Consulting)
Authorized Financial Services Provider
FSP No. 7878
VAT Reg. No. 4740242815.
Contact numbers: +27 829262727 / +27 123491524
You shall know the truth, the truth will set you free (John 8:32)
Dear MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, for your information,
The DRC, my home country, which you are trying to disgrace, is one of the richest countries worlds wise in terms of diversity of Minerals; with a very fertile soil for agriculture; its Equatorial forest, which is amongst the biggest in the world, makes the agriculture easy, because of the regularity of enough rains country wise. Lake Tanganyika is amongst the largest lakes in Africa with many types of unexploited fresh water fish, and present very good opportunities for industrial fishing business. Furthermore, the DRC is one of the rare countries in the world that is divided by rivers. It is one of the rare countries in Africa, where you find good number of well and very educated and skilled people. The D.R. Congo is situated in the central region of Africa, this makes easy international business. The DRC has the highest level of Hospitality and spirituality in the world, which victimized the country and put it, in several wars orchestrated and entertained by neighboring counties (the so called civil war in the eastern region of the DRC). You will agreed with me that, in a situation like this, one needs a miracle from God to really perform economically and over come all the economical problems and challenges that the country is presently going through. Please take note: we are confident, things are getting better already. Dear MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES,
Take note: Ecotras, like other local and international Congolese enterprises, came to South Africa, not because of hunger or suffer, not at all, for your information, the Republic of South Africa is targeted as a strategic point from where we are going to spread our business in SADC region because, we have a large vision of business activities. Our aim to go all over the world to make difference not only in the life of Congolese but, also to support our fellow brothers from all over African as well as all the human beings of the world in need.
Enterprise of Commerce Transport and Services ECOTRAS SPRL, a holding company, (Registered to the Congolese national board of commerce under the N0 46146; National Identification N001-717-N33447T; Government Tax payment N0: M04E0274W, Ref N0 from the receiver of revenues inss: 0101023163K01), and valid AOC No: (please see the attachment on annex) was created on 16/ October/ 1998 in Kinshasa/ Democratic Republic of Congo.
Address: 1430, Avenue des Maons Limete Funa/ Limete Kinshasa D.R. Congo; Phone Numbers DR CONGO +243 814492662; +243 897802524; +243 818435314; +243 815022086; +243818323795; +243 811480131
RSA: +27 721111337; +27 723878075.
Ecotras is a group of companies established to aid the less fortunate members of society. This is done through Social Development and Business activities.
The Department of Social Development is responsible for aiding those in need. This will be done trough the establishment of various social support centers (schools, hospitals, etc.). It will also ensure social and economic upliftment through the different projects that will be implemented. These projects will supply food, shelter, basic necessities and an improved lifestyle to members of the community.
The aim of the business activities of Ecotras is to provide support and aid to the Department of Social Development in order to empower it to attain its goals. All lucrative business activities are used to generate the goods and capital needed by the Department of Social Development.
The main business activities entail the following:
1) Aviation public and cargo transport
2) Maritime public and cargo transport
3) Agriculture
4) Fishery
5) Mining I have showed to the world, the summary of the type of business, we are engage in. Can Mr. Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, please tell the world, the plan and kind of business, is he in? So that, the world sees exactly the intersection point of our two businesses, where actually our business meet.
Comments: documentation Please find attached the details of our project on annex. Dr. Jean Robert Tshibangu Mutombo Kabwe, (Math.10:16-20)
Who is this mysterious Man?
Dr Jean Robert Tshibangu Mutombo Kabwe, is the CEO of Ecotras (SPRL) Holding.
