Mollen Immunization Clinic 8328 E.Hartford Drive Credit Card fraud Internet, Internet |
6th of Oct, 2011 by User386702 |
This is a letter I wrote to the editor of the Sun Herald 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, Fl. 33980 You are not allowed to name companies by name but it is Walmart Store #778 and the shot and credit card fraud was initiated by an employee of Mollen Imminization Clinics 8328 E. Hartford Drive Scottsdale, Az 85255. CREDIT CARD FRAUD My wife and I got our flu shots at a big box retailer, me using my Medicare Card and her using her Medical Savings Account, Debit Card. 17 days later, she checked her debit card account and found out that her Debit Card Account had been wiped out, with several thousand dollars missing. That, within 30 minutes of turning over the paper work, to the nurse, the fraudulent charges began, and went on for 11 days until the account was exhausted! How can this be! Well, unfortunately in this case we were asked to fill out the paper work and write in the Debit Card information, versus swiping it thru a Credit Card machine, which left that number vulnerable to anyone who had access to the paperwork! When we discovered it 17 days later I reported it to the Charlotte County Sheriffs office and went to the Big Box Retailer and spoke with the store manager, although sympathetic, he explained there was nothing he could do as it was an outside service that worked thru the home office. Upon further investigation I found out the outside service has no local office, hires their employees over the net and assigns them by phone. They never see them personally! I got in touch with the Health Service Provider and they put me in touch with their attorney. My problem is the wife and I were both given shots, she never gave us a receipt and the charge never showed up on her Debit Card Account. We obtained our shots on September 13. The visiting nurse is supposed to check out the vials of the flu vaccine from the Retailers Pharmacy, she could have brought in her own needles and injection fluid, the retailer has no idea! Their Attorney was supposed to send me the form we filled out and the type and batch number of the shot we received. As of this date it has been 24 days since we received the shot, we have no idea what type of shot she may have given us or if the needle she used was even sterile? Now should we be tested for HIV and tetanus? Lesson learned—if they can’t swipe your Credit Card don’t write down the information. In the case of you that are on Medicare, I will no longer give my Medicare Number to anyone other than someone I know I can trust. Doctor etc. When you fill out their Medicare consent form you give them your Medicare number which is also your Social Security number and your date of birth, all they need to steal your identity! If they are capable of cleaning out your bank account then what is to stop them from stealing your identity. From now on we will get our flu shot from our personal physician. Robert P. W Punta Gorda, Fl. 33982 9xx xxx xxxx embarqmail.com
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