To learn more about Dr. Jean Robert Tshibangu Mutombo Kabwe, please read: GEO POLIS MAGAZINE, a monthly published Magazine N0 21 (January February 20210 Magazine) Site web: Please take note that: In 1996, Dr J R Tshibangu Mutombo had given a mandate by the government of the D R Congo through its Ministry of Transport and Communications to negotiate and represent AEROFLOT, the Russian National Air transport company in the D R Congo. Unfortunately, Aeroflot decided to stop its flight activities in Africa, you can check on the attachments. DR. J R Tshibangu has been able to secure official invitations from Governors' for the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, business partners. (Please see the annex) In 2001, Ecotras, my company has been given official Mandate from Nation Service, one of the active branch of the State attached to presidential office, to negotiate with the government of the Federation of Russia, in various area of activities (Agriculture; Air Transport and related activities; ect.
Two months ago, Ecotras got a Mandate to sell or find partner for the Mining plot RP Numbers are: 7490; 7491; 7493; 7710 and 7711 situated in Katanga province (D R Congo). Plse see annex. We, Ecotras had a good plan for the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, we wanted to give him a good skill to empower him to be able to get an employment in South Africa his home country or to enable him to be employed as a junior Manager in our company Ecotras, not a director please; please; please, he is not skilled enough to work as a Director of Ecotras. Most of our Directors are skilled Professional workers (University Lectures and Professors). I really do not know what is going on in this guy's head, he is calling himself Advocate of the High Court at the same time he is pretending to be a director to Ecotras. Back to the allegations,
As far as, I am concern, I give a sixty days valid mandate to Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, which he did not performed and I gave him another chance to convert my CC company to a Pty Company, and what he did: He simply created a new company named Ecotras Airlines Pty (Ltd); same name as my company to convince me that, he actually convert my Close Cooperation company to a Pty (Ltd) one, and he offered himself 50% shares. I am wondering, what happened to my shares and my others two partners' shares? Actually, I need an answer. I believe, he is now the majority shareholder. And still he is insisting on a monthly salary of 10,000.00US$, I could have promised him, and which I honestly do not know about, unless he produces the proof to the world.
I believe, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK (DEREK) JOHANNES, had an agenda behind his head. He thought, he was dealing with a stupid foreigner, from whom, he could make a lot of money, and change his life, and unfortunately he knocked to the wrong door. I insist once again, his Mandate was clearly conceived and signed by him, unless He denies his own signature. I invite the world to look at his Mandate
Please find the attached copy of the mandate below. I leave the judgment to the world to decide. As the world can see, this man is just an opportunist looking for money by all means.
Remark: as the world and I, can see, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES has many ways of signing, sometimes he signs DJ MUllER, other times: DEREK; Derek Muller and., what is really the intention behind all this?
Note: Ecotras have been doing business for more 12 good years now, and nobody claimed to be victimized. Furthermore, Ecotras does not only exist, it has been operating as well in Kinshasa. Address: 1430, Avenues des Maons, Limete Funa Kinshasa/ DR Congo.
Please find attached the invoice and the receipt paid cache at Row Bank in Kinshasa for the AOC, the Aircraft operational license renewed for this and the next year. This information is dedicated to the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, who talks nonsense over things, he does not have a single knowledge.
Please note that: Ecotras Sprl has employed more than a hundred workers, when Lger Management, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES' enterprise, wait for businessmen from neighboring countries, like Ecotras, to transfer their fund to South Africa, for them to make money, and pay commission to people that work for them, since, none of their works, is permanently employed. They work on commission.
The world can verify. Let me ask this; is that thing of the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, a company or just a small shop? And if it is company, tell me is it a CC or a Pty? Or just a small organization builds up to make money out of foreigners' company.
I am a victim of defamation from Mr. Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, calling himself and signing as an Advocate of the high court of South Africa, which he is not actually. Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, a (South African businessman) commissionaire, that claimed being a victim to the incredible business opportunities that are now offered to people in this country that would like to explore business in the rest of Africa, when He is unable to pay the receiver of revenues in his own country.
Note: No wonder, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, begged me to sign and to help him from the receiver of revenues at the beginning of this year, he actually told me that it had something to deal with the conversion of my company from CC to Pty (Ltd), just before I knocked him out.
Now that, I have discovered the truth about the conversion of my company, I will have to investigate to the Receiver of Revenues' office. For The good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, information I have already conceived a letter to cancel my signature to the office of the Receiver of the revenues, as I have realized, that he is nobody but a fraud specialist.
Genesis, how I met the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES: This opportunity is given to me, to clarify the international opinion concerning the mysterious adventure that united Mr. the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES and I, in refreshing Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES' mind.
Sometimes in the middle of last year, Mr. Nardus Foury introduced Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, to my wife and I, because, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES' friend and him wanted to sell some special electronic items for interception of communication to the government of the D.R.Congo for its intelligent and security purpose.
Although, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES knew very well that the source of these items was not genuine, he badly wanted to do the deal as quick as possible. After Nardus left for another meeting Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES invited my wife and I, up stairs for him to introduce both his business and himself to us (my wife and I).
He told us, he is a financial adviser and therefore, he secures and insures companies as far as getting business going on in South Africa, and facilitating loan from the banks is concern. He begged me to meeting once again with him, this time without Nardus, he said.
Few days later, he phoned and invited me to his office, begging me to bring my company documentation with. Which I did, Thank God, I was accompanied by South African business partner Mr. Sammy Tosh on the day of appointment. He begged me once again to give him a mandate to enable him to introduce South African investors in my business, and also to enable me to work with the South African banks, and all this in the presence of my business partner Sammy Tosh. The good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES conceived and wrote the mandate in two different formulas of which we chose one. He wrote a two months (sixty days) valid mandate in his own terms, which, we conjointly signed on 22 June 2009.
Then, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES introduced his friend that I do not want to mane here, that speaks French and he promised an aircraft for lease through that friend of him. And as the world knows talk is cheap, nothing happened and the result is still waited until now. (See the attached mail on Annex)
The good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES promised to contact west bank to solve my company's outstanding application, no feel back.
Then the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES brought a lady that, I do not want to give the name by principle, and he said, she is well introduced at the development bank of Africa, and I should produce my company documentation once again; the company social development drafted project, and all the requirements from the ministry in charge of fishing, to enable her to get the funding of at least (500,000,000 US Dollars) from the Development Bank of Africa for the fishing project. I submitted the entire document that were required, once again nothing happened, just a big story to keep me a sleep.
My dear brothers, must I pay some body for his empty promises? Please I need an answer. Weeks after, nothing happened; Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES changed the strategy. On 13th July 2009, he came up with the document called * the power of Attorney*, which he made me signed after putting me in the house that he was pretending being one of his brother' properties.
Thank God, We disagreed on his power of attorney on January 2010 at my home, 44 Buffalo turn in Savannah, silver lakes North, Pretoria East in the presence of my wife. After disrespecting me, we agreed: from that time on, everyone minds his own business.
An hour late, he came back running to my house apologizing begging me to be taking me wherever and whenever, I will have an appointment for business free of charge, because he said, please: please, I think, you are the only person that could successfully introduce me and my team to the multiple opportunities in the DR Congo.
Note: I really do not understand, his way of counting, from June 2009 to January 2010; I think it is six month. But, in the story he published on the site web, the guy is talking of 18 months , the must be something wrong somewhere in his head. (He is full of fraud)
*Here is the copy of the power of Attorney conceived and drafted by MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES. After seeing that, he (The good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES) was unable to secure any investment, he came up with another new strategy, he said, he will like to be part of my business because it is a very exciting opportunity for him and his entire family; also, because their business is not doing well since 2008, when the government of South Africa suspended them from insuring the mines in South Africa.
Therefore, he wants to be an active partner and not a passive one because, passive partners are very dangerous he said. Then, he wanted to be a shareholder in my business. He was already holding the copies of my company, the Close Cooperation registration papers proving that my wife has 25% shares; Sammy has 5% shares and I have 70% shares.
I told him, my wife and I, we can sell him 30% of our shares which means, I will sell him 20% of my shares and my wife will sell him 10%, so that Mr. Mullur DIEDERIK JOHANNES gets 30%. He was too happy that he also, promised to convert my CC company to a Pty (Ldt) one, and he said free of charge.
He was very happy, but, my disappointment is, he never produce prove of his money. He started acting emotionally: giving gifts, like: buying bicycles to my kids, buying 12kg of pap, red win, ect I think, this is actually, one of the reason why, he took my wife and I to the furnishers store, where he offered some poor quality of sofa set to my wife, even though, he knew the quality of sofa set I gave to the poor. He was acting like this, just to impress me and my wife; to make us asleep so that once my money is transferred to South Africa, he can present a confusing invoice, to make himself rich.
I, honestly, did not know, this is a new way to buy shares in an air transport company. Since, this was not our agreement from the beginning; we were waiting for his commitment in terms of his shares evaluated in US Dollars (1,200,000).
We, him and I, signed a two months valid mandate conceived and drafted by D.J. Mullur and nothing happed, I just noticed that the man was just a poor man looking for opportunities to improve his standard of life. I come to realize, the reason why, he actually cheated me; on creating a new company under my company's name, lying that he converted my company from close cooperation to Pty Ltd, that he offer himself 50% of shares, was to uplift the standard of his life.
To proof that this man is a professional fraud actor expert, my close cooperation company's registration N0: is 2006/036434/23 but the Pty Ltd one is 2009/015575/07. Can one believe this? Furthermore, he was trying to impress me in presenting himself and signing as an Advocate to the High court to intimidate me. (Math 10:26-27). Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, who called himself *advocate to the high court* had wasted my time and energy with his intention of getting me near him in order to manage and manipulate me, my company and my money. Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, convinced me to go to The DR Congo my home country, to secure a meeting, which I paid for, between an Executive Director of one of his client's company that I respect and I do not want to mane in this document and the governor of the province of Kasai Oriental for a discussion about investment in Diamond sector in general and secure a partnership with Miba, the national diamond company of the DRC. The copy of the official invitation from the governor's office and signed by the governor himself is attached to this document as everybody can see, I did my part. Nothing happened on his side, once again waist of my time, and dignity. House: About the house that, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, is trying to attract the businessmen worldwide, the truth is: my former land load gave me a notice to vacate the house I was living in, in Pretoria North., because, he was planning to rebuild and give more value to the property. I contacted, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES as a friend and asked him if, he could accommodate my staff, he said: no Robert, please you can count on me, I cannot let you suffer in South Africa, I will help you; I will find you somewhere to stay until your situation return to normal. And, I will probably help you to get settled until your money is transferred to South Africa. Please take note that this had nothing to do with the Mandate, we had just sign two weeks ago. I asked him if there will be any invoice now or in the future, he said not, otherwise, we could have signed a document.
He said He really does not like Pretoria North; it is a very poor area. But the funny thing is, himself, he has been living in Silverton (another poor area) for a long time without complaining.
I said to myself, may be this man; want really to protect me for a reason that he knows himself. He promised, to put me in a very good area in Pretoria East, in a house that belongs to his brother H. Pieter Muller, for as long as it will take me to get my business settled, and I will pay nothing. On July 13, 2009, morning, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, without informing me, went and signed a rental agreement written in Africans, with the real owner of the house. Pease take note that, after visiting the property on Saturday 11th July 2009 together with the really owner that, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES introduced to my wife and I as a care taker of his brothers properties, he assisted me to occupy the property on 12th. JULY 2009. On 13TH.July 2009, in the afternoon, Mr. Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES took me to his office, where he presented to me a drafted copy of the power of Attorney to sign. In such circumstances, what should have I done? Apart from doing his will, I signed without being suspicious of any bad intention and the copy is attached. This man is a very ruse mane.
I invite serious businessmen worldwide to be very careful with this professional liar. If the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES was honest man, I believe, he should have asked me to sign the power of Attorney, before, even taking step forward to the property. Because, he had a diabolic intention, he could not do things properly. After, he noticed that, I discover that the property, my family and I, were living in was not his brother's as he pretended, he was ashamed, and he came up with a new story saying, the rent was costing him 7,500 Rand per month and he had already paid six months deposit. That was actually lies because, the man, he introduced as care taker, actually, the really owner of the property sent me an invoice on the outstanding amount showing the monthly rent rate was 700 Rant, and told us, my wife and I, the rent was 7000 Rant and he only paid one month deposit.
I was very shocked; disappointed and surprised, because there was no need of cheating me. Now the question is what was the intention behind all this?
NB: In January, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, came and threatening me to my House, saying since I was delaying the transfer of my money to South Africa, he has decided to stop our agreement and friendship as well.
Since he volunteered to assisting my family when I was outside South Africa, and if he thinks now that, he cannot assist my family any more, I actually, did not seen any problem, even though, I thanked and told him to concentrated on his business, in whatever he was busy with and leave me alone with my business. We agreed not to interfere in each other business.
Two Hours later, he came running and asking for apology, and he said, he had been under precious. Unfortunately, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES' apology was not accepted.
I said to myself, this kind of businessmen; unstable; without personality and very incompetent, could not honestly be my partner. That was the day, I decided not to transfer my money until I get him completely out of my way, otherwise, I will open my business on Monday morning and close it the same day in the afternoon.
I realized, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES was a very dangerous man, always, after money and money by all means. One should be very care full with this kind of business partner, especially when it comes to money. I was right; today he published lies on a site web to spoil my name, just because he could not con me.
Note: The good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, said, I promised to give him 15% of the amount of four million US$ (4,000,000.00 US$), that the company is intending to transfer to South Africa. We are talking here, of (600,000.00US$). How, can I be so stupid to that extend? Who is he? He is the Governor of the Reserve Bank of South Africa? Does he think, I am too stupid to deal rationally with money? I just want to understand, which kind of assistance did he could have provided to get the money to South Africa that nobody else could have not succeeded to offer? Does my company's money black listed? What kind of assistant would he have provided that worth that much? I need answer.
Furthermore, he said, according to his story published on 2nd. October 2010 on the above mentioned sit web, he did investigation and he fund that; the story of the money might not be true, but on 24th. November, he sent me a mail, threatening me to pay to both his brother H. Pieter Muller and Koos, his friend an amount of 300,000.00 Rant, otherwise, he will cancel my residential permit.
Actually, this man is very incompetent. How can an Advocate investigate a matter; comes up with an imprecise statement and make judgment.
Why, should he investigate on my money? He never worked with us to make that money; my money is none of his business. I invite the world to see how unstable this man can be. And for his information, I am not afraid of terrorist. As a matter of fact, I have started implementing my company in South Africa and in six months it will be operational here, in South Africa.
House ware: I had almost all the finishers that a CEO of a respectable Air transport company could have in my former house. I gave them a way, just because I did not want to continue renting a big house as I was planning to move my head office to another country within the SADEC region, and I was about to decide to change the country and immigrate to a different country where I could open a branch of my company and give work to people.
Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, came pretending he was helping me; he could not stand to see me leaving as a simple man. He took my wife and I, to a furnish shop to prove his sympathy to me and to make stronger our new friendship. He actually wanted my wife's choice on the sofa set; washing machine, he took cuteness. My lovely wife was reserved to choose.
The good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES' intention was trying to impress and convince my wife and I, that, he actually was capable of buying as much shares as possible in my company. His intention was actually spending as much money as he could, so that once my money comes to South Africa; he gives me a confusing invoice to make as much money as he could.
Furthermore, he opened a business bank account from his office, at Standard bank account N0: 202828956, that he could withdraw as much money as possible with its signature alone.
Dear Brothers of the world of business, which kind of stupid businessman, this man thought I could be, sending my company's money where there is no security and surety.
After I had told the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES that, I could not do business in his way, Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, started black -mailing me through e-mails.
If really this *Advocate of the high court* as he is pretending to be, was telling the through to the world he should have gone the court of low, what is he waiting for? He has a legal back ground. Let the justice do it work.
He should have apologized to the world having abusively used, the words Advocate of the High court. (Which, he is actually not) and having profaned me and Ecotras my company.
Concerning my company, whom, did MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, talk to at the civil aviation in the DR Congo? This man is a professional liar. To proof, I attached the invoice for the renewed AOC (Aircraft Operational Certificate) from the civil aviation of the D R Congo and the proof of payment of 5000US$ for this year and the next one.
As everybody can see, this is just propaganda to discredit me and my company. May be this man is trying to avoid paying the Receiver of the Revenue or the Government taxes. He is buying excuses. Please, Mr. Muller, go pay your taxes, be nice, be a good citizen.
Return Ticket to the DRC: Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, knows very well, the three times that, I travelled to The D R Congo my home country, I did not travel to go and do my own business, actually, I went to secure invitation for his client, the official invitations are attached; the second time: I went to secure the Diamond deal for MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3 and his brother H. Pieter Muller, who travelled to the DR Congo to see the Diamond. He promised to bring buyers, from South Africa until today, nothing.
The third time, I went to secure the hospital deal in Mbuji Mayi Kasai Province DRC, for him and his business partner, that I do not want to give the name now. I made zero money out of this. Please find the attached mails.
Actually, who of the two of us needs to be paid? MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, I.D. N0 631030 518908 3, calls himself *Advocate to the high*; businessman. This man is not a businessman, he is not an advocate to the high court either, and he is just a commissionaire.
Please everyone, do not enter in business relationship with such a man, he cannot advise someone as far as financing is concern, all he knows is to make plan and try see how he can as much as possible heritor somebody's money. Furthermore He cannot even pay the receiver of the revenue, how can he advise somebody on financial affairs?
Pieter's Return ticket: I am sorry; I do not have any contract with MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES' young brother (H Pieter Muller), actually, I really do not see why, I should pay back, his baby brother H Pieter Muller's return ticket. I mean, it is very ridiculous, Pieter came to the D.R.Congo looking for its own opportunities, MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES knows very well, that, the invitation, he gave to his brother to enable him to get the visa from Congolese Embassy, was not genuine because, I had never signed on it, but, when, I looked at it, I was surprised to see my signature, I do not know who signed, but I do suspect that the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES has my signature scanned in his computer without my permission and I am still investigating the matter with the officer at the DR Congo Embassy where the application were submitted for visa in my absence.
Take not that he was the one to pay me, because, I paid money to get this brother H Pieter Muller, out of the airport and in Kinshasa. We all know, his medical certificate was not in order, He should have waited for ten day to be admitted into the country, but anyway, he came to the DRC before the required date, I paid money to get him out of the airport, I provided security; I put him in a Hotel and paid for the duration of his stay in Kinshasa. He came again for the second time; I took care of him apart from accommodation, I provided security, transport, food ect. . And how much did this people pay me? Zero money.
Bank account: Thanks for opening the bank account, but my concern is: you have never put your shares in; apart from the deposit of 500 Rand (73US$) and the 1500 Rand (220US$) to keep the account open.
You kept on pushing me to put four million US Dollars in this account. And, you knew, you could withdraw money alone just your signature is enough to withdraw whatever amount, you would like to. Please put in your shares first, and then I will put mine, simple as that.
Concerning the money, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, published to the world that I owe him
Actually, how much is it? That I owe him, because, sometimes, at the beginning of September, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, sent me an invoice of 243,487 Rant; in one of his mail it is 300,000.00 Rant; on the site web it is more than 35,000US$, How much is it exactly? Can the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, show the world, the proof of such amount in its bank account? How can somebody spend an amount that he does not even have in his own account? I invite the world to Judge .once again.
Operational activity in the DRC and profit: Mr. the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, (Derek), for your information, my company is sustainable business in the DR Congo; it is one of the respectable companies which do not wait for somebody to transfers its funding into the county to pay the Receiver of the Revenue; the Government taxes, or its employers. We are businessmen, we are not commissionaires. We have indeed, all the required permits to do business in the DRC as well as other countries, we have permanently employed more than hundred people in the DR Congo and we are intending to do so all over the Africa. So we need respect please.
Operational activity in South Africa: South Africa has been chosen as one of our four agencies in Africa, where we are intending to expend our air transport and mining business activities. Who is Mr. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, to stop us to operate in South Africa? Or within the SADEC Region? I wish I had never met with MR. MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES in my life; he is more than a devil.
HOME AFFAIRS Concerning the Mysterious the Home Affaires Issue August last year, the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, badly wanted to do both Gold and Diamond business through one of its client company operating in mining sector, in the D.R.Congo, to make good money and become rich over a night.
He supplied me with a return ticket to the D.R.Congo. (The first of the three return ticket he has mentioned in his story to the world)
I had, 83/B1 4638 Visa, with I got normally, from the Home Affairs. In terms of the regulations of immigration low in South Africa, this kind of Visas is normally valid for only six months not two years as the officer from the Home Affairs Wrote in my Passport. When, I was living for the D.R.Congo, an immigration officer at O.R. Tambo International Airport, noticed the mistake, instead of explaining to me what was going on here; he just took me to the office, cancelled the visa and gave an undesirable person certificate. I phoned the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, and told him what was going on at the Airport.
The good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, begged me to send him the Undesirable person certificate and all the supportive documentation without which he, could never have succeeded. I sent him, all the documentation that, helped the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES, to submit with the letter he wrote to the Director of Home Affairs.
As the world, can see the prohibition upliftment could not only be successfully, because of the good Advocate MULLER DIEDERIK JOHANNES's beautiful letter he wrote to Home Affairs, but because of evidence.
Finally, I submitted the required documentation; I got my two years permit. He wrote a letter to cancel my permit to Home Affairs, no response, he is now confused.
NB: He was asking for my money all the time, every day, every time, but he never talked about his.
Dr. M.K. Tshibangu Jean Robert
ANNEX: See proof
3482 days ago by Whiteplainsnewyorkvictimofhenn
Susan Henner, Attorney at Law Worst Immigration Lawyer, Dumbest Immigration Attorney, Most Unethical Attorney, Sexual Harasser of Clients White Plains, New York

Submitted: Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Reported by: Albana Ivezaj - Harrison, New York USA

I came to see Susan Henner late last year because I was out of status and was the victim of a white female smuggling ring that kidnapped me and forced me to come from the former Yugoslavia to France and then to New York where I have been forced to work in sex clubs and provide blowjobs and fellatio and sex to fat, dirty, rich white men from New York. I came to this Susan Henner to ask for help as I was in a sex slavery situation. Instead of helping me, this evil women stared at my breasts the whole time I was in her office during our first meeting, and asked me very rude and offensive sexual questions the whole time. She kept loking at my body and making me feel uncomfortable until finally she asked me to give her ten thousand U.S. dollars. I told her I could not afford this and she made rude comments hinting that we could `work out a payment plan' while winking at me the whole time. I never felt so disgusting in my life. I felt like I was being raped all over again. This woman is a disgrace and a discredit to all immigration lawyers and she should lose her license to practice law immediately. I do not know why such a disgusting person like this is allowed to practice in law. Even in Albania she would lose her license. But I hear she is so connected (her sister Janet Henner is the Chief Immigration Lawyers Association) so she never gets in trouble. I know theres other womens who also have been molested by her. Please avoid this `lawyer' at all costs. Thank you for listening to my story.

